God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 96 Selling the Emperor

Opening the door of the council hall, Mobo led the two people to slowly walk in. The heavy door was tightly closed, and with a shout, an upside-down bowl-shaped shield was generated out of thin air, burning red flames on it, baking the air to a twisted and burning state in the rising, with amazing protection.

Mobo was worried and stimulated the defense array here. At this time, there were only three of them here. No one wanted to hear what they said except the parties involved.

Bansu casually took off the navy blue hat and put it away, revealing a angular face.

This image is exactly what he is. As his skills get higher and higher, and as the understanding of the Indian and martial arts system gradually deepens, Bansu doesn't want to hide his head and show up anymore. Let's use his true face. The worst is to dress up as others in times of crisis. So far, only Ben and Benmei are the most clearest about the secret of Bansu.

"What a tough man!" Seeing the original face of Bansu, Mo Bai sighed in his heart, but was shocked by the age of Bansu. Such a young man dares to play tricks in the imperial guard office. Even if Mumber is such a fierce man who is used to big scenes, he sincerely praises 'hard to get' at this time.

Run like a good example and take off the hat.

"Damn it, this guy's image is too powerful. If this boy is in the imperial capital, I don't know how many noble ladies and beautiful young women will be fascinated. The pupils are red. Which rich family's direct line is the red pupil? Isn't it the Pan family? No, his red pupil seems to have a purple ring around his pupil, which is not very similar to this person's.

Mo Bai turned hundreds of millions of ideas in his heart, and his face was silent. He politely invited the two to sit down and signaled them to enjoy the fragrant cakes on the table at will.

He sat down politely, but regardless of that, he directly brought the teapot. Anyway, it was all herbal tea. He drank wildly directly at the mouth of the pot. He took the plate and lifted it to the big mouth. With just a few bites, he swallowed the exquisite pastry into his stomach and muttered endlessly, "Why is it so small? It's really stingy."

My face is black, and I have never been so ashamed in my life. I regret coming here today with such an unpopular guy. It's embarrassing.

Mo Bai's eyes flashed, and there was a smile in it. Such a bold man made him feel good. The more reckless it is, the more it shows that its mind is simple, so that people with special blood are worth making friends. Just looking at this person's face, it is by no means a thing in the pool. Sooner or later, it will be famous in the world. Now is the right time to make friends.

Mo Bai smiled, waved his hand, and suddenly there were all kinds of cooked food on the table. Roast lamb legs, smoked beef, spicy beggar chicken...


Running like seeing a miser in a gold mine, the red pupil almost stared out. I suddenly felt a good impression on this person named Mobai.

What are you waiting for? This man roasted chicken with one hand and lamb leg in the other. He chewed his mouth full of oil and praised it as delicious. It seems that a delicious meal is enough to buy him and recognize him as his eldest brother.

The old lips trembled and wanted to beat this shameful thing, but at this time, the environment did not allow it, so he had to smile awkwardly at Mo Bai.

"Don't mind, Mo Qichang. Shedi has liked delicious food since he was a child. It's a good thing that his strength is infinite, but this appetite is like a bottomless hole. It's really speechless and funny."

"Your Excellency is joking, this is really a straightforward reflection of hero, and I appreciate it very much. There is nothing else in the imperial guard, and there is no shortage of delicious food. You two are welcome to visit at any time. I like to make friends with such a refreshing person.


The beauty standing on the shoulder of the run was not happy. The run cared to eat and forgot it. In the same way, its fierce claw stabbed into the running shoulder and roared in the demonstration.

"My...aunt!" Ban Ben howled, covered his bloody shoulders, and hurriedly sent the shiny roast sheep leg to the beautiful mouth of the old god sitting on his shoulder, and waited for him to eat half full. Only then ran like an angry little daughter-in-law to continue his crazy great cause.

Mobo was stunned and realized that this puppy was not as simple as a pet.

Feel Mo Bai's eyes, looked up beautifully and extremely unhappily, and his big eyes stared at the man fiercely.

Morber's heart thumped, and a feeling of extreme danger emerged, almost paralyzing him.

"Beautiful, don't mess around." Bansu secretly scolded in his heart and thought: Old boy, it's bad intentions to blow up Ban Run with sugar-coated shells, isn't it? Beautiful eyes are fierce. It's strange not to scare you, hahaha...

I feel comfortable.

The cold sweat unconsciously soaked his clothes. In an moment, Mobai felt as if he had been stared at by the demon king, which was creepy.

"This is by no means an ordinary puppy. What kind of monster is this?" Mo Bai didn't dare to look at it again. He turned his head and looked at him, and his heart was full of terrment.

Panic under strong pressure, he felt that the puppy had returned to normal. Mau Bai was secretly relieved and paid attention to the movement of the golden retriever puppy at the corners of his eyes. Somehow, he felt that the danger of this animal was comparable to that of the governor.

"It's really weird." Secretly slandered, Mo Bai stopped looking at the smiling man and asked slowly, "Your Excellency, this place is absolutely hidden. Who is you and why did you come here? You can talk to me in detail."

I don't care how to eat.

What do you want with these two living treasures? Is this to make several brothers, or do you ask the two gods back to offer? Bansu is speechless.

"Mo Qi is very polite. The boy's name is Bansu, and this is Shedi Ben. Our brothers have low cultivation and belong to the kind of nobody. They did not dare to bother here, but the family teacher has recently made a major breakthrough in refining. Together with my brothers, they want to do business with the big business orthodoxy, that is to say, if they want to do business with the big business royal family, this is also to contribute to the country and support the big business. This is the finished product. , Mo Qichang might as well take a look at the goods first.

Speaking this, Bansu wink at the people around him who ate Haisai. Ben was a little unhappy, but this was required by Bansu. He could only obey his orders, but his eyes were full of uneased look.

"Bun, obediently, this weapon is yours. No one will grab it, just show it to Mo Qichang and return it to you in a while!" Bansu's eyebrows continued to beat, and he could only coax like this.

The rigid demon has a period of brain domain change and expansion for several weeks. During this period, demons are easy to do more idiotic behaviors, which is a process that demons have to go through. At this time, the general run is really good enough. Although there is a good skin, this stupidity is really a headache.

Pout, reluctantly summoning the giant sword from the universe bag, holding it in his arms reluctantly. A miser's stingy look.

The seven orifices were smoking, and he couldn't help it any longer. He grabbed it and stuffed it into the strange-colored Mobai's hand.