First-class immortal

Chapter 132: Aura of Ruling

The four people fled all the way, and the two heavenly emperor demons behind them became closer and closer, crossing the space and tearing all obstacles. They moved again and again, and the huge magic spirit covered everything. The pressure of the four people became more and more and more. If they escape like this, they will eventually be overshadowed by the two emperors, but they will fight head-on, but they are not The opponent, unless Feng Kui sacrifices the black sky demon puppet for the first time, can easily kill the two great demons. However, since then, it is bound to make an extremely huge movement. If it provokes the magic path of Tianzun's realm, everyone will have no chance. In the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, the half-step immortal who has been cultivated to a certain extent is not comparable to the physical fetus.

Beyond the four people, black lightning, magic palms, magic gas turned into huge axes, and all kinds of swords were killed. Everyone fled continuously, and they have shown a state of confusion.

Feng Kui is hesitating whether to sacrifice the black sky demon puppet. The teenager stopped and suddenly stopped. He turned upside down and faced the two demons. Feng Kui's three heads were shocked. Fang heard the teenager shout, "What a fierce demon way. How dare you chase me and wait to come here. Humph, now you are helpless. Let's see how I deal with you! Today, here, you will have no return. I adhere to the orders of the ten, kill the devil, and kill you. I just accumulate merit, and righteousness is bound to flourish. The murders you have committed are so heavy that they should be judged, thrown into hell, crushed by the life and death roulette day by day, and never live.

The two demons laughed wildly and shouted, "Do you know where we come from? On the shore of Huangquan, the supreme yinfu is the place where we practice. What the hell can do for us? On the contrary, you are clean and clean. After we swallow it, you will inevitably make great progress, which is really a supreme tonic. I'm a demon in Huangquan. I just need food like you!"

Hearing the words of these two demons, Feng Kui and others were surprised. They didn't know where the demons on the Yellow Spring came from, which was simply unheard of. As for the shore of Huangquan, the supreme yinfu, they never knew it. It seems that these two emperor demons have some beginnings. How much hidden strength does the devil have that has not been exposed?! Several people had a burst of speculation and couldn't know.

On the contrary, the teenager sneered and said, "I am the heart of a pure son, the embodiment of justice, and you and other evil spirits, how can you devour me? The master's words are really correct. In the world, there are many people who practice truth, those who are evil, those who are good, and those who are only profite are everywhere. Ah, return the clarity of heaven and earth and change the peace of the world. Adjudication of the holy sword, promote good and punish evil, kill all kinds of evil, kill..."

While the teenager spoke, the holy light rose from Zhou's body, and a circle of golden aura spread, making the teenager upright, tall and sacred. He slowly raised the sword in his hand, and the body of the sword stood on his chest. Every move implied a mystery. When the sword in his hand stood upright and impartially, the sharpness on the sword was entangled with the brilliance all over his body, and he was righteous and evil. A sword is separated from the world of good and evil.

All over his body, the power of adjuded out, and the divine power of adjudication, like the messenger sent by the gods, punishing all evil.

The two Huangquan demons felt a great threat, and the power of the ruling was actually purifying their Huangquan magic spirit. The two demons were shocked and shouted, "What is this? Ah, my original world is about to collapse!"

The teenager erected a divine sword, and a circle of adjudication aura filled out, the essence of evil spirits, promoting good and punishing evil. The two demons in the yellow spring were extremely painful, and the magic spirit of their whole body was being purified all the time. Even after roaring, a little white half appeared on the demon body, and the demon body was actually purified into a mortal body.

One of the demons, with a slightly weak cultivation, could not resist the power of the ruling, shook his mind and couldn't help shouting: "I'm guilty, let me return to the pure land, promote the good way, and accumulate merit..."

Another Huangquan demon is struggling to support, and the power of this ruling is too restraining them. This teenager is just the realm of Yuanjun. He exerted this mysterious power, which actually made the two Huangquan demons in the realm of the Heavenly Emperor have no power to resist, and the demonic thoughts will be destroyed, turn into mortal fetuses, and abandon evil and follow good. This kind of power can only be described as great.

