First-class immortal

Chapter 82: Kill

[This book is fat, please collect and read]

Qianhuan, Du Ying and the three of them had hardly reacted and subconsciously shouted, "Who is it?" They fixed their eyes and saw that Bai Xiao in the secret room had also disappeared. The second reaction is to chase to the end. There is only one tunnel in this hill, and it is impossible for visitors to escape from anywhere else.

At this moment, Bai Xiao is also being hugged by a powerful arm and put on his shoulder, like a robber who robbed a house and stole a good girl. Bai Xiaoyi's heart beat violently, because she felt the familiar breath and the breath of Feng Kui's head. Although she couldn't see the face clearly, her heart jumped from the desperate deep sea, like a red sun coming out of the dark horizon.

There is nothing wrong. The character who suddenly came out is Feng Kui's head, a dead person in the eyes of Qianhuan and others.

People are not as good as God.

Feng Kuihou not only did not die, but appeared here. He not only appeared here, but also robbed Bai Xiaoyi, making their whole plan face the embarrassing situation of collapse.

It is impossible for the three people to let the raider leave the mountainside with Bai Xiaoyi. They chased quickly, and the speed reached its limit. Yao Yuan roared all over his body, surprised and angry.

Feng Kui ran away while urging Zhenyuan to enter Bai Xiaoyi's body and unlock the seal for her. The seal laid by Qianhuan three people is not strong, but without the help of the outside world, it is difficult for Bai Xiao to untie it on his own. Feng Kui was familiar with the array, and he was good at lifting the seal. Soon, Bai Xiaoyi's pulse became smooth, the demon yuan circulated, and Bai Xiao also completely recovered. Feng Kui put Bai Xiaoyi down from his shoulder, and the two of them went out of the mountain together. The exit array of the tunnel has been broken by the wind. Now it is completely opened. With more than a dozen breaths, they can escape from the tunnel and then get rid of the three people. It is not a problem.

Bai Xiaoyi suddenly stopped. She took Feng Kui's hand and stood quietly in this straight tunnel.

She was calm and murderous, and suddenly said, "A Kui, I'm going to kill them."

Feng Kui said, "They really deserve to die. But Huoyun's ancestor should be coming soon.

Bai Xiao also said, "Quick battle. There is a transmission array in the secret room, which should be transmitted to a hidden corner of the clan's mansion. We can use this transmission array.

Feng Kui did not notice this formation. After all, from breaking the forbidden method of the secret room to breaking the stone gate to stealing Bai Xiaoyi and then running away, this series of actions happened too fast. Feng Kui couldn't help simulating in his thoughts, making the plan almost perfect in terms of rapid agility. Everything happened too fast, like thunder passing through, and it was still a muffled thunder, and Feng Kui didn't have time to pay attention to everything. Immediately, a wisp of Bai Xiaoyi's thoughts were conveyed, and Feng Kui felt that the content was all about the work of Qianhuan and Huoyun Ancestor, an amazing and meticulous conspiracy.

Feng Kui nodded and said, "Come to me later." The cooperation between us is invincible in such a narrow tunnel. Quick battle..."

Bai Xiao also nodded and gently glanced at Feng Kui's face, feeling very heavy.

In her heart, she has the happiness of the rest of her life after the disaster, but it is more of a kind of pain and great suspicion, doubt about herself. She gently flashed and came to the back of Feng Kui's head and completely hid her petite and weak body behind the strong body. It was really safe.

After learning of the various conspiracies of Qianhuan and Huoyun ancestor, there are only two words in Feng Kui's heart and thoughts: killing. Bai Xiao is also his forbidden. Except for himself, no one can touch or repay evil thoughts. This woman, when he was still very weak, had an intersection with him and grew up little by little. They also grew up together. The affection was born spontaneously, and the trust between them was as solid as gold. He will never allow Bai Xiao to be hurt and used.

Qian Huan, Cong Lei, Du Ying, must be killed. Yanyang must die, and the ancestor of Huoyun also has to die.

These people will be killed in the capital.

Feng Kui has never forgotten that he is a poor man and doesn't have much, but he is precious and hard-won. So he will always do his best to maintain it carefully.

