First-class immortal

Chapter 64: Take Dan

Feng Kui's pursuit is peace and reunion, which are the two spiritual pillars in his life. It's very simple. From the time he was a child, from the time when he was still chanting the great task of heaven under the lamp - at that time, the old scholar was still by his side, and he already felt that he wanted to earn these two things in his life. Along the way, he stumbled. He lived a restless life at all, full of restlessness and hatred, and had been separated, as if he was moving away from the beautiful dream in his heart. However, he believes that one day, his dream will come true. He walked forward step by step and with one mind. He also walked step by step on the road. Everything is only for the Iraqi people, no longer looking far away, empty and haggard.

One night of quiet perception, Feng Kui's heart returned to Qingming, and he had a clear understanding of his own strength.

Tomorrow, the sun will rise in the east.

On the rippling sea, it is full of golden glory, and the morning sun jumps off the sea. It seems to be a little shy, like a beauty taking a bath. On the roof of the Ruyi Inn, Feng Kui's head looked far into the distance, and wisps of oriental purple gas lingered around, winding and flying around the wind's head, with aura. Bathed in purple gas, Feng Kui felt a different kind of comfort, and there was a warm feeling all over his body. He couldn't help muttering, "Oriental purple gas turned out to be the breath of heaven and earth. The sun rises and exhales, and the sunset breathes. This purple gas should be the foundation of the world. The spirit of the Kyushu world seems to be getting stronger in the dark. In the past, Feng Kui Shou would not feel these subtleties at all. Even some Yuanjun and emperors may not have felt it. But now, he clearly felt it clearly because his ideas were exquisite and perfect, and because the divine blood in his body woke up little by little in the disaster of flying immortals, which made his body reshape, a hundred times stronger than before. If he punches Qingshan again now, he can destroy his sword spirit, completely suppress it, and then need a punch to kill it. It only takes two punches to kill him, not even a sword. Before the disaster, he was very different from now. However, he still doesn't know where the divine blood in his body comes from. He thought of Hua Rong, thought of what she entrusted to Feng Caier, and secretly clenched his fist. Now, Feng Caier's situation also makes him a little puzzled. I don't know what happened inside the Changsheng Gate. He couldn't feel any breath.

Bai Xiao also gently came to Feng Kui's side. His hair was flying, and the demons and breath of his whole body were well restrained. He did not show flaws and made great progress. She looked into the distance with blurred eyes and occasionally became sharp, but she didn't say anything. Now, the wind head in her eyes is no longer grotesque and unpredictable, but a real man she can rely on.

"Go to Qianding Pavilion."

Feng Kui suddenly said. Then he jumped gently, jumped off the roof and came to the street. Bai Xiaoyi hummed and followed gently. Along the way, many practitioners looked sideways and looked at Fengkui, fairy demons, demons, and all kinds of characters, all of which were full of curiosity and awe. Feng Kui's first crossing of the disaster, such momentum and power are really too big to be forgotten, and the memory is still fresh. Feng Kui's face was calm, and Bai Xiao was also slightly proud and shuttled to the street. The two passed through some large shops, auction houses, and even some giants and giants who rarely appeared. They came up and stretched out an olive branch to Feng Kui, trying to ask him to be a deacon or even an elder to win him over. Four times, Feng Kui couldn't cry or laugh. Finally, he had an idea and came up with a reason to refuse. Then, whenever there was a person who won him, he replied, "The lady in Qianding Pavilion specially invited me to discuss matters. Now I'm afraid I can't reply to the kindness of my Taoist friends. Thank you for your kindness, hehe, thank you for your kindness..." The meaning of the words is very clear. When those people heard the young lady in Qianding Pavilion, their eyes became strange, and then they laughed and said, "Don't delay your Taoist friends, don't let the young lady wait for a long time." Everyone seems to be in awe of that young lady. The second half of the road went much smoothly. There was no one to pick up, and the contrast between the front and back was so great that it was confusing. Feng Kui smiled and said, "Xiaoyi, do you think the snow plum in Qianding Pavilion has so much energy?"

Bai Xiao was also stunned and looked at Feng Kui's head, his face was red and his carmine was crimson. This is the first time that Feng Kui called him like this, not Bai Xiaoyi or Xiaoyi's sister. He called Xiaoyi, and Bai Xiaoyi immediately felt a sense of kindness, infinitely close, and his heart was happy. A woman who falls in love always has a delicate beauty, which is eye-catching. It's not that they have become stupid, but that they don't want to be smart. Bai Xiaoyi smiled and said, "Xuemei is definitely not Xuemei. Xuemei is just a cover, but in fact, she has another identity. According to my guess, she is the one who hired the killer to kill you.

Feng Kui nodded and said, "I also have this feeling, but this woman's cultivation is unfathomable. I don't know what her temperament is. I'll ask her at that time." While the two were talking, they had already arrived outside the Qianding Pavilion. They were familiar with the way and walked into the hall. As soon as they stopped, a woman had noticed their appearance, which was the first time to receive their Xiaorou. Seeing two familiar guests, Xiaorou smiled brightly and said, "Two Taoist friends, what do you need Xiaorou to do for you?" Still neither humble nor arrogant.

