The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 47 Folk rumors, another wave

Ling County is indignant, as if she has always been the embodiment of justice, but she has always been frank. If she meets someone she doesn't like, she will whip and beat her directly, but she has never used poison.

"My mother is not a hero, she is a magic doctor!"

Duoduo suddenly came out and said such a sentence.

"Doctor, I pooh... The doctor won't poison others!"

Princess Lark has taken out the whip at her waist.

Yan Ji smiled contemptuously: "The reason why the magic doctor uses poison is to guard against vicious people like you. The cause of saving lives and helping the wounded is so great. If you let such a vicious woman beat the magic doctor to death, you can't continue to be a magic doctor!"

"Yes, my mother said it well. I have to poison people like you!" Duoduo is also stirring up a fire.

Princess Lark blushed and couldn't help it any longer. Yang Qi whipped up at Yan Ji.

Yan Ji took out a bottle of poison from her sleeve.

" Stop..."

Just as Yan Ji and Princess Bailing were ready to take action at the same time, Bian Yifei and Si Kou Xunxiang came over.

"What are you doing? It's not easy for both of them to be just right. Now it's okay, and you want to lie down **, don't you?

Bian Yifei stepped forward and grabbed the whip in the lark's hand and took away the poison in Yan Ji's hand.

Si Kou Xunxiang originally thought that Ji'er came back and he could finally reunite with her, but he didn't expect that the matter would have developed to such a point. His Ji'er's temperament has changed greatly, and he was injured by one thing. It was just almost over, but he was facing a bigger disaster, but now he can't tell her.

"Ji Er... have a good rest recently... If there is something important, tell housekeeper Liu that he must not leave the house..." After saying this sentence that made Yan Ji inexplicable, he turned around and left.

"Son Bian, what's wrong with the national teacher?" Yan Ji couldn't help being curious and asked.

However, he didn't expect that Bian Yifei's face suddenly turned pale.

"Don't ask. Brother, he's annoying. Don't go out recently. Brother is also for your safety. Your health hasn't recovered yet. The person who wanted to kill you last time will definitely not stop!"

After saying this, Bian Yifei was unwilling to talk to Yan Jiduo, so he took the princess's hand and left.

This has no end, which makes Yan Ji wonder what's going on. No, Bian Yifei and the national teacher absolutely have something to hide from themselves.

"Mom, in fact, I want to go out to play and stay at home all the time. I'm so bored!" Duoduo raised his head and acted coquettishly with Yan Ji.

Yan Ji remembered Si Kou Xunxiang's sad face just now, and she was also a little distressed. Forget it, don't bother him. Let's wait until she is completely recovered.

"Duoduo, good boy, my mother can't take you out yet. When my mother is ready, I will take you out to play!" Yan Ji lowered her body and stroked Duoduo's little head.

In the capital market.

I don't know where such news came from. In those years, Miss Yanfu escaped from pregnancy and ran away from marriage. Six years later, she returned to the capital and hid in the national master's mansion.

For a while, it spread all over the streets and alleys, and the matter of Yan Ji became a discussion after dinner.

Zhan Lingze walked into a teahouse he often went to. The storyteller in this teahouse is very good and often tells some very novel and interesting stories and jokes.

When he has nothing to do, he always likes to sit for a while and listen to some interesting stories to relax. But today, it was a little strange. As soon as he entered, he found that the teahouse was full today, and all the seats were absent.

What's more exaggerated is that everyone gathered around the table and listened carefully to the storyteller.

Zhan Lingze also came over and listened carefully.

"By the way... This young lady of the banquet seduced the national teacher, and later became pregnant before marriage, but unfortunately met the emperor to marry... But guess what?" The storyteller became mysterious when he said this.

Zhan Lingze's eyebrows frowned when he heard this. How could these things spread like this? Yan Ji seduced the national teacher?

Everyone held their breath and listened carefully. After listening to the storyteller's question, they relaxed.

Then came all kinds of speculation.

"Did she commit suicide because of shame?"

"No, no, I must go to the national teacher to find a way!"

"It's impossible. How can the national teacher do such a thing? The national teacher is a good man. How many good things have he done for the Flame Kingdom!"

"It's all said that the woman deliberately seduced her. No matter how good the national teacher is, he is a man, right, haha..."

Zhan Lingze clenched his fist, and a strong anger surged up in his heart, but he still suppressed it abruptly.

The storyteller shook his head and then slowly opened his mouth.

"She ran away at night... But six years later, that is, now, she suddenly came back!"

"Why did she come back?" The people around began to wonder.

The storyteller put away the fan in his hand and said softly, "Of course, she came back to ask the national teacher for an explanation... and take the children to recognize each other!"

"Yes, the child doesn't have a father yet. Of course, he is here to let the national teacher recognize his son."

"That means that this woman is still in the National Normal University?"


Zhan Lingze's blood all over his body surged up, and his heart was blocked fiercely.

