God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 51 Heaven VS Pure Land

"Is this... the initial state of the Buddha in the palm of your hand?" Guan Jin knew a lot of goods and recognized what it was at a glance. No way, why is he hiding so deep? I know that this landlord is a master of Buddhism, but it is still a little nonsense to say that he has reached the realm of heaven and earth in the world of Dharma and understand the pure land of Buddhism. The crown owner is powerful, but he can't be so powerful, can he?

Guan Jinyin's eyebrows jumped several times and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, which was full of incredibleness.

"Huh? Corona, you are really impatient to use the forbidden technique regardless of life loss. The dean of Yinxu College sent a voice, and the three of Guan Jin shouted a secret cry of shame. In terms of eyesight, the dean is still more smart.

"Yin Ru, don't say any sarcastic words. My life is here. If you have the guts, you can take it now."

"It's just the pure land ability obtained by burning life with forbidden spells. How can I be my opponent who has tempered the heavenly court for hundreds of years? The crown, take your life."

With a violent shout, the huge palm covering the sky bursting with a blazing fire and shooting down the owner of the crown building that emits powerful fluctuations. The streamers were overflowing, and many Cherry City residents hid at home and secretly saw this amazing scene.

The maid Xiaolan stood behind Baiguo. Baiguo looked at this shocking visual scene through the embroidered window, and her mind was full of dizziness. Knowing that the monk is powerful, but he can be strong to this situation, Baiguo still feels incredible.

Bai Shi and Bai Tao are also watching this scene. Bai Shi's eyes are full of excitement. He is a martial arts idiot and dreams of having this ability. Bai Tao was already stupid. At this time, he didn't know what to say. He said inexplicably: If only he stayed here, this time must be motivating for him!

The white case's heart beat and suddenly frowned.

"The city owner's family asked for marriage and left without saying goodbye. A few months later, the city owner's family came to face a big disaster. Does this have anything to do with Bansu?" This is just a flash of inspiration, and it was soon ignored by the white case. No matter how you look at it, this most horrible battle in the world has nothing to do with low cultivation. The white case laughed at his own nonsense.

The seven-story pagoda was put into the palm of its hand, and with the palm of the hand, a large architectural complex landed.

Jinguang Ruicai, millions of heavenly soldiers will be displayed behind Nantianmen, Lingxiao Hall is magnificent, 36 heavenly palaces are presented in turn, and auspicious beasts fly. Seventy-two treasures are shining. The Jade Emperor, sitting in a dragon robe at the middle of the Holy Seat of Lingxiao Hall, lined up all kinds of immortals left and right. The saint shot two dozens of feet of thick golden light in his eyes, and the target was the owner of the crown.

It is comparable to the power of suppressing imprisonment with the arrival of the Heavenly Palace. Ordinary monks of heaven and earth have no resistance in the face of this * force. There are only two ways to fight. One is the same kind of spell, and the other is to break through Hongyu's peerless fighting power, which is the level of the martial arts emperor.

The law is in the same way, but the attack habits are difficult to change, and the focus of cultivation is destined to be different. The ability of Taoism and martial arts can be used, but the focus of cultivation is different, and the means are naturally high and low. There are really few monks who are used to martial arts fighting methods who can cultivate to the level of counterbalance.

The crown owner is not the holy emperor of martial arts. He majors in Buddhism, belongs to the genre of magic, and also applies to the field.

"Yin Ruins, step by step, I vow not to bow my head." The meridians of Yunmian are trembling rapidly all over. He knows how serious the consequences of using the forbidden art are, but he must not let the leader of the crown tower die. He must try his best.

With the inexplicable sound of the sutra, a thousand-foot-high and extremely vague Buddha appeared. He could not see his face clearly. He could only see the Buddha's whole body and sat on the throne. The only clear thing was the Buddha's hand. The palm of this hand is up, and the root mark is supported with one hand. Endless Buddha light gushed out from the palm of this hand, shining half of the sky.

Eight heavenly dragons rushed out of it, and 108 arhats rushed out with various weapons, driving Qingyun's Buddhist guardian Bodhisattvas together, and then a group of buildings illuminated by Buddha was released. The palace stretched endlessly, and it was absolutely a veritable Buddha country in the palm. However, the image of power and energy, which is still at the initial level, is far from the image of the Jade Emperor and all kinds of immortals in the heavenly court.

