First-class immortal

Chapter 12: Amazing Dialogue

A moment of breathing, a moment of peace.

Binglan is actually a very considerate girl, beautiful and kind, but her physique is so special that no one dares to approach her. No one has ever experienced her beauty and gentleness. At this moment, Binglan treated Feng Kui's cracked wound while taking medicine and said with concern, "Brother, do you want to find a quiet place to recuperate for a while? Your breath is too floating, if..." After the words, Binglan immediately silenced, but just flashed in her heart. She knows that her words have always been good and bad spirits. Who made her a physique and the embodiment of obscurity.

Feng Kui sat on his body at the head, slowly straightened out his breath, healed himself, shook his head and said, "Don't look for another place. It's already very safe here. Since those people have left, we are not in great danger. The vacuum demon is taking care of coaxing the baby, but he still can't care about us!" This is indeed the case.

The ancient battlefield is rough, like the back of a wild beast crawling here. It seems to have some kind of breath, a faint blood and a trace of coldness. The dark clouds in the sky are miserable, there is no wind, and the treasure in the distance rises.

Binglan suddenly said, "Brother Feng, someone is coming again!"

The demented wind slowly opened his eyes, and there was not much surprise on his face. His expression is very natural, even a little cold. At the same time, a trace of happiness rose from the bottom of Feng Kui's heart. He was glad that he had just resisted the murderous intention in his chest and let Zhang Bai go. He hasn't forgotten the bet between Zeng Daoqiong and Zhao Lingyue, let alone the lovely appearance of his wife. Enemy, he must have killed it, but it's not the right time. It is very important to choose a good opportunity, choose a time, and choose a place to kill. Today is a good opportunity and a good place, but it is not a good time, so Zhang Bai is still alive.

Looking at Ling's emptyness and approaching figure, Feng Kui was expressionless and said with a trace of anger in his voice, "Are you following me, Zhao Lingyue?"

Zhao Lingyue said, "The treasure here is very attractive. The information that Kong can know can't be hidden from me at all. It's not surprising that so many people come here!"

Until the first time he saw Zhao Lingyue, Feng Kui suddenly understood why Kong suddenly left at that time and let him go. Everything is because of Zhao Lingyue. Feng Kui's heart was a little bitter and angry. Being able to shock Kong as usual shows that Zhao Lingyue is more powerful than Kong as usual, at least there is something she fears about. Kong Ruchang can feel Zhao Lingyue's breath, but he can't, which shows that Kong Ruchang is far more powerful than him. These two people are no enemies now. So he was angry with himself. Zhao Lingyue relieved him. He owes Zhao Lingyue's feelings. This is what he doesn't want to see and doesn't want to happen. He would rather not owe some people's feelings.

He hates Zhao Lingyue. A strange kind of hatred.

Zhao Lingyue has never hurt him with her own hands, but Feng Kui has always been injured by this cold and arrogant woman. There seemed to be something unclear between him and Zhao Lingyue, so that the hatred was a little distorted.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhao Lingyue didn't say anything, Feng Kui already knew that Zhao Lingyue's journey must be behind them. Feng Kui's judgment was correct. Zhao Lingyue did follow them all the way to the ruins of the ancient battlefield. This may be a disguised understanding of Zhao Lingyue. And why Zhao Lingyue followed all the way here, except Zhao Lingyue, no one seems to know the clearest reason.

Does Zhao Lingyue know it or not? Who said it clearly?!

Zhao Lingyue's eyes blinked, and a vivid change seemed to flash on her cold face, which was soon covered by her usual cold pride. She did not answer Feng Kui's question and said in a flat tone, "I just saved you once, and you should thank me!" Kong Ruchang is not something you can deal with. Even if you forcibly upgrade your cultivation to a whole level, you can't beat it. With your strongest sword, it is far from enough. There are too many flaws in that sword, but you don't know it yourself.

"The flaw?"

Feng Kui was shocked and couldn't suppress his mood. Finally, he asked.

Zhao Lingyue raised her eyebrows and said, "When facing your sword with your enemy, you may not see any flaws, but as long as the bystander's cultivation is higher than you and the understanding of kendo is deeper than yours, they will definitely see fatal flaws and shortcomings of failure. Your sword looks extremely ferocious, but in fact it is very thin and extremely thin. I believe that even if Kong doesn't have a sword as usual, your sword will not hurt him at all, and it is even impossible to touch him!"

Feng Kui sneered and said, "Impossible!" He has confidence in draining blood and eating souls. He knows that the power of this sword will not be underestimated by the demon king and must deal with it carefully.

Zhao Lingyue's eyes flashed a shining luster, but her tone was indifferent and said, "Nine grids, you are in the middle, and your sword is actually only eight directions. Although it is haunted, what if your enemy is not in your grid at all?"

Feng Kui's face stiffened, and his heart was shrinking sharply. He shouted at the bottom of his heart: "Oh, my God!" He didn't even find such a fatal flaw in draining blood and eating the soul. Although Feng Kui could still keep calm, he couldn't control his beating heart. In the final analysis, it is still because he has a shallow understanding of Taixu Xiaoyao Sword. He thought he had jumped out of the grid, but in fact, he was still trapped in it without knowing it. Ye Lang was arrogant! He underestimated the subtlety of the sword formula given to him by Hua Rong. After a long time, Feng Kui said, "Why did you tell me this?"

