The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 125 Cold Envelope

"Yan Ji." Si Kou Xunxiang stood behind his back and said, "Do you really want to sit idly by?"

Yan Ji smiled and said, "Master, don't you think their behavior now is really ridiculous? First, they drove me to death, but now it's really ridiculous that they want me to save them. I'm afraid they didn't dream of it."

"Isn't it the same?" Si Kou Xunxiang stepped forward and said, "If you help solve this matter, maybe you can return to the banquet house smoothly and sit back to the banquet lady, and Duoduo will also have an open and righteous reputation."

Yan Ji blinked her eyes a few times, and that's right.

"So, you also think I should lend a helping hand to help them, not only to save Yan's second brother, but also to save the whole Yan family, but don't you think it's too cheap for them that I agree so easily?"

"There is a little bit." Si Kou Xunxiang shook his head playfully, "Yan Ji, if you have any completed and unfinished wishes, this is a good opportunity."

"Of course." Yan Ji sighed and said, "Isn't there a saying that there is no free lunch in the world? Believe me, my request must be accurate and cruel."

Yan Ji will never be soft on the big fat sheep of the wife of the Yan family.

"So what are you going to do?" Si Kou Xunxiang asked again, the opportunity was rare, "So I can remind you that your favor with the emperor should be more than enough to save three banquets."

"Well, I'm going to think about it."

Yan Ji walked out of the hall. Now her mind is full of how to bargain with Mrs. Yan, and she completely forgot her son who was kidnapped by Zhan Lengze.

However, Si Kou Xunxiang will also decide to go to Chang'an Palace.

The giant lantern was finally transported back to the Chang'an Palace by Ling Yun. He went crazy. It is estimated that even if Yan Ji stood in front of him, he did not respond at all.

Looking at his son standing in front of him, Zhan Lengze's heart is full of indescribable happiness. I don't know if this is fate.

He is an illegitimate child. As an adult, he kept a low profile. After a few years, he finally recognized his ancestors and returned to his family. Now he is his own son. Although this is the case in front of the emperor, he still can't openly tell Duoduo that he is his biological father.

Only by realizing your big plan one day earlier can Duoduo successfully recognize his ancestors and call his father openly.

"King Chang'an, I'm afraid you have been looking forward to such a scene for a long time." Si Kou Xunxiang suddenly appeared behind him.

Zhan Lengze hid the warmth in his eyes. When he turned around, his face was covered with a layer of frost again.

"Lord the National Master, if you don't leave the door, you have to sneak in like this. This should not be the style of the Lord of the National Master."

"Zhan Lengze." Sikou Xunxiang sighed and said, "I appreciate what you have done for Yan Ji, but this way can only help her go back to Yan's house. As for what will happen in the future, you don't have to worry about me to solve it."

Zhan Lengze could hear that Si Kou Xunxiang's words were a fierce warning, as if Yan Ji was really his woman.

Zhan's cold eyes turned to play in the yard, with a strong taste and a sense of declaration of war.

"Lord, Duoduo is my son. Even if I can't let her call me father openly now, there is no way to change our bone-blood relationship, and no one can break it."

"What did the Yan family do to my son? I want them to return ten times. As for what Yan Ji will do, I have given him that right to choose."

Si Kou Xunxiang is speechless. Indeed, the father-son relationship between Zhan Lengze and Duoduo is that he can't enter anyway.

Yan Ji stayed in the room with her legs crossed on the table, surrounded by scattered paper, which listed a lot of terms, but she was always dissatisfied with writing.

Of course, she wants to go back to Yan's house openly, but after going back, it will be endless trouble. This time, the old woman has been insulted. She will not avenge this revenge.

However, if you want to find out what happened on that night of death, you must do this. Besides, the purpose of coming back with your son is to return to the banquet house.

Even if you die in the future, you must enter the banquet ancestral hall openly and never be secretly thrown into the mass grave.

Yan Ji gently tapped the table with her finger, and all the inspiration in her mind popped out.

The result of the negotiation is nothing more than two, but Yan Ji is very clear whether it is really enough for them to negotiate. Now Mrs. Yan is coming to ask for herself, so the status between the two is inherently unequal.

"I won't sit idly by, but I won't let you get what you want so easily. Don't worry, how long and short the process is depends on how you treat my request."

Ling Yun quietly went to the National Normal University to check the situation and saw Yan Ji sitting alone in the room, as if she was thinking about something. Sure enough, the prince guessed that there was nothing wrong.

