First-class immortal

Chapter 57: Girl

In the secret room, only Xuemei and Li Yu are left. In the face of Li Yu, a well-known cultivation dil on the Treasure Island, Xuemei did not show any timidity, and her expression was still cold and gorgeous. Li Yu got up from the spacious chair and walked around Xuemei, admiring every detail of her body. In the end, his eyes stayed on Xuemei's snow-white neck. The neck of the white swan is very beautiful, especially the proud and cold white swan. The cold and gorgeous woman can always fascinate and drive some idiots on the brain. In addition, a gorgeous crimson dress tightly wraps her wonderful ketone body, which is even more **, which is simply a powerful dose of **. Li Yu flashed and came to Xuemei's front, lowered his head slightly, sniffed fiercely in front of Xuemei's chest, then raised his head, looked addicted, and said, "It's so fragrant. I don't know how it will taste." The words are straightforward and blatant, and they do not hide their desires.

Xuemei glanced at Li Yu and finally spoke. In her tone, she was very proud and arrogant and said, "I'm from Qianding Pavilion!" She raised her head slightly.

Li Yu snorted, looked slightly cold and said, "I know. If you come from somewhere else, in my eyes, it's not even a hair, let alone interested in you.

Xuemei was not angry, and her tone was full of coldness and arrogant. She said unhurriedly, "Qianding Pavilion is not comparable to Baoyun Pavilion."

Li Yu immediately opened his eyes, stared at Xuemei with exquisite and almost perfect facial features, and said angrily, "Huh?" He didn't know that he stared like this and showed a little ** power, but his black eye bags became obvious. The printing hall was black, which was clearly seen by Xuemei, and his heart was full of hatred for this man who had been hollowed out by women.

Xuemei raised her eyebrows and said in the same tone, "I'll tell you a secret. You must not know." Li Yu still stared at him, and his eyes were full of oppression. Even his whole body leaned forward, as if he would throw Xuemei down at any time. Xuemei turned a blind eye and continued, "Li Mao was once in Baoyun Pavilion and fell in love with me. He also said that he was willing to marry me as a Taoist couple. Some old people in Qianding Pavilion laughed and said that they didn't know what was good or good.

"Of course you don't know what's good or not." Li Yu's father, Li Mao, does not have such a woman around him now. Obviously, it is this woman who rejected her father. Of course, Li Yu takes it for granted and feels that this woman is not good or bad. At that moment, he hummed coldly, and his body is a little closer to the front, which means to move his hands and feet.

A little smile and disdainful smile appeared on Xuemei's face. She only looked at Li Yu for a moment and immediately wanted to throw down this woman. It's better for the overlord to bow. But the woman ignored him at all. She seemed to regard him as air and said to herself, "So, that old dog no longer dares to stand on Haibao Island, and can only hide far away to take refuge. I just hope that some ignorant woman can calm down as soon as possible so that he can go back to his doghouse.

The more Li Yu listened, the more wrong he felt. A sense of fear came from his heart. He suddenly exclaimed, "Who are you?" He never knew what the woman said now. He only knew that his father suddenly left Haibao Island in a hurry and went out to do some thorny emergencies, which took a long time. Otherwise, he didn't dare to do such nonsense, and even Abi dared to play with it. Abi has always been his father's forbidden. He used to cove, but he didn't dare to steal fish. It was not until recently that he caught the opportunity.

Xuemei stopped talking, and a cold smile appeared on her face, looking at Li Yu quietly.

Under the gaze of this woman, Li Yu felt his face and had a hot feeling. His whole body was completely frozen. It was a great luxury to move, and he simply became a dead fish on the cutting board. The boundless fear surged into his heart. He couldn't even scream. He could only feel that his whole body was like a fire, full of hot feeling, as if the blood was burning, bringing him a deformed pleasure. Xuemei smiled with satisfaction, flashed a red shadow and disappeared. A few hours later, Li Yu's whole body was finally able to move. He only felt that everything was like a dream, not a nightmare, nor a dream, both, but full of aftertaste. When he subconsciously touched his face, he was immediately shocked and a chill surged in his heart. At the tentacles, there was a feeling of touching the white bones. He subconsciously shrank his hands and saw his hands, like dry bamboo joints, a layer of skin, wrapped in bones, without any meat, and even the bloodline seemed to wither and completely wither. Fear, boundless fear immediately surged up. Li Yu was almost scared. He groped around his whole body like crazy, and then fell to the ground, trembling all over his body. He was stunned to find that he had withered, like a living mute, no ghost, and when he recalled that he wanted to think of Xuemei, he only felt a headache and couldn't remember anything at all. After a short silence, there was a hoarse and desperate howling in the secret room for a long time. Outside the secret room, Abi, who stood with a doubtful face, was muttering to herself doubtfully, "Who is Xuemei? Why can't I remember? Strange."

