First-class immortal

Chapter 103: Business

Feng Kui commanded Chihuazong and his party directly across Huo Lingjiang and went straight to Chihuazong, almost through the core area of the magic road's power distribution in this area. Feng Kui and others are hidden in the dark again. Because there was no survival in the previous World War, there were not many people who knew about their collection, and the news may not be transmitted quickly. Chihuazong's bait still has their use. The consumption of Fang Dantu, etc., has gradually recovered with the unhurden journey. After the previous war, these people also saw the purpose of Feng Kui and others. Their hearts were contradictory, but no one showed resentment on the surface. After all, they can survive with the help of Feng Kui's first, and their fate is also in the hands of Feng Kui's head whether they can return to the sect smoothly in the future. People under the eaves, how can they not bow their heads?

Along the way, I met several waves of scattered soldiers and You Yong of the blood demon way. They didn't need Feng Kui to come forward at all, and Fang Dantu and so on could be easily solved. For these greedy and eyeless demons, killing them is the best result.

As soon as the group crossed Huo Lingjiang, a figure suddenly appeared in the sight of Feng Kui and others. The comers have obviously found their existence, cleverly bypassed Fontantu and others, and appeared directly in their vision. There is not much hiding, but the purpose is very strange. Because Feng Kui felt the past, the young man in sight was not a man in the magic, but a humane cultivation. At the peak of Daluo Jinxian's realm, his breath was fierce, like a gun standing in mid-air. Under the moonlight, a dark blue robe floated gently, looking more and more handsome.

Feng Kui's four people walked a hundred feet away and stopped walking. Feng Kui stepped into the air step by step, opposite to this person Yaoyao. A pair of peach blossom eyes, a strange face, delicate and small face, fair skin, slender eyebrows, thin lips, showing the feminine charm of a woman, but his momentum is completely different, awe-sighted and arrogant. The man was tall and upright, looking at Feng Kui's head from afar.

When Feng Kui Shou came out of the four people, a feminine smile appeared on the man's face, and the peach blossom eyes blinked and said, "Are you Feng Kui Shou?" The voice is very thin and invisible, but it is difficult to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

Feng Kui frowned slightly and said, "I am Feng Kui Shou. Your Excellency is?"

The man smiled gently and said, "Blood hand, Meng Danqiu."

Feng Kui narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, "Blood-handed killer?"

Meng Danqiu said righteously, "Yes, but I'm not here to assassinate you."

Feng Kui became strange and said, "It's not about assassinating me, so what do you want to do?" Isn't Bloody Hands an organization that specializes in killing people?

Meng Danqiu laughed and said, "You're wrong, it's a big mistake. We are just businessmen, just doing business that others dare not do. The trading of spiritual stones is so simple.

Feng Kui said, "So, are you looking for me to talk about business?"

Meng Danqiu nodded and said, "It can be said, but not all. As long as you are qualified, you can talk about it.

Feng Kui said, "What qualifications?"

Meng Danqiu stretched out his hand and made a clenched fist and said, "Strength is the greatest qualification."

Feng Kui said, "Do you have the right to represent the bloody hand?"

Meng Danqiu said seriously, "This is the meaning of the bloody senior management. I'm just a representative. We have countless killers, but we don't have to rely on killers to do business. Just like the last time I assassinated you, I lost a lot of money but failed. After all, the killers we cultivate are not invincible.

Feng Kui smiled and said, "Would you like to find foreign aid?"

Meng Danqiu smiled softly and said, "Not only are you looking for it, but also need strong foreign aid."

Feng Kui said, "Then how can I judge whether I am qualified?"

Meng Danqiu said, "It's very simple, eat my trick. If you can eat it, it means that you are qualified. If you can't eat it, you will swallow the bitter fruit. What do you think?"

Feng Kui smiled and said, "I don't have any opinion."

A silver gun suddenly appeared in Meng Danqiu's hand. Suddenly, he shook, and the shadow of the gun flashed and shouted, "Take the move!"

He suddenly stabbed a gun, which turned out to be a combination of tens of millions of guns. The power gathered qualitatively and stabbed it silently, like a poisonous snake quietly in the night and rushed to its long-alted prey.

This shot is the invincible incarnation.

Feng Kui's head suddenly refreshed, stretched out two fingers, his fingertips swallowed the sword breath, his arms trembled, and the sword spirit was stimulated. This seemingly casual blow hides the mystery. It is condensed and stimulated by countless sword lights, which can be divided and combined. Each sword light contains the power of the road.

Between the stake, the shadow of the gun and the sword collide, tit-for-tat, and they all stopped in the air, and suddenly became deadlocked, regardless of height. Meng Danqiu smiled strangely, and the shadow of the gun separated in an instant and turned into thousands, overwhelming. Feng Kui saw the situation and smiled indifferently. The sword spirit was also suddenly separated, as many as the stars. For a moment, the sky bloomed like a bunch of fireworks, emitting countless explosions, and endless power was annihilating. In a blink of an eye, it returned to calm, leaving only the sword light of the wind, like a flying locust, and suddenly stepped across the sky and rushed straight to Meng Danqiu. Seeing this, Meng Danqiu's mouth opened slightly and looked surprised. The long gun in his hand shook, and the shadow of the gun shot out again, which resolved the sword light of Feng Kui's head.