Why did he say that about Yan Ji? Why did Yan Ji's whereabouts have been exposed?

When everyone dispersed, Zhan Lingze broke directly into the background and put a bright dagger on his neck.

"Answer me honestly, or don't blame my dagger for being ruthless!" Zhan Lingze's body exudes a Lingqi atmosphere, which makes people afraid.

The storyteller, a civilian, did not know Zhan Lingze, but was also intimidated by his momentum. He was already scared and quickly begged for mercy.

"The strong man spares his life, the strong man spares his life... If you want to ask anything, I will answer truthfully.

"Who told you to tell this story? Answer me honestly!" Zhan Luze brought the dagger closer to Mr. storyteller.

"...the strong man spares his life, spare his life. Now this story has spread all over the street, and even children know it, and I have heard what others say!"

Zhan Lingze suddenly picked up the dagger and stabbed at the storyteller.

"The strong man spares his life... The strong man spares his life... I said... I said..."

The man was so scared that his whole body trembled.

"If there is another nonsense, I will directly let you be a ghost!" Zhan Lize's eyes are boundless cold and deep.

"That man is a thick man with a veil. After saying this, he gave me some silver and left, but I really don't know him!"

The man was trembling and trembling, and really didn't lie anymore.

Zhan Lingze couldn't figure out who was harming Yan Ji.

"What are the characteristics of that person?" Zhan Luze was suspicious.

The storyteller recalled it for a while before he opened his mouth.

"Yes, when the man gave me the silver, I noticed that there was a black and red birthmark between his left arm... Yes, I remember correctly, it's true!" The storyteller's face was firm.

Looking at this storyteller, he was so scared that his soul was about to fall, and there was naturally nothing wrong with being so firm.

"If there is any lie, I will ask your family to bury you!"

Zhan Lingze said and disappeared backstage in a blink of an eye, and the storyteller still stood still in horror.

You can't think much about it. Zhan Lingze has entered the National Normal University with his own light skills.

Yan Ji was studying the poison in the room when she suddenly felt a rustling sound behind her and picked up the bottle of poison.

He suddenly turned around and saw Zhan Lingze.

"Why have you appeared in my room recently... I don't know if a woman's boudoir, a man can't enter casually!" Yan Ji was shocked by Zhan Luze's sudden appearance.

"Don't pay attention to those gossip!" Zhanling's eyes are still sad.

"What gossip? Make it clear!" Yan Ji suddenly felt strange. The man suddenly appeared and said something inexplicable to herself.

Zhan Lingze shook his head, then turned around and jumped up and disappeared in an instant.

Psycho, I ran away after saying one sentence. It's really idle! Yan Ji kept cursing in her heart.

"No, no... Auntie, no..." Tingting suddenly broke into the door.

Yan Ji's relaxed mood began to be nervous again. What's wrong with this? Why is everyone weird today?

"Auntie, today I went to the street to buy the medicinal materials you wanted, but I heard that your story was spreading everywhere on the street. From time to time, people came to watch and look inside the house. Now the master has also been taken away!" Tingting hurriedly told Yan Ji what she saw.

Hearing this, Yan Ji was even more confused. Looking at Tingting's tired and panting, she hurried to pour a cup of tea for Tingting.

"Tingting, don't worry, drink some water and talk slowly...what's going on?"

After drinking a big sip of water, Tingting hurriedly said, "Auntie, they said that you seduced the national teacher six years ago and got pregnant before marriage, and now you are coming back to settle accounts with the national teacher!"

What? Oh my God? Seductive national teacher? Accounts and recognition?

What is this and what? Why do people outside know that I'm back and that I'm still in the National Normal University?

Yan Ji suddenly felt a headache. Recently, these things have been so annoying that she can't breathe. This poison has just been resolved. Why did this happen again?

"You just said that the national teacher was taken away, and what's going on?" Yan Ji's eyes were even more frightened.

"The master was uploaded by the emperor..." Tingting told the truth.

Is it because of this that the national teacher was uploaded by the emperor? And Zhan Luze also came to see me just now. Is this what he just said? Yan Ji was shocked and suddenly understood.

No wonder his words are so strange!

Why am I so unlucky? Now even the national teacher is involved.

Although I really don't know the relationship between Yan Ji's real body and the national teacher, it is because he came back this time that he has caused so many things. No wonder he will be annoyed.

Is it really a mistake to come back this time?

In the palace.

The national master, Kou Xunxiang, walked into the imperial study. The emperor was originally reviewing the memorial, but saw him come and put down the memorial in his hand.

"I see the emperor..." Si Kou Xunxiang knelt down to the emperor.

"Get up, don't be polite!"

Si Kou Xunxiang just got up.

And the emperor picked up the teacup on the table, took a soft sip, and slowly opened his mouth.

"Has the national teacher heard some rumors from the people recently?"

As soon as Si Kou Xunxiang heard this, he completely understood what the emperor meant when he asked him to come.