The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 74 Unexpected danger

Bian Yifei hesitated for a long time and looked up in the direction of Zhan Lingze and Si Kou Xunxiang. Obviously, they were a little tired, but those people did not know that they were tired at all and tried their best to fight with them.

Forget it, if you go there, you will definitely help them a lot.

"Then you must be careful. If anything happens, call us quickly!"

Although Bian Yifei is still a little worried, there is nothing he can do. If he doesn't rescue his brother, everyone will be in danger.

So Bian Yifei explained the coachman a few words and hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and ran to Si Kou Xun Xiang and Zhan Lingze.

When the four men in black saw that Bian Yifei also got out of the car, they approached the carriage more unscrupulously. They acted separately. Two attracted the attention of the coachman on one side of the carriage, and the other two quietly hid on the other side.

These four men in black obviously have higher skills than others, but several times the coachman did not seem to be their opponent. The coachman had a fight, but accidentally saw the other two men in black approaching the carriage.

"Girl Yan, be careful!" The coachman hurriedly reminded him, but he was cut down by the two men in black.

Yan Ji and Duoduo were shocked and didn't know what to do. Now the four people in black are ready to climb into the carriage.

What should I do? They were not next to. Yan Ji took out poison from her sleeve, but there was also a process of poisoning. They rushed at the same time. What should I do? Yan Ji was hesitating who to poison first, but unexpectedly Duoduo suddenly picked up a dagger with red gems from her waist.

Before Yan Ji could react, Duoduo had picked up the dagger and stabbed the horse's buttocks.

It seems that the dagger given by Uncle Zhan is very useful. There is nothing I can do. I can only fight to the death and be more ruthless.

He has never hurt any small animals with a knife, and there is really nothing he can do this time. If those bad guys get into the carriage, he and his mother will definitely be very dangerous.

Mars, horses, don't blame me...

The horse felt pain, frightened, and then ran forward as if crazy.

Before the four men in black could jump into the carriage, they watched the carriage run forward, so they hurriedly chased after it.

The horse seemed to be in excessive pain and couldn't control its direction, running straight to the cliff aside!

"Mom, you think I'm smart!" Duoduo looks proud.

But he didn't notice that the carriage was driving towards a dangerous place.

"It's over, there is a cliff in front of it, Duoduo..." Yan Ji hugged Duoduo tightly, and the two had lost their balance in the running carriage.

Zhan Lingze blinked his eyes and saw the speeding carriage.

It's not good. Yan Ji and Duoduo are still in the carriage.

So he didn't care much, jumped up and rushed to the direction of Yanji's carriage.

Seeing that Yan Ji's carriage was about to fall off the cliff, Zhan Lingze stretched out his hand and tightly pulled the back rail of the carriage.

However, due to the inertia of the frightened horse to move forward, he was pulled forward two steps.

Fortunately, the horse finally settled down, and perhaps it also realized the danger ahead.

"Uncle Zhan, save us, save us..."

Yan Ji is holding Duoduo and grasping the wooden edges and handles in the carriage at the same time.

Duoduo looked at Zhan Lingze with horror and expectation, and he knew that Uncle Zhan would come to save him and his mother.

At this time, a man in black had chased behind Zhan Lingze, and Zhan Lingze held the carriage with both hands and could not be guarded.

The sword of the man in black has been cut fiercely, piercing the skin of his back.

The pain immediately hit, but he did not dare to move at all, because if he moved, Yan Ji and Duoduo in the carriage would fall into the cliff and be smashed to pieces.

The man in black was about to cut down again, but Si Kou Xunxiang had already rushed to kill him with one shot.

Then Si Kou Xunxiang hurried to the front side of the carriage and stretched out his hand. Yan Ji asked Duoduo to carefully take Si Kou Xunxiang's hand and jump out first, and then jumped out.

Of course, Si Kou Xunxiang is protecting him, and naturally he will not fall into it.

At this time, Zhan Lingze slowly let go of the out-of-control carriage, and the horse flew into the cliff with the car, bottomless.

Blood stains fell from Zhan Lingze's clothes, and the white brocade clothes were also dyed red.

"Are you all right?" Yan Ji hurried forward.

"This little injury is nothing. Don't forget, I'm the king of Chang'an!"

Zhan Lingze is still extremely proud.

Those walking dead people in black attacked them again.

Zhan Lingze raised his Bitian sword and was ready to continue to fight with them. Si Kou Xunxiang and Bian Yifei also fought side by side with Zhan Lingze.

Yan Ji looked at those people in black, with dilated pupils and godless eyes. Obviously, they were dead people, but why did they attack with all their strength as if they were looking at Zhan Lingze and others as prey.

