First-class immortal

Chapter 23: Sister Cai'er

In the flame, within the ashes of Nirvana, the expression on the head of the wind gradually became peaceful, no joy, pain and no pain. He was like an old monk. He thought about the beautiful other side in his mind and realized the wonderful state of Nirvana. His body sublimated step by step in the alternation of rebirth and destruction, and constantly rubbed into the power of Nirvana. Reinforced muscles and bones.

At this moment, it seems that everything is fixed, but time flies.

In the lava, Tianfeng, who was focused on controlling the flames, suddenly changed his face and looked particularly solemn, and a dangerous breath quickly surged into his heart. The more you have ancient blood, the more magical creatures are, and the stronger the feeling is.

Tianfeng stared at Feng Kui's head without blinking. She saw that the originally seated Feng Kui's head suddenly changed. Under the ashes above his shoulder, there was a slight wriggling, as if there was some small existence moving inside.

"What a terrible breath!" Tianfeng couldn't help shouting softly. Fang saw that under the ashes of Nirvana, a crystal white worm suddenly crawled out, which was very clumsy and cute, and squeezed out little by little, but it looked particularly crystal clear in the fiery red environment.

"Dao worm?! How can he have Taoist insects on him?

Tianfeng recognized the origin of the little worm at a glance. Her face was full of puzzlement and slight fear. She was surprised to find that the worm was about to crawl out, but it was quietly dormant and lying there lazily, looking quite enjoyable.

"He actually has a Taoist bug?! This bug must be hungry and crawled out to devour the essence of the fire. It seems that I still have a chance to return to Qifeng Mountain. I waited hard, isn't it just for this day that finally let me wait for such an opportunity? Fengchen, do you still remember me these years? Do you still remember the original promise?! After this separation, it will be thousands of years. Who do you miss? Am I still the one who makes you think about it day and night?

Tianfeng actually recalled the past, wasted years, and there was a lot of nostalgia in her heart, and the long-lasting nostalgia. After a while, she calmed down and gave Feng Kui the first method of nirvana.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, two months are 20 days away.

In the depths of Tianzhan Mountain, the fog is heavy, and the distance is full of slightly floating milky white mountain fog, which makes this ancient vicissitudes of the old forest full of mystery and a trace of unknown danger.

On the cliff in the distance, two men in white stood with their hands on their hands, facing the valley where Tianfeng was born. They were expressionless and didn't say a word for a long time. Suddenly, a slightly longer man said in a low voice, "Achun, Tianfeng was born in that canyon?"

Ouyangchun, who is only a weak-crowned teenager, nodded gently and said, "The news I received is indeed here. Brother, feel it carefully. It is full of restless heat, which is a proof. While talking, the teenager Ouyangchun looked around and said, "Listen to the hundreds of birds singing here, and there are many kinds, like a paradise for birds. As far as I know, Tiancan Mountain is not a place where birds gather. Bird species are very rare, which is also a clear proof. It's too late for us to know. We came quickly, but we still didn't see anything. It's a pity. What a pity!"

"The birth of this phoenix is really too sudden and has no signs. Who would have expected that there was a phoenix hidden in such a strange place as Tianzang Mountain? It was really too unexpected. In my opinion, it must have hidden something deliberately. The strangeness of Tianmao Mountain is far from the appearance of such a mountain. In fact, there are many secrets in it, just like a treasure mountain. Ouyangchun has an old face and is very shrewd.

The older man Ouyang Qiu nodded and agreed, "I also have such a guess! In the past, I accidentally heard the master mention Tianzhan Mountain and told a story that Tianzhan Mountain was originally called Tianzhan Mountain, which was a battlefield where many legends fell. It can be imagined that the Piaomiaojian faction gets the moon first. How can it not be well explored and find some secrets? Ah Chun, since we have traveled here, why don't we spend a few days to explore this mountain and try our luck? If you can't say it, there will be a big harvest.


The two young people of unknown origin discussed well, so they took advantage of the wind and left here.

In a flash, this time is the second day, an unusual day, 981.

In the lava, the wind and closed eyes in the nirvana ash suddenly opened, and a wonderful rhythm came out, like a fetal breath. Circles of drums made the nirvana ashes around the body seem to have a circle of ripples, and also rhythmic, as if an egg is about to hatch, and the creature inside is Will be born.

Tianfeng suddenly stopped and pinched the law. The pure Tianfeng's strange force kept hitting the ashes of Nirvana, penetrating layer by layer. The wind inside was like a banker who had been in a sweet rain for a long drought. He sucked beautifully and allowed to absorb this strange force and strengthen the body with an incredible The fast way restores the mechanism of the whole body and gives birth to vitality.

At the extreme, a solemn atmosphere of heaven and earth suddenly came quietly at this moment, covering this valley again, just like the heavenly punishment faced by Tianfeng in the past, but the power was much smaller.

Tianfeng's expression changed slightly and she was surprised, "What kind of person is this?! I have never heard that a human method of nirvana can also attract divine punishment. I don't know whether it is this person's blessing or bad luck. Tianfeng was surprised and made a move of raising his hands. The red lava surged up as if it was alive, and a stream of heat quickly melted the rocks on the surface again, still turning into a lava pool, and the heat was rolling.

On the magma, the wind in the ashes of Nirvana rose little by little. The surface of the lava pool was exposed, and the whole body was fiery red. Countless fire lines were densely spread on the ashes of Nirvana. A wonderful force held the wind and rose at the top of the top point. Unexpectedly, it floated in the white light shining from nine days and bathed in it.