Feng Kui said indifferently, "How about it?"

Meng Danqiu smiled and said, "As expected, you are completely qualified."

Feng Kui went straight to the point and said, "So, what is our business?"

Meng Danqiu hit a jade charm in the air and said, "It's all in here, all the information of the devil's way. The price marked in it is your reward. At that time, you only need to use its baby or Dharma body as a token to be able to go to the designated place and get paid. All these messages are recorded in the jade charm, which is very detailed and does not require me to talk. Hey, I believe this jade charm is very good for you. The detailed information of many characters in the ancient demon world has been recorded, and the magic cultivation, the scope of activities, etc. are extremely precious. This is the sincerity of our cooperation, and I hope our Taoist friends will not let us down.

Feng Kui's first thought swept slightly and saw a large number of messages from the jade charm. He smiled and said, "The spiritual stone that can earn blood, hey hey, it's good, it's good."

Meng Danqiu laughed and said, "You are the first person. Well, if there is a chance in the future, we will compete again. See you later..."

Feng Kui smiled and said, "You are not my opponent. You don't have to fight again in the future."

Meng Danqiu's eyes turned and said, "Not necessarily, don't be too confident." After saying that, the body is far away.

Feng Kui played with the jade charm in his hand and looked playful. The bloody hand suddenly pulled him over. He couldn't guess what medicine was sold in the gourd, but this jade charm was indeed a good thing. This piece of information records the information of the demon master in front of him, with different details. This information alone shows the background and strength of blood hands, and not every sect or organization can take it out. Without a large and sophisticated intelligence network, it is impossible to do it.

Feng Kui browsed the jade charm while continuing to go on the road with the crowd.

Bai Xiao also frowned and said, "What is the purpose of the bloody hand? This organization is too huge and has a deep relationship. We'd better stay away from it. After all, our current strength cannot be regarded as the top. At most, we can run rampant under the emperor.

Feng Kui first agreed: "Indeed, there are too many characters who can kill us, but this information is very useful for us. Don't send it to the ducks by the mouth. After all, our ignorant assassination will one day attract attention and attract strong enemies. However, with this information, we can make some preparations in advance. This is exactly what we need now. Now that I have completely finished reading it, let's take a look!" After saying that, he handed the jade charm to Bai Xiaoyi and let everyone pass it on.

He has decided that after this operation, he will close again for a period of time, enter the Changsheng Gate, cultivate to reach the realm of Yuanjun in one fell swoop, form a mixed hole, kill the heart demon, and then make plans for the future. After all, after being able to roughly control the Changsheng Gate, he only needs a few months of practice to make an unexpected breakthrough. Because outside for a few months, inside the door of Changsheng, it is like decades, which is his great advantage.

Unexpectedly, there was no magic in the next journey. It seemed that they had received some kind of instruction and shrank up. This made Feng Kui not only not relax, but also became more vigilant.

There must be a demon when something happens.

At this moment, just a few miles away from Feng Kui's head and others, a figure has always followed slowly. This figure has no breath of life, like vegetation, earth and stone. If you don't look at it with the naked eye, you can't detect it by breath alone. This figure, so quietly, has been following the four people of Feng Kui, and even concealed the critically sensitive Xiaoyan.

Feng Kui felt more and more wrong, and a sense of danger surged into his heart. He looked at Xiaogan and found that every hair stood up all over Xiaogan's body. Feng Kui looked at Fang Dantu in the distance and did not notice the abnormality. But the more abnormal the calm is, the more depressing and dangerous it is. It's like a group of wolves, forming a huge circle that seems to be safe. When the deer really find something, I'm afraid it's too late.

At this time, Xiao gang suddenly stopped, turned around and shouted, "Come out, I have found you!" His body suddenly rushed out. Feng Kui was shocked and quickly turned around. The corner of his eyes swept over. He faintly saw a shadow flashing and disappeared. He immediately broke out in a cold sweat and suddenly rushed out. But when they got to the distance, they found that their surroundings were empty and felt down, and there was nothing.

Feng Kui firmly believed that he had never read it wrong, but the facts were too strange.

Xiaogan said suspiciously, "This man, I'm sure he has been following us for a long time. It was only not long ago that I suddenly became alert. His breath is like vegetation, and we can't feel it at all..."

At the moment when the two talked, three miles away, a figure slowly emerged, with a gloomy smile on his face, full of sarcasm. Xiaoang shouted and was about to chase him away. Feng Kui pulled him and said, "Don't chase him. Be careful. It's a way to get the tiger away from the mountain. With such a big formation, it seems that it is necessary to leave Fang Dantu and others. It must be for something. I think there must be some secrets in Fontantu. We need to ask clearly..." Feng Kui's head and Xiaog quickly turned back. On the way, they had heard the sound of fighting.

After calming down, the storm finally came.