Just heard a cat call, and the window was smashed by something. Yan Ji stood up to the window and saw a note. As soon as she opened it, it was damned Zhan Lengze.

What on earth does he want to do? Yan Ji wanted to throw it away directly, but suddenly thought that her precious son was still in his hands.

"Oh, Duoduo." Yan Ji was annoyed, "How can I forget you?"

Above is the meeting place of a restaurant. Yan Ji was a little suspicious. Seeing that it was close to midnight, how could there be no closed restaurant and teahouse? However, Zhan Lengze came to find herself at this time. There must be something wrong.

Isn't it that you don't plan to leave your son? This is one of the most worrying things that Yanji is most worried about after announcing Duoduo's identity. If she hadn't wanted to solve the matter of the Yan family, I'm afraid she would have left here with her baby son.

When he arrived at the meeting place, only Ling Yun stood there alone, and Yan Ji immediately became angry.

What's the matter? Did Zhan Lengze, this bastard, play with me in the middle of the night?

Ling Yun came forward and said, "Miss Yan, you misunderstood. Our prince asked me to wait for you here specially."

It turned out that Zhan Lengze didn't want to see herself. Yan Ji's heart was much easier, but when she thought of her son, she still couldn't calm down.

"Duoduo, I want to see my son."

"Miss Yan, our prince is waiting for you in the carriage downstairs. If you have anything to say, please talk to the prince in person."

What, it's in the carriage downstairs, why do you have to come up by yourself?

"Ling Yun." Yan Ji patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't you think your prince really owes a lot? Anyway, that's what I think."

Ling Yun smiled miserably.

However, the reason why Zhan Lengze did this is that he wanted to prevent the second prince Luan Jingrong, and even the fourth prince and the sixth princes, Duoduo and his relationship with him became closer and closer, so he should be more seized by their weaknesses.

"What do you want? I still have something to do and I don't have time to play with you." Yan Ji is not polite at all, because for him, such a person does not need any politeness at all.

"The people at the banquet house came to you today, didn't they?" Zhan Lengze closed his eyes.

"Yes." Yan Ji answered very simply, because she was not surprised by Zhan Lengze's surveillance at all.

"This is the condition I offered for you." Zhan Lengze put the envelope in his hand in front of Yan Ji.

What does this mean? Yan Ji still doesn't understand what conditions are for herself, so he knows what Mrs. Yan has talked about with herself.

"Zhan Lengze, the matter of Yan Mingde is you."

"It's not me." Zhan Lengze interrupted her toughly before she finished speaking.

"Okay, you go."

Yan Ji also wanted to see what this cold-faced Yan Luo had written here, but she didn't expect to be swept out of the house.

"Good." Yan Ji put away the envelope and said rudely, "Hurry up and give me back my son so that Miss Ben will disappear from you as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

"Duoduo will live in Chang'an Palace these two days. When you solve the matter between you and the banquet house, then I will send him back."

"Why?" Yan Ji felt that this guy was obviously malicious. "That's my child, so you'd better return him to me as soon as possible."

"Yan Ji, remember that your enemies are omnipresive. Many of them are your weaknesses. I'm afraid that people in the capital know this. If you really don't want your son to have an accident, you'd better follow my arrangement."

Yan Ji suddenly understood why Zhan Lengze was so tough. He was protecting his son.

That's also right. If the old lady of the Yan family is forced, I'm afraid that it will definitely be a threat. At that time, she will not only be able to go back to the Yan family openly, but even threaten Duoduo's safety, even if Duoduo is smart.

"Zhan Lengze, I can promise to leave Duoduo there for the time being." Yan Ji looked at him and said word by word, "But what I want to tell you is that when my affairs are dealt with, you must return my son as soon as possible. As for anything else, don't even think about it."

Zhan Lengze closed her eyes and nodded. Yan Ji suddenly felt that she was a fool in front of him. How could such a thing happen?

Yan Ji has always been the most invincible smart person. Since she met Zhan Lengze, she didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, she felt that the mirror suddenly became much more stupid. He was cold to himself, and even a little ruthless to this person, which made Yan Ji hate him even more and hated him from her heart.

However, from this time's consideration, he is at least not ruthless to his son. He predicts everything in advance, arranges everything properly, and helps himself threaten the banquet family. If it is not Zhan Lengze, who else would it be?