God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 57 Bloody Shura

"Are you the remnant of the Ten-way Demon Gate? Why... come to me?" Du Huo barely calmed down and asked in a condensed voice.

"Damn, you have so many problems!" Banju is not happy. He hasn't asked yet. This boy asked the guest. Is that okay?

Bang! A big slap slapped Du Huo's left face, and the huge force knocked Du Huo out, and his cheekbones and nasal bones were all shattered.

"Devil, abuse the enemy who has lost his resistance, is this... what the descendants of the Ten-way Demon Gate did? You humiliate the Ten Squares." Meng He howled.

"Hey, you are quite energetic and care about your master. You are too busy to take care of yourself, and such loyalty, dog slaves, are also a good dog in the crown building."

"You...!" Meng He was furious and wanted to scold.

"Shut up and scold me again and throw you into the blood." It's a cold threat.

"Uh...!" Meng He's voice made a meaningless note, and he really didn't dare to curse anymore. He is not afraid of death, but being thrown into such disgusting blood is more frightening than death. On the other side, the corners of Nanqi's eyes were torn by breaking the acupuncture points, but they lay there and couldn't speak, and their eyes could almost eat people.

"Sister, I'll deal with you later. You can lie down for a while. I need to ask these two questions. See you later." Bansu greeted Nan Qilan. Without looking at Nan Qilan's horrible eyes, he pulled Meng He and walked to Du Huo, who was almost stunned. A big hand grabbed Du Huo's hair mercilessly, dragged them like a dog, and dragged them to the corner of the distant wall.

Boom! He threw the two into the corner like rubbish, which was far enough away from Nanqilan. It is notable to be heard and seen by Nan Qilan.

"Who are you... and why... against us?" Du Huo couldn't help it anymore. More than half of his teeth were blown away, and his mouth leaked.

Meng He also has this idea, and he wants to understand it.

"Yes, you really don't know who I am, do you? Well, let you understand that it's not my style to let people be confused. It's a bit of bullying. Bansu shook his head and said.

Puff! Meng He was so angry that he vomited blood.

Squatted down and summoned a lot of strange items from the universe bag in front of these two, including small mirrors and some messy gadgets, even girls' eyebrow pencils. He raised the mirror, ignored their puzzled eyes, and sketched casually on his face. After a few breaths, he slowly dropped the mirror covering his face, and a very familiar face of the two appeared in front of him.

Meng He and Du Huo suddenly opened their mouths and were shocked.

"You are... Bansu, and you are actually Bansu?"

Meng He said vaguely, and his eyes were like seeing a tyrannosaurus Rex turn into a beautiful woman.

Du Huo opened his swollen eyes and saw the man's appearance clearly. In an moment, the boundless fear drowned him. This man is exactly the guy they want to kill, and he appeared with this face at this time? Mother! Du Huo had the impulse to howl, but his cold face clearly told him that if he dared to howl, the other side would be slapped in the face. He dared not shout.

"That's right, I'm the one. I'm not afraid to tell you honestly that what you have done is clear to me, and the movement on the other side of the city lord's mansion is also caused by me informing the imperial guard. I'm very happy that you have died in the crown tower.

"B bastard, I... want to kill you." Meng He tried his best to stand up and kill the scourge with his head.

"Are you really confused or pretending to be confused? What have you done? Do you need me to repeat it for you? Bansu raised his foot and stepped on Meng He, who was ready to move, and said condescendingly like the judgment of the king of the king of death.

Du Huo's heart is cold, but he is still puzzled. How did this man figure out the truth? Also, does this person know why this happened? Does he know the role of white fruit? Du Huo's brain was in chaos.

Being trampled by Bansu, Meng He was honest and felt no different from being crushed by a high mountain.

"Now, I ask, and you two answer. If you don't answer, you will suffer." The simple knife has been put away. With this, he casually got a sharp dagger to play with. Since these guys mistakenly think that he is a person in the Ten-square Demon Gate, let them misunderstand it. Bansu knows that the Ten-square Demon Gate represents cruelty and ruthlessness, which was just used by him.