When Feng Kui saw the situation, he took advantage of his illness and killed him without hesitation. The spirit-eating demon's palm was hit repeatedly. Unfortunately, his palm print was struck out, and when he came into contact with the aura of the ruling emitted by the teenager, it was immediately annihilated and disintegrated before it was hit. Feng Kui was shocked and said bitterly, "What on earth is this teenager? Is it really the embodiment of justice? All demons can't kill in front of him and are sanctioned by him. This is no longer what a person can do. It is clear that the god descends to the earth.

Feng Kui has never seen such a sacred power in the first two generations.

He immediately abandoned his magic skills to refer to the sword, ascended to the sky with the sword spirit, and killed them with the breath of all sentient beings and benevolence in the world. His sword spirit was cut out. In this aura of a ruling, he actually turned into a god of salvation, the Buddha who crossed evil. In this aura, Feng Kui felt the infinite improvement of his sword power and simply reached another situation. The sword gas turns into a spirit, and it is the shadow of the god, which has completely surpassed the power of ordinary Tianzun. Feng Kui's head is almost certain that even Tianzun does not dare to underestimate such a sword spirit. He must be treated cautiously, and a careless will inevitably end miserably.

God's Sanskrit singing, immortal Buddha Pudu, Fengkui's ascension sword spirit, unprecedented purity, has taken a leap, beheaded, is the will of the Buddha, can not be resisted. Two Huangquan demons screamed and were cut by the sword spirit. At that time of death, the two demons of Huangquan finally recovered themselves, roared sadly, and roared, "Under the nine ghosts, the underworld of Huangquan, the water of Huangquan, corrupted one side!" Immediately, from the bodies of the two demons on the yellow spring, countless dark yellow water drops flew out like raindrops and hit them in all directions.

When Feng Kui saw it for the first time, he was shocked and shouted repeatedly: "Regress quickly. This is the water of the Yellow Spring of the Styx River. If you corrupt everything and get enchanted immediately, you will be poisoned by Huangquan!" The poison of Huangquan, even if the immortals in the realm of true immortals want to resolve it, they have to pay an unimaginable price, and one of the most widely circulated solutions is to go through ten generations of reincarnation to resolve this poison. What's more, there are rumors that in the depths of the Styx River, there is a heart of Huangquan, which can even poison creation. It is as famous as the source of all evil. Once the evil thing that God is afraid of is born, it is simply a disaster in the universe of heaven and earth. It is a sign of the end of the law.

The appearance of this demon in the Yellow Spring has made Feng Kui's head speculate and a little uneasy. Especially in this Kyushu world, there is actually a Styx Yellow Spring. If other big worlds and the existence in the legal world know that the Kyushu world will almost turn upside down and there will be no peace.

This demon in the yellow spring is simply a sign of disaster.

In this way, the emergence of this teenager, the embodiment of justice, seems to have a sense of balance of creation and emergence.

The water of Huangquan came out, and the young man's aura of judgment shattered in circles. His endless righteousness was crushed, and the extreme evil resentment was eroded. The teenager's face turned pale for a while, and he spit out blood. Feng Kui saw the situation and his body hurriedly flashed. In the moment when the water of Huangquan hit, he rescued the teenager, and the four people swept out to avoid the devastating blow that broke out when the demon on the Yellow Spring was about to die. The water of Huangquan fell to the ground and turned into demons one after another. One side of the land was demonized at the speed seen by the naked eye. It turned into a grinding pool, vegetation, insects and beasts, and immediately turned into ferocious monsters. The aura of the earth veins was all destroyed. There was no possibility of recovery in this water and soil, and it became an evil place.

Feng Kui took a first look and could not be saved by the power of four people. He could only wave out the disaster fire, completely burned everything in the land on that side, and limited the expansion of the magic pool.

