First-class immortal

Chapter 89: Rescue

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Feng Kui's head was vicious, like a hungry wolf, rushed over, suddenly stretched out his hands, and picked up Feng Caier. His power is already powerful and terrible. Even if he is a fairy, he can't break free. Feng Kui looked at Feng Caier's panic and snorted coldly. After all, Feng Kui's head suddenly appeared in the flower room, and it was the original one. It was really surprising that it exceeded Feng Caier's expectations. Hu Ali looked at it and screamed. Seeing Feng Kui's anger, he quickly silenced and dared not speak. He was surprised and a little scared. Feng Kui shouted coldly. Between the waves of his hand, Panlong fell and turned into a barrier, covering himself and Feng Caier, cutting off their breath. Everything inside, the fox and ci outside would not know.

After all, there are some things that the fewer people know, the better.

Feng Caier has fallen into the palm of Feng Kui's head, and Feng Kui's head is ready to be the most absurd villain.

He suddenly put his hands around Feng Caier in his arms, his arms tightened, and their chests were tightly pressed together. Feng Caier finally surprised, screamed angrily and shouted, "A Kui, what are you going to do? What are you going to do to your sister? Let go..."

Feng Kui said coldly, "You forced me to do it. How can a man be provoked like a woman?! Do you think I dare not? You are wrong. As I said before, the empty door is my empty door, and I will definitely come in. Didn't you say that as long as I want you, you can dedicate your purity to me? Is it in return for saving you or indulging yourself? Are you starting to be scared now? Regret? Or do you want to leave purity to the dead heartless man?

Feng Caier was completely panicked. Although she lived for thousands of years, it was the first time that she was so close to a man except for Fengchen's embrace. She was panicked and angry. She was forced to ask by Feng Kui. She couldn't say anything. Those cold, indifferent and beaten disappeared. After all, she is a woman with pure and natural love for herself, and will only be dedicated to the man she loves deeply. She held Feng Kui's shoulders fiercely with her hands and wanted to push Feng Kui's head away. Even her vitality broke out, and there was nothing she could do about it. Feng Kui is not afraid. He is indeed not what he used to be. In the end, she was completely panicked and the resistance was useless. She wanted to persuade Feng Kui and said repeatedly, "A Kui, let go of your sister first, don't do anything wrong to your sister, don't..."

Feng Kui looked directly at Feng Caier and sneered, "Do you regret it now? It's too late to regret. While talking, one hand of Feng Kui's head suddenly began to tear Feng Caier's fiery red magic clothes, hissing, and the sound of cracking silk sounded. Feng Caier's magic clothes were torn apart by Feng Kui's head, and the smooth and white upper body appeared in an instant. Feng Caier was shocked and quickly withdrew her hands. She held her chest tightly and wanted to cover the two white jade snow peaks. She panicked, and her face turned peach until her ears. Her chest is really too full, snow-white and tall, full of mature **. No matter how she covers it with her hands and arms, she can't stop it. Instead, she looks more ** because of squeezing.

Feng Kui hooked Feng Caier's jaw with one hand, lifted the beauty's head, and looked at each other. Feng Caier was extremely ashamed and angry, her eyes were full of grievances, tears were spinning, and she was extremely pitiful. But now, Feng Kui's heart is as hard as iron and will not be shaken at all. He quietly looked at the exquisite face, which was beautiful and charming, and was a beauty between heaven and earth. He smiled with satisfaction, looked down, swept over Feng Caier's tender white neck and bony collarbone to the place where her hands were tightly protected. At this moment, Feng Caier finally cried, with grievance, humiliation, anger and helplessness in her heart. However, Feng Kui ignored her at all and gently pulled away her hand, which was so firm that it could not resist. Invisibly, it revealed a kind of arbitrary hegemony. The beautiful scenery on Feng Caier's chest was completely displayed in front of this man. With her sobs, she couldn't help fluctuating and trembling, which was very seductive. She even felt that there was something hard against her in her lower abdomen, which was very hot and seemed to beat gently.

Feng Caier closed her eyes humiliatingly.

For the first time, she felt that this man, the brother who was always smiling, was so strange.

More, it was a feeling of humiliation, which made her whole body tremble.

Suddenly, she felt a warm palm covering her chest, covering the pair of full peaks and gently rubbing them. The strange feeling made her body tremble even more. The palm became harder and harder, turning into kneading, and even clamped the little bud with two fingers, making the peach-colored bud stiff.

Feng Caier could no longer suppress her sobs. She cried in a low voice and begged for mercy: "Feng Kui, you let go of my sister. Sister, please, don't..."

