God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 53 Little girl, I can save your life

Du Huo took a deep breath, slowly walked back to Sister Nan and stood down. He looked at the woman in front of him obscurely, counted his disgrace on Sister Nan, and thought about things such as pushing the woman down. His sinister thoughts in his heart were one after another, and his eyes were uncertain. Of course, the most urgent idea is to kill the killer, otherwise it is not enough to vent his anger.

"Sister, he is staring at you behind your back." Suddenly, the tip of the knife pointed to Du Huo and shouted this sentence.

Hmm? Nan Qilan turned his head and looked at Du Huo with a constipated face.

I was shocked and scolded the man for being shameless. Du Huo hurriedly squeezed out his smiling face and hurriedly distinguished: "Sister Nan. Don't listen to that boy sow discord. He is a mad dog biting people."

Who is the mad dog? When the people present testified, who just scolded a lot of unprecedented obscurity? The words insulting women come from the young master of the noble city owner. Who the hell is a mad dog?

"Du Huo is a mad dog." Everyone had this voice in their hearts, but they kept silent.

"Fad. You...!" Du Huo, who was about to continue to curse in the fryer, suddenly choked back and was almost choked to death. How can it be that he almost lost his mind by this person? Fry it in a frying pan to relieve your hatred.

"Du Huo, are you dissatisfied with me?" Nan Qilan asked coldly.

"Sister, don't listen to his quibbles. He absolutely has no good intentions towards you. Just now, he stared at your buttocks with pervert's eyes and swallowed saliva. I'm afraid that the world will add oil and vinegar. Although Du Huo has this idea, it is far from as unbearable.

"Fuck you!" Nan Qilan is about to be pissed off. He has never seen such a shameless thing. Can the word buttocks be used casually? Isn't there a description of buttocks? Uneducated things. Nan Qilan scolded the bastard in his heart.

"I don't know good people's hearts..., okay, I won't say it, I can swear that Du Huo definitely didn't look at you with good eyes."

After saying this, he looked at Du Huo in a demonstration.

Du Huo broke out in a cold sweat. Others swear to curse. If he doesn't dare to swear, won't he be honest with that man? But how dare a monk swear randomly? Du Huo knew that what the man said was true. Of course, he did not look at Nan Qilan with good eyes. The man's oath did not matter at all. Not to mention that he was about to die, even if he did not die, he would not find this oath in the future. But if you swear against your will, it is estimated that when you go through the heart demon in the future, you will peel off your skin if you don't die.

For a moment, I hated the sound of steel teeth. He blushed and opened his mouth several times, but he didn't dare to swear to prove that his evil thoughts were false.

"Cut!" All the killers couldn't help viling. Nan Qilan turned his head with a trace of expression. He looked at the man who was still in the mood to expose other people's evil deeds with a complicated expression, and his heart was full of incomprehension.

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Nanqi Lan asked suspiciously.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid. To tell you the truth, I'm still a little brother, and I don't even have a wife. It's really unfair to die like this." Bansu answered with a mouth full of nonsense.

Nan Qilan dared not ask. If this person's last wish before death is to turn over the rain with her and experience the beauty of women, he will be ashamed to death in front of many subordinates!

Take a deep breath and tell yourself not to be angry. Nan Qilan then asked, "How did you sneak in?"

With a smile, he knew that there must be something to ask if the other party had not ordered to take action. Well, this job is coming. However, why does this woman pay so much attention to this matter? As soon as his eyes turned, he suddenly thought of the reason.

He replied, "Is there a way to sneak in? Hey hey... Buddha said, you can't say it."

As soon as the corners of Nanqilan's mouth are picked up, he is about to do it.

Bansu immediately asked tentatively, "Is it possible that this is designed and built by my sister?"

The face is incredible. It's amazing for a girl to have such a high cultivation. If it is also designed by others, it is simply the difference between stubborn stone and jewelry.

What he was afraid of, Nan Qilan nodded slowly and recognized the matter.

Talent! Ban Su's eyes lit up and shouted secretly.

