God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 131 Road Insurance

You can rob others of their trials. Yinxu College is perverted enough. Can a group of geniuses not feel thrilled? A team of up to five people, is it not allowed to fight?

In this way, who can guarantee that their five-person team will successfully survive ten days? How many things will happen in these ten days? The most important thing is that the location is the island in the Xueyue River. Isn't this head pinned to the belt?

"Quiet". Qiao Lang shouted, and everyone immediately stopped talking and dared not talk about it.

"Your concern is right. The Blood Moon River is the dividing line between the demon country and its own country. It belongs to the common zone between the two countries and is not controlled by either party.

The two countries stipulate that they cannot fly over the Blood Moon River unless necessary, and there is no pardon for violators. The blood moon river breeds fierce beasts. These fierce beasts are infinitely powerful. Although they are not shaped, they are more horrible than ordinary monsters. You should be careful when crossing the river in a small boat. Each person has a small boat, which is small and can be put into the storage device. I guess you all have a storage device, right? This is not a problem."

Seeing that everyone nodded together and obviously had storage tools, Qiao Lang was relieved. Yes, they are all geniuses. Local people will support them. It is just a trivial matter to gather storage tools. There should be storage tools that can't hold a small boat.

He continued: "As for five people riding a boat together or alone, it is your freedom, and we don't care.

After going to the island, we may encounter demons. We don't know whether the other party will choose to go to the island to practice at the same time. Once we meet, it will be life-threatening in those three areas.

I'm not afraid to tell you honestly that one-third of geniuses fall in this link every year. Whether you can come back safely is entirely up to you. However, if they can kill monsters, their bodies are the most effective natural resources and treasures, which is of great benefit to your cultivation. Not to mention anything else, the inner elixir alone can work at that time.

Bang's eyes suddenly lit up. He was not afraid of danger. He sought wealth and danger.

When Qiao Lang saw Bansu's reaction, he nodded secretly and then said, "The rewards buried on the island of Yinxu College are not allowed to be used at that time, because they will be used in the ranking later, but you can use the demons or monsters, and even the good things on the island. That is, to take risks.

It is strictly forbidden for monks to stay in the Xueyue River area. The great powers cross the river and are closely monitored by the two countries, but neither of you nor the demons care about the little guys who go to the river to practice. That is to say, if you lose your life in the bloody moon river, there is nothing we can do to rescue it.

Now, give you the last chance to quit and give up this experienced genius. You can choose to join the local assessment list. From the beginning, Yinxu College will not refuse you. Don't give up, give me the answer now."

It shows that the white-blooded moon river is dangerous, and ten tutors look at 1,000 geniuses with a solemn expression.

No one squeaked, and his expression was uncertain, but no one flinched.

Stepping on the road of practice, in the face of frequent things of life and death, retreat, not to mention that a record in Yinxu College is not good for the future, but to say that this face can't be lost. If you fight, how can you get something for nothing? You can only take risks to participate.

Quietly waited for ten breaths, and no one spoke. Qiao Lang and the nine tutors looked at each other and nodded slowly.

Indeed, if a monk looks ahead and is afraid of life and death, then there is something wrong with his mind. No matter how amazing the talent is, his future development will be limited. Even if it is improved from the local assessment, Yinxu College will still be included, but the allocation of resources must be taken into account. For geniuses, the loss is too great.

But it's too dangerous to venture to experience in the Blood Moon River. It depends on personal luck. Practice requires not only good qualifications, but also good luck. Without good luck, you will never become a big weapon.

"Okay, you are all backbone, and I am very relieved. At dawn tomorrow, we will gather in the square in front of the tower, and we will distribute you a map of the island with treasures and the boats used to cross the river. Today, you will look for an inn in this town for a night off.

There are many monks and demons here, and there are also many trade fairs that communicate with each other. You can go shopping and trade something useful for you. In this regard, the college will not interfere. Remember, there are robberies here from time to time. No one cares about this kind of thing. You should be careful. I don't want to lack many people tomorrow.

Now, let's break up."

It was very unexpected. I thought I was going to start immediately. It turned out that I was given more than half a day to adjust. On second thought, I understood that most of them are civilian geniuses. They are not well prepared. Give them some time, and maybe they can find good things in the city. In this way, Xueyuejiang will increase the life-saving rate during practice.

After the ten tutors finished speaking, the imperial envoy Shenglian left without staying for an extra time.

Everyone talked about it. At this time, Zhou Chu was attracted by tomorrow and had no time to take care of him. From afar, he measured a cross-arm throat-cutting gesture and led a group of followers to go down the tower first.

Bansu sneered secretly, curled his lips with disdain, and greeted a group of noble children, indicating that he formed a team with the people of the Ximen family. Those guys were very friendly and hugged Bansu to go down the tower with Ximen Qianqian and others.

In the square in front of the tower, Kang Dalong signaled from afar. The two were not too hot, so they had to signal with their eyes.

Kang Dalong's eyes stopped on the Ximen illusion that peeked at him.

The little girl bit her little lip, with a very brave and arrogant chest, and a good figure, not to mention, very interesting.

Kang Dalong smiled happily, and the smiling girl blushed. He happily walked away with a group of civilian geniuses. Ximen looked at it with illusion and color, and his heart beat so fast.

Look at it in your eyes and smile in your heart.

This time, Ximen Qianqian and Ximen Nan noticed, and Nan Qilan, who followed Ximen Huancai, also noticed it.

The general sent away a group of nobles' followers.

Nan Qilan grabbed Huancai's little hand and asked urgently, "Confesy true, Huancai sister, are you with...?"

"Oh, Sister Qilan, what are you talking about? What a mess? Besides, they ignore you." The little girl blushed and hurriedly stopped Nanqi Lan's words.

"Okay, don't say it, sister won't say it. I have met Feng Yuhou. I have seen you several times in the city master's mansion before. Today, I met here. Nanqilan is courteous.

"Sister Qilan, don't be too polite. Illusion often mentions you. When you were a child, you knew each other. I am very happy to have you at this party. Teacher Qiao Lang value you very much, and I envy you very much. If you don't mind, just call me sister Qianqian. My sister should be older than me."

"Okay, sister Qianqian, these two are...?"

The girls became familiar with each other, and Nan Qilan's eyes turned to Bansu and Ximennan.