The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 41 The tiger escaped from danger and entered the wolf's nest

Seeing Yan Ji coming, she quickly climbed over again with a broken bowl. "Madam, give me some. I haven't eaten for days. Please, please..."

Yan Ji took a closer look. The little girl was quite watery. How could she ask for food at such a young age? At first glance, she was a poor person!

"Mother, mother, save her, what a pity..."

Yan Ji took out a large ingot of silver from her purse and put it in her bowl.

A girl saw a large ingot of silver in the bowl, and her eyes were wide open. She had never seen such a large piece of silver and kowtowed excitedly.

"Thank you, madam, thank you..."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, little girl. How old are you? Where are your parents?"

Yan Ji hurriedly picked up the girl. She carefully observed the little girl and found that the little girl was quite beautiful, but her clothes were ragged and her faceless. It seemed that she had not been washed for a long time.

"That's right, why do you want to eat here?" Duoduo also scratched his little head curiously.

"My name is Tingting. My father is sick and is dying... Madam, with this money, I can buy medicine for my father. Can you go back with me? If Dad knows that you saved us, he will be very grateful to you!"

Yan Ji became interested as soon as she heard that her father was sick. She happened to know the medical skills, and she could still help the little girl's father.

However, Yan Ji wanted to promise Si Kou Xunxiang to go home for lunch. It was time now. If she didn't say hello, it was estimated that Si Kou Xunxiang would be worried.

"Madam, you go, you go... Please..." The little girl pulled Yan Ji's skirt and begged her.

"Mom, just go. Isn't this your specialty to see a doctor and save people?" Duoduo also persuaded him.

Forget it, just go. As a doctor, it is her natural duty to treat diseases and save people. As for Si Kou Xunxiang, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if she goes back later.

So he followed the little girl out of the city.

Passing by a place selling steamed buns, she took out silver and bought a few steamed buns.

Give the little girl two, and the little girl devoured it.

Yan Ji and Duoduo followed Tingting all the way out of the city.

"Tingting, where is your home? Why haven't you arrived yet?" Duoduo was panting as he spoke.

"My father and I live in a ruined temple outside the city! It's almost there!" The little girl was obviously a little tired, pointing to a broken temple not far away.

Yan Ji and Duoduo followed Tingting into the broken temple, but found that there was no one in the temple. In her confusion, suddenly many people in black appeared in front of her and surrounded her and Duoduo with swords.

"Tingting, you..."

Yan Ji looked at Tingting standing next to her and instantly understood that it was Tingting who deliberately attracted them here!

Since Zhan Lingze left Bian Yifei's house yesterday, he always felt that Duoduo was very similar to himself. Thinking of the night six years ago, he unconsciously came to the National Normal University again.

After arriving at the National Normal University, I found that the National Normal University was waiting for Yan Ji and Duoduo in the main hall.

I saw Si Kou Xunxiang stattering back and forth in the hall with a worried face.

As soon as he saw Zhan Lingze coming, his expression was a little relaxed. He hurried over and asked him, "Your Majesty, you can see Ji'er..."

When Zhan Lingze heard that Si Kou Xunxiang actually asked himself Yan Ji, what happened to Yan Ji?

"Master, how could I see Miss Yan when I came to you just now? Miss Yan, hasn't she always been in the national teacher's mansion?

Si Kou Xunxiang's eyes became more anxious. He just promised to let Yan Ji go out for a stroll in the market today, but he didn't expect that she hadn't come back until the afternoon. She had promised to come back for lunch before. So many things have just happened, how can people not worry about her?

"Oh, Ji'er and Duoduo went to the market and said they would come back at noon, but they haven't come back yet. I also sent someone out to look for it, but now there is no news..."

Si Kou Xunxiang stamped his feet and looked uneasy. Why didn't he go out with them today? It's really careless. If something happens to Ji'er, he will not forgive himself.

"Don't worry, I'm going to find Miss Yan and Duoduo..." Zhan Lingze has always felt that something was going to happen today, but he didn't expect it to be really related to Yan Ji.

Si Kou Xunxiang nodded, and he didn't dare to leave the house. In case Yan Ji came back, he was not there. Forget it. Zhan Lingze is quite good. Let him go out to look for it.

"Okay, Lord..." Zhan Lingze just soared into the air and disappeared.

In the suburbs, in the ruined temple.

"Mom, it seems that the situation is not good. What should I do?" Duoduo saw these masked people in black. He seemed to have seen these scenes in his dream. They all appeared with knives and swords. To be honest, they were really a little scared.

