First-class immortal

Chapter 30: Kurong Daojun

To go to Chihua Mountain, you have to cross Tianmao Mountain, pass through Cangmo Country, and then reach the westernmost part of Chihua Country before you can reach the mountains around Chihua Mountain. As for the location of the underground karst cave mentioned by Feng Caier, compared with today's landform 3,000 years ago, there should be changes. Everything must be reached by Chihua Mountain, and then Look for it slowly.

Along the way, most of the places passed are places that have passed by in the past, and there is nothing surprising. It is not surprising that you are used to seeing the scenery. It was not until the ground of the Cangmo country that the yellow sand was full of landform. The demon road of chaos in the desert country had already returned to the ancient demon world and did not dare to come out to make trouble for the time being. Sometimes the hard-working farmers shouted the local folk songs, rough and bold, accompanied by cooking smoke rising, reflecting the oblique sunset. The sunset is red and the thick soil is boundless. If such a picture overlooking from above, if such talented literati and coquettish guests can appreciate it, I'm afraid that there will be many more ancient songs and chapters in the world.

Feng Kui rushed on his way. Huarong, Feng Caier and Ahu Ali were all practicing in the empty door, paying attention to foreign affairs and foreign things. Feng Kui looked at the scenery in the sky and gradually relaxed his mood. He thought about his old friend and thought about it. The person he felt most sorry was Liu Yuzi. At the beginning, he could only watch him killed in front of his eyes and regret painfully. Up to now, he has never calmed in his heart.

"Rid, I'm sorry for you! If one day, I practice the five elements and understand the secret of yin and yang, I must gather your soul from heaven and earth, refine a good body for you, and make you reborn. You were willing to take a risk to save me and pull me back from the line of life and death. I will repay this kindness whether you want it or not. Your beautiful fantasies should not be buried under the loess with your body. They should all be realized one by one..."

When I think about this, I feel a little sad. It is not easy to resurrect Liu Yuzi. To live and die against the chaos is to go against the sky. You must be a powerful person and can't do it. Moreover, the harsh conditions make people powerless.

For today's plan, it can only be done step by step. Things are man-made. As long as there is a heart, if there is a heart, there is a way.

Feng Kui tried his best to go back quickly. Even at night, he hurried and did not stop until the next day when he first appeared in the morning, he arrived in a desert town, which looked very old and decadent. There are not many local houses, which are particularly desolate. However, the people here are so cool. They are indifferent to men, can drink, sing, and have a bold temper. Early in the morning, there are people who sing. Between the lines, the syllables are all with heavy regional characteristics, which are quite pleasant and pleasant.

"Little sister, if you want to get married, ride a horse to Shili Pavilion..."

A sound tells the tortuous love story of a man and a man who is a childhood sweetheart. Feng Kui stopped and saw a remnant wall in front of him, which was built of loess to resist the wind and sand, which was the head of the town. In the desert a few miles away from the ruins, there is indeed a grass pavilion, which stands bleakly in the desolate desert. Under the grass eaves, there is a wooden sign with the words [Ten-li Pavilion] written in red paint. Because it has been for a long time, it has been slightly dark and not very eye-catching.

"The lyrics are well-founded. It seems to be true. No wonder it sounds so seductive!"

Feng Kui looked at the ten-li Pavilion in the distance. Looking back on the song he heard at that time, his heart surged with emotion. He stood outside the earth wall of the town for a moment and stepped into the town called 28 Town. He was surprised to find that although the town was dilapid and small, it was quite popular. There are so many pedestrians that you can't see outside the town.

This dilapidate town is actually very prosperous. There are still two teahouses. The business of the teahouse is not bad, but it is full of seats. There are many voices in it, all talking about a topic - the Sun Lake is about to be revealed.

Feng Kui pretended to be a passer-by, sat down at a table with a person, asked for a bowl of hot tea, drank it, and hurriedly asked, "When will Sun Lake become sanctified? Is everyone going on a pilgrimage? He pretended to know and wanted to listen to the truth.