At this time, the teenager was staring at the surging dark magic pool on that side, and his body trembled. For a long time, his face was bloodless and said, "Signs of dooms, signs of dooms. What the master said, do they all have to be fulfilled?!"

Feng Kui took the opportunity to ask, "What is the fulfillment?" Is it the great disaster in the Kyushu world?

The teenager did not hide it. He glanced at Feng Kui's head and said, "Your sword, Huairen world, and even the sword of justice, must save the world from water and fire in the future, and not be alone. The master said that this disaster was huge, but for the rest of his life after the disaster, the greater the merit and virtue, the greater the creation. The favor of creation is an opportunity that all the gods of the kingdom of God yearn for. That's right. The Kyushu world is about to encounter great disaster, and the war between immortals and demons is just a trivial beginning. The upper demons woke up, and the ancient demon world was about to open layer by layer. At that time, I don't know how many underground demons will appear. Any blood demon sect, Shuramon, and bone demon sect are just flies. At that time, Shura will be born, the blood demon will awaken, the bone emperor will revive, and countless ancient demons sealed in the ancient demon world will appear, unimaginable..."

Feng Kui and others all changed their color when they heard it. In such troubled times, the ancient demons woke up, Shura, bone emperor, blood demons, I don't know how powerful they are. The little Taoist system left by them is derived from the blood demon path, the Shura path and the bone demon path. Its strength can be imagined.

At the same time, it can be imagine that this teenager's master is simply indescribably powerful. I don't know why he stayed in the Kyushu world and seems to be guarding the Kyushu world.

The teenager gasped tiredly and his breath was scattered. He could imagine that the aura of the ruling was too far-fetched and hurt him greatly.

Feng Kui looked at it on all sides and said, "Let's get out of here quickly. How about we discuss everything when the little brother recovers? Oh, I forgot that I haven't asked my little brother's name yet. The three of us are from Yunzhou Piaomiaojian School, Feng Kui Shou, Zhao Lingyue and Han Yu. Feng Kui introduced it one by one.

The teenager smiled faintly and said, "Master said that the virtual star domain of the ethereal sword school is a mysterious space, a broken Dharma world, in which there are countless secrets hidden in countless overlapping spaces. Feng Kui, Zhao Lingyue, Han Yu, ah, I remember that the master mentioned you. None of you are simple. That's what the master said... My name is Ning Haoxuan, and the name given by the master.

Feng Kui read it carefully and said, "It's open and magnificent. It should really be the meaning of the word Haoxuan!" It matches your temperament and is very suitable. Let's go. Let's get out of here first."

The four went east until they left the sphere of influence of Shangyang Pass and found a claustrophobic place in the mountains to recover.

After a period of getting along with each other and getting to know each other, Ning Haoxuan's vigilance between the three people finally disappeared. Feng Kui's first three also knew that Ning Haoxuan was only 16 years old. His master was called Lingxu Shangren. In this Kyushu world, he has been closed for many years and could not be hidden. Only when he knew the last hundred years before he quietly came out and accepted Ning Haoxuan as an apprentice to teach Taoism. Ning Haoxuan is also the god of Zhong Ling's creation. He was born with righteousness. When he was a child, he did not occupy meat and did not kill evil, but he was as evil as hatred. Until he became a disciple of Lingxu Shangren, he was gradually enlightened. This time, he shouldered the master's will, went out to practice, and eliminate demons and defend the way. However, at the beginning of the war, it went deep into the hinterland of the devil's road, and there was a tendency to go straight into the Yellow Dragon. It is also that he has lived in the mountains and forests since he was a child, and he is not deeply involved in the world. With his righteousness, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. If it hadn't been for the coincidence that he met Feng Kui's first three today, he would have hated it.

But this is the change of fate.

After half a day, everyone recovered and was alive.

