The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 44 My mother is saved, it's all my credit

"Now I just hope that Miss Yan can get better quickly... Duoduo should be able to identify medicinal materials and divide medicinal materials with Miss Yan since he was a child. He has a good understanding of pharmacological and the characteristics of medicinal materials. As long as he uses some effort, it will not be a problem."

Luan Yuchun is actually very confident in Duoduo. Although that little boy is playful, he is indeed smart and understanding. Yan Ji has cultivated him for so many years. Such strict training must be useful for him.

Duoduo in the room is at a loss at this time. As the name implies, it contains more than 20 kinds of herbs and medicinal herbs. He tried his best to smell the 17 kinds contained in the poison, but the remaining three can't smell them. What he used to do most is to identify the medicinal materials... The identification was also taught by his mother in the past few months, and he did not teach him to identify the specific herbs contained in the poison. He could only smell it and see it based on his own feelings.

It's really good to recognize this level now.

What should I do? What should I do? Duoduo is too useless. It hasn't been found for several hours. I just got a ticket from my uncles. If I can't find it, what should I do? Tears flowed down again after thinking about it.

What are the remaining three? He kept thinking about it, but there was no result at all.

Finally fell asleep. After all, I'm really too sleepy today. After walking with my mother for so long, I went to the temple and experienced thrilling things. No wonder I'm not tired.

Duoduo slept very sweetly and unconsciously snored.

His dream is very strange. There is no mother, no familiar person, but he is the only one. The scene he met is really beautiful, which makes him intoxicated.

A big bearded fairy suddenly asked him what he wanted. He said he wanted his mother's illness, but the bearded fairy shook his head and said that he could not satisfy him and could only let him go to a beautiful place.

So in a blink of an eye, he went to a ** garden. The ** in the garden was very fragrant, and the little butterfly kept flying. He ran and ran to find his mother, but he really couldn't find it.

Suddenly, he appeared on another mountain, bare on the mountain, but suddenly flew many dandelions. Dandelions floated in the air with a small umbrella. Duo stretched out to grab the dandelion, but he also flew with the dandelion.

Flying, he suddenly fell to a very hot place. The people in this place were constantly sweating. His mouth was dry. As he walked, he found that someone was drinking something in front of him, but these people were no longer hot and their whole body did not sweat. It was particularly magical. He approached and saw that the bowl was actually green. Bean soup.

Yes, **, mung beans and dandelions are just fire medicine, aren't they?

Duoduo suddenly woke up. Didn't the dream he just have was to tell him that ** mung beans and dandelion can be used as the antidote? Although the three herbs in the grass poison have not been found, they don't have to be found. Isn't the previous 17 Chinese herbs almost the same as the pharmacology? The pharmacological principle of fire injuring the liver makes people's whole body dry and hot, and the poison of dampness and heat. As long as you find some heat-clearing and detoxification as a drug inducing, isn't it okay?

Why are you so stupid? You have to have to guide this simple truth. I really don't know anything about it. I will live ten years less! Hit your little head more.

After knowing the pharmacologicals of the poison, it will be easy to do.

The next day, he prepared all the medicinal herbs and used the ** mung beans and dandelions he dreamed of that day as medicine and added several herbs with the same medicinal effects for research.

However, this antidote is not so easy to study. In addition to whether the effect is accurate and whether it is useful for the grass poison, he has to experiment with mice first.

He imagined that every time his mother experimented with mice, she had to catch the mice first, prayed and ask for their forgiveness, because if they wanted to experiment, they must be poisoned first, and then detoxified after poisoning. In case of failure, these little things will die.

However, my mother told me too much that these mice also died. They have contributed to the medical cause. The research of these poisons is to interpret or cure diseases for people. What they have done is a very glorious cause!

After Duoduo almost confirmed the ingredients of the medicine and made a preliminary antidote, he went around the National Normal University to find a mouse, but after looking for a long time, there were no mice in the garden, hall and attic.

I didn't expect a little mouse to defeat him!

In the evening, when he was at a loss, Zhan Lingze suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Uncle, why are you?"

As soon as he saw Zhan Lingze Duoduo, he suddenly came to his senses. It was Uncle Zhan who saved them that day. He had a good impression of this Uncle Zhan.

"Duoduo, how's your mother? Has your antidote been studied?"

Zhan Lingze had come during the day today. He knew that Yan Ji's condition was the same as yesterday, but he couldn't go to see her. He was still very worried, so he sneaked into the house at night to ask Duo Yanji about her situation.