Most of the residents of Cangmo country believe in the sun and use it as a totem. Many young and strong men tattoo the sun to show their respect for the sun. It is also a sign of masculinity. Only strong men are qualified to embroider sun totem tattoos. Feng Kui knew this, but he had never heard of Sun Lake and Sun Lake. He was curious for a moment, so he went around to inquire.

A strong man on the same table said with hot eyes, "Aren't you going to see it!" Tonight every two years, the Sun Lake shines brightly and seems to be burning. It is hotter than the sun in the sky, which is the manifestation. The older generation said that the sun came to bathe in the sun lake and asked us to worship, saying that it could dispel the body cold and strengthen the body, and after being baptized by the light, they did not even dare to approach the ghosts and evil. That's the holy light..."

Feng Kui was thinking about the man's words. At a glance, he saw a group of three people coming not far away, two men and one woman, one long and two young. Walking in the front is a middle-aged man, with a faint elegance between his eyebrows. Between walking, his footsteps are stable, step by step, and there is no dust. Then a young man and woman followed one left and one right. The teenager had no expression on his face and seemed to be childish. He raised his head slightly and became arrogant. These are not the focus of Feng Kui's attention, and the focus is on the girl among the three.

The girl wears a light blue dress, wears embroidered shoes, and walks gracefully, which is particularly eye-catching. Along the way, these three people stunned many people, especially the woman in green clothes. In the eyes of many people, they are like the fairy daughter, who can't take a look at them and can't move their eyes.

The middle-aged man did not squint and walked all the way to the teahouse, restless; the teenager's eyes were cold and seemed to be quite tired of these eyes; the girl in green shrugged slightly, and her expression showed a trace of timid indifference, and the three people went all the way to the teahouse and looked for a seat.

When Feng Kui saw the girl in green for the first time, his heart shook fiercely and couldn't help looking at her a few more times.

The girl is also extremely**. She sensed Feng Kui's strange eyes and turned her head slightly to look over. Looking at each other, the girl's face immediately turned slightly pale, and a sense of hatred and murder suddenly rose, and she could hardly tremble slightly. Huo Ran stood up, which surprised others and gathered their eyes.

This girl in green, Huo Ran is Qian Xiyan, the daughter of Dalong's help Qian Dalong. It's better to be in a hurry than to be in a hurry. This time, when the enemy met, he was particularly jealous.

Qian Xichan's strangeness immediately attracted the attention of the arrogant teenager. Following Qian Xichan's eyes, he saw the wind bowing his head and drinking tea without noticing anything strange, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face: "Sister, what's wrong? What's wrong with that man?"

Qian Xi cicada slowly withdrew his eyes and sat back. His eyes were murderous and said, "He is my father's enemy!"

The middle-aged man turned his head slightly and looked at Qian Xizhen. It was meaningful, but he did not say anything.

When the teenager heard this, a fierce look appeared on his face and said murderously: "Since he is the enemy who killed his father, he doesn't need to live in this world anymore. I'm going to slap the man to death and avenge my sister. Master, the apprentice will come back as soon as he goes.

The middle-aged man turned out to be the master of these two young people. After listening to the disciples' words, he told him, "Since he met a big enemy, it's over!" Otherwise, karma will last forever, your mind will always be bad, and you can't practice wholeheartedly! Songhe, be careful and go!"

The young man's name was Yang Songhe. After getting permission, he answered, he stood up and dodged and came to Feng Kui's head. His speed was so fast that he shocked the ordinary people in the teahouse. He knew that something was wrong, and his heart was full of uneasiness. He left the table one after another and retreated aside.

