The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 39 Greater Conspiracy

"If you like to stay here, don't come back to your house again...hum!" With that, he brushed his sleeves and went away.

Yan Ji looked at Bai Xuan's angry back and secretly laughed. It was so funny to see him angry.

As soon as Baixuan left, Princess Bailing put away her good face and said, "Okay, my brother is gone. You don't have to pretend. Who is very happy to talk to you? I'll..."

It's faster to change faces than tricks.

"I don't want to talk to you yet. Be careful that I will use poison again..." Yan Ji said and took it out of her sleeve.

This scared Princess Bailing. She thought that Yan Ji was going to take some poison from her sleeve, so she quickly covered her whole head with her hand.

"Haha... I'm so laughing. You're so afraid of me. It's useless for you to cover your head. If I had really poisoned you, you would have died..." Yan Ji smiled proudly.

"You...hum...I'll settle accounts with you when I'm ready!" Bailing said and lay down, turned his face to the inside of the bed, but he still felt something was wrong and covered his head with a quilt.

Looking at the lark being so irritable, I was very happy.

As soon as Baixuan walked out of Bian Yifei's house and commanded the man to return home, the king of Chang'an spoke again.

"Marquis, have you forgotten something?"

Zhan Lingze grabbed his little braid and became indomitable.

Baixuan looked at him and looked at the crowd around. He was very unhappy. He was very angry with her sister just now. Now this Chang'an Wang Zhanlingze is actually embarrassing himself. Well, you Zhan Lingze, wait and see.

So I saw him with both fists, but my eyes were full of disdain and said to Bian Yifei, "Mr. Bian, Baixuan is rude today. Please forgive me!"

"Ah, the marquis is really too polite and has nothing to do. I also regard the princess as my sister, and her brother is also my brother. Why do I have to be like this?"

Bian Yifei's face didn't care. In the eyes of the onlookers around him, it was obviously Baixuan's rudeness this time, and this Mr. Bian Yifei's belly is vast and he doesn't care about him, which is really admirable.

"Thank you, Mr...."

Baixuan is not ungratic, and the resentment in his eyes is deeper. This time, he has lost people. This Bian Yifei is still here hypocritically to be a good person. He has no good impression on everyone present.

So he coldly threw down this sentence and left with soldiers and horses.

Yan Ji came out of the house and saw the marquis's soldiers and horses drifting away. She sighed deeply: "Since this broken marquis dares to bring troops here to search privately, is there no royal law in this capital?"

The national master shook his head helplessly: "Jier, you don't know that this marquis's father is a powerful role. In those years, he fought with the emperor and saved the life of the emperor, so today the emperor respects him very much. The status of his son and daughter can also be imagined, which is not an ordinary marquis treatment..."

Only then did Yan Ji understand that no wonder the princess and her brother were domineering and didn't pay attention to anyone. It turned out that this old marquis was supporting him.

"If there is an order from the old marquis, the soldiers and horses in his house can send troops anywhere except that they can't enter the palace." Zhan Luze's eyes were empty and cold, and he couldn't see any expression.

"No matter who he is, hasn't he failed today? Look at my performance. When he left, his nostrils were angry, haha..." Yan Ji was very proud. She was not afraid of anyone.

"Don't think that this marquis will give up from now on!" Zhan Luze went to Yan Ji and looked at her eyes and said coldly.

"Well, I will be afraid of him. I will make him look better next time he comes. Now his sister can't move. If he wants to lie there every day, just come and find something..."

Yan Ji avoided Zhan Lingze's eyes. I don't know why she didn't dare to look at his eyes, as if those eyes could kill her.

Si Kou Xunxiang shook his head helplessly and advised, "Jier, don't use your poison casually in the future. Do you know how many trouble it has caused? If the princess hadn't been admiring my brother, I'm afraid she would not cooperate with you in this play, and it's better to cause less trouble!"

The little marquis Baixuan returned to the marquis's mansion from Bian Yifei's mansion. He vowed to take revenge. Today, his majestic marquis actually admitted his mistake and apologized to Bian Yifei. It was too humiliated to be in front of so many people.

"Father, Baixuan is back!" Baixuan walked into the old man's study to restore the old man's life.

The old man looked surprised. He didn't see his precious daughter Lark beside Baixuan. Was the lark really killed as rumored?

"Where's Linger?" The old marquis asked with concern.

He found that Baixuan's expression was not wrong, and he was even more worried. He was old enough to have a son. He was almost 60 years old, and he had a son and daughter of Baixuan and Bailing. This daughter was spoiled by him and had caused a lot of troubles. Today, if his daughter had something to do, he would be very sad.

"Sister...she is in Bian Yifei's house and refuses to come back!"

