The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 61 Pearing for mercy

Since you can't say it well, you have no choice! Anyway, I've packed up my things today, and I'm too tired to carry this plate on my back. I can't tell my father for nothing.

"I really have no choice, princess, this is not my decision. I hope you can understand!"

Bian Yifei looked at Princess Bailing playing a scoundrel. He was most afraid that others would be helpless for him. If it hadn't been for her sake, she would have turned against her long ago. Hey, who can't afford to provoke her?

But it doesn't make sense to this princess, and he really can't do anything about it.

So Bian Yifei also gave up. Anyway, he won't let her go. He might as well sit here and wait for him.

Half an hour later.

Si Kou Xunxiang's carriage has arrived at the back door of Bian Yifei Mansion.

Bian Yifei hurriedly took the pack he had packed last night and went out. Of course, Princess Bailing also followed him.

"Brother, why did you come so early?" Bian Yifei is very curious.

Si Kou Xunxiang lifted the curtain of the carriage.

A car of people came into sight. In addition to his brother, Yan Ji was holding the sleepy-eyed Duoduo, next to him was the King of Chang'an.

After Yan Ji saw Bian Yifei, she gently sent him a smile, and Bian Yifei also smiled back.

And when the lark saw Yanji and Duoduo in the carriage, she was even more unhappy. Obviously, Yanji could go. Why couldn't she go?

Si Kou Xunxiang replied lightly: "I'm afraid that the departure after dawn will be eye-catching. I'm afraid that it will take time to come to you, and it's not good at dawn, so it's an hour ahead of schedule..."

Well, it turns out that the senior brother is not worried about himself. Although he was very dazed no matter what he did in the past, he knew that this task was important, so he prepared everything last night.

Si Kou Xunxiang suddenly noticed the man behind him.

"Yifei, who is that?"

"She is..."

Before Si Kou Xunxiang finished speaking, Princess Bailing came forward.

"It's me. I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you?" At this time, the lark smiled as brightly as a flower.

Si Kou Xunxiang frowned slightly.

"Princess Lark, why is it you?"

"Brother Xun Xiang, Brother Yifei promised to take me with you!"

The lark is ready to get into the carriage.

However, Zhan Lingze, who was sitting on the carriage, stretched out his arm and blocked the entrance of the carriage.

"Your" The lark didn't expect that King Chang'an would also be against him.

Bian Yifei hurried to explain.

"Brother, I didn't... I didn't promise to take the princess with me!"

The lark was a little chilled to see that Bian Yifei was so cowardly when facing Si Kou Xunxiang. I thought he would help himself, but now he only listens to his brother.

After hesitating for a moment, she still decided to put down her princess's figure.

"Brother Xun Xiang, just take me with you!"

Because he was not familiar with the king of Chang'an, he was afraid to look at his cold face, so the lark begged Si Kou Xunxiang.

Si Kou Xunxiang shook his head.

"Princess, I really can't make the decision on this. It's all the emperor's will..."

With that, he signaled Bian Yi to fly into the carriage.

After Bian Yi flew up, the lark hurriedly followed him and tried to rush up, but was stopped by Zhan Lingze.

"Princess, please come back!"

Zhan Lingze shook his cold face and said expressionlessly.

"Why can she go?"

Princess Lark pointed to the banquet girl on the carriage and questioned loudly

Yan Ji was embarrassed by the finger of the lark, but she was not suitable to quarrel with the princess in the current situation, otherwise it would attract the attention of others, and Duoduo in her arms was still confused and did not wake up.

"Princess, it is the emperor's intention to let Miss Yan go!"

Si Kou Xunxiang said lightly, and then ordered the coachman to start.

The lark stayed in place and was stunned. Why, why did the emperor let her follow her? Why didn't Bian Yifei help him? They... did they all hate themselves so much?

She has been raised since she was a child. No one dares to resist herself, and no one dares to do this to herself. She is enough to be humble today, but the cold and ruthless faces of those people make her ashamed.

Thinking about this, tears unexpectedly slipped down. I don't know when she knew the taste of tears. In her impression, she hasn't cried much since she was a child. Since her mother's death, after she cried, she told herself to be strong, protect herself, and never let herself cry. Without her mother's care, she has to improve herself many times.

But since she was poisoned by Yan Ji last time, she couldn't help crying all over for so many days. Now, she can't help herself. Has she really become cowardly?

Bian Yifei felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere and lifted the curtain of the carriage. Although the carriage had gradually gone away, he clearly felt that the princess was crying.

There was a trace of uneasiness in my heart.

When tears flowed into her mouth, Princess Lark actually felt unprecedented bitterness.

