First-class immortal

Chapter 16: Bloody Dance

[600,000 words, I have rarely asked for collection or anything. Today, I solemnly ask for a collection. If you have time, it is best to leave some traces in the book review area. The success of a book is not the success of the author alone, but the common success of everyone! Well, that's it!

The ice orchid floated to the ground, and the wind turned into a human body. The murder between the demon kings is complete, and the tense atmosphere will break out at any time. Where is this? Is it still the ruins of the ancient battlefield? Feng Kui's head began to doubt. A doubtful look also appeared on Binglan's face. The unconcealed unconcealed look in her eyes showed that this was not a good beginning. What happened next must be full of misfortune and disaster. The obscurity around her body has involuntarily floated, becoming stronger and stronger, making Binglan have a looming feeling and change. It has to be unreal.

Here, Feng Kui Shou can't feel any breath. There is no fairy spirit or magic spirit, demon spirit and ghost gas, and even the most abundant Yuanshi breath in the star domain is not a little bit. He found that the place where they were was a terrible place of death. Although the scenery is still the same, the situation is completely different. Although the remaining nine demon kings were wary and hostile to each other, they did not take action immediately, and the killing had not yet begun. They seem to be waiting for something.

The head of the wind and the ice orchid are unknown. All this seems too weird. They only feel sleepy and weak now, and there is no supplement at all. The reality is cruel and desperate. Suddenly, the faint cold wind suddenly became strong, and the chill was bitter, rolling up pieces of sand and gravel on the ground, forming small tornadoes and making a hiss. There was a bleak shadow in the sky, and the warning-free change made everyone surprised and nervous. The shadow kept surging and squirming, as if it were life, weird and gloomy. There was a huge dark shadow on the ground, and the shadow enveloped the demon king and the wind, and a strange force arose spontaneously. The power is tough and cold, very special, irresistible and powerful, and ubiquitous.

The demon king, Feng Kui and Binglan involuntarily looked at the shadows in the sky and looked up at the same way. The squirming shadow suddenly stopped at the top of everyone's head, and two huge eyes slowly appeared, which were empty and huge, slowly rotating, radiating an extremely strange breath, making the wind head and Binglan a little breathless. Suddenly, a trace of blood red appeared in those eyes, just like countless blood began to spread, little by little all over the empty eyes, and those eyes began to become more vivid, more evil and frightening. As time went by, finally, the eyes completely turned blood-red. With the slight rotation of the eyes, the dizzying blood light swept around, covering the world.

"This is murderous!" Feng Kui's head can't calm down. The murderous spirit in those eyes is too pure. I don't know how many killings have been formed. It's just a glance. The murderous spirit in it alone has made Feng Kui's hands and feet cold and can't even move. The murderous spirit in the evil eye is even more horrible and pure than his mutant murderous spirit, and it seems to be substantial. With its eyes, it seems to flow down and drown everything in sight. Feng Kui's surprise was more than that, and the next scene made him take a deep breath. He only saw that everything outside the evil eyes began to annihilate, constantly collapse and dissipate, just like the illusions being torn apart and constantly showing its true face. Feng Kui couldn't believe that they were in an endless void. They couldn't see the stars. They didn't know where they were. There was only desperate death and crazy nothingness everywhere, and only the piece of land stepped on under his feet was a solid land - at least on the surface, it was so solid.

It was not until this moment that the changes stopped. But Feng Kui's heart could not calm down for a long time, and countless killing ideas suddenly appeared in his heart, which was uncontrollable and he couldn't help it. His eyes have turned blood red. There has never been a moment when his idea of killing would be so strong and urgent. He was shocked by his own changes. When he looked at Binglan, the same blood appeared in Binglan's eyes, and his emotions were fluctuating and extremely excited, and the nine demon kings in the distance were equally blood burning in their eyes. Feng Kui grabbed Binglan's hand and felt that her palms were cold as cold as death, but the wet and fine sweat in her palm showed Binglan's extreme struggle and fear. Feng Kui subconsciously clenched Binglan's hand and pinched it hard. Binglan seemed to be awake a little, and there was a struggling look in her eyes. She cried, "Forgive me... I can't control myself..." Her body kept trembling, and the blood and murder in her eyes were already very heavy. Binglan couldn't control herself and suddenly killed herself.

Feng Kui was caught off guard, and he only felt a roar in his chest, and dark breaths suddenly penetrated into his body. He suddenly had a feeling that he would die the next moment. This is the role of bad luck. But the wind head, which has dried up, can't be restrained at all, and the fear of death is particularly strong. He finally knew the feeling of being obscure, but he never thought it would be in such a situation.

The extreme of fear is not despair, but madness.

Feng Kui's head was on the verge of madness. He suddenly reached out a hand, stuck in Binglan's neck, and pinched it. Binglan's breathing became difficult, and a blue purple with insufficient bleeding appeared on her face. As death approached, he suddenly felt a sense of excitement and the pleasure of watching a flower of life slowly wither in his hand surged into his heart. He was very satisfied, as if he had found happiness, which made people happy and excited.