At first sight of the dagger in his hand, Du Huo shivered. He didn't think this person was joking. Joke, can normal people bathe with blood? This person not only did it, but also enjoyed it very much. He is an absolute pervert. Such a pervert can do anything, not to mention having a big hatred with himself.

Du Huo hated his aunt so much. If his aunt hadn't insisted on pursuing Baiguo, nothing would have happened today. As a result, even the city owner's mansion was taken advantage of by this boy, and this matter is the culprit.

Du Huo did a lot of evil and never regretted it, but today he understood the feelings of those poor people who died unjustly in his hands. Unfortunately, there is everything in the world, but there is no medicine for regret.

"I know most of your things. I know that Du Feng, the boss of Mi Xing, the city owner, and his sister Du Rou are all members of the Crown Building. You don't have to ask me how to know, and I have no obligation to explain it to you. But I also don't know, such as... Who is the spy in the White House? Who spread the story between me and Bai Guo? This man, you must tell me."

"Tell you, can you let us... live?" Du Huo didn't want to die, so he could only ask like this.

"Sorry, I can't. Since you know that I arranged this behind the scenes, you two must die. However, I can give you two a pleasure. If you gritt your teeth, I can only reach out and praise the hero, and then I will cut you two with a knife. I'm sure to cut 366 dollars, and I won't let you die before."

"Demon, Ling Chi's torture... How can you say it so easily? You are such a devil." Meng He scolded.

Peng! He stepped on Meng He's face, bent down, and a dagger was nailed to Meng He's left shoulder. Meng He wanted to kill a pig, but with his feet, he could only hold his throat and howling.

"I'm cruel? For the sake of your own selfish desires, you sent 13 killers to assassinate a person who had no grievances and no hatred in the past. Who is more cruel?

Peng's foot also trampled Du Huo and pointed to the man and scolded angrily, "You boy wants to take advantage of the royal spirit of Baiguo, and has been abducting people to the demons. Have you done less to commit adultery and destroy corpses? Compared with you, am I cruel? I know that the monks of the Crown Tower are highly loyal to the organization. I'm not forcing the secrets of the Crown Tower. The city's mansion has been flattened by the emperor's scales. It is estimated that Du Rou's sister and brother have also been killed. It's just such an irrelevant pawn, do you have the obligation to keep your mouth shut for him?

He pulled out the dagger from Meng He, slid Du Huo's face with the tip of blood, and asked fiercely, "Don't you say it?"

"Don't... do it, don't do it, you have a debt and a master. This thing... my father and aunt forced me to do it. I can't help it... It's reasonable. What's more, I respect the girl Baiguo, and I've never neglected it. You shouldn't come to me. I'm just... a poor person who can't help it."

"Hahaha, it's better than singing. It seems that if I don't give you something useful, don't you know Prince Ma's three eyes?" Bansu said coldly, and the dagger in his hand inserted into Du Huo's right leg, casually touched his dumb hole, twisted the handle, and Du Huo fainted in pain!

"Don't do it, devil... Don't torture people, I said... I'll tell you." Meng Heqi's heart is full of tearing, but no one dares to be tough on himself. Indeed, as he said, there is no need to make yourself suffer in order to protect a hidden son.

Meng He stammered out the name of the spy.

He looked at the words and confirmed that it was not a lie and frame-up. His heart was furious. He really didn't expect that the spy was..., alas! He thought to himself that Baifu is really not a fun place to go.

Du Huo was awakened by Bansu and happened to hear Meng He confess. When he saw Bansu's red eyes, he was shocked and shouted 'Don't kill me'.

It's late.

Bansu's dagger has gone deep into his throat, and Du Huo sprayed blood, staring at Bansu in disbelief.

As the dagger was pulled out, he crossed to the right and cut Meng He's neck.

Red blood all over the sky, and the two evil thieves went to Huangquan together.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host, breaking through the three * German mark." Yinwu sounded at the right time.