God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 46 Donkey Kong Wheel Seal, Shocking Meat Futu

This is the first tantric handprint 'Big Kong wheel seal' practiced after the three unique skills of Bansu. The seemingly simple finger superposition is actually extremely difficult. In an in an eyes, the fingers trembled a thousand times according to the special law, which could not be more or less, otherwise the handprint could not be used successfully, and it did not seem to be able to stimulate the appearance of the Bodhisattva Dharma statue. In that way, it could not play the role of blessing cultivation.

The talent in martial arts is mediocre, but this is how the world is, blocking a door and opening a window. There are few geniuses who can master the seal in the Earth Star Federation, but they seem to have a wise heart and have mastered this seal in hard practice. This is also a kind of balance.

But he couldn't make his fingers tremble 2,000 times, 3,000 times or even more in an ass, so the energy of blessing was only enough for him to reach the level of a high-level monk. It's not that he doesn't want to use the seal with many vibrations. In fact, his current level of mind and physical control can't reach that height and can't complete the difficult fingerprints. However, it is also a good thing to triple the power.

The same thing is that the initial seal blessing time is only half an hour, and you can't waste a little time.

Just after the blessing, the wooden door sounded, and Du Huo, who was in a hurry, rushed into here. He hurriedly took out the guy's incident and put water to the convenient place.

The eyes narrowed up.

Meng merger did not follow, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You know, when Du Huo was outside, the masters and private soldiers around him were inseparable, and they couldn't find a chance to do it at all, so they had to risk sneak into the killer base and prepare to hit him unexpectedly. Sure enough, Du Huo waited for the opportunity to fall alone here, which had something to do with Zigi and the Indian martial arts system accurately grasped everything about Du Huo.

'Indian martial arts' gives a countdown: three, two, one.

This is the most relaxed period of time calculated by Yin Wu, which is fleeting and belongs to the most laziness of Du Huo's mental state. As a killer, the timing can be said to be accurate.

At the end of the countdown, start to act without any difference.

There was no movement. While the screen was removed, he performed light skills, rushed backwards on his head, down, and came to the top of Du Huo's head, which was 'playing water', and ran a finger meditation. He was stronger than King Kong's fingers, like a poisonous snake spitting letters. In an instant, he pointed to the Tianling cave on Du Huo's head. This is the most terrible dead hole. Not to mention that Du Huo is only a monk in the golden bone period, even the monks of heaven and earth can't stand this finger.

I was overjoyed and stimulated my internal strength, so I wanted to pierce Du Huo's skull.

At this moment, the crazy alarm of the Indian and military system resounded through the sea of knowledge. Red alert, red alert, magic heaven and earth-level spiritual illusion appears, and the host retreats quickly.

It was too late. A golden light gushed out from the Duhuo Tianling cover, and the soul was instantly attracted by this golden light.

I forgot where I was and who I was in an hour. The extremely horrible spiritual illusion has covered the soul of Banju's heart. At this time, the five senses and six senses are confused by this golden light. They can't even tell whether they are human or demons. The seal system can't find his soul and lose contact with him. Yinwu is not omnipotent. Soul can't be scanned even by Yinwu. The sea of knowledge is controlled by illusion. In fact, it doesn't take much time at all. In the sea of knowledge, the time and the flow speed of the outside world are different.

Between the ethereal, the hotel begins to experience the most dangerous moments.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate and kind..."

A Buddha sound suddenly sounded.

He came to his senses and was shocked. He turned around and couldn't help falling down.

An old monk with a peaceful face and golden light all over his body keeps emerging from his body, and an old monk with several colorful apertures hanging three feet in the back of his head. Under the light of Buddha, there is a place full of bliss.

Stay like a wooden chicken. It's too shocking and sudden. I never dreamed that I would meet the soul of a Taoist monk who never left after his death. How did you meet it? Oh, why can't I remember?

He was confused and infected by the compassion of the monk, and he was very happy in his heart.

Isn't this a dream? It is said that the soul can be cultivated alone.

I don't know where the sound of chanting came to the bottom of his heart and shocked his soul.

"If I smell..., I can break the evil miasma, eliminate ghosts and evil spirits..., suppress the nightmares..., the mandra flower..., endless infinite light, Amitabha..." ......

