First-class immortal

Chapter 21: Divine Power

Calm sleep, without any superfluous thoughts, not even a star of a dream, like a perfect rest when sleepy to the extreme.

A rare calm!

Slowly opening his eyes, he found himself lying in a warm embrace, surrounded by a warmth, and a shocking beautiful eye looking at himself attentively. With an awkward smile on his face, Feng Kui quickly sat up straight and found that Hua Rong had a flat face and no strange feeling for him. He smiled and said, "Finally woke up! A little longer, I'm afraid that when I wake up, I will be petrified!"

"Can't you stay active all the time? Do you want to change back?"

Feng Kui was surprised.

"My master is not here! This is just a split of mine. It's really a surprise to meet you so early! My breath, you will fall asleep if you smell it! What a time flies, which makes people sigh!"

Hua Rong slowly stood up and walked to the statue of the sea.

"I like that fragrance very much, I like it very much!"

Feng Kui pinched his nose and said with a smile.

Even though I feel very emotional, I can keep the ancient well waveless and worship the fragrance of flowers. He suddenly found that his life did not seem to be painful and difficult to look back. The vagueness seemed to have a sense of self-redemption, as if he had committed a lot of crimes, had done a lot of things that should not be done, and finally died.

However, there is a new beginning.

It does have a taste of redemption and atonement for the previous life!

It is difficult to judge clearly, but his mood is much more cheerful, and he is not in a hurry to ask. Hua Rong is right. His own experience needs to be uncovered little by little by himself, which is called experience. He has the most unforgettable feelings and vivid understanding. Moreover, he is not ready to face it, and he has not yet the ability to take on great responsibilities.

The signs of Hua Rong show that keeping ignorant now is undoubtedly the best choice for Feng Kui. Even if he knows nothing and is full of curiosity now, it is not the time to know immediately.

"Of course!" Hua Rong smiled brightly and said, "When I was still a flower of the ocean, every time the bud blossomed, many sea demons gathered around and smelled a trace of flowers. They were gentle and quiet like poultry raised by farmers. The mood was mellow and natural, and their cultivation and ideas could not be improved, making the sea demon clan unprecedentedly powerful. At that time, the ocean was really a calm and beautiful place!"

Hua Rong said proudly.

"My thoughts are indeed much pure! With you by your side, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. Can I make a selfish decision and take your flower fragrance for myself?

Feng Kui said half jokingly.

"Bad temperament!"

Hua Rong beat Feng Kui's head angrily and neither agreed nor refused. She looked at the huge sea statue and guided Feng Kui to some details, as if to let Feng Kui clearly record the appearance and everything of Neptune. Suddenly, he said seriously, "Do you know what your biggest task is?"

Feng Kui shook his head!

Many things came to his mind, such as revenge, such as being powerful, and recalling what he remembered but never revealed. But he doesn't know what the most important thing is! What a terrible beginning it would be to end everything until there is no hatred for those who hate alone?! When you are single-minded in pursuit of strength, at the peak, even if you overlook the world, how lonely it is and cold! Remembering the past, how should he face it, how to deal with the ensuing challenges, and those old friends who were once familiar with who could no longer be familiar?!

He doesn't know what kind of person he wants to be. Since he left Baoding Village and his sister, he has been full of confusion, confusion and ignorance like a headless fly, drifting with the tide!

Now, he is finally tired of it!

What kind of person to be is indeed a question worth thinking about.


Hua Rong suddenly clenched Feng Kui's hand tightly and said with a serious face, as if Feng Kui's head was about to face great danger and even his life was in danger.

Feng Kui nodded solemnly and subconsciously asked, "What kind of person should I be? Since I stepped into the sea, this question has been bothering me, but there is no answer. Regrettably, I am not a person with great ambition. What do you think?"

"When you have a desire, do what you want to do. Slowly, make choices, pain and sorrow, and you will know what kind of person you are! A person who thinks about what he wants to be is unreasonable, at most a thinker. You never want to be a thinker, so start with a doer!"

Hua Rong's words are reasonable and practical, and Feng Kui is happy to accept it.

"What are we doing here?"

Feng Kui's head is full of curiosity, and he still doesn't understand why Hua Rong brought him here.

"Take what belongs to you! The sea god left it to you..." The flower face was mysterious.

"What is left for me? Do I have to accept it happily!"

Feng Kui's face got a cheap and obedient expression.

Hua Rong pouted and despised, "Fools don't accept it!" So, holding Feng Kui's hand, slowly floated up in front of the sacred image of the sea, and suddenly asked, "Do you think the sea god is beautiful?"

Feng Kui nodded, and there was a sense of distance in his heart. Looking at Huarong's face, he found her narrow smile and said with a playful smile, "Well, kiss her!"


Feng Kui's head looked stunned and found that his body was out of control. He suddenly moved forward and put his mouth on the icon's face, and his whole body was numb!

Like the real touch, soft and elastic, it seems to be extremely**! It doesn't look like a sculpture at all.