Ning Haoxuan and the three also gradually became familiar with each other. They called Feng Kui Shou as their senior brothers and Zhao Lingyue and Han Yu as their senior sisters. They asked for advice on many things about walking outside. They urgently needed to understand the customs and the distribution of humanitarian forces in various places. Although his master Lingxu master knew the world and told him a lot of secrets, even Feng Kui's head could not escape his eyes. When he saw it, his mystery and power could be seen. However, he knew that everything was powerful. Ning Haoxuan was in danger and narrowly won the first battle, and he was already aware of this. Now, he is borrowing experience from Feng Kui's three people to make up for it.

It was dusk, and everyone talked happily, so they decided to leave here. After all, Ning Haoxuan shouldered the master's order, slaughtered demons and defended the way, and must devote himself to the battlefield. Feng Kui's first thing is to kill the devil, absorb the essence of life to improve his cultivation, and find Xiaog. This is an agreement with Xiaog, and he must fulfill it. Zhao Lingyue and Han Yu listened to Feng Kui's opinions in decision-making. At present, Feng Kui's three are almost the same as Ning Haoxuan.

Everyone went all the way back to the lake.

Ning Haoxuan suddenly said, "I'm afraid you don't know the secret of this geese returning to the lake!"

Feng Kui's first three nodded. They really didn't know what the secret was in the return of the lake. They just knew that the return to the lake was impacted by some unusual changes. Between humanity and the magic path, the two sides were fiercely contested.

Ning Haoxuan said: "When this wild goose returns to the lake, it seems to seal a spring of life. It is the creation and cohesion of a world and turns into a vein. In the purest place of the vein, it will form the essence of life and converge to form a spring. With this spring, it is almost possible to create a batch of supreme masters. Although the realm of Tianzun is no longer used, it is impossible to improve the realm below the realm of Tianzun without the accumulation of massive essence of life. As you can imagine, this is the treasure that everyone wants. With the fountain of life in hand, the strength is bound to increase greatly. However, the spring of this spring of life has not yet emerged. Although there is a fierce competition between humanity and demons, so far, that side has not benefited from this spring. It seems that in the near future, the spring is about to appear. At that time, the whole wild goose return to the lake will become a holy lake, moisten all things, and become the dream place of cultivating the truth.

Feng Kui suddenly realized, "So that's it." At the same time, he thought of the congenital magic eye and couldn't help sighing, "It seems that the Kyushu world has been silent for too long, and all the vitality has begun to explode. The innate magic eye, the spring of life, has appeared one after another, and it is impossible without causing a disturbance. Brother Ning, do you also want to return to the place of the fairy and demon war and get the spring of life?

Ning Haoxuan's childish face appeared with a cunning smile and said, "Who doesn't want to get a piece of the pie like such a gift of creation. Those who can live in it rely on their own strength. If you don't grab it, you can get it. If you can't get it, it's just that you can't get it. At worst, you can practice diligently for decades. His state of mind is very peaceful, benevolent and soft, seemingly incompetence, but he pursues lofty and extraordinary.

Feng Kui nodded and said, "This is indeed the truth, but this spring of life must not fall into the hands of the devil's way. Otherwise, there will be countless emperors and demons in the devil's road, which will crush humanity. Humanity can't breathe, and the situation will be bad."

Ning Haoxuan said, "Let's go back to the lake, where there are several of my friends who have been entangled with the devil again. I need to support them immediately. They are also going out to practice for the first time, full of blood and incomparable pride. I'm afraid that they will be the same as me, don't know how to advance or retreat and suffer great losses!"

Feng Kui said, "In this case, let's go now!" Since the troubled times are coming, we young people can't always hide under the wings of our elders. We should unite and retreat in order to fight against the ancient demons and even born.

At this moment, the wild geese returned to the lake, and the fairy and demon war had been fully launched. Countless humane cultivation and magic cultivation began to fight. Blood overflowed, dyeing the wild geese back to the lake one inch suddenly, and the whole lake water of the wild goose returning to the lake turned red.

It is not easy to cultivate and accumulate silk, but in this war, death comes too fast, and in an instant, there is the death of creatures, which is unbearable.