She wants to go with them, not just to join the fun, but to be closer to her brother Yifei. Since she was ill, Bian Yifei has fed herself food with her mouth, and she has silently vowed in her heart that he will not marry.

And this time to subdue the mythical beast is even more dangerous. She didn't think too much, but just want to help him. Although she only has some tripod cat skills, as long as she can accompany him when he is lost, she is afraid of loneliness and her brother Yifei is afraid of loneliness.

However, she didn't expect that he was still so ruthless, but her heart had gone with him. What should she do?

It doesn't matter. Since they don't take themselves, they can do it themselves.

The capital is not far from the sea of fire. If you ride a horse overnight, it will take less than three days to get there. If you ride a horse, you should arrive earlier than they should. After all, they are carriages. If they are too fast, they will bump.

When they arrive and see themselves, they can't drive themselves back, and they don't go with them. This is not a violation of the emperor's order.

So she went into Bian Yifei's house again, asked the housekeeper for a fierce horse, and rushed to the distance with a whip.

In a quiet house.

"Master, the prince and the national master have set out for the sea of fire..."

A middle-aged man said to the screen behind the screen.

"I know... Do you know what to do?" The woman in the screen said lightly.

The middle-aged man raised his head and instantly understood the meaning.

"Master, I will observe secretly. If there is any situation, I will report it immediately!"

The woman was silent for a moment, but then said slowly.

"Not only that, you have to respond immediately and help them when necessary, but you can't reveal your identity and whereabouts at will until you have to!"

"Master, I understand..." After the man finished speaking, he disappeared like a gust of wind.

The Buddha beads in the woman's hand slowly rotated in her hand.

After the carriage walked out of the capital, the sky lit up. Yan Ji looked at the disappearing gate and suddenly felt relaxed.

In an instant, it was like escaping from a huge cage. In just a few days in this place of right and wrong, it made her so tired, but outside the city was full of birds and flowers, warm and free everywhere.

Zhan Lingze noticed a slight change in Yan Ji's expression, and it seemed that it was the right choice to bring her out together.

It's just that the carriage was indeed quiet for a long time, and even Bian Yifei, who had always spoken a lot, became silent.

Yan Ji understood everything when she looked at Bian Yifei's sullen appearance. Although he doesn't like the lark princess, he feels uncomfortable when he treats him like that. Bian Yifei is easy to be soft-hearted. From the last time he personally fed the princess with his mouth, he knew that he was not a ruthless person, and his mind was actually very delicate.

"Son Yifei, don't you let the princess go together for her safety?" Yan Ji comforted Bian Yifei.

Bian Yifei raised his head, smiled faintly, and hurriedly concealed his mood.

"Of course, what happened to the county? Isn't the old marquis going to kill me? I don't want her to follow her. In fact, I still think she is annoyed. How can she complete the plan to subdue the mythical beast with such a irritable princess around her?

Si Kou Xunxiang shook his head and his eyes became confused.

"I'm afraid she's disappointed in your brother this time!"

Bian Yifei's eyes gradually dimmed, and he knew that he had indeed hurt the Princess Bailing just now. After all, the princess has followed her for a long time. Although she can't accept her in her heart, she is still a little unaccustomed to such a dedicated admirer for a while.

Although she is domineering and capricious, to be honest, she is a pure and kind person, but she just can't express herself.

But how can he admit his lost mood?

"Isn't that better? Without this trouble, you will pester me all day long, and the days will be free!" Bian Yifei didn't seem to care at all.

But everyone saw the uneasiness in his expression, but no one wanted to expose him.

Peace has been restored in the carriage.

After a day in the carriage, everyone is exhausted. After all, who can not feel uncomfortable after sitting in this carriage for a day? However, seeing that it was dark, but he had not yet arrived at the nearest Burning Wind City, he tossing around several times and finally found an inn in the wilderness.

This inn is not as luxurious as in the city. It's just a few thatched houses, but at least it has a place to live.

Everyone got out of the carriage and walked towards the inn.

"Mom, why is it so stinky here?" When passing by the stable in the courtyard of the inn, Duoduo couldn't help covering his nose.

Indeed, looking into the stable, several horses' feces did not have time to deal with, so they emitted a stench.

Yan Ji pulled Duoduo forward quickly, and she couldn't stand the smell.

At this time, a second-like man came out of the inn, but the man's eyes were a little fierce. Zhanlingze saw the faint dagger hidden in the man's waist at a glance and frowned slightly.

"A few objective people, are you staying in the hotel?" Xiao Er hurried to meet them and went to the store.

But just as they reached the door, Sikou Xunxiang and Zhan Lingze, who were walking in front of them, suddenly stopped.