Yan Ji hurriedly hid Duoduo behind her and whispered to stand behind her and told him not to move. These people in black looked extraordinary. If she was alone, she would not be afraid. Now that there is a precious son present, she has to be worried at any time and protect him. After all, the sword is eyeless, and so Little child, have you ever seen such a scene?

I made a mistake. It seems that I don't bring much poison today, only one bottle, so I have to save some money.

Test them first to see what their purpose is.

"Who sent you and what do you want to do? If you rob the money, I will give it all to you. If it's not enough, I can let people give it to you..." Yan Ji negotiated with them in a hurry.

One of the black clothes finally said, "What's the matter? We want your life!"

With that, he picked up the knife and cut it over.

"Mom, be careful..."

Duoduo saw the knife slashing straight at his mother and shouted out in horror.

But the man fell to the ground in an instant, and seven holes bled to death.

Duoduo understood in an instant that he had smelled the faint smell of "step down".

The poison falls in one step. As the name implies, as long as the poison is sprinkled on any of the seven orifices, it will dissolve in an instant. The seven orifices are the same, and they will also act on each other. In less than one step, they will fall to the ground and bleed to death. It only takes a few seconds from poisoning to poison. Her mother carries this poison, but That's so wise.

The rest of the people in black had not reacted, but saw that the boss between them had fallen to the ground and died.

All of them stay in place and dare not move.

"She seems to have poison in her hand. Be careful..." Suddenly, there was a reminder to the people in black.

Yan Ji thought that there were a total of ten people in black. She had just solved one and nine, but the remaining poison could only be used by four people. Damn it, what can she do?

Just thinking about the strategy to deal with it, I suddenly felt that a man in black was ready to attack from behind her.

Da Damn it! She has her precious son Duoduo, who dares to hurt her. It's really lifeless.

Yan Ji turned around and bounced the hand poison into the nostrils of the man in black.

In an instant, the man in black also fell to the ground and died.

"Brothers, if you don't kill this woman, you will die when you go back. It's better to work hard here... Let's go together!"

Oh, my God, who the hell is this? Who in the capital wants to kill me? I have no grievances with people, but these people desperately want to kill me?

If these eight people come to cut her at the same time, she can't avoid even the immortals.

Fortunately, four of them rushed over, but the other four stood still and dared not move. Maybe four were afraid of death.

Sooner or later, Yan Ji hurriedly poured some of the powder in her hand into Duoduo's little hand and reminded him with her eyes.

When the four people came crazily with knives, they suddenly fell to the ground neatly.

It's still bloody and unbearable.

"Yeah...Victory!" Duo happily and cheered with Yan Ji.

Yan Ji knew that her smart son could succeed. It seems that it was particularly necessary to train him to identify the efficacy and usage of poison before. Isn't it used in an emergency?

Yan Ji deliberately continued to take a few steps forward and picked up the medicine bottle to make a swinging action.

The four masked people who were too scared to come over were so scared that they trembling when they saw the scene in front of them and hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"The heroine spares her life, the heroine spares her life, we don't dare anymore, dare not..."

"Haha..." The embarrassed appearance of these four people made Yan Ji and Duoduo laugh. Duoduo smiled directly and covered their stomachs. These people were too cowardly. Didn't they be particularly magical just now? Now they have become grandchildren. It's so funny!

Unprepared, a masked man suddenly took the opportunity to run out of the broken temple, and then the other three also ran away.

"Mother, why don't you chase them?"

Duoduo is a little curious. Such a bad guy should let her mother solve it all, so as not to harm others later.

Yan Ji shook her head, "Stupid Duoduo, this poison is gone. If I catch up with them, I can't beat them..."

"So that's it, my mother is smart!" Duoduo grinned and smiled, not looking at who it was. Of course, Duoduo's mother is smart!

Yan Ji looked at these people in black lying on the ground and felt uneasy. Although these people deserved to die, who instructed them to come? If she didn't know, they might have more trouble in the future.

Yan Ji suddenly felt that there was still movement and hurriedly became alert.

"Duoduo, come here... there are still people!" Yan Ji continued to hide Duoduo behind her and carefully bowed behind the broken temple Buddha statue.

It turned out to be Tingting just now!

Tingting hid there and trembled all over her body. After seeing Yan Ji and Duoduo, she was even more scared and shrank into a ball.

It seems that she saw all the scenes just now.

"Well, we did this to you, but you actually hurt me and my mother!"

Duoduo looked angry. Why didn't he expect this girl to be so bad?

The girl squatted there, just looking at Duoduo and Yan Ji in horror, as if the little sheep had seen the big gray wolf.

Yan Ji looked at the girl's poor appearance, but she couldn't afford to give birth. On the contrary, her maternal love began to overflow.

"Tingting, why did you do this?"