First-class immortal

Chapter 2: The Man in Black

The wind went very quickly and directly reached the endless void of the world and shuttled through the space. The infinite world is much larger than the Kyushu world, but it is much smaller and lower than the legal world with no empty door communication such as the Longestal World and the Tianlei World. However, the breath of the emperor here is indeed more powerful and pure than the Kyushu world. If you understand it carefully, you can experience the power of the law, and it is easier to touch the essence of Taoism, which is very suitable for cultivation. Therefore, in such a big world, the world of cultivation is also more prosperous, and there are many masters.

Feng Kui's head traveled in the void, and from time to time there were streamer-like shadows in the space around him, flashing away. This is a trace of trace and law left by the supreme master.

A sneer appeared on Feng Kui's face, bringing the magic weapon and elixir into the immortal gate, but he did not let everyone refine and eat. He exposed his supreme wealth, which is a kind of ** and wants Jin Cheng to be deceived. He wants to know the current situation of the golden family, and there is obviously little hope to explore it by himself, but with the young master of this Huang Jing family, he can immediately catch the clue, find out the situation in the bright legal world.

And among the magic weapons and elixir traded to him by Jin Cheng, there is a mark, which is left by the supreme immortal. Through the mark, you can feel the whereof of the magic weapon and elixir. Feng Kui's first role in this scene was deliberately showing weakness, which was to make Jin Cheng be fooled and quietly followed him out of the scope of the world. At that time, he was not casually captured and forced to question arbitrarily. Now, he can't take out the mark in the magic elixir and reveal his real strength.

At this moment, in the Golden Pavilion, a strange smile appeared on Jin Cheng's face and muttered coldly: "What kind of space magic weapon is this? It actually makes me feel the breath of the immortal world... Well, there are also a few weak breaths, the breath of immortals... With the family, babies dare not take it with them. Up, it seems that this dusty Taoist should be a person with an adventure, and there is nothing*... Humph, although you are cautious, how can you know that the precious scars of immortals can be exposed at will and show them to others..."

Jin Cheng stood up, and three golden armored warriors appeared beside him, with circles of fine light all over his body, and rune laws emerged one after another, forming the holy law and inscription of gold casting.

These three people's cultivation is only one line lower than Jin Cheng's. They are the guard given to him by the family, practiced the golden law of the world, reached the realm of Wang Xian, and was invincible.

Jin Cheng said in a low voice, "Let me go outside the territory and make a big deal!"

Four figures suddenly disappeared through the air.

Outside the world, in the vast universe, the world has turned into a huge star, wrapped in a layer of crystal walls, emitting a halo from time to time, forming a magnificent belt of light.

The wind head shuttled through the endless sea of stars and seemed to be careful. At the end, it finally stopped on a meteorite hundreds of miles, restrained the breath of the whole body and walked towards the center of the meteorite.

Feng Kui's first play is enough.

Jin Cheng really cooperated with him and was fooled.

Greedy is indeed the original sin that makes people fall into the abyss.

Suddenly, four extremely powerful breaths came down and locked Feng Kui's head. From four directions, Feng Kui's head was shrouded in it, led by Jincheng.

Feng Kui pretended to be panicked and looked at the four people warily.

Jin Cheng laughed proudly and said, "Is this the place to hide the scars of immortals?"

Feng Kui shouted angrily, "How dare you follow me?"

Jin Cheng looked at Feng Kui like a fool and said, "Is it easy for me to believe?! Young man, give me all the scars of the immortals, and I can consider giving you my life. Such a baby is enough to exchange for the lives of you and your women.

Feng Kui sneered and said, "The golden family is indeed an insatiable vicious dog."

Suddenly, the momentum of the wind and head burst out, and the meteorite was broken and directly turned into powder. The huge power made Jin Cheng and his three family guards breathless and trembled.

Jin Cheng was terrified and immediately found that this was a scam and shouted, "Let's go..."

Suddenly, four golden lights flashed, pulled out the trajectory of the sky, and were about to escape.

The wind gave them a sense of danger as death.

Feng Kui sneered and said, "Do you want to go? Where is your way to live?

Boom, boom, boom!

Four punches were punched out, and four muffled hums suddenly sounded. Among them, the three golden warriors were directly bombarded in the head by their fists and died directly. They were killed with one punch. On the contrary, Jincheng was punched for 108,000 miles, but he did not die. Feng Kui deliberately left his mouth alive, which was very useful.

Jin Cheng flew all the way, and the golden internal organs were spit out and almost fainted.

However, he was suddenly caught back by Feng Kui and held it in his hand. The runes fell down and sealed the magic power. Feng Kui's thought suddenly came to Jin Cheng's sea of knowledge, found out the order he wanted, and controlled Jin Cheng's mind. All the information you want to get falls into your own sea of knowledge. With a finger, Jin Cheng burned up, and his soul and body were transformed into Sanskrit, and finally only a treasure bag fell into the hands of Feng Kui's head. It is full of Jin Cheng's wealth accumulation, elixir, magic weapons, and countless divine stones.