Baixuan said truthfully, in fact, he was also angry when he thought that his sister also talked to him like that just now. This sister and he were born of a mother and usually listened to themselves very much, but today they actually tit-for-tat against him. Thinking of this, he hated that Bian Yifei even more.

As soon as the old man heard that his daughter was safe, he was relieved. He didn't care about anything else. If she liked to play, she would let her play, as long as she could protect herself and not worry about him.

"Oh? What is she doing in Bian Yifei's house? The old man is a little curious.

"She is communicating with Bian Yifei's sister about the art of female red..." Baixuan also felt a little strange when she said this. Her sister usually likes dancing knives and guns so much, and she has never seen her like female red embroidery or something, but today she actually saw her embroidery in the room.

The old man was even more overjoyed when he heard it.

"It seems that Linger has grown up... That Bian Yifei is the younger brother of the national teacher, and his magic and ability are also good. I think Linger and he are quite suitable. Haven't Linger always been fond of him? Why don't we choose him as Ling'er's son-in-law?

The old man thought that this was a good thing. Her daughter had studied embroidery for Bian Yifei. And since my daughter has a favorite person in her heart, she doesn't have to work hard for this. She is not young, so let her go.

But Baixuan doesn't think so. He was insulted in his house just now. He has no good impression of Bian Yifei at all.

"Father, never. We don't know about this Bian Yifei. My sister's marriage is a major event and is related to the happiness of her life. How can we make a hasty decision?"

Baixuan doesn't want his sister to marry this man.

The old marquis walked a few steps in the study, stroked his white beard, and then slowly said, "That's good. Linger will stay in his house for a long time and will definitely understand his character. Then he will make plans..."

Although this old man is over 80 years old, he is very energetic and very shrewd. Now he is at home every day and ignores the affairs of the court. The only thing he cares about is his daughter's marriage. He already has Baixuan's little granddaughter and wants to hold a grandson.

In the room of Yan Rou'er.

Qing'er whispered a few words in Yan Rouer's ear, and Yan Rou'er's eyes suddenly reappeared.

"It seems that this banquet girl can really win people's hearts. There are people helping her everywhere, and now even the princess who was persecuted by her has helped her... It's really not simple!"

Yan Rouer's plan was ruined. Originally, she thought she could get rid of Yan Ji by relying on the power of the old marquis this time, but obviously she was in a hurry.

"What is the lady going to do?" Qing'er also looked confused.

Yan Rouer closed her eyes and meditated for a moment, then opened her eyes and said slowly, "Since it's already like this, let it be. It seems that we have to let the marquis know..."

Qing'er nodded and knew that there was a countermeasure in her heart.

After a long time, the little marquis Baixuan came into the room.

"Madam, you told me that the lark was hurt by the national division and hid in Bian Yifei's house. I hired troops from my father today, but today passed, and I was humiliated!" The little marquis's hand slapped fiercely on the table.

Yan Rouer pretended not to know and looked surprised.

"Why is this? Dongfu saw the princess fall with his own eyes, and later, they discussed hiding the princess... This..."

Yan Rouer looked at a loss.

The little marquis shook his head helplessly, "I'm going today. The princess is embroidering the girl in Bian Yifei's room with Bian Yifei's cousin... She didn't come back. As a result, she was made difficult by the king of Chang'an when she came out. She had to apologize to Bian Yifei. It's really cowardly!"

After saying that, he patted his thigh fiercely.

Yan Rouer quickly stretched out her hand to hold the little marquis's hand.

"Bian Yifei's cousin..." Yan Rouer thought for a moment and was suddenly stunned.

"Can the marquis see what that cousin looks like?"

Yan Rouer knew that Yan Ji and their group had hidden the princess. If the marquis went to search today, Yan Ji must also be in it. She vaguely suspected that the identity of Bian Yifei's cousin was a little strange.

Baixuan, the little marquis, thought for a moment and said slowly, "His cousin is beautiful. She always feels very familiar. She feels that she has seen her somewhere, and it seems..."

"How does it seem?" Yan Rou'er was very anxious.

"It seems that there is something similar to your wife!" Only then did Bai Xuan say it all the time.

If it is the same as Yan Rouer thought, Yan Ji must have pretended to be Bian Yifei's sister, so it is.

"Marquis, the princess must have united with them to perform this good play today, which humiliated you!" Yan Rouer deliberately said the three words of humiliation very seriously.

Sure enough, Baixuan's face turned blue when he heard it.

"My lark sister has always liked Bian Yifei. No wonder she was bought by them. They hurt her, and she still helps them like this. My sister is also stupid..."

Yan Rouer shook her head, as if she was reasonable and virtuous.

"Marquis, don't be angry, women have always been infatuated, the princess, and me are the same..."

Baixuan was also a little moved when he saw his wife's affectionate appearance and hugged her.

But she didn't want to make Yan Rouer's body trembled slightly and sobbed.