Feng Kui was silent, and he only used his actions to answer her. The hand he held around her suddenly slid down, sliding all the way down her smooth back, and then tore open her long skirt. The fig leaf was all rudely faded away by him. Feng Caier immediately appeared in front of Feng Kui's head. Feng Kui's hand reached between her slender legs. Feng Caier was so scared that she subconsciously squatted down, but was clasped to her waist by one hand of Feng Kui's head. She had no choice but to tighten her legs to prevent the man's invasion. At the same time, her hands tightly grasped Feng Kui's malicious palm and cried pitifully and helplessly.

The feeling of humiliation occupied her heart.

Feng Kui pulled back her hand hard and squeezed Feng Caier's jaw, forcing her to open her eyes and look into Feng Kui's extremely deep eyes. At this moment, she panicked for no reason and felt the sarcasm and pride in the depths of Feng Kui's eyes.

However, in front of Feng Kui Shou, she is so weak that she is just an old woman who has not recovered.

Feng Kui suddenly urged narrowly, "Isn't your heart dead? What else is worth taking into account of a woman who has died?!"

Feng Caier just shed tears.

Feng Kui continued: "What is Fengchen? The woman who loves her deeply is not going to be humiliated by me. Good, your heart belongs to him and your body belongs to me. You can be my pet from now on! Aren't you going to avenge your Fengchen? Follow me, you must have many opportunities. And if you go by yourself, you are just looking for a way to die.

Feng Caier's eyes became clear in an instant, and she had already heard something. She finally stopped crying, looked at Feng Kui and said, "What on earth do you know from my heart? Feng Kui, can you tell me?"

Feng Kui said, "A lot, and you will never think of it. Do you want to know? Good, as long as you show enough sincerity, I will tell you little by little. Before Fengchen died, there were really a lot of things left in the last wisp of obsession.

A complex look appeared on Feng Caier's face, and Feng Kui's head has let her go.

She took a step back, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and weighed in her heart. Finally, she made up her mind. She gently walked to Feng Kui's head, hooked Feng Kui's neck, rubbed his body, and twisted her body, full of **. Feng Kui's head stands like a sculpture. At this moment, his heart was bleeding. He was about to give up, but a voice told him that if he didn't seize the current opportunity, Feng Caier would be completely hopeless. He endured and did not waver.

Feng Caier's movements became more and more promiscuous, and even began to untie Feng Kui's Taoist robe and take the initiative to dedicate her body.

Feng Kui suddenly shouted and scolded, "B bitch." He slapped Feng Caier fiercely. The slap was heavy, so the sound was very loud.

Feng Caier staggered to the ground and looked at Feng Kui Shou with hatred. In addition to shame, there was also a kind of firmness. She looked directly at Feng Kui Shou.

Feng Kui shouted, "Feng Caier, it's time for you to wake up. Are you really willing to degenerate just for that man? If you want to die, go to hell. I will never stop you again. I'll tell you everything you want to know. After you know it, get out of here and die immediately.

Feng Kui's head was furious, and Feng Caier's eyes rose in a gloomy, but she still looked at Feng Kui's head and looked up, extremely stubborn. She must know everything.

Feng Kui's face turned pale and said, "Fengchen is self-resolute."

Feng Caier was not so surprised. She smiled and said, "He failed me... This is his personality."

Feng Kui continued: "He has always loved you deeply and never stopped. The deeper the love, the more deadly the guilt will be. He couldn't stand all this and apologized to you with death. He is a man and a coward.

Feng Caier shook her head and said, "I don't believe it."

Feng Kui said coldly, "Believe it or not, you can die. Martyrdom, how magnificent and touching it is. However, before you die, if you have the ability, you can ask Ouyang Baixue to prove that everything will come out. I believe that you two women must have a lot of topics. However, let me remind you first that the woman who can take Fengchen out of your hand should first think about how to deal with her. Otherwise, you will not only die, but also die miserably, but will never be martyrdom. That's all, you can get out of here..."

Feng Caier lowered her head and looked gloomy.

Is that all she wants to know? A person who still knows shame is not a completely desperate person, nor a person who only wants to die wholeheartedly. She seems to realize something. She suddenly raised her head, looked at Feng Kui's head, with a pale and terrible face, and said, "Am I stupid?" At that moment, she was not beautiful at all.

Feng Kui did not answer her and waved his hand to drive her away.

She hesitated.

Feng Kui said, "Don't you want to go? Or are you afraid of death?"

Feng Caier said calmly, "Hua Rong has left some secrets about you with me, and I can't leave yet." She smiled self-deprecatingly and was beautiful. The past is like smoke, a scene-to-scene recall. Until now, she has not understood what that love is. She only felt that all the beauty and pain were like a dream, and now she finally woke up. However, now she is no longer the one she used to be, or even the Caier sister of Feng Kui's head.

Floating life is like a dream, but it may wake up at any time. You can't know what the next dream will be, but you will often be immersed in the previous dream, unable to extricate yourself, and it is difficult to distinguish the reality. No one can escape from all kinds of causes and effects.