He held his sword and stood in the deep tunnel with murderous intent, waiting for Qianhuan, Cong Lei and Poison Ying. Today, they all have to die here. Bai Xiao also was behind Feng Kui's head, and her eyes were bright, and she had already entered a state of battle. Her eyes sparkled with mysterious brilliance, and on her hands, a colorful demon celestial sphere was constantly rotating, which was extremely wonderful. The celestial sphere will be more solid and dangerous every time it rotates. The demon celestial sphere issued by Bai Xiaoyi has been fundamentally different from that issued by the Tianshe people. The nine-color demon yuan is the authentic secret skill of the celestial sphere.

The sword of the head of the wind is condensed. The detness of the dragon, arrogance, the mystery of disaster, destruction, the free unsusceptibility, the killing of the way, and the variables of the easy way are integrated into a furnace. Although the kneading is not perfect and harmonious, this prototype has been established. With time and hard work hard, it is bound to achieve the supreme sword. The world.

Suddenly, at one end of the tunnel, a highly poisonous sky ball almost filled the whole tunnel, roaring and bombarded. Vigorous toxins corroded the cave walls of the tunnel by a layer, with terrible destructive power and all kinds of corrosion and paralysis toxins in it. Once hit, there would be no life. Feng Kui snorted coldly, and the Dongxia in his hand moved continuously. The sword spirit was lingering, and layers of flames burned above the sword spirit. The sword gas directly hit the highly poisonous sky ball, and the flame above the sword spirit wound up, making the whole sky ball burn. Disaster fire, burning all vitality, burning all thoughts, this is the flame of annihilation, the flame that returns the world to the origin, without which it cannot be burned.

In an instant, Feng Kui's head cut off Poison Ying's control of this celestial sphere. The highly poisonous celestial sphere turned into a runaway thing, cut and differentiated by the sword spirit of the wind and head, and then burned by the disaster road. In a blink of an eye, it was swept away.

At this time, the three thousand illusions exclaimed, "How could it be you?" ...How could you not die? ...How did you get here? ..." They are doomed not to understand and will not know the answer to these questions.

What about the three immortal masters?

In such a small space, Bai Xiao also cooperates with Feng Kui's wonderful cooperation, which is invincible and insoluble.

Feng Kui snorted coldly, "You won't know. After you die, if there is a chance, think about it slowly. The voice is extremely indifferent, representing his murderous intention, which has reached the extreme.

Suddenly, Feng Kui first launched a sword spirit. The sword was as cold as ice but as ethereal as the wind. All the will is hidden in this sword, like a poisonous snake. Only when you are bit, will you understand how poisonous it is and be shocked to its fatality.

Cong Lei shouted coldly, and Xuanzhong Mountain came out of the air, but the large and small Xuanzhong Mountain filled the tunnel and became a tower shield, guarding in front. The three were afraid of the wind, a big difference that even killed without blood, so as soon as the war began, they responded with it with all their strength and were very careful. Feng Kui sneered, and at that moment, the sword spirit pierced the void and suddenly disappeared. After Xuanzhong Mountain, a few muffled hums immediately made an angry sound. After feeling the Taixu divine light and wandering around the world, Feng Kui Shou has a certain insight into the broken void, especially the emergence of a golden jade ancient character, which has made Taixu Xiaoyao Sword make unprecedented progress. However, he likes to make small changes and add new elements on the original basis, often achieving unexpected results. His "little cleverness" in practice has always been his pride. Interpreting magical power and creating new tricks is completely taking the road method and all kinds of magic power as the foundation as a framework. On this basis, he makes innovations and has a distinct personality. It was not until later that he reached a new realm that he realized that all fairy arts came from this way. His cleverness is actually a feat of genius. Early exercise made him hardly take many detours later, becoming the most legendary existence in Kyushu's cultivation world, and even surpassing the white turtle Taoist.

The sword of Feng Kui's head also contains his cleverness. That sword was kneaded and squeezed into a sword-like existence. It broke the void and completely ignored the obstruction of Xuanzhong Mountain. It hit the front of the three people of thousands of phantoms. It was thousands of sharp swords, specializing in breaking the vitality and armor, which made the three people suffer greatly.

Cong Lei immediately withdrew from Xuanzhong Mountain, shouted loudly, and his body swept forward, and countless phantoms were generated. The illusion is one of his talents, which has been exerted by him to a magical state and become his famous magic power, transforming into thousands of people and confusing the judgment of the enemy. Every breath of his split is the same as that of me, which is extremely difficult to distinguish, but the split is only a virtual shadow, powerful but powerless, which is a regret.

