First-class immortal

Chapter 111: The Discovery of Xiaog

Eight years of wandering brought Xiaoang's growth and awareness. He realized what he cares most about and what is the most important to him. He used to be cowardly and discouraged, and now he starts all over again. Men should be able to let it go and afford it. In a stone mountain behind the high cliff called Shi Linfeng by the descendants of ancient totem, Xiao Gang's struggle is constant, and his strength is also constantly increasing. This scene is actually similar to Xiao Dongchen's growth, and the continuous awakening in the destruction. Xiaog's strength was sublimated in the collapse again and again. Sometimes, when the pain is extreme, he will even laugh and burst into tears. Among the tears, it is the shadow of Baiyan, which is hazy and almost catchable.

Xiao gan's father is called Xiong Yi, and his cultivation realm has reached the heinous realm of the Heavenly Emperor. He is proud of Kyushu's cultivation world and is a real giant. It's just that their clan doesn't like to be born, but it's just a corner of peace and seems particularly silent. The young generation often has only been out for a few decades. At a certain time, after the big waves, they will return to their family's hometown. In this series of mountains, they are well-deserved kings, claiming to be the ancient totem family. This family is divided according to the blood of the family and inherits abnormally ancient inheritance. The lineage where Xiaogeng and his father live is already very thin, which is a single transmission. What's more, Xiaoang's father Xiong Yi combined with a humanitarian woman gave birth to Xiaog, which makes Xiaogen's bloodline impure, very unpopular, and criticized. He lives in this huge In the large system, especially in the eight years when Xiaog fled, his status plummeted and he was almost forced to move into the cave at the bottom of the cliff. The more the family lives on the cliff, the more it represents a strong bloodline and strength. Although Xiong Yi's cultivation is profound, he is not liked by the elderly in the clan because of Xiaog and his various behaviors in his youth.

However, now Xiaoang's sudden return still makes Xiong Yi breathe a sigh of relief and is extremely satisfied in his heart. When Xiaogan left the ancient mountains, he could not cultivate the realm of immortals. In eight years, he reached the peak of the realm of Daluo Jinxian. With only a little opportunity, he could be promoted to the realm of immortals and reach another world. In terms of the speed of cultivation alone, it is no less slow than those peers in the clan, but there has been a lack of guidance for so many years. Now, in Xiong Yi's eyes, his son Xiao Kang has grown into a responsible real man, tenacious, able to endure hardships, meticulousness, etc., all of which make him very satisfied. Men will have a cavity of blood for the sake of their beloved woman, and they will not hesitate to pay more! This is so much like myself in those years! Xiong Yi smiled proudly in the bottom of his heart and sighed, "This is called a tiger father without a dog son. My child is by no means bad!"

Xiaog spends every day in endless battles. What kind of treatment is this? Every ten days, he has one day to rest, sum up his experience and understand the realm. On this day, he will take a little time to come to the other side of Shilin Peak and sit quietly for a while. There is a stonehenge carved with ancient totem statues, which are strange. This is a forbidden place for ancient totems, which is not a race and will die. When he was a child, Xiaoang would always bring a little girl here, hang out here together, and sit on the boulder that said that the universe is immortal and fights endlessly. At that time, the little girl always asked him to carry it on her back and scratched his hair when she was unhappy. The two talked about everything. What a wonderful time!

This day, another ten days, Xiaoang came here as usual, sat quietly on the familiar boulder, recalling the past scenes, and a smile appeared on his face.

Xiao Ke sat like this and looked at the stone array in a daze. Last time, he stayed here for half an hour, and this time he won't stay any more. Just as he jumped off the boulder, the corners of his eyes involuntarily swept through the stone array. Immediately, he found the strangeness in it. As his body fell, from that subtle angle, the angle that could not be captured in the whole stone array fell into his eyes. His eyes passed from one statue to another and immediately felt a smooth movement. He was extremely shocked.

Because at this moment, he saw a mysterious action perfectly appear in his sight. That profound action is actually a combat skill. Xiaoyan fell to the ground with a bang and completely forgot me. After a long time, he slowly got up from the ground, and an unconcealed shock appeared on his face and muttered, "In the stone array, there is actually a set of extremely profound combat techniques. Is it left by his ancestors?" His mind came to the legend that he had accidentally heard of the old man in the clan. When he mentioned this stone array, no one knew the specific time of its appearance and whose hand it came from. It seemed that it existed in ancient times. After countless years, the years did not leave a trace on it. The only time Stonehenge was launched was because the ancient totem clan was facing a great enemy and a supreme figure, but was trapped in the stone array and died strangely. Once again, Xiaoang felt the mystery of Stonehenge, and he accidentally touched its mystery.

He climbed up the big stone again and thought about it carefully. Constantly twisting the body to adjust the angle, I immediately saw a completely different stonehenge. Thirty-three sculptures, each of which has different changes, is an exquisite move. The more Xiaoang looks at it, the more fascinated he became and completely immersed himself in it.