"My sister is really talented, and I admire her. In this way, I can't kill you for being so talented. Simply, you get out of the crown tower and hang out with my little brother."

What is this? All the killers felt that this man was crazy.

When I said this, it was really not a joke. His left eye has been staring at the constantly changing number in the lower left corner of the stereo vision, and the sound of the system rings from time to time.

"186 private soldiers were killed in the city owner's mansion, and the building was seriously damaged. Therefore, 167,000 merit points were deducted. The crown tower and the imperial scale guard were killed and injured heavily. Among them, 18 people were guilty, and the rest were mostly bloody people with hands. The host killed people with a knife, not by himself. There were not many merit rewards, a total of 178,000. The two are superimposed, and the host currently has a merit point 11008, which is the merit point of the cumulative addition and subtraction of the past.

Bansu has been waiting for 'Yinwu' to calculate the final result, and now he is furious. Nima, I have worked hard for a long time and tried my life. I thought that I had killed so many moon tower demons and contributed to the world. Why didn't I reward hundreds of millions of merit points? It turns out that this thing was not killed by yourself, and the reward will be reduced to such a low level. In addition, the private soldiers in the city owner's mansion were killed and injured heavily, and the buildings were destroyed. It was really dangerous to be detained so many merit points. If tens of thousands of points fell into a huge negative value, would it be directly erased by the system?

There is a lingering fear, which is no different from dancing on the tip of the knife. It's too scary.

The Yinwu system is worthy of being a god-level, and the automatic induction merit points are reduced and increased, which has nothing to do with its scanning function. And it can sense the host's fear.

"Don't be afraid of the host. Even if the negative value of the death limit is reached, the system will not immediately erase the host and will be given a year to fill the gap. After a year, he still can't make up for the deficit before he is erased. This is the opportunity for the host to live again. God has a good life and will always leave a glimmer of life. Therefore, the host doesn't have to worry about this. Seize the opportunity and will come back to life."

When I heard the words, I was relieved. Fortunately, it won't be erased on the spot. As long as there is a chance, you can struggle to come back.

"Yinwu, prepare 8000 merit points, I want to make a big move."

Bansu left more than 3,000 points. After preparing for this matter, he will upgrade his cultivation qualification to one level and use all the remaining gains.

This is the most secure way to reverse the war after the calculation of India and Wuhan. There is a cooling period for the enlarged move, which can be cast once in five hours, and the general night can only be desperate. Yinwu calculated that 10,000 merit points were needed to kill all the monks present in one move, but Bansu did not want to kill Nan Qilan, but only required to control Nan Qilan. The requirement for Meng He, Du Huo and others was to be seriously injured and powerless. After the system calculation, a consumption value of nearly 8,000 points was given, and Bansu directly used 8,000 merit points, which was heartbroken. How useful would it be to keep these 8,000 points? At this time, it's good to save my life.

There's nothing we can do about it. Who made things change? Du Huo would have been assassinated by him without the soul of the Buddha's evil monk, and he would have returned the same way without Meng He's knowledge. Then anonymously reported that the imperial scale guard surrounded this place and hummed... No one could escape. But at this time, it was completely out of the plan and could only sink the boat.

No matter how valuable the merit point is, it must be used.

There is no choice.

"Ready!" The system informs Bansu, and it is the time for Bansu outside to shout for the life of Nan Qilan.

"Do it!" Bansu suddenly shouted so loudly, which shocked the killers and confirmed that he was really crazy.

With this sentence, Nan Qilan, who was originally taken seriously, suddenly felt a cool air straight from the soles of his feet to the sky, and his hair was creepy. Even in the face of the city owner, he did not feel this way.

"not good". She shouted fiercely, shook her body, and attacked Bansu with knives in both hands. Meng He and other three male commanders reacted very quickly. With swords and knives, they rushed out behind Commander Nan.

Du Huo opened his eyes nervously and then screamed. Because he saw an incredible situation. He couldn't believe that the extraordinary killer turned into a trembling existence.

"This is not true!" He shouted, and the flying sword subconsciously attacked and killed.