The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 11 Houfu bullies others

Although the little marquis who had been married to her before had married the second lady of the Yan family and even gave birth to a child. Things have passed for so long, but after all, it will also be used by people with intentions, and Duoduo's identity has always been a thorn in Yan Ji's heart.

In those years, the original owner Yan Ji was a fool and had been locked in the house. How could she be defiled?

The original owner's memory is really rare, and the paragraph can't be recalled even if it is directly blocked. I don't want to be so glorious.

If you know that it's the bastard, you will cut his egg as soon as possible, and go directly as a caste for the rest of your life. Even a fool dares to go up. Is there any humanity?

After making an end to the deal with Luan Yuchun, Yan Ji tried to go out in a low profile. It was rare for her to come to the capital. She also had to take more tours, but every time she wore a gauze scarf and a layer of dark red pigment on her face, which looked like a mole, so that even if someone lifted her gauze towel, it would not cause trouble.

On this day, I took Duoduo out and bought a lot of food for Duoduo.

Because Duoduo is cute, smart and clever, many bosses look at each other, usually buying and giving away.

"Mom, I still want that..." Duoduo pointed to the small wind lane not far away.

No matter how clever and sensible the child's weather is, he can always expose the childlike side when he meets a small toy, and in this regard, Yan Ji never hesitates to give it.

Coincidentally, at this time, a woman came out of the satin village opposite and held a little girl in her hand. The little girl was slightly younger than Duoduo, and her eyes stared straight at a few things in Duoduo's hands.

Taking advantage of the moment when the lady talked with the person next to her, she ran over crookedly.

She didn't say anything, but just stared at what was in Duoduo's hand. The little girl's eyes were full of desire to see that her heart was broken, and at this time, Duoduo looked at Yan Ji.

Yan Ji doesn't talk, and the children's problems are solved by the children.

"Do you want this?" Duoduo took out the sugar-coated haws.

The little girl nodded. Although Duoduo was reluctant, he still had a lot of things in his hand and only hesitated for a moment to take it over.

After taking it, the little girl smiled sweetly, picked it up and sent it directly to her mouth.

But before I started eating, I immediately ran out a mother and took away the sugar-coated haws.

"Oh, Miss, how can you eat such an unclean thing?" After saying that, he stared more fiercely.

This little boy is so bold that everything is messed up for their young lady.

And the little girl was robbed of the sugar haws and cried loudly, which suddenly attracted a lot of passers-by.

And Duoduo is inexplicable. Yan Ji has been secretly angry. Duoduo kindly gave something to the little girl and didn't accept it. What does it mean to blame?

And Duoduo's eyes were a little hurt and blinked, "This aunt, I just want to give something to my little sister to eat."

Duoduo has to spleen his mouth and cry, which is even more pitiful.

When everyone saw that this family can't do anything, they kindly took something for your child to eat. If they didn't praise them well, they would actually scold them.

So the big guy pointed, and at this time, the child's mother also arrived. There came a lady dressed in a woman's bun. She was only ten years old. She looked white and beautiful like a girl.

As soon as she came over, the big guy was a little silent. At first glance, such a figure belonged to a big family, and maybe they couldn't afford to provoke it!

And when the mother saw that her young grandmother had arrived, her waist straightened in an instant.

"What happened?" The lady's voice is like a warbler, crisp and touching, and her eyebrows have their own amorous feelings.

"I told the young grandma that this stinky boy took something to eat for the young lady and let the maidservant stop her." Her young lady is a golden branch and jade leaf. Can she eat everything?

The lady didn't say anything, but waved her hand faintly: "Okay, but it's just a small thing. Is it worth making a fuss?"

That being said, her eyes are full of contempt, but she is well hidden by her.