First-class immortal

Chapter 28: Trap

The night has just begun. This escape test only kicked off. The speed of the two flashed faster and faster under a huge and thick tree. The night is as quiet as ever, without any noise. Before moving forward to the mouth of a deep narrow canyon, the shape of the wind head suddenly stopped, and the changes between the movements were extremely violent, but the wind head was as good as steel forging. Once it stopped, it stood straight, and the body did not even shake, and the cooperation and strength of the body structure between each other were amazing. The realm of fear. Bai Xiaoyi was also not bad. Almost at the moment when Feng Kui Shou stopped, she blew like a breeze, with a small cyclone. She had stopped beside Feng Kui Shou and swept through the deep dark canyon.

"This is a good place."

Feng Kui's eyes flashed cold light, and his angular face was full of ruthlessness.

"What about the other two? Two idiots thought we didn't find anything. It's ridiculous!" Bai Xiao also chanted that every beast roar, every insect song, and even the occasional bird call in the mountain forest were conveying a message to Bai Xiaoyi. The colorful snake is more horrible and majestic than the king of beasts. Bai Xiao is also willing to obey and use all beasts. In such deep mountains, these people want to hide Bai Xiaoyi's countless "eyes", which is simply more difficult than climbing to the sky, unless they slaughter all the mountain insects and beasts.

"Ten breaths!"

The cold voice of Feng Kui sounded and went to the deep valley.

Bai Xiao also smiled charmingly, and followed like a ghost. Entering the valley, they quickly went deep into the valley along one side of the valley to the deepest part of the valley, and then followed the other side of the valley to the middle of the valley, and then the two of them restrained their breath and waited there quietly. Within ten breaths, Bai Xiao also thought about solving the enemy and felt extremely exciting. She even had a trace of strange tension and wanted to see what wonderful changes would happen in those dying eyes.

People who are good at assassination and tracking usually have a heinous sense of smell. Once they stare at the enemy, they can catch up to the ends of the earth with the enemy's remaining breath. These three men in black are undoubtedly the best in this kind of cultivation. Coupled with their outstanding hidden and stealth methods, they were hunted down by stealth, which was simply a nightmare. Soon, the man in black followed him to the mouth of the canyon, with a cruel smile in his eyes and a few laughter in an extremely low voice: "Little mouse, there is no way out of this valley. With 20 breaths, you will definitely die!" Then, he flashed and threw himself into the mouth of the valley, followed the breath and disappeared into the darkness. This valley, which they have already explored, is a natural trap, with only an entrance and no exit. After 20 breaths, the other two people are about to appear on both sides of the valley, and the three form a combined situation. At that time, Feng Kui and Bai Xiaoyi became turtles in the urn and could no longer escape from the sky.

A cold smile appeared on the man's face under the mask. But after a long life and death, he was very cautious. He understood the principle of lion fighting rabbit, especially with all his strength, so he was very patient and followed the breath little by little. But his speed was not slow at all, even fast and horrible. It only took three breaths. He had followed the smell to the bottom of the valley and suddenly found that the breath had turned towards the mouth of the valley. At that moment, he suddenly realized something and felt uneasy. "The trap in the trap" came to his mind, and he suddenly swept out of the valley. However, the last scene he wanted to see appeared, and a figure was rushing from the middle of the valley. He suddenly remembered that the shape of the valley was in the shape of a shuttle, with two small ends and a wide middle piece. The enemy actually circled around and hid in the middle section to escape his senses. But he did not panic, because he was very confident in his cultivation, and even against two opponents similar to his own strength, he could persist for a long time. Moreover, after 16 breaths, his reinforcements arrived.

Sixteen breaths, how short.

In the eyes of the man wrapped in black, a wind-like figure appeared, and the undisguised demonic spirit lingered all over his body. It was a woman, and he immediately judged that this was Bai Xiaoyi. He didn't see Feng Kui's head, which really made him a little wary. Suddenly, a black sword appeared in his hand, without any luster, but a little faint purple in the black. Those purple are the blood that penetrates into the sword body, which makes the killing of the sword spirit more fierce. The cut wound is difficult to close in a short time. It is very cool to cut the enemy's body with it. The black sword in his hand suddenly trembled, and an extremely inconspicuous sword spirit shot out. The sword spirit was silent and even less gorgeous. After it was issued, it was almost completely negligible. However, the appearance of this sword is covered up, and only those who send it know the sharpness and horrible lethality of this sword. If you underestimate its result, you will only die quickly.

