God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 81 Big trouble

'Sneer, sneer' two soft sounds, Dugu screamed and shook the sky, and his legs were thrown out. The disabled Dugu howled and fell to the ground, and his blood flowed violently.

As the sword landed, he got up in an instant and stabbed the man's throat.

"No, he is the young master of the Tenfang... Momen Qingmen."

The long Sun Qianhua, who was restrained and lay on the ground when he let go, broke through the seal of the dumb cave and roared.

Wo! The tip of the sword stopped at Dugu's heavy throat knot, and his eyes changed.

casually clicked the acupuncture point on Duguzhong's body to stop the bleeding and seal his dumb acupuncture point. Bansu didn't want to hear the man's screams.

He carried a bloody sword, slowly walked to a woman with a fpointed face, squatted down, looked at the beautiful mole at the corner of the woman's mouth, and his mind flashed.

"Is what you said true?" The tip of the sword fell on the woman's left breast. As long as she tried hard, she could send the sword into the woman's heart.

"This chivalrous man, this... is absolutely true." Changsun Qianhua hurriedly vowed to ensure the authenticity of the matter.

He frowned and became very angry.

"Your sister, the young master of the Ten-way Magic Gate Qingmen? That is to say, the owner of Qingmen is his master? Mother!" The scalp is blown up.

I don't know how many years the prestige of the Ten-way Demon Gate has been circulating in the practice world. It is said that as early as a long time ago, the Ten-square Demon Gate has been wiped out by the practice world.

Their skills are too vicious and sinister, and often need to sacrifice the lives and souls of creatures, which are not tolerated by heaven and earth. It is inevitable to be attacked by the group. However, it is undeniable that the masters in the ten magic gate are enough to defeat ten, and the killing power of magic power is the greatest, which is why the world is not allowed. After all, it has threatened the survival of all sects. Who can ignore it?

There are ten major branches of the Ten Square Magic Gate, which are named in various colors, such as Qingmen, Red Gate, Purple Gate, etc. Each door is good at different magic skills. In Qingmen, the soul refining magic skill is its strength. It specializes in sacrificing the souls of creatures. It uses the souls of creatures as nourishment and strengthens itself, which is more horrible than refining blood in Hongmen.

The combat effectiveness of Qingmen is also one of the top ten branches of the ten magic gates, and no one in the whole practice world wants to provoke. Although it has long been said that the Ten-way Demon Gate has become a esmoment of history, people feel that such a horrible sect will not really dissipate and will inevitably leave an inheritance. People are tacit about this.

These are just rumors. After so many years, the ten magic doors that once shocked the world have not appeared, and people no longer think about it.

You can't even dream of it. If you take action casually, you will provoke Qingmen? Qingmen is evil enough, and the technique of tonic must be one of the auxiliary means. In this way, the nun is also a part of Qingmen.

And the son of Duguwan, a well-known ocean fishing boss in the province, turned out to be the young master of Qingmen. That is to say, he is the heir of Qingmen? Damn, this is a big deal. If it is remembered by Qingmen, it will be more difficult than the crown tower.

The head buzzed, but in just a year, he got into the Qingshan Building, the Moon Tower and Qingmen one after another. In addition, the imperial scale guard is also looking for him. Isn't life so brilliant, okay? It's unbearable.

Zhu hesitated. According to the legend, the core disciples of the Demon Sect have a life mark in the hands of the master. Once they die, no matter how far away they are, the master can immediately sense and accurately locate the geographical location of the disciples who died.

Like the master of Qingmen, the flying weapon in his hand is estimated to be the best. Even if he rushes from the far north to the southwest, it is estimated that it will not take more than a cup of tea.

If you are nearby, you will come in the blink of an eye. In that way, even if you smash your hand * points to enlarge your moves, you may not be able to get the peak strong man, which is a terrorist giant with the same status as the crown owner. Bansu understands that if he kills Duguzhong at this time, the owner of Qingmen will come, and he will inevitably die.

"Girl, what's your name?" Bansu asked coldly.

"Little girl Sun Qianhua, a young man in Qingmen, an inconspicuous little role, sir, don't hurt others." As she spoke, the woman's face was full of fear, pitiful, but with an invisible attraction.

Generally speaking, a man will be bullied by the blood boiling at this time. As long as he can't control the evil thoughts in his heart and have a good time with this woman, he will definitely be sucked to death. This is a kind of extreme horror.

Bunsu seemed to be stunned. He looked at the woman's face and seemed to be attracted.

Changsun Qianhua seems to be more scared. Knight, don't look at others like this. It's terrible." With ** in the soft language, if you hadn't known the details of this woman, you would have been deceived.

"Nima, that's awesome!" Looking at the woman's performance, he pretended to be more fascinated and thought so in his heart.

He didn't hold the sword and seemed to grab the woman's chest uncontrollably.

Women are more afraid. Don't..., don't!" She shouted softly. It sounds more like an invitation.

On the other side, the bigben swept thousands of troops and threw his broken arms and limbs around.

Several Yangqi monks were seriously injured by Banmei's sharp claws piercing their chests. Big Ben followed him to pick up leaks, and several monks could be cut into pieces of meat with one sword. Kill all the way, and the corpses are everywhere.

The brown bear behind him went crazy and surrounded a group of hunters. Not afraid of knives and guns rushed forward, and the huge bear's paw smashed the hunters' heads. When Da Ben waved his sword and split the last Yangqi monk into two pieces, there was no fish that missed the net.

The beauty stood proudly on the big stupid head and hugged the golden retriever, and wanted to look up to the sky and roar. In a blink of an eye, I happened to see the situation where the cheap hand grabbed the girl's chest. All of a moment, he rushed to the top with anger and screamed, and was about to rush over to give a cruel heart.

But Bansu's hand stopped when it was about to touch the woman's chest. Ban Meimei was about to rush out and hurriedly braked.


The stupid head was scratched by four beautiful claws, and the red blood flowed. Screaming, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up. The huge sword fell to the ground and shocked a group of bloodthirsty giant bears. Seeing that Wang was bullied, he wanted to rush up, but how powerful was the little golden thing? Who didn't look at them?

I put up with it!

A group of big bears gathered behind the fallen king and squatted on the ground.

The eldest grandson Qianhua, who was secretly laughing and succeeding in treachery, suddenly opened his eyes wide, with beautiful apricot eyes, suspiciously looking at the young man who regained his eyes and full of teasing taste, and his heart was shocked.