The blood in Binglan's eyes was even more, and countless obscurity kept pouring into Fengkui's body. Her madness is no less than Fengqi, and Binglan has regained considerable true spirit in the final stage of her escape. It's just that death is about to fall on both of them in a blink of an eye. Who can save them? This is a problem. Maybe it's Feng Caier. However, at this moment, Feng Caier in the empty door was already sweating anxiously, and she was stunned to find that she could not get out of the door of life. This fact is cruel and amazing. Although she could feel the danger of the wind and feel that his life was getting weaker and weaker, there was nothing she could do.

Death comes too fast. In a short time, four of the nine demon kings have died, and they have been torn into pieces by the living vacuum demons and beaten into mud. The scene is very cruel. The living demon king has been completely crazy. In a space under the evil eyes, there is a frightening killing game.

Aura of misfortune suddenly appeared on Feng Kui's body, which poked out the skin like thorns and vines from his body, wrapped around his body, and ate and swallowed him little by little. He stuck Binglan's hand and became more and more powerless. Death almost swallowed him up. His eyes began to disperse and his pupils began to dilate, but the blood in his eyes was even hotter, like a volcano about to erupt, surging with countless magma and destruction energy. His hand had slowly drooped, but the hand holding Binglan had not been released, and his body had not fallen.

At this time, a mysterious luster suddenly gushed out of Binglan's eyes. Layers of blood began to break, and layers of dark brilliance bloomed out, like a metal-like color, which was impossible to figure out. She shivered, and her long hair suddenly raised. Her voice was very empty, but she said extremely loudly, "I can't die yet. I want to build a country of fate, a country of fate, a country of fate..." Constant repetition, like an eternal aria, desolate and persistent.

For a long time, for a long time, in her dark pupils, there was suddenly a spark-like golden luster. Although it was very dim, it was so dazzling, as if there was an inspiring hope in a world of misfortune. I hope that no matter how small it is, as long as you can see it, it can give people great courage. Many people walk in the dark, lonely and painful, not because they enjoy the taste of darkness and indulge in it, but because they believe that the fleeting light in the dark is ahead. Therefore, they did not fall and were not swallowed up by the darkness. This is the way for heroes and the way out for heroes. Pain and loneliness are the price of glory and strength, one is the paving stone, and the other is the ultimate reward.

That little golden light represents luck and blessing. At this moment, Binglan finally got the second luck and blessing in her life. The first luck and luck was her birth. So she woke up and looked at the misfortune all over Feng Kui's head, almost completely devouring Feng Kui's head. Bing Lan was shocked and exclaimed, "How could this happen? Brother Feng, I... I don't have the intention..." Two lines of tears slid down the corners of her eyes. As she withdrew her misfortune, she blamed herself. Her heart was mixed with regret and pain, but more worried.

In her sense, she could hardly feel any breath of Feng Kui's head, as if she had died, and her soul had gone to the world, leaving only a body that had never fallen. However, the bloody roses that kept emerging and dissipating in Feng Kui's eyes gave her a glimmer of hope. She believed that Feng Kui Shou would not die so easily. She slowly raised her hand, and a little auspicious breath slowly appeared on her hands, with a faint and soft golden light, which was the breath of happiness she had just received. Although there was only a small wisp, she resolutely added it to the wind. Although in this way, she will have no luck and blessing again, but she has no regrets and will not regret it. She knows that as long as she has friends, she will be happy, which is the main reason for this breath of happiness.

At this moment, Feng Kui's head almost died. The only thing that can prove that he still has hope is his blood-colored rose eyes. His eyes have completely turned blood red, and he can't distinguish between pupils and white eyes. Blood-colored roses formed by mutant murder can't help showing up from the deepest part of the eyes, and then wither and dissipate, endlessly, quiet and monotonous.

Suddenly, Feng Kui's head loosened his hand holding Binglan. At that moment, Binglan suddenly felt that Feng Kui's hand was cold and terrible. At that moment, she felt like being stabbed hard by a poisonous sting, which was extremely uncomfortable. She only saw Feng Kui turn around mechanically, look at the demon king who killed each other in the distance, and suddenly ran away. Feng Kui roared like a beast for the first time, rushed into the battle circle of the devil without reason, and joined in cruel killing. At this moment, the only sober person is Binglan. That trace of happiness saved her, but can she save Feng Kui's head?

No one knows.

Feng Kui jumped into the demon king, and suddenly grabbed a demon king beside him, grabbed his five fingers straight into its body, penetrated his skin and flesh, and then pulled back to tear off a large area of bone and flesh from the demon king's body. For a moment, the demon king roared wildly and sprayed blood. A layer of bloody murderous spirit appeared all over Feng Kui's head, completely wrapping him. One of the bloody roses bloomed enchantingly, like a strange beauty face, sucking the blood of any infatuated person. Feng Kui's head has gone crazy and rampaged in the demon king. Such a move can only make the crazy demons even more crazy.

This is an outrageous battle full of tearing and breaking, chaotic and cruel, but without screaming.

Madness and blood are the only main themes, and the eternal tone is death.