The mixed elements of Feng Kui's head are poured down, and the power of purification removes all residual ideas. These magic elixirs are washed into ownerless things. Coupled with the original 100 elixirs and ten magic weapons, it is enough to upgrade the cultivation of everyone around you to the second place of the true immortals and arm them.

Now, Zhao Lingyue is practicing in the Changsheng Gate. Time passes extremely slowly, thousands of years inside and only a year outside. Feng Kui poured strength all the time and reached the Changsheng Hall, urging the Changsheng Hall to emit the light of long life, changing the time and reaching the current limit. One of his incarnations is sitting in it and accompanying the women to practice. The consumption is also extremely huge, and it also needs a lot of elixirs to supplement. However, this golden family is obviously a piece of fat meat. He has already stared at it and must eat it.

Feng Kuishou is thinking about the next step. This Jin Cheng is not the real core of the Huang Jing family, but a marginal son. He does not have much information, and Feng Kuishou is very disappointed.

Suddenly, an extremely dangerous breath of terror suddenly came, and the wind was shocked.

However, I felt a sharp pain on my body and a hole appeared.

Someone hid in the dark and attacked him. He not only didn't find it, but also succeeded in the sneak attack.

Feng Kui's head has never seen such a wonderful assassination technique.

He turned around and saw a black face, which was engraved with bloody runes, and a pair of deep eyes emitted a cold light all the time. The man was dressed in a black robe, holding a sharp thorn in his hand, and stained with the blood of Feng Kui's head.

Feng Kui's head was cold all over, and he felt an evil force surging in his body. Wherever he passed, his flesh and blood were withering, and his death really shocked him.

The head of the wind quickly urged the pure land, and the power of holy light and purification washed down. The pure lotus flowers opened on the head of the wind, and suddenly changed into black, quickly withered and fell off. Feng Kui's head is shocked and can corrode the pure world Lianhua. What kind of power is this?! However, under the consumption of two taels, the evil power in Feng Kui's body was also eliminated. In the blink of an eye, Feng Kui's head recovered as before.

The man in black strangely looked at the black lotus on Feng Kui's body falling off, annihilated, and asked coldly and strangely, "Why aren't you dead yet?"

Feng Kui didn't answer and asked, "What kind of power is this?"

The man in black said: "We exchange answers. If you answer me, I will answer you. You are qualified to know that you can survive my assassination.

Feng Kui said, "Okay!" While talking, a pure land floated beside him, and the light of the pure world and the pure lotus appeared.

The man in black was surprised and said, "This is the legendary pure land." While talking, a twisted black spot appeared on his chest, which was mysterious. Feng Kui couldn't recognize what it was.

The man in black: "This is a thorn god. It should have looked like a sharp thorn, but unfortunately I haven't succeeded in practicing it.

Feng Kui thought thoughtfully and said, "Are you from the abyss?"

The man in black: "The king of the lost abyss assassin."

Feng Kui was even more surprised and said directly, "Why did you assassinate me?"

The man in black said, "I feel danger from you."

Feng Kui said, "We can be friends. I'm an avenger, so I'm wary of everything. You come from the abyss, and we can actually be regarded as friends.

The man in black sneered and said, "Friend?"

Feng Kui nodded.

The man in black said, "You will eventually become immortals, and we will eventually become enemies."

Feng Kui was surprised and said, "I don't understand!"

The man in black said, "We are the sanctioners of immortals. The top of the God Kingdom is the abyss, but we have been labeled as dark by the gods and become a place of depravity. Order is not open to everyone. Within the era, there is no real absolute power and absolute freedom. This is the will and rules of the era. However, the gods are against this. This is the beginning of destruction.

Feng Kui's first hearing was frightening. He couldn't judge whether it was true or false and credible, but he kept them all in mind. Feng Kui thought for a moment and said, "So, these gods are already breaking the rules and should be sanctioned?"

Humanity in black: "You should go into the abyss and be crushed by the Epoch."

Feng Kui said, "So, why do you exist?"

Human in black: "Our number is eternal. If we destroy one, we will produce one. We adhere to the will of the era and exercise the sanction rights of the era. However, we were sealed, and the gods planted a curse, making the abyss a place of depravity. Endless desires poured into it, and we were all shackled and abandoned by the will of the era... Now, in the abyss, there is only the devil of desire, the dirty existence... Desire and filth hang above the heads of the gods, can you believe it..."

Feng Kui was surprised and said, "Are you the survivor?"

The man in black didn't say anything and undressed, revealing his broad and strong chest. His chest, with countless chains, was tied into flesh and blood, and even his soul, binding him to death.

The man in black looked at Feng Kui's shocked expression and said, "I'm looking for someone who can cut the chain and liberate me. At that time, I will complete my mission and sanction the self-righteous gods!"