The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 206 Father and son recognize each other

Deep in the bamboo forest, Baicao Garden.

Duoduo was collecting herbs in the yard. He never thought that there would be so many expensive medicinal herbs in such a secret valley, and the number was very amazing.

I ate a pink herb, which tasted sour and sweet, and delicious.

"Strange, what is this? I really haven't seen it. It seems to be more delicious than black plum meat."

Mu Wanqing and Mochou stood in the distance and quietly stared at him. Duoduo has been here for many days. For so many days, he has not cried or made trouble, and he has even reached the point of not thinking about Shu.

Mo Chou lowered his head and said, "Princess, yesterday, yesterday, the maidservant got the news that Yan Ji was given marriage. She seemed to disagree, and finally she was locked up by the Empress Dowager."

Mu Wanqing shook her head with a sneer. This must be the conspiracy of the old empress dowager and the sixth prince Luan Yuchun. Yan Ji's status is extraordinary. Now she must want to get married as soon as possible. In this way, the ice and snow country will really become the strong backing of Luan Yuchun, and the war for the throne has begun.

Mo Chou was silent for a long time and said, "Princess, after all, Yan Ji is Duo's biological mother, and the maidservant saw it. The prince is for Yan Ji."

"Okay, don't worry, Leng Ze is coming to us. Naturally, you will know what's going on then."

Mochou followed the princess's sight and saw Duoduo in the Baicao Garden. As for Yan Ji, the princess may still save her, but Duoduo, I'm afraid she will definitely stay by her side.

"Duoduo, come here." Mu Wanqing waved her hand and said.

Duoduo has tasted several kinds of herbs. The herbs here are indeed different from those outside. They taste very good, a little like the pear cream sugar they usually eat. It's really strange. You must take them back and study them.

Mother, if you have studied all these medicinal herbs, you can wait to cry and see what else you can do.

"More." Mu Wanqing looked at him.

"Nanny." Duoduo put a small medicine box on her back and jumped over. At this time, Mu Wanqing saw at a glance that the golden ring in Duoduo's hand was constantly shining, bright and dark.

It seems that Zhan Lengze is really coming, but he didn't expect it to be so early.

"Duoduo, what kind of herbs have you picked?" Mu Wanqing is different from the past charity.

Even Mochou feels that since Duoduo came, the princess's mood has really been much more cheerful.

"A lot, a lot." Duoduo nodded with satisfaction and said, "I really didn't expect that there would be so many medicinal herbs here. Grandma, can I come here often in the future?"

Mu Wanqing nodded: "Of course. You have to understand that grandma wants to keep you."

"Stay," Duoduo sighed and said, "I also like it very much, especially the medicinal herbs here, but I'm really a little worried about my mother. I haven't seen her for so many days, my mother will be very anxious, and if I'm not by his side, she will have no brain and will definitely get into trouble. , I'm really worried.

Mu Wanqing held his smiling face and said, "Why, are you worried about your mother, so you won't kiss your grandmother?"

Duoduo smiled. How can it be? Duoduo's favorite is grandma and mother, but you don't know yet. I grew up with my mother. I really can't live without him, and my mother can't live without Duoduo.

"What he said is correct."

"Uncle Zhan, Duoduo looked down the voice and found Zhan Lengze in white.


The father and son hugged tightly, which was really a little unexpected, but then he understood that if this boy could find here so quickly, he must have helped remove the five miles of clouds.

"Uncle, why did you come here?" Duoduo hugged him and asked happily.

Zhan Lengze held his son, whom he had not seen for many days, and his heart was very excited. For a moment, he was incoherent.

"Uncle, uncle, it's because...because it's too much..."

"Don't worry." Mu Wanqing stood up and said, "Take Duoduo out as soon as possible. I have something important to talk to the king of Chang'an."

Duoduo seemed to have smelled a strange smell, so he obediently followed Aunt Mochou and left, but Duoduo was very smart. Obviously, Uncle Zhan took him back.

But why didn't my mother come and did something happen?

In the courtyard, quiet.

The mother and son stood opposite each other, and Zhan Lengze knelt on the ground.


"Get up." Mu Wanqing wiped her body coldly. Such a cold way has never changed since she was a child.

"How did you come here? It's because of Duoduo's or that woman's business."

"Mother," Zhan Lengze bit his lip and said, "Yan Ji was forced to marry Luan Yuchun. I had no choice but to go to my father. As a result, my father asked me to take Duoduo back from my mother."

When Mu Wanqing heard the word father, she paused, turned her head, glared angrily, and slapped her hand fiercely, which was very loud.

"Do you know why I hit you and why I told him where I was."