Feng Kui looked at it coldly. Behind Qianhuan, Du Ying's highly poisonous demon yuan is surging, and Cong Lei's fat body also makes a roaring sound.

However, at this moment, a big snake appeared in Bai Xiaoyi's eyes. The big snake is in the center of the endless starry sky, coiling its body, extremely huge. Countless stars are like part of the pattern on its body. Its body emits an aperture one by one, and each color presents transitional changes, gradients, and nine colors above each halo. This is the king of the colorful heavenly snake, and for the heavenly snake, it is the king of the king. It is the supreme god of the demon snake, called the colorful snake god, which comes from the vast starry sky and represents time and stars. It is cold and violent, with infinite divine power. Two horns are born on its head, the horn of time and the starry sky. It is its unique crown, which is greater than the crown.

In Bai Xiaoyi's eyes, there is such a picture.

She has been recognized by the supreme god.

At this time, Bai Xiaoyi's eyes saw that Qianhuan, Duying and Cong Lei began to tremble. In their memory, only when the altar was violated would there be such terrible pressure, the pressure from the gods, so only the people with colorful snake blood could enter the Tianshe altar, and no one dared to enter. Half a step over the mine pool. But at this moment, they felt it again on Bai Xiaoyi. The majesty came, like a god, and then Bai Xiaoyi's eyes enveloped over, covering every inch of the tunnel without any dead corners.

At this moment, Bai Xiao also firmly grasped the pace of time. Although it was very astringent, the three thousand illusions had fallen into absolute passive. The illusional split is no longer as fast as a ghost. Feng Kui's head can clearly catch his trajectory, and even immediately distinguish his real body. Du Ying and Cong Lei in the distance are the same. Feng Kui's head almost saw their demon moving route.

This is really horrible.

The celestial sphere in Bai Xiaoyi's hand emits a little light, which is starlight. This nine-color demon celestial sphere became like a star and was held in Bai Xiaoyi's hand, full of a great feeling.

is indeed great.

What a shocking feeling it is to hold the stars in one hand, almost a posture that makes people worship. Qianhuan, Du Ying and Cong Lei almost had the idea of worship.

This is the king, the emperor.

The return of the king.

Between the matter, Bai Xiao also seized all kinds of opportunities. The celestial sphere star in his hand burst out, the starlight swept over, and the thousands of illusions were all emptied, and thousands of illusions were hit by the stars and flew back. When thousands of illusions flew to Cong Lei and Duying's side, the two reacted. Unfortunately, in the slowed down time, they lost all their opportunities and were passive, and their power was extremely suppressed. The celestial star suddenly exploded, but instead of the impact of the explosive airflow, it turned into a series of stars and scattered everywhere.

The starlight with unparalleled power is like a peerless sword spirit, penetrating the bodies of the three people and directly piercing them. For a while, the three of them were full of holes and very miserable. Bai Xiaoyi exclaimed, her eyes withdrew, and she almost lost her strength, but her anger was vented and her heart was relieved. The rest of the matter will be left to Feng Kui Shou. She believes that the wind will never waver, and the sky will never break.

Bai Xiaoyi's eyes were withdrawn, and Qian Huan waited for a scream. In fact, all this only happened in a very short time, half a breath. However, at that moment, the sword spirit of Feng Kui's head appeared across the air, and ruthless cutting and splitting unfolded. They even failed to make effective resistance. They were already in a different place, exploded all over and died. Then, Feng Kui's head and body swept, and his palms poked out repeatedly. Yuan Ying, the three conspirators, were captured and had no chance to escape at all. Immediately, Feng Kui's head completely shattered the soul and consciousness in his Yuanying, making the three-headed snake elder disappear between heaven and earth forever.

General monks become Yuanying, and their bodies are destroyed, but Yuanying can take away and regain their physical body. However, the body of giving up cannot fit perfectly with Yuanying and the soul, which greatly affects the future of the road to seek the way. Even if you give up the body with poor qualifications, the realm will fall. Of course, you can also choose to enter the ghost path without giving up, and your qualifications, talent and creation can be preserved to a large extent.

So Feng Kui killed Yuanying for the first time and never gave him a chance to escape. If he doesn't want to kill the tiger and return to the mountain, he must completely kill and eradicate the grass.

