God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 85 Undercover Mobilization

A canyon in the Caixia Mountains.

The metal surface of the fishing warship reflects cold iron light, and most of the ship is buried in the soil, revealing only a small half of its body. Ten thousand meters away from here, surrounded and stationed by imperial guard masters.

These masters are the elites who have experienced hundreds of battles in the imperial scale guard. They are fully armed in the soul period. More than half of them have flying magic weapons rationed by big merchants, and their mobility is at the top in the world.

All the imperial guard masters stationed here are excellent archers with strong metal bows and arrows made of special metals, which are amazingly lethal.

Even the power of the Dharma phase of heaven and earth can't withstand a round of shooting of hundreds of monks in the Dharma soul period. Unless they have the cultivation of the crown building owner, it is difficult to fight against the army composed of monks with their own ability.

This is also the reason why practitioners are unwilling to have conflicts with the country. No matter how strong their personal ability is, they will be at an absolute disadvantage in front of the state machine.

There are 13,000 imperial guards stationed here, among which hundreds of the power of Dharma heaven and earth are hidden. They are like king cobras hidden in a group of snakes. Once the snake teeth are exposed, they will spit out deadly poison.

The canyon where this fishing warship is located is currently the top priority of big merchants. It is monitored by special people around it and does not allow the leakage of any information.

This time, the imperial guard's secret work was very well. Under the cover of clearing the remnants of the escape after the war between Cherry City and the Moon Tower, he sent the imperial guard elites into the vicinity of Cherry City and secretly completed the task of guarding the warship canyon without causing any suspicion from the world. They don't know what the real purpose of the Great Merchant Dynasty was.

I know.

He also knows that this place has become a forbidden area. If the dying Dugu can be thrown into the area guarded by the imperial guard, then the horrible Qingmen master will lock this area when Dugu dies. In this way, the owner of Qingmen may be against the nervous imperial scale guard in the Caixia Mountains, so..., hehe...!

The house is ready to blame. The problem is that the imperial scale guard cannot be allowed to find his whereabouts.

In this regard, Bansu is a little angry. Are the masters of the imperial scale guards easy to fool? I'm afraid he will be found before he approaches the restricted area. Bansu doesn't think those bastards will be friendly to him.

What's more, he doesn't think that with his current ability, he can fight against the imperial scorps armed to the teeth. Don't put the blame, but put yourself in it. You don't want to do it like stealing chickens and rice.

He has no choice but to be stupid and beautiful. Beauty muttered her plans and concerns, and then Da Ben motioned to follow it. Bansu immediately understood that Da Ben had a way to approach the area unconsciously. After all, they grew up here, and there must be many secrets that others don't know.

Sure enough, Daben ordered the brown bear herd not to come out to another gathering place at will, lead the stay and stand against the beauty. Beauty came to a cave covered by a boulder and motioned to follow herself in.

He laughed. It seems that he can implement tunnel warfare tactics this time. Yes, the top is surrounded by heavy soldiers. If there is a naturally formed tunnel that goes directly to that area, you can unconsciously throw Dugu heavy there.

Looking at Da Ben carrying a giant sword, he was very happy. Although one of the big stupid arms is broken, it does not affect its movement.

In the cave, the big fool is familiar with the road, walking fast, and the hotel follows closely without falling behind. After walking for several hours, Bansu has been calculating the time and distance. It is very clear that it has entered the area, and the cave has tilted down. At this time, it is estimated that it is hundreds of meters underground in the canyon.

Big stupid and beautiful. The beautiful talent is extraordinary and night vision, and the cultivation is exquisite, and it can barely see things in the dark tunnel.

Bansu observed the underground passage with a diameter of two feet, marveled at the magic of nature and was also grateful for his good luck. Without the leadership of a natives like Daben, you will never find a hidden tunnel entrance.

What's more, there are several forks in this tunnel. It's not led by a well-inverted guy like Daben. How can we figure out where to lead to the underground of the canyon?

When he came to this position, he didn't move. He looked up and motioned him to tamper here.

It's so exciting to see his eyes run back and there on the big stupid head. Mei, looking at the half-dead loneliness on her back, she smiled coldly, pulled out the sword, and nailed it into the top.

Bansu once again became an excavator, but last time he dug from top to bottom, this time the position is the opposite. Da Ben pulled out the huge sword, and the two guys worked together to dig it desperately.

This place is located diagonally below the warship and will basically not be found by the imperial guard, because the imperial guard is far away from the warship to avoid attack.

I forgot that since the imperial guard can't get so close to the warship, why can he easily come to the bottom of the canyon without being hindered?

This is the fascination of the authorities. This tunnel passes through this canyon, but if it doesn't follow, Daben comes here by himself. If he is too close to the warship, it is estimated that laser cannons will hit down from top to bottom.

I can't think of so much at this time.

Big stupid and fateful excavation quickly opened up a vertical distance of hundreds of meters, facing up along the vertical tunnel wall, and opened the passage at the roots of a big tree.

Basu, stupid and beautiful. From then on, Mei got out and looked ahead, and the three of them were stunned.

The huge metal warship is dozens of meters away in front of them. The part exposed to the ground is the fish ridge. The metal scales on it are shining and ferocious. There are dozens of cylindrical metal bodies facing in all directions. Obviously, the warship is on alert.

He hid behind the towering trees and covered his body with the help of green vines and shrubs. Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, he seemed to be so familiar. Some memory fragments seemed to be pieced together. He knew that he was inextricably linked to the warship.

A slight smile makes the excited stupid and beautiful. Beauty paid attention to hiding, and Bansu threw out the disabled and fainted Duguzhong, used hard skills, and there was not much sound when he left it out. The warship did not respond and did not attack Duguzhong, which was naturally due to the reason.

The lonely meridians have been interrupted by the camp, and naturally they are ordinary people. Bansu had a chronic poison in his body, which was called 'corrosion powder'. An hour later, the poisoned man's skin and skin festered to death.

This life is cruel, born in the devil's door, and he is ruthless.

Complete the blame plan, Bansu and Daben with beauty. Beauty drilled back from the cave. While going down, they use the soil to cover the hole, so that the traces of their arrival will be covered, and no one can doubt them.