Zhao Lingyue said, "All this is actually a trap designed by Kong as usual, and it has been implemented since the moment you were promoted to a true disciple. It's just that Zhang Bai suddenly came out, which was completely unexpected. However, it was because of Zhang Bai that Kong Ruchang saw your flaws. Although he failed to succeed this time, he must be full of happiness and that he did not rush to fight with you. To be honest, if you don't know the depth and face the sword unexpectedly, the consequences of Kong as usual will be very embarrassing, and it will not be much better than Zhang Bai.

Zhao Lingyue's words surprised Feng Kui again. He didn't expect such a big game of chess. He was quite afraid and said, "Kong Ruchang wants to kill me? Why did he kill me? Feng Kui Shou didn't think that those festivals with Mu Feifan could make Kong Rushan kill a true disciple, which was obviously not worth it.

Zhao Lingyue said: "For two reasons. First, you are a disciple of the white turtle Taoist; second, the supreme leader has words. After this fairy and demon turmoil subsides, he will close a death, which will take at least 30 years. During this period, he will choose an agent from among the true disciples to preside over the sect. Kong Ruchang has regarded you as a competitor, an increasingly powerful competitor. But now, you are undoubtedly the easiest competitor to eliminate. It is exactly what Kong is doing as usual to remove the future problems. He is paving the way for himself, a road to the position of acting in charge. The impermanence gate is a clear proof and a sign of ambition. The ups and downs of the true disciples, you care too little about!"

Feng Kui understood for the first time. No one can deny the eyesight of the white turtle Taoist. The white turtle Taoist preached to him, which has explained his talent. At the beginning of the monrigation, he undertook the road, and the starting point was much higher than others. It is no wonder that Kong always attached so much importance to him and even put on such a big game of chess to kill him. And Mu Feifan is just a simple lead, because he attracted Kong's usual attention. Feng Kui's thoughts were clear, and suddenly looked at Zhao Lingyue. A sharp light flashed in his eyes, forced her to look at her, and said in a low voice, "So, what's your plan? The position of acting leader?"

Zhao Lingyue shook her head and said, "Head!"

Her answer is only two words, simple and powerful, clear and clear. Feng Kui and Binglan's faces have changed. Such answers are unexpected, and they are rebellious and appalling. Feng Kui never thought that Zhao Lingyue would answer like this. Then Feng Kui suddenly smiled, laughing wildly and unscrupulously. He hasn't laughed like this for a long time. Zhao Lingyue, who had seen such a smile, remained unchanged, but Binglan was already stunned and looked at Fengkui's head like a madman in surprise. The words "little man's ambition" came to her mind, which came to life spontaneously. But she didn't know that this was not a villain, but a nobody. This is the laughter of little people, crazy and unscrupulous. He had never seen the laughter of a beggar who had been hungry for three or four days suddenly picked up a piece of silver in the wilderness. That's it, but Feng Kui Shou experienced it, and the laughter was even more crazy, which made people cry and their hearts were like a knife.

People who have never experienced it will never know that some people's lives can be so miserable.

After the laughter, Feng Kui suddenly said, "I'm going to kill Sima Tongxuan, with no divine shape and ten thousand pieces of broken bodies!"

Zhao Lingyue nodded, with no expression on her face and still cold and arrogant, but her voice suddenly had a slight ups and downs and said, "I know, but it's not easy. You can't do it in a short time, so you still need to be dormant! I won't hinder you. I will send those people you should kill. I won't stop you, but you can't hurt Xiandao! In the future, the ethereal sword faction is mine. You can't hurt it, no one can! I will never allow it!" Her look was very cold, but extremely firm, full of Xiao Killing.

Feng Kui was stunned. When he heard Zhao Lingyue say the words "The Piaomiao Sword School is mine", Feng Kui's heart suddenly had an illusion, which seemed to be what the owner said, and what Zhao Lingyue was doing was just to take back everything that belonged to her. Of course, the reason was sufficient.

Feng Kui glanced at Zhao Lingyue, looked at the endless sky, and suddenly said sadly, "The Floating Sword School is not my place. I stayed here just to revenge. You can rest assured!"

Zhao Lingyue said, "This is the best. Come with me, there will be a supreme treasure soon, and you can't let it fall into the hands of others. In addition, I can keep the killing here secret for you, as long as you do it flawlessly - no matter who dies here!"

Zhao Lingyue's last sentence was that Feng Kui was quite surprised, so he knew that some people may stay in the ruins of the battlefield forever. Many years later, in the wind, there may be a trace of blood and murderousness that belongs to him, that's all. Feng Kui felt that Zhao Lingyue had changed a little, at least not so hateful. However, Feng Kui also knew that his hatred for her had not subsided at all, but he suddenly had a slight favorable impression in his heart, probably because their spearheads were not compatible and at the same time pointed to Sima Tongxuan, the head of the ethereal Sword School, and the same hatred of the enemy.

Goodwill has nothing to do with hatred, but it can make people contradictory. Feng Kui's head is very contradictory. I don't know if he did it right. He thought of the situation where the Dragon King of Taicang sacrificed his life to save him, and his heart stung, but his footsteps followed Zhao Lingyue.