Feng Kui said, "Let's get the elixir. The little judo friend told me that he had made an appointment with Elder Mu and came to get the medicine today." Little judo: "Wait a minute, you two." Then he walked away, curled up, and went to report. After a while, Xuemei, dressed in red, appeared again, and her expression was still as cold as usual. She stepped in front of Feng Kui Shou and Bai Xiaoyi, glanced at Feng Kui Shou and Bai Xiaoyi and said, "Come with me." There was nothing to say along the way. Feng Kui's head was always observing Xuemei's every move and her breath, and did not knock out any flaws. He doubted whether Xuemei and the girl at the top of the Qianding Pavilion that day were alone. All the way to the secret room exclusive to Elder Mu, the situation was still the same as before. Feng Kui Shou and Bai Xiao could not be seen in front of Elder Mu at all. Everything was intertwined by Xuemei in the middle. Soon, she held a jade box tightly sealed by runes and handed it to Feng Kui Shou and said, "This is the nine-color holy Zudan. When you need to take it, you are fighting Open the seal, otherwise the elixir will leak out, and the medicine will be easily lost. Simple advice, no more words, a posture of leaving after finishing, almost didn't say: You can go now.

Feng Kui Shou didn't want this to do this. He decided to get to the bottom of it. At this moment, he directly stared at Xue Mei and said in a low voice, "Don't you have anything else to say?"

Xuemei was shocked, and angrily appeared on her cold face. She said coldly, "I have finished what I should have said. You, you, can go now.

Feng Kui sneered and said, "Why did you hire a bloody killer to kill me?"

Xuemei said angrily, "What are you talking about?"

Feng Kui sneered and said, "I looked at that person briefly. You are that person, and my judgment will not be wrong. Why did you kill me?" He suppressed his anger and suddenly grabbed Xuemei. Unfortunately, at that glance, I didn't see its appearance clearly, only caught a look. Xuemei's clever flash unexpectedly dodged, with a layer of frost on her face, and said, "Do you dare to do it here? It's too ignorant. Are you, don't want to live?" Feng Kui turned a deaf ear, and his invisible momentum rose, and his whole body was full of terrible power. He approached Xuemei step by step and said, "Don't threaten me, I'm not afraid. If you are not, then invite that person out and I have something to say to her. While talking, Feng Kui stretched out his hand and pulled it gently. The door of the wooden elder's secret room was destroyed, revealing a long passage. Feng Kui didn't look at it at first sight. He punched out, as strong as a dragon. He only heard a series of explosions in the channel, and the array was returned to ten*, like paper, unbearable. Then, Feng Kui continued: "If you don't want to, I can ask the people inside to help. Elder Mu, right? Humph, I'm a must-have person. It's better not to let me reach the limit of patience, otherwise, I don't mind playing a trick of breaking the fish and the net. Don't all the people on this island like to watch plays? This must be a good play, I can guarantee it."

Xuemei's eyes flashed, her body moved, and strangely appeared in front of the passage of Elder Mu's secret room, stood in front of Feng Kui's head, raised her cold and gorgeous face, and sneered, "Have you passed my pass?" Full of provocation. Feng Kui grinned, showed his teeth and said, "How can you know if you don't try?" Immediately, his power completely burst out, and the pure physical strength suddenly burst out with a punch, and a buzzing roar sounded. On his fist, a hot flame burned out, and the flame generated by rapid friction. Xuemei waved her hand gently, and suddenly there was a light curtain in front of her, like a waterfall, with a smell of returning to the original. With this hand alone, her cultivation realm was revealed in an instant. Wanfa returns to the original, the realm of immortals. However, Feng Kui had expected that he would do his best without underescaping this woman at all. Rumbled, Feng Kui's fist hit the curtain of light, and a subtle momentary still happened. Then, Xuemei let out an exclamation, and the curtain of light in front of her broke in an instant. Feng Kui turned his fist into claws and choked Xue Mei in an instant. Feng Kui's first hand strangled Xuemei's shoulder and neck, and his arm suddenly grabbed it and said coldly, "What do you want to say?" Xuemei just stared at him, angry, and her silver teeth clenched. Without saying a word, she did not make fierce resistance. She was extremely stubborn and stubborn.

At this time, Bai Xiaoyi, who had not said a word, suddenly said, "A Kui, she refuses to say it, just take her back to the Ruyi Inn, and then you can play with her well. At that time, when the love is deep, she will definitely say everything." Bai Xiaoyi said seriously. When Feng Kui heard it for the first time, he felt dizzy and swollen, like five thunderbolts. What bad idea did this girl come up with? Are you mocking him?! However, he suddenly felt a trace of Xuemei's fear, had an idea, and laughed, "That's right! I can't kill her here. Since there is nothing to ask, it seems that this is the only way. This woman looks good and should not disappoint!" While talking, Feng Kui glanced at Xuemei's chest, bounced on her cold face, showing a satisfied look, and then set off to leave.

Xuemei's eyes changed rapidly, and she suddenly spoke and said angrily, "Let me go." There is a behavior that often gives orders, revealing the fox's tail.

Feng Kui didn't let go and said, "I know, you don't want to play too much. Show your true face. Otherwise, I don't mind continuing to play." The meaning of play, of course, is the most beatical one, and men all know it.

Xuemei scolded angrily: "Bastard!" The voice has changed, exactly the same as the eccentric girl.

Feng Kui then let go of his hand, and Bai Xiao also smiled narrowly and was complacent.