The humble existence of Feng Kui's head blasphemed the majestic sea god. His heart throbbed and he was suddenly punished. He only felt stuffy in his heart. He couldn't help coughing. Unexpectedly, he spit out a mouthful of blood. His body was suddenly bounced away and found that the sea god's sacred face was covered with his own blood, and his whole body surged. There was a dense layer of ripples, and the sound resounded like a sea tide.

Hua Rong caught the surprised Feng Kui's head, squeezed his mouth and smiled secretly. While paying attention to the changes in the sacred image of the sea, he looked at Feng Kui's frightened face and said witty words, "Did someone tell you that you have become a first-class immortal, and there is a fairy sister waiting for you to play!"

Feng Kui's head was even more frightened, and his heart was slightly shocked. He shouted, "How do you know?"

"Hum! Why don't I know! I know a lot! Unfortunately, the fairy sister is much more powerful than the fairy sister. You have to be careful!"

The ancient and strange flower appearance is hard to figure out.

Suddenly, the blood stains on the sea statue melted, and with the ripples that continued to expand, the sea statue gradually transformed into a trace of light, shining like the cold night stars, shining with unreachable brilliance, and gradually turning into a blue light sphere, floating slightly. , full of vast atmosphere, beautiful and seductive!

"Is this?"

It is hard to believe that the true qi can condense to such a pure extent, which is qualitatively changed and appalling.

"God power!"

Hua Rong's slightly serious speech made Feng Kui's heart beat suddenly, and he couldn't help reaching out and touching.

The gentle divine power gave him a different warmth and closeness, and slowly wrapped him.

"The divine power integrates your painstaking efforts, and it is already yours! And it can only be yours. Integrate him, what kind of trauma, as long as you don't die immediately, you can be as intact. Moreover, this is the key to the empty door. Haiji wants your blood, and all she wants to do is to attract this magic power, and then refine it by herself and completely control the empty door!"

Hua Rong looked at the vast divine power added to the wind's body with joy and slowly integrated into the heart.

Feel the sudden slowing heart rhythm, strong and powerful, Feng Kui clenched his fist, and a trace of sea-blue energy flowed in his body, soft and majestic, not controlled by him, spontaneously and endlessly.

His self-healing ability has reached an appalling level.

After being excited, Feng Kui couldn't help but be curious, "How does Haiji know that my blood can help her?"

"Because my brief appearance outside the Sea Temple has aroused her suspicion! There are still many legends in the Haiyao clan. Although the truth and falsehood are different, they must know more in detail for a high-ranking demon king like Haiji. So if you are caught, even if it is a meaningless temptation, he will not lose anything!" Hua Rong guessed.

"Can she enter the Sea Temple?" Feng Kui further doubted.

"Because of the role of Nep's halberd, she is one of the few people who can come in! I have helped her untie all the seals of Nepian's halberd. Liao should take a little compensation for taking away the empty door! If she is not the sea demon king and dares to kill you, I won't hesitate to let her die!"

The flower face showed a trace of murderous intent, and the wind on the side was cold all over his body, and he couldn't help looking sideways.

With a sorry smile, Hua Rong held Feng Kui's shoulder, put away his murderous thoughts and said breathlessly, "Let's collect the empty door!" I don't have much time, and I will soon become a stone statue. You don't want to run around with a sculpture. With the empty door, you can put me in it, and you can control it and build a defense within a certain range of your body. Others can't touch you at all. It's a supreme defense weapon!"

Hearing that he was going to receive the treasure, Feng Kui was overjoyed. Thinking that after leaving from now on, he returned to the sect, he worked hard to practice. He was accompanied by flowers and appearances around him. He competed for excellence. It was simply as easy as he turned his palm. Killing the ethereal mountain and a group of enemies were just around the way to go.

Hua Rong hesitated when she saw Feng Kui's head and pulled Feng Kui's head for a flash. Then she went out of the Sea Temple and complained, "I haven't seen a baby!" Look down on you! When I become a sculpture, let's see how you collect the empty door. When I recover again in ten days, Haiji may have corrected you on the spot!"

Feng Kui smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of your sneer. I used to be poor and afraid, so when I heard of any treasures, my eyes were shining and I was overjoyed. Sister Huarong, please forgive me!"

Hua Rong was stunned, and Xue Liang stared at Feng Kui's head, as if she had a huge surprise and shouted, "You, what did you just call me?"


Feng Kui was even more stunned and found that something was wrong.

"Can you call again?"

Hua Rong held Feng Kui's first arm and begged, constantly acting coquettishly, like a sister!

Feng Kui kept silent, and his heart was full of strange feelings. He couldn't say it, but he consciously told himself not to scream.

The flowers and branches trembled in surprise, holding Feng Kui's head tightly, couldn't straighten up, and couldn't help laughing in his heart and saying, "Sister! What a good name! This fool will let him develop the habit of calling Sister Huarong in the future, so that he will always bully me before! Humph..."