"Uncle, she is soaking in ice water now. As long as she can maintain her body temperature, there is nothing to do for the time being. However, she can't soak for too long. If it is more than three days, her body will be soaked. In fact, I have done a good job of medicine, but... now there is a problem for me!" Duoduo shrugged his little head and was very disappointed.

Now I have made a good understanding medicine, but I dare not give it to my mother. What can I do?

Zhan Lingze is not good at communicating with people, especially children, but when he saw Duoduo's familiar face and cute expression, he felt very close. He didn't expect this child to be so powerful and made an antidote in a day, but what doubts does he have?

"Oh? So fast, it's only been a day... What's the problem with so many problems?

Duoduo sighed and slowly said, "I'm afraid that the antidote I made can't save my mother. If there is any problem, it will be worse if it makes my mother more serious. However, now I can't even find an experimental mouse. I dare not give it to my mother casually. What should I do... ..."

Duoduo's face is worried. He really doesn't have confidence in himself! Although the old fairy in the dream showed him to understand the medicine, after all, it was the first time he made the antidote by himself. If he didn't succeed, it would be over. His mother is still in a coma. What should he do?

It turned out that Duoduo was worried about this matter, but now Duoduo is not confident. As long as you find a little mouse and let Duoduo experiment, you can give Yan Ji poison after rest assured.

In fact, Zhan Lingze is very relieved for Duoduo. His son must be awesome, and the antidote of the research must be no problem!

"Wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go!" Zhan Luze suddenly turned around and jumped and disappeared into the dark night sky.

Huh, where are the people? Why is it missing?

Wow, Uncle Zhan is so awesome!

Duoduo was still praising Zhan Lingze's high skills, but he didn't expect that suddenly Zhan Lingze appeared again. It only takes a few minutes. It seems that Uncle Zhan will not be an immortal, will he?

And this time there is a small iron cage in my hand, and there is a little mouse in the iron cage!

"Wow... Uncle, how did you find it? It's amazing!" Duoduo exclaimed.

"Mouses generally like to look for food at night, of course, there are more in granaries and kitchens!" Zhan Luze popularized more knowledge.

Duoduo suddenly realized that he had just been looking for mice in the garden, but there was no delicious food in the garden. How could mice often go there? Uncle Zhan still knows a lot!

So Duo hurriedly experimented with poison for the mouse. After the mouse was poisoned, it also fainted and touched its body temperature, which was also very hot.

"Same as my mother's symptoms!" Duoduo took a look at Zhanlingze and suddenly felt that success was getting closer and closer to him.

Zhan Lingze is also looking forward to it.

After a while, Duoduo gave the antidote he had made to the mouse, but the mouse did not respond and continued to faint.

Zhan Lingze frowned, and Duoduo was also very nervous.

"Why is this?"

Duoduo also held his chin with his little hand and thought carefully about where his mistake appeared.

Suddenly, he flashed.

"Ah, stupid! I just gave the mouse too many poisons and too few antidotes. The two must be balanced and can't rush to see the effect!" Only then did Duo understand that he was really a big man, but he was in a hurry to give it a little antidote and see the effect. He was in a hurry to eat hot tofu.

"Then give it some!" Zhanlingze felt that this was not simple. If it was less, it would be better to get more.

Duoduo scratched his little head and looked at Zhan Lingze with embarrassment.

Then I gave some to the mouse and observed for a while. Sure enough, the mouse's eyes opened and waited for a while, and the mouse's body temperature slowly dropped.

"That's great, it's effective, it's effective, my mother is saved!" Duo was so excited that he was about to jump up.

"Then take it for your mother!"

Duoduo was just about to go out with the antidote, but suddenly felt something wrong and put it down again.

"Uncle, let's wait one more night. If the little mouse is fine tomorrow, we will use it for our mother!"

This kid is really smart. He just took the medicine to understand that it is effective and can't prove that there are no other side effects and sequelae. Let's do what he wants.

Zhan Lingze nodded. He felt that Duoduo was definitely his son, as smart and handsome as himself! He has never been so narcissistic, today is the first time.

"Okay, uncle will come back tomorrow... Go to bed early!" Zhan Lingze gave an instruction before leaving.

Then Zhan Lingze disappeared into the night, surrounded by endless tranquility!

Looking at Zhan Lingze's back, I felt that he was simply handsome. If I could have such a set of kung fu, I would have been able to protect my mother, and nothing today would happen. Yes, I must learn kung fu from Uncle Zhan when I have time in the future and let him be my teacher!

My mother is really blessed. So many people like her, Uncle Luan, Uncle Zhan, Uncle Guoshi, and even Uncle Bian want to chase his mother!