Even so, it made Guan Jin and other three chief judges change their color. Just now, this building mainly used this method. It is estimated that the other three chiefs are not enough. The crown tower shocks the world, and it is really not a fluke. They have real talent and learning.

The emperor's scale guards were stunned. The enemy was so strong that it was not a blessing for big merchants.

Dean Yinxu, who stared at the world, was surprised again and paid more attention to the crown owner. At the same time, he was angry that this kind of talent could not be returned to the big business. Every year, I don't know how many amazing people can't enter the right road of big merchants for such reasons. Dean Yin Xu, who has just left the customs, decided that he must personally check the general election of the college in September this year and can no longer let such a talent like the crown building owner go on the evil path.

"Good guy, crown, you have two beats, but you're not my opponent." With this sentence, the falling speed of the giant palm soared, but in the blink of an eye, the heavenly court collided with the pure land. Extremely strange, a sound did not come out. Obviously, the two peerless strong men control the field and will not hurt the innocent. Otherwise, whether Cherry City can continue to exist is a problem.

The owner of the crown is not a kind-hearted person, but if he dares to hurt the innocent in front of Yin Ruins, Yin Ruins will be furious, and the consequences are critical. This move can only be said to be the wise move of the crown landlord.

More than half of the buildings in the heavenly court collapsed, collapsed into energy flakes, and annihilated in the void. The three fingers of the energy giant hand were broken, leaving only two fingers and one palm.

And the pure land was miserable. Whether it was the Bodhisattva or the arhat, and the vague Buddha, they were annihilated by the impact.

In the pure competition, the ability of the crown owner is still inferior.

"Buddha and demon escape!" The crown owner shouted and roared, and his body was wrapped in golden light and rushed out like lightning.

The remaining part of the palm covering the sky accelerated.

The golden light was unparalleledly fast, and it penetrated out in the position where the palm of the hand was missing.

The crown owner won a game between life and death.

"Yin Ru, I hope you keep your promise." This sound echoed between heaven and earth, and the figure of the crown owner had long disappeared.

Guan Jin and a group of imperial guards looked at each other and couldn't believe it. In front of the dean Yinxu of the divine kingdom in the palm of the imperial envoy, the moon crown owner escaped. What did this say? How can it be possible? The dean, who has just come out of the retreat for a hundred years, obviously has a sharp increase in his ability. How can he escape from the crown owner?

"Sure enough, there are two times. It seems that you should die for the crown. Don't worry, I will naturally keep my promise. Everyone obeys their orders. Don't embarrass these five demons tonight. Starting in the morning, the whole empire will hunt down. There must be no mistake."

"I will obey the order of the president." Guan Jin and other three chief directors did not dare to neglect. Although they were unwilling, the words of the president of Yinxu were heavier than those of the emperor. His old man did not care about the court, but as long as he spoke, who dared not obey?

The 'Silver-browed tyrant' official Jin dares not disobey. It is said that the old dean was extremely murderous when he was young, and I don't know how many big enemies he killed in his life. Now he has a better temper, but he is still fierce inside. Don't you look at the death of 12 big demons of the Moon Crown Tower?

He stared fiercely at the evil stars of the imperial scale guard, and the power of the crown building for the rest of his life after the disaster flew separately in four directions with the flying magic weapon. No one chased them, and the dean said, even if the great merchant emperor had to do things, who dared to blow up?

There are only less than two hours to escape. These five people are very clear that the large-scale pursuit is about to begin at dawn. It's important to save your life. This is what the original poster pulled back desperately. Du Rou, a cold-blooded person, is also full of gratitude to the original poster. Although she took the light of the deputy landlord of Situ, Du Rou is not Du Huo, not a villain who will avenge her kindness.

"I am responsible for the matter of the crown owner. In this way, you return to the Holy Emperor, and I will take responsibility."

"I will obey the order of the dean." The three eunuchs landed and responded loudly, with the dean taking responsibility. To be honest, they put down their suspense. After all, the owner of the crown ran away, didn't he? If you pursue it, you can't escape if you lose your duty.

Dean Yinxu left silently. The three eunuchs commanded the end of the matter and under martial law in Cherry City.