It was not surprising that Feng Kui sat still, holding a tea bowl and drinking calmly. Glancing at the murderous teenager in front of him, just as the teenager was about to ask questions, Feng Kui suddenly hummed deeply, with the skill of attacking the heart, it was to pour strong thoughts into the sound waves and release them with the sound. The teenager was about to speak. Suddenly, he felt a suffocation in his chest and a buzzing sound in his mind. His body shook before he recovered. He looked at Feng Kui's head in shock and angrily. Fang heard Feng Kui's plain voice sound: "Qian Xi semi lied to you. I'm not her father's enemy. You go back and tell her, and tell her about the past. It's wrong for me to be young and ignorant. If she really wants to revenge, come in person and I will compensate her half of my life. As for you, it's better not to fight with me, you will suffer. If you really want to have a try, even if your master is present, I want you to spit three liters of blood. We have no grudges recently. I don't want to hurt you, so the ugly words have been told to you in front of you. You should think about it carefully.

Although Yang Songhe suffered a little loss, he had strong self-confidence. After listening to Feng Kui's warm but particularly arrogant words, he immediately sneered and said, "What are you! Half of your life is not even a fart. One life for one life, your life must stay here today.

While speaking, a blue light flashed in Yang Songhe's hand, and a green pearl suddenly hit the face of Feng Kui's head. As soon as the bead was hit, the blue light bloomed, and the interior was full of images of vegetation and flowers. The dazzling light flooded the wind's head, covering it tightly and completely disappeared. There is no breath at all.

Seeing this situation, Yang Songhe smiled proudly and said, "It turned out that he was just a big talker, a waste detained by my grass and wood beads in front of him..." However, his proud words had not yet fallen, but he shouted, and a large mouth spit out a mouthful of blood, and his facial features on his face were completely twisted because of pain. Together, one palm of Feng Kui's head was imprinted on his chest.

Yang Songhe's body flew backwards, and it was not until his master's side that he was picked up and spit out three mouthfuls of blood. Just now, he slowed down and arrogantly shouted, "Master, my grass and wood beads are gone! You have to avenge your disciples..."

There is no green light on Feng Kui's head. At this moment, even the grass beads have disappeared, but a pile of debris on the ground, as if the glazed beads were broken, and Yang Songhe's grass beads were completely destroyed.

Feng Kui had no expression on his face. He glanced at Yang Songhe, looked at his master, and smiled slightly and said, "Your arrogant and unruly apprentice, I will teach you a lesson first. It is a terrible thing to look down on people. Today, the plants and wood beads that destroyed him are just a magic weapon and can be refined. If you meet others, you will lose a life. On that day, the big dragon gang disaster was the one who saved Qian Xi cicada?!"

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised. He could naturally detect some clues about Feng Kui's cultivation. His ability was more than Yang Songhe, which was more than one level higher. The reason why his beloved disciple Yang Songhe was allowed to find the trouble of Feng Kui's head was to let his apprentice suffer a small loss and let him know what it means that there were people outside the mountain. Later, he restrained his arrogant and arrogant and well-hearted, but he did not expect that his beloved disciple would be defeated with just one face to face. He also took a magic weapon of grass and wood beads that he painstakingly refined. Looking at the young man opposite, I felt quite strange for a moment, and I didn't expect that the next moment, I was told through by Feng Kui, and I was even more surprised. At present, the middle-aged man did not look at him and smiled indifferently and said, "Sure enough, he is a talented teenager. I don't know where this little teacher goes?"

Feng Kui said with a solemn face, "I really can't afford the word genius. I'm just a nameless disciple of the Piaoming Sword School, which is not worth mentioning. Dare to ask the senior's honorific title? But do you want to see the Sun Lake sanctification?

When the middle-aged man heard that Feng Kui's first teacher came out of the ethereal sword faction, he nodded slightly and said, "A mountain and wild idler can't talk about the title. My friend gave me a nickname called Kurong Daojun. This trip is to take two disciples to see the Sun Lake.

Hearing the four words of Kurong Daojun, Feng Kui's face couldn't help but look stiff. His heart was awe-inspiring, and his smile was also a little unnatural. He said with respect and said, "It turns out that it's Kurong Daojun. It's really better to meet than to be famous. The reputation of the predecessors has been heard by the younger generation for a long time, like thunder!"