God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 111 Covering the sky, millions of light years away

The flying sword has different forms, and everyone knows that the flying sword of well-known monks is exposed. Once exposed, the ghosts know that it is the silkworm, which is the culprit who destroyed the Liufu base. Isn't it not self-made? In this way, even if Du Huo's soft armor is to be refined again, he must find a trustworthy refiner master to take action.

This is another difficult problem. The power of the law is the world. In their eyes, titles and so on are worthless, and cultivation and power are the absolute truth. If you want them to keep their mouths shut, it is not enough to pay, but also need the force that makes them afraid.

At present, Bansu does not have the ability to deter the master of heaven and earth refiners. You know, the refiner is not a person. He shouted and can summon at least ten eight masters to help. Is it difficult to describe it if they are obedient and do not disclose information to the outside?

What's more, those refiners are all awesome people who look at people with their nostrils. If they have less money, they won't suck you. In the preliminary summary of miscellaneous studies given by Yinwu, there is no technology to refine war armor and soft armor. In this regard, you can only rely on others. After all, Yinwu is not omnipotent. The soft armor is far away.

His level is not enough, the next interface of the Indian and military system has never been lifted, and the flower finger has never been understood.

Bansu has been thinking about the seven stunts given by the system, which is obvious. Only when these seven stunts are small will the second step interface appear.

He is a little anxious. July 20 of the lunar calendar is the time to compare the local area of Yinxu College. He really wants to get in touch with the next unique learning of Yinwu before this time. If you want to continue to practice the seal deed, you also need to practice three unique skills again, otherwise, you are not qualified at all.

However, this is what happens in the world. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. If you don't have a chance, it's useless to worry.

Bansu didn't know much about the seal. When Yinwu woke up, Bansu asked this question.

The idea of Bansu is very simple. The power of the first seal he practiced is lower than that of the second seal. So why not just practice the second seal?

In this way, the energy of the blessing is directly four times, which is much more than the three times that of the Donkey wheel seal.

That is to say, according to the general understanding, there is no need to practice the first seal. In the same way, the seal behind is more powerful than the other. Then, it seems that you don't need to practice the most powerful seal in the front, which saves time and effort. Why not? If you continue to practice such a stupid way, how much time and energy will be wasted! The gains outweigh the losses.

Bansu is very puzzled. I can only seize the opportunity to ask Indobu about this problem.

In Wu was silent for a while and finally solved the puzzle.

There are 36 seals in the system, which are encountered in the early stage of the seal, but it is unclear that these seals can be superimposed on four, nine, 18 and 36.

That is to say, after practicing the four fingerprints, you can complete the four fingerprints in an immediately to form a new superimposed fingerprint. The power of this fingerprint is by no means cumulative calculation. At that time, you can naturally feel it.

It suddenly realized that fingerprints can be used alone or superimposed. No wonder he began to practice from the first King Kong wheel seal. The ultimate goal is estimated to be thirty-six superimposed big seals. What kind of power will that be?

If you just want to think about it, you can't help but be crazy. I guess it's indescribable to move mountains and reclaim the sea, right? That's the magic tool.

Inwu understood what Bansu thought, affirmed Bansu's idea, and revealed the name of the superimposed fingerprints in advance.

Four fingerprints are superimposed, called 'Rantian Big Seal'. Nine fingerprints are superimposed, called 'the big handprint', 18 are superimposed, and the 36 handprints are superimposed, and the final 36 handprints are superimposed, called 'big seals covering the sky'.

As the name implies, covering the heaven and earth. Just hearing this name, you can imagine what kind of power the ultimate 'big seal of the sky' will have. Even if you are just an extraordinary monk who successfully use the seal of covering the sky, it is estimated that the power can be tens of trillions of times in a straight line and will have the power of destroying the world.

Listening to the explanation of the system, the saliva of Bansu is about to fall. He fantasized about successfully casting a big seal covering the sky, killing the owner of the green shirt, knocking down the owner of the Qingmen Gate, and even making an awesome man like Dean Yin Xu bow down. For a moment, the blood of the beast boiled.

Then, Yinwu poured down a basin of cold water and drenched him inside and outside.

According to the Indian Armed Forces, in the past years of the Earth's Star Domain Federation, only 18 people have been able to fully grasp 36 basic seals. Among them, only four people can successfully superimpose the four seals. Only two people succeeded in superimposing nine seals.

And only one person has succeeded in superimposing the eighteen seals, who is the invincible god of war of the current Earth Star Federation and the current supreme commander of the Federation. He holds Qi Tian's big handprint and is invincible all over his plane. One person is enough to fight against a legion of tens of thousands of super warships, which is horrible like the creator of the world.

Even so, he still can't control the final big seal.

The talent of others is the legendary god-level. Beyond the peerless talent, they are born to be comparable to the power of this world. Such an unprecedented guy can't complete the big handprint. What kind of dream do they live here?

When I heard about this, I suddenly scurred.

"What's the big seal of dog hair? Unexpectedly, no one has practiced. Isn't this a player? Damn, I won't think about it." Bansu took back his fantasy thoughts. Practice honestly. It's a million light years away from that realm. It's easy to go crazy if you think too much.

"A down-to-earth progress is the right way, and you can't be so ambitious."

The lessons of Yinwu did not lose time, and the anger jumped straight.

I enjoy my stay every day. When I get up in the morning, I dress and wash under the service of several maids. When I eat and practice, there are people next to me. It's a very depraved life.

Nobles must have the rules of nobles, and maids and family diners are necessary. Banju are all hired people, paid a lot of wages, and usually have no aristocratic airs. The free maids and familymen in Cherry City are willing to work in Banfu.

The two marquises are not only powerful and easy-going. And only Bansu has a fiancee, and Ban Ben doesn't even have a good relationship.

These girls from civilian background dare not expect to be the wife of the main room, but if they are a little beautiful, it should not be a problem to be a side room, right? Being a concubine is the biggest reason why girls enter the house enthusiastically.