At this moment, Qianding Pavilion, on the ninth floor, in an elegant room, the wooden elder stood with his head down with a respectful face. In front of him, there sat a woman lazily, with a warm smile on her face, and her beautiful eyes showed a graceful and gorgeous temperament. The woman glanced at Elder Mu, grabbed an ice fruit from Daxue Mountain, threw it gently, and sent it to her mouth. While chewing, she asked casually, "Has the Saint Zu Dan has been successfully refined?"

Elder Mu replied cautiously, "The refining was completed yesterday."

"So fast?!" The woman pretended to be surprised, and then continued to deal with the spiritual fruit in the jade plate and said, "I guess it will take about ten days. Old Mu, it seems that you are making rapid progress under my **. Well, sit down!"

Elder Mu, an old man, sat down with a frightened face and did not forget to reply, "These are all the wise leaders of the young lady."

The woman changed her comfortable sitting posture and her posture was seductive. The woman turned out to be barefoot, and a pair of white and beautiful jade feet exposed under the skirt, which was simply the best. The old man sat upright, looking at his nose and heart, and was extremely respectful. From the seventh floor of the Qianding Pavilion, there is no one inside who is not in awe of this girl, let alone the one who has not been teased by the woman and has fallen forever in his heart. On the contrary, those beings below the seventh floor have no feeling for the girl, but just because those people, in the girl's eyes, are just decorations, not eyed by the law, and are not enough to enter her vision. It is a great honor for Elder Mu to be able to enter this room on the ninth floor today. He has treated it with all his strength and single-mindedly, trying not to make any mistakes or mistakes, and to do his best.

"There are still three days left, only ten days!"

The girl suddenly said.

Elder Mu immediately said, "There are still three days left, and they will come to get the Holy Zudan."

The girl smiled and said, "Do you think blood hands will send killers?"

Elder Mu said, "When they get the elixir, they will leave Haibao Island. The bloody hands fell repeatedly, and I'm afraid they won't do anything on the Haibao Island. Although they are hungry wolves who see money, they still dare not be too presumptuous in front of a lion. They should know how to be measured."

The woman's eyes lit up and said, "You mean that the bloody hand will solve the problem outside the Haibao Island?"

Elder Mu nodded cautiously and looked at the girl.

The girl frowned angrally, snorted, and said, "This is not fun. Why don't I add some spiritual stones and let the bloody hands solve the problem in three days?!"

A helpless smile appeared on Elder Mu's face and hesitated, "Miss, you are not afraid. There is really something wrong. I'm afraid that young man will really be played to death. I think that young man is already very good.

The girl didn't think so and said, "Old Mu, you don't understand! I haven't had a good time yet. Don't stop, don't stop. You send someone to add 20 million spiritual stones and solve the problem within three days.

Elder Mu scratched his head and said, "Maybe the bloody hands can't help sending killers in the realm of Xianjun. At that time, the guards of the Treasure Island can't sit back and ignore it. Isn't it difficult to do this time?"

The girl sneered and said, "Mu Lao is confused. Is the bloody hand so stupid?! They dare not send the immortal killer, so they can only send the trump card Daluo Jinxian killer. With the momentum of that boy, isn't Daluo Jinxian going to die against him?! I just want to see how many he can kill in three days. Little Flying Fairy, kill Daluo Jinxian. Even I am a little jealous. The old man is unfair! No wonder the old man is full of praise and even sent the baby.

Elder Mu nodded and echoed, "He is indeed a genius!"

When the girl heard this, Huo Ran sat up straight and frowned and said, "What a genius, there is no genius in front of Miss Ben. No matter how talented you are, you are not going to be killed by Miss Ben with a spiritual stone! Uninteresting stupid old man, go!" Elder Mu looked innocent and had to withdraw, and his heart was full of grievances. This strange girl is too unreasonable to use common sense to speculise.

After Elder Mu retreated, the girl smiled cunningly and hummed, "The good show has just begun." It shows a naughty temperament, with a kind of lawless and arbitrary boldness, but there is no lack of intelligence.

At this moment, in Li Yu's secret room, Abi is holding all kinds of magic elixirs, jade boxes and jade bottles, and a table full of tables. Li Yu rushed to the hospital. From time to time, he grabbed a bottle, crushed it directly, took out the elixir, swallowed it into his stomach and began to refine. He swallowed a lot of valuable elixir and even his father's collection. This guy regained a little human form and breathed his breath. At this moment, Li Yu's face was depressed, and his deep eyes emitted a vicious light and said ferociously, "It was because of Bai Xiaoyi that caused this series of things that made me like this. I have to say this tone. Abi sent Xiamin to tear up the first life of Feng Kui, and then brought the woman Bai Xiaoyi back for me. Go, go! I don't care what the rules are, just keep it secret. This time, Li Yu was really crazy, regardless of the consequences and Wang Fa.

Abi nodded and said, "I'll do it right away."