In the white light, thunder and lightning representing the will of the sky came down, like a small waterfall, and the power should not be underestimated.

Tianfeng pinched a handful of sweat for Feng Kui. For this teenager who persistently risked his life to save him, in addition to gratitude, there was also a trace of closeness and curiosity in her heart. As she thought at the beginning, she expected to see a little surprise from this human body, not just to repay gratitude.

In the sky, the wind stretched his body little by little, and the thunder hit his body one after another, sparks splashed around, and suddenly opened his arms. He actually made a hugging posture and struggled to meet him up. The nirvana ash all over his body fell off little by little with the baptism of thunder and lightning, in the pure white holy light. Inside, it is like a wax plum, blooming coldly and fluttering brightly. That is a lonely attitude of bullying frost and snow, and it is also a kind of joy, because the cold plums fall and the warm spring begins to come.

This is a gesture to embrace a new life.

A cheerful laugh echoed in the air, a kind of unbridled laughter without demeanor and temperament.

"God, you have such a little trick, and a little more powerful. I'm so comfortable, so comfortable... Ah ha ha..."

The wild and unruly voice and nonsense words constitute such a solemn picture of going to Nirvana. The new body of Feng Kui's head is gradually exposed, with smooth and flexible skin, with a flame-like red, full of a hot illusion, every muscle, every bone, every meridian They are all new, full of power and beauty. The decadent atmosphere of the roots in the past has disappeared. At this moment, it is like a small tree against the wind and rain, with lush branches and leaves, vitality, and full of infinite potential.

Suddenly, two pure flames came out of Feng Kui's eyes, and the burning heat made Tianfeng stunned and whispered, "The sun is really fire!" But the surprise didn't stop there. The flame suddenly circled, and the shape kept changing. It turned into a pair of ferocious flame armor full of horns. It was added to the red body of the wind. The head of the wind was like a flame god, stepping on two fire clouds under its feet, leaping, following the perfect arc, full of The power exploded until the zenith, and the layers of holy light were completely smashed by the body. Unexpectedly, it jumped out, flipped in the air, played like a treasure, and laughed endlessly, just like a naughty child finally found a fun thing.

The burst of Thunderbolt in the broken white light suddenly rolled down twice, and for a moment, the clouds opened and fogd, revealing the sunny sky.

Feng Kui had enough to play straight in the air. He fully adapted to this refreshing feeling after rebirth, and then slowly landed. He still wore the gorgeous flame armor and came to Tianfeng's side. He found that Tianfeng was looking over without blinking. There was an indescribable meaning in his eyes. Feng Kui couldn't feel it. He smiled. With a sound, he bent down and saluted, "Thank you for saving Tianfeng's life. Feng Kui will remember it forever. In the future, if Tianfeng needs it, he will be on call and go through fire and water."

Tianfeng smiled and looked at Feng Kui with a suspicious face and said, "I want your life, do you have to do what you want?" The child speaks so loudly. I don't think you are such a heroic person. You are really a bastard.

Tianfeng saw the various performances of Feng Kui Shou at the time of the success of Nirvana in the sky. With his cleverness and intelligence, she naturally judged what temperament Feng Kui Shou was. She was not happy at all. However, when she heard the speech, she was in a different tone. She felt both funny and a little moved, because Feng Kui was clearly sincere and serious while speaking. But it's not like a decent word.

Feng Kui smiled awkwardly. He was originally a clumsy person. In addition to scolding people, there were really not many beautiful words, not much ink in his stomach, and no good cultivation. He was speechless for a moment and quickly changed the topic: "Don't talk about this!" Thinking that I had a hard time picking up a life, my sister wanted to go. I'm not happy enough. Isn't my sister's painstaking efforts in vain?! What a pity, what a pity. I still remember one thing in my mind. I haven't heard my sister tell me in person, so I won't kill my sister!"

Tianfeng didn't expect that this boy's mouth was sweet. He called a sister very smoothly and was very sweet. Fang smiled and said, "Tell me about it. What should I tell you that you are willing to let your sister kill you?"

Feng Kui smiled and said, "Of course it's my sister's name!" My heart is full of curiosity."

Tianfeng's eyes flowed with a charming smile, full of mature charm without losing grace and detaste. She said, "How nice you call me sister. My name? My little brother will have time to know. I really didn't expect that you are still a familiar person and don't talk at all. You don't know that there are many taboos in beings like us. You opened your mouth and called your sister, but you once thought that when I was unhappy, I burned you into ashes. What would you do at that time?!"

Feng Kui smiled and said nothing, shaking his head repeatedly.

Tianfeng said softly, "Feng Caier, the baby name given by my mother."

Feng Kui nodded contentedly and said to himself, "From now on, let's call me sister Cai'er!" Feng Caier doesn't say anything.

At this time, two voices sounded from afar and said excitedly, "It turns out that our fate is not bad. It's really worth the trip!"

Tianfeng turned her eyes, glanced at it gently, and shouted in a gentle tone, "You two uninvited guests, have been wandering here for a long time, sneaky, thinking that I didn't find you were hiding your breath. What the hell are you thinking? Come out and talk quickly.

"I can't hide it!"

A voice sounded.

Another voice said impatiently, "If you don't go out to see the ceremony, if Tianfeng is unhappy, we can't afford it."

While talking, two young people came out of the bushes in the distance, both of whom were only 20 years old, but they were elegant, sang and walked to Tianfeng regardless of the front. Isn't it Ouyangchun and Ouyangqiu?