Mu Wanqing has made a poisonous oath to the unintentional man and will never see each other again in this life. In those years, Zhan Lengze also vowed that he would never tell this place.

Now, he has broken this oath.

Zhan Lengze resisted the pain on his face and stood up firmly.

"Mother, you are too conceited."

This is an unprecedented tone. It has always been humble and forbearance, but now it is completely different.

Mu Wanqing shook her head with a cold smile: "Ok, I've really grown up. Now I don't pay attention to your biological mother. How dare you betray me for that woman."

"Mother." Zhan Lengze looked up and said, "Don't think everyone is so vicious, let alone as simple as your father thinks. Now I tell you, I haven't revealed your whereabouts. It's my father who asked me to come to you. In addition, I'm going to take my son away."

"He asked you to come to me." Mu Wanqing just felt ridiculous. For more than 20 years, he had lost himself for more than 20 years.

He doesn't come to find himself, but wants others to come over. What's his intention?

However, Mu Wanqing doesn't want to pester what happened 20 years ago. At present, his grandson Duoduo is his **.

"Now that you have seen it, let's go." Mu Wanqing said that she was about to turn around and walk away.

"Mother, I'm here to take Duoduo away."

"Take more away." Mu Wanqing turned around and smiled, "Zhan Lengze, do you know that you are his biological father now? I don't know."

"You have failed to such an extent that you don't let Duo know that you, Zhan Lengze, the king of Chang'an of the Flaming Kingdom, are the father of his wild child."

In the shadow, Duoduo's miserable voice sounded, and the golden ring in his hand burst out a golden dazzling light.

Zhan Lengze and Mu Wanqing had forgotten the tense relationship between them and hurried over to see Duoduo lying on the ground.

"Duoduo, Duoduo, what's wrong?" Zhan Lengze raised his head.

"Don't take much. You take him in first."

Duoduo was brought into the room, and Mo Chou stabbed the silver needle into Duoduo's skin.

"Princess, prince, Duoduo, Duoduo is poisoned. Presumably, when I was picking medicine in Baicaoyuan today, I accidentally ate several poisonous herbs."

Zhan Lengze has no time to blame anyone. For him, the most important thing now is to save his son, otherwise, he really can't explain to Yan Ji.

"Aunt Mochou, detoxify as soon as possible."

Mu Wanqing was silent for a moment, then gently walked to Duoduo's side and reached out to probe the child's pulse.

"Mother, I can save my son." Zhan Lengze said and helped Duoduo up.

"What are you doing? Do you think it's really okay to lose the spiritual power in your body to Duoduo?"

What can I do? Zhan Lengze has completely taken off his cold coat at this time, thinking about saving his son as soon as possible.

"Aunt Mochou, what are you still doing? Why don't you save Duoduo?" Zhan Lengze roared.

"Come here." Mu Wan said clearly, "You don't know what's wrong with your son at all. He actually accuses him randomly here. There is a seal in Duoduo's body, such as accidentally eating those poisonous weeds. The poison and the spiritual power in the body fight each other, forming two forces. Our outside world can no longer interfere. Otherwise, we will really want to More lives."

These two spiritual forces collide with each other, and maybe they can really untie the seal in Duoduo's body.

Mochou approached and said, "Princess, it seems that Duoduo is indeed the prince's biological son. Your last doubt has finally disappeared."

Mu Wanqing nodded. At the same age, she also ate poisonous grass by mistake. In those years, Zhan Lengze opened up the power in his body in this way, and now Duoduo should be the same.

"Wait at ease, your son, my grandson will be fine."

Zhan Lengze gently put down Duoduo and held his little hand tightly. He really didn't want to leave his son. Yan Ji was still waiting for their father and son to go back.

In the main hall, Mu Wanqing looked out of the window at night.

"Princes, the Empress Dowager did force Yan Ji to marry Luan Yuchun. The emperor can't do anything about this matter. Now he really let the prince come here to find you. I'm afraid he wants you to stop this marriage. After all, he most wants to inherit the Flame Kingdom

The person on the throne is the prince.

Mu Wanqing didn't say anything, but just stood fixedly. For him, this matter was not as simple as he thought. In addition to the two reasons why the emperor asked Zhan Lengze to come, there was also an explanation for Zhan Lengze.

Anyway, Yan Ji must marry, and what the emperor wants most is that Zhan Lengze can successfully marry Yan Ji home, which is the result he wants.

At the same time, it is also a compensation for Mu Wanqing's arrears for so many years. Their regret in those years can never happen to this generation again. Besides, Zhan Lengze really married Yan Ji, which added strength to the future competition for the throne.