Collecting the three Yuanying and the storage magic weapons of the three people, Feng Kuihou can be said to have made a lot of money. These three snake elders are rich. Last time on Fuhaibao Island, the cost of Shengzudan was just the tip of the iceberg. Feng Kui believes that there must be many surprises in the storage magic weapon of these three people. Immediately, Feng Kui's head flashed and came to Bai Xiaoyi's side. At that time, Bai Xiao also desperately cast spells, which made her tired and weak now. Feng Kui gently hugged her and was surprised to find that Bai Xiao was also crying, and silent tears fell down.

She gently leaned against Feng Kui's shoulder, and tears slid from the corners of her eyes across her cheeks. Her expression was a kind of heartbreaking dullness, with a painful expression, without crying sound, but tears kept. Feng Kui had never seen Bai Xiao so sad, gently wiping away the tears on her cheeks and the corners of her eyes. Unfortunately, wiped off a drop and slipped off, endless. Feng Kui immediately panicked.

Feng Kui subconsciously hugged her in his arms and comforted her, "Don't cry, I'm here."

Bai Xiaoyi's body trembled slightly and heard the comfort of Feng Kui'shou, but suddenly cried. He cried loudly, buried his head in Feng Kui's arms, crying without hesitation, and wanted to be a little girl who had made a mistake and extremely guilty.

For a long time, she cried enough, her eyes were red, and her voice was hoarse. Then she raised her head and looked at Feng Kui's head fixedly.

Feng Kui smiled gently, held her face and said, "Are you comfortable?"

Bai Xiao also nodded a little awkwardly, looking like pear blossoms and rain, peach blossoms in early spring.

Bai Xiaoyi suddenly said, "A Kui, where does your confidence in me come from? Why did you accompany me all the way, take risks and put life and death aside?! You should know how stupid my decision to go to Shangzhou is, like throwing myself into a trap. Why do you still want to come with me? Why?"

Bai Xiao also asked seriously.

Feng Kui replied seriously, "Because I'm also confused, I followed you all the way, only doing the things in front of me and trying my best to deal with the danger. I don't even know why. I just feel that being able to hold you in my arms at any time can make my heart very calm and calm. Unexpectedly, it's not rhetoric, there is no sensational wording, but it's reasonable. He is not a weird and difficult person to get along with. As long as he is his friend and people who know him, he knows it. In the past, he enjoyed tranquility in his sister's warm arms. Now, Bai Xiao also gives him peace in his arms. Is it just because you have grown up? It is also a wonderful sustenance. He can't tell the difference.

All he knew was that he had already fallen in love with the woman who lived in seclusion in a shabby house and bloomed only for him.

That's his lifelong lover, even his lifelong lover.

Bai Xiao also smiled miserably and said, "When I was most desperate, I also lost confidence in A Kui. Am I not loving you as much as I thought?!" She was more like saying to herself that this was the reason for her crying and heartache.

Then she looked into Feng Kui's eyes and said seriously, "A Kui, I really fell in love with you... I love you." At that time, her tears had not dried up. Pure and sincere confession.

Feng Kui was stunned. This is the first time in his life that he has heard such three words: I love you. It's strange and wonderful. That kind of heart palpitations is pleasant and exciting. But he couldn't say it, just like she couldn't call her mother in front of Zhou Bilong. Even if the girl kept acting coquettishly, he could only be embarrassed. What he lost will never be found a substitute, but will be treasured in his heart. That self-deceiving comfort is like poison to him.

After a long time, Feng Kui smiled, laughing without a sound, and the sun was shining brightly. She picked up Bai Xiaoyi, held her in her arms tightly, and strode to the secret room and said, "I see."

Bai Xiao also opened his eyes curiously and asked, "What do you understand?" She still regrets to find that sometimes she still can't fully understand this man's words and deeds. But she is not annoyed. This regret is very sweet.

Feng Kui meditated for a moment and said, "I understand what you said. However, I'm thin-skinned, but I can't say it. Alas, it's still that rough sentence, you are my leading woman, and you will always be. Even if you betray me, I will imprison you. You will never escape from my palm.

Bai Xiaoyi said anly, "A Kui, you are so domineering." Infinite spring | love flow, but she was amused by Feng Kui's thin-skinned sentence, with a silly smile and a little happy face, leaning on Feng Kui's shoulder, and the bird was close to people.

At such a tense moment, this beauty is a supreme enjoyment.