Is it due to some kind of external force?

Yan Ji noticed the impassioned song, which was just a battle song in the eyes of outsiders, but when the song stopped, the actions of these people in black seemed to be a little slower.

The man in black standing on the boulder, the flute, this song, these people in black have some connection.

Yes, is it the flute that controls these people in black?

"Master, don't fight. Come here. I have something to tell you!" Yan Ji hurriedly called the national master Si Kou Xunxiang to avoid frightening the snake. She could only secretly tell Si Kou Xunxiang first that Zhan Luze was still injured and did not disturb him.

Si Kou Xunxiang retreated to Yan Ji's side, and Yan Ji quietly said in her ear, "The sound of the flute can control the man in black!"

So Si Kou Xunxiang fought with those people in black again, but this time he moved the place and led the people in black closer to the flute player.

Those people in black have no idea, but just follow Si Kou Xunxiang, constantly attacking and fighting.

Si Kou Xunxiang suddenly took advantage of the attention of the man in black on the boulder, waved the gold and silver gun in his hand and shot him and knocked his flute to the ground.

The flute stopped, and the controlled people in black fell to the ground completely.

Si Kou Xunxiang competed with the man in black. Obviously, the man in black was also very powerful. He took more than ten moves before he was seriously injured by him.

"Withdraw..." The man in black suddenly threw down an ammunition, and the smoke rose in an instant.

When the smoke dissipated, he found that he had disappeared into the valley with the remaining three men in black.

Everything returned to tranquility, and the wail of birds came from the valley, as if it were just a dream.

"Brother, Lin Wei is dead..."

Bian Yifei ran to the coachman and felt his breath and found that he had lost his physical characteristics.

Si Kou Xunxiang stepped forward and sighed.

"Lin Wei has followed me for many years, and I don't want to die like this today..." Si Kou Xunxiang's face was full of regret.

Then he knelt down, made a kneeling salute to heaven and earth, and then gently held the carriage man's eyelids, put his hands together, and said a few super words.

Yan Ji stepped forward to pick up the jade flute and looked at it carefully, but found that the words on the flute did not look like the font of the Flame Kingdom.

"What is this?" Yan Ji walked to Bian Yifei and raised the flute full of curiosity.

"This seems to be the text of Venus! I have seen this font in my early years, but I don't know it!"

Bian Yifei saw at a glance that this was the text of Venus.

It's strange that the flutes of Venus, are these people from Venus?

"Do you have a problem with the people of Venus?" Yan Ji asked puzzledly.

"Venus has always had a territorial dispute with Flame, but how can we know the people of Venus? What's the matter with offending?" Zhan Luze's face was even more confused.

Yan Ji shook her head, which is strange. Since there is no festival, how could they come to kill us? Moreover, those people show that they are professionally trained martial arts masters, and the forces behind them must be very strong.

Yan Ji walked to the bodies of those people in black and wanted to get some clues from them.

She looked carefully, but found a small needle eye on their heads. Yan Ji recognized the ** oozing from the needle eye at a glance. She wiped the ** on the handkerchief, which was even more certain. This is really ecstasy, and it seems that she guessed well.

Just as she was sure that the flute was the tool to control these people, she expected that they might use ecstasy, as expected.

"Mother, I know these **, isn't it just ecstasy?" Duoduo also lay aside and recognized it.

"Are you lost?" The three men were surprised when they heard it.

The ecstasy can be confused and at the mercy of others, but they have all heard of it. Even if the three of them have profound skills, they have never seen it. They thought it was just a rumor, but they didn't want to be proved by Yan Ji.

"Yes, my mother studied this poison for a long time when she was in Mobei, and Duoduo recognized it at a glance!"

Duoduo was very excited, and he and his mother finally played their role.

"Is it because they are lost in this ecstasy that they will be immortal and be manipulated by others?"

Bian Yifei is obviously very curious about this poison.

"Yes... This man even conveyed the order to the flute sound and used the flute to control them! It turned out that I only knew that ecstasy had the effect of losing my mind, but I didn't know how the drug useers to control those poisoned people. Now I finally understand that they control their minds with the music made by musical instruments! It's not easy to be noticed, but also has a great effect!"

Yan Ji suddenly remembered the scene when she entered the palace with Luan Yuchun on the first day.

At that time, they went to Weiyang Palace to investigate the drowning death of the palace maid. At that time, the palace maid was also the poison. Are these people in black from the palace?

It makes no secret that someone in the palace has trained secret killers and organizations. Moreover, Zhan Luze is arrogant, and Si Kou Xunxiang is too excellent. It is normal for them to make enemies in the palace.

But what does the explanation for the emerald jade flute engraved with the font of Venus?