This holy monk's soul chants Buddhist scriptures in his mouth. The treasure is solemn, and the divine eyes are surrounded by golden light. From time to time, golden lotus springs from the ground to time. In a trance, Bodhisattva and Dharma protectors loom.

I was attracted to it, and I watched it intoxicatedly. Unconsciously, he sat cross-legged and put his hands together, looking like a devout Buddhist.

The golden light is scattered, the three long rays under the jaw of the bald monk move with the breeze, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes are filled with the Buddha's will to save all sentient beings.

"Your sins are deep and bloody, and you have planted evil causes. If you want to resolve this cause, you must convert to Buddha and devote yourself to Buddha. One day, your merits and virtues will be complete, your karma will not be touched, and you can be free of reincarnation. Will you?"

The holy monk's soul asked this indifferently and wanted to expel the murderous intention and evil miasma in his heart, which shows his compassionate Buddha heart.

"The disciple's fate is difficult to eliminate the evil cause, and he dares not convert to Buddhism with this dirty body. Thank you for the kindness of the holy monk." Bansu's eyes were clear and he said slowly.

"Good and good, all laws are like dream bubbles, like dew and electricity. As such, all sentient beings need to open their eyes and not look at each other!"

The last word spit out the monk's mouth and turned into a long Buddha's diamond pestle in the air, like a mountain pressing the top, knocking down on the heavenly spirit.

I can't avoid it at all. I only feel the loud noise in my brain, the sky and the earth are turning upside down, giving birth to many wonderful images of the sun, moon and stars, and a trace of enlightenment rises in my heart: this is the supreme method of drinking the Buddha, which makes people suddenly open and enlightened. This kind of * door and Taoist enlightenment * have the same wonderfulness, which can wash the body and mind, strengthen the will, and is one of the ultimate means of improvement.

For a while, I had the joy of meeting a great opportunity. I felt comfortable and felt the legendary ease.

In a trance, a flash of lightning came from the sky, and the feeling of comfort suddenly dissipated, and only the chill was left.

At this time, he was in a state of soul turbulence. There was a tearing sound in the eyebrows of the 'Three King Kong Bodhisattva' in the sea, and a erect eye suddenly appeared in the eyebrows of the Bodhisattva. The lightning acting on the soul of the host was cut out from then on. This is the heavenly eyes of Buddhism. The third Vajra Bodhisattva' opened his eyes. At this time, he had a spiritual connection with this Bodhisattva, because it was a statue of a Bodhisattva with his fingerprints. In disguise, it is equivalent to opening the eyes of the sky.

As soon as the eyes of the sky opened, they had insight into the underworld and reached the depths of the soul. The audience was full of joy, anger, sorrow and joy, as clear as the tattoo on the palm of his hand.

Bangsu was shocked, and he was even more shocked when he looked at the holy monk who wanted to guide him.

Under the eyes of heaven, the evil charm is full of evil.

The holy monk of Mao? The monk's form changed greatly in his eyes, and the aperture of meritoriousness behind his head disappeared. He had a big black face on his big bald head. In his beak, his big mouth was like a blood basin, his eyes were fierce, and his blood-red color on his body was shocking.

Invisibly, it is known that this blood red should be the evil spirit generated by the wild, that is to say, this man is not a good way.

The heart of thesu su is cold. Just a change of mind, I guessed that the evil monk had bad intentions. It doesn't mean a little maze. It's more likely that this man wants a 'meat slaughter'.

"Damn." He cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it. Knowing that it was the most dangerous time in his life, he did not dare to be careless. He seemed to respect the holy monk more and more, closed his eyes and followed the scriptures he knew.

The so-called meat slaughter is a practice term. Some masters have lost their bodies for various reasons, but their spiritual power is extremely strong, and they can compete with the power of reincarnation for a period of time. As long as they find an excellent body, they can practice again. With the original experience, as long as the physical talent is outstanding and the opportunity is better, it is easy to return to the peak and continue to explore the way of heaven. This is a forbidden skill. Generally speaking, no one dares to use it, because the probability of failure is very high, and the soul of the original owner must not have too strong resistance to succeed. Otherwise, the soul dissipation is not a joke.