In the end, he found eight perfect angles. From the perspective of the eight ancient words [universe immortality, fighting and fighting], eight completely different stone arrays. This is a peerless combat method, and the combat skills are so exquisite that it is so powerful that Xiao Can't imagine it. At that moment, Xiaoang felt as if he had pushed open the door of a hall. He walked slowly and walked in. He was shocked to see the tip of the iceberg of countless treasures in the hall. He began to write down the changes of these movements in his mind one by one, then summarize them, and then refine them in an attempt to find out the system. This process is very complicated and cumbersome. But Xiaoang was inspired too much. Unconsciously, he stayed for a whole day before this stone array. That day, somewhere in Shilinfeng, a woman quietly looked at Xiaoang, with a smile on her face. She looked at it so quietly, but Xiaog didn't know it.

Until ten minutes in the evening, Xiong Yi quietly appeared and finally found Xiaoang's strangeness. Seeing his son making a strange move from afar, Xiong Yi couldn't believe his eyes. The so-called insideer watches the door and the outsideer watches the bustle. With Xiong Yi's supreme cultivation and strong experience, the poisonous vision naturally shows the essence of every action of Xiaoang at a glance. It simply exerts every point of power to the extreme, punches, splits, and kicks. It seems to be a simple and strange action, but it quietly breaks the space and shakes the void. You should know that these movements are all unconscious behaviors of Xiaog. They are completely based on the power of the body and have no power at all.

Xiong Yi looked at it for a while and retreated quietly, with an extremely gratified smile on his face.

At this moment, he knew that his son's bloodline was not corrupted, but had a tendency to return to his ancestors, which represented the most sacred awakening.

Xiaog is the most outstanding child among the young generation of the ancient totem family.

After five days in a row, Xiaoang suddenly shouted, sat on the boulder, his face was a little pale, and muttered, "It's still a little short of something, and it can never form a perfect system. Even the power movement line is intermittent, missing the most critical link, I haven't found it yet!"

Xiaoang sat down again and thought quietly.

And at this moment, Feng Kui's head appeared in the sky again and was about to cross the disaster again.

The realm of immortals, the great disaster of returning to the Yuan Dynasty.

In the eyes of outsiders, within the first 25 days, the realm was promoted twice in a row and survived two disasters. This speed of cultivation is simply appalling, and it is no longer enough to describe it as a miracle. In particular, Tianhu and others were stunned one by one and finally felt great pressure. He doesn't really want to output the marrow pulp. Even if you take out your life, you don't have to worry about winning gambling. But now, he feels the pressure, because the realm of Feng Kui Shou is about to catch up with him. As long as Feng Kui Shou survives the disaster of Guiyuan, the realm will not lose to him. He had an ominous premonition in his heart, felt that he had a sense of self-defeating, and scolded angrily, "I can't keep my marrow? Ah, damn man, I curse you for failure. You must fail. God help me!" Tianhu looked at Feng Kui's head in the air, and his face immediately appeared in horror.

Above the nine heavens, countless avenues came down and turned into immortals and turned into sword soldiers, with a full three thousand, representing three thousand avenues. Even the heavenly road turned into a general and presided over it, in order to eliminate the wind and the head. The so-called return of all laws is a key process of Taoism. In this process, practitioners should conform to the three thousand avenues and undertake the creation of heaven and earth. This process is of long-term significance. The more you go together, the greater the benefit for future cultivation. The benefits can be explained in two words. Tianhu was shocked, and his face changed dramatically. He immediately sneered and hummed, "This man is so greedy that he wants to meet the three thousand roads with his own strength. Humph, Daohua God came to kill him, and even the Lord came forward to host him. Does he really want to go against the sky?

The next moment, he was shocked that he couldn't close his mouth and stopped talking nonsense, because Feng Kui moved for the first time. At this moment, Feng Kui holds a huge sword and wears armor. Every sword he waved and punched, he bombarded all the gods of the road. The devoured life was like destruction, which was really unstoppable.

A loud laugh came from the sky. In the sky, the gods of the road are rolling, giving birth and death, swords and shadows, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, earth, fire, water and wind, like a doomsday dojo. Feng Kui's head was completely submerged in it. If it hadn't been for the arrogant laughter, it would have made people think that he had annihilated it and died.

Feng Kui is exercising, practicing swordsmanship, adapting to strength, and consolidating cultivation. What is more enjoyable than fighting against the sky? Fighting with the sky is endlessly fun.

This disaster lasted for three days and three nights. The long time surprised many old people in the ancient totem clan.

With Feng Kui's sword piercing the incarnation of Tiangong and refining and devouring it, the whole disaster finally came to an end. Feng Kui felt that he was like a master and a god at this moment, and the power of 3,000 avenues flowed all over his body, like his own blood, becoming a part of his body. His body is completely in line with the road. Is this the return of the law? Feng Kui narrowed his eyes and leaned forward with one hand and went straight into the void. His figure flashed and appeared in the void. He immediately felt the endless power of tearing and annihilation. Suddenly, he was shocked and rushed out safely. Then he saw Xiaoang and the Stonehenge. His eyes moved and suddenly appeared over the stonehenge.

Seeing this, Xiaoang opened his mouth wide and seemed to be saying something. His expression was extremely anxious, but he could not hear it, because the whole stone array suddenly turned up, and the powerful force directly squeezed him down from the air and immediately fell into the middle of the stone array.