Bai Xiao also embroidered his mouth and suddenly met the man in black. He spit out a colorful breath and condensed into a flexible little snake. It seemed to fly out slowly. Unexpectedly, in the midst of the movement, it was entangled in the sword spirit of the man, and actually smashed it little by little. The man was shocked that this unattracted sword was his big killing move. He had completely put aside the gorgeousness and maximized the practical effect. In the case of full of true spirit, he could only send out three swords. Usually, such a sword is enough to reverse the war. Until this moment, he suddenly felt that their enemies were much stronger than expected, and they were afraid they had no chance. His heart subconsciously tightened, and he was best prepared to fight with all his strength. At this time, Bai Xiao also suddenly let out an exclamation, his face turned pale, and his whole body breath*, and the colorful snake flashed brightly and darkly a few times, and suddenly dissipated. This is her full blow!" The man immediately judged it, and the speed increased a little. While beingware of the wind that had not yet appeared, he approached Bai Xiaoyi. As long as it is subdued immediately, and then the help comes, the three of them will easily solve the problem. The story of the last three men and the beautiful snake must be interesting. Everything looks so perfect.

In the eyes of the man in black, Bai Xiao also took the sword he killed, which was already weak. As he was moving forward, the corners of his mouth had set off a cold arc. He is not conceited, but confident. He knows the power of his sword deeply. However, at this time, Bai Xiaoyi's body shook, and then he was weak and fell softly, as if he immediately fell into a coma. Seeing this, the man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He believed that his judgment must be correct. In that instant, the muscles, true qi, nerves, and even will of his whole body relaxed their vigilance, not at the peak and ** state. At that moment, a cold breath suddenly burst out from the place where Bai Xiaoyi fell. The desperate chill suddenly plunged into his heart, poked into his mind, and even shook his will. His first reaction was also much different from ordinary. First, there was a trace of fear, and then his body and Unable to control himself, he hesitated for a trivial moment. This insignificant moment is fatal. He deeply understands that for a high-end assassin, there are too many things that can be changed at that moment.

That little blood color came too fast. In his eyes, a bloody rose was quietly blooming. At the most gorgeous and delicate time, there was only a blank left in his eyes. He couldn't see anything, fell into an unadapable darkness, and couldn't see anything. He suddenly had a sense - I'm dead!

He is indeed dying, and Bai Xiao is also approaching his face with relish, looking at his eyes, and observing every trace of brilliance in it. After three breaths, the most wonderful part of it passed. Bai Xiao also seems to be addicted to it, but he is reluctant to give up. Feng Kui's calm voice sounded, "Go, you still have time to breathe!" After saying that, he just used ten breaths before and after. His body had moved, and Bai Xiao did not stop at all. He instantly followed Feng Kui and said with a smile, "My acting skills are not bad, right?"

"Very good! It's just that he underestimates you and doesn't know how deep you are before he is fooled.

Feng Kui said calmly. It can be easily won, and there is a element of luck in it.

"But I can't hide it from you!" Bai Xiaoyi said disappointedly and suddenly got up with interest: "You know, he actually knew that he was dead!" You bombarded all his vitality and soul and immediately turned him into a corpse. His consciousness could still know it and tell himself that he was dead. I saw it in his eyes. It seems that the process he went through was much slower than what I saw, and it must be very painful. Definitely! Isn't it interesting?"

Feng Kui looked ahead and swept far away from the valley. He said, "You can find a sword demon and feel it!"

Bai Xiaoyi gave Feng Kui a fierce look and said angrily, "It's boring!" Then completely calm down.

In the deep and dark valley, two figures came down like night owls, quietly looking at the bodies lying in the valley with heat, in addition to anger and surprise in their eyes. Their companion was killed just a few breaths. A man in black reached out and touched the chest of the body and said, "Just like a living man!" He is talking about the temperature of the body. Another man in black flashed a solemn color in his eyes and said slowly, "It's still a sword, a sword, a sword..." He couldn't accept this fact. Zhang Bai can be killed with such a sword, and he can accept it, because in their eyes, Zhang Bai is a waste, and they have never looked up to him. However, their partners were also killed with a sword, and they couldn't accept it if they wanted to break their heads, and it was completely impossible for them to see fear in his eyes. They know the strength of each other for a long time. Among the sects, there are few disciples who can kill them with one sword, and they can count them with one hand, absolutely excluding Feng Kui's head, and there are almost no one who can make them afraid. If they can't restrain their fear, they may not exist long ago. People who will fear will never be able to defeat their opponents who are far stronger than themselves.

This is simply a miracle.

Sometimes, miracles give people not shock, but fear.

Two people in black stayed by the body for three breaths, left their companions' bodies and slowly disappeared into the darkness. The invincible iron triangle has been broken, and the price is so great that it is unacceptable. But for them, this action will only have two consequences, killing or being killed. They have no way out, so they will not give up, even if they sacrifice all.