God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 149 The Perfect Assassination Combination

The lightning fell to the shoulder, and the beauty modified the terms.

After agreeing to have a big meal according to its appetite once every three days, and giving it the egg tomorrow, the little thing is finally satisfied.

Well, this little guy has been thinking about the egg. It's also strange that he deliberately teased others. At this time, he hasn't taken it out yet, and he is not happy.

Mother! Banju wiped his cold sweat in the dark. It's too dangerous to let go and become a slave. Beautiful, you are so beautiful.

If you scold, you still have to do what to do.

Secretly murmured the handprint to start the spell. The fingers trembled accurately a thousand times in an in a second, and the fearless handprints were successfully displayed. In the sea of knowledge, the Bodhisattva of the King of Tibet appeared, and his eyes opened and the energy came. The cultivation of the accommodation reached the peak of the mortal state in an in an inn's moment.

Summon the blood droplets and the sword together, holding the sword in his right hand, the blood drops wrapped around the left arm, standing on the shoulder as beautiful, hiding, slowly approaching the high wall in the west under the cover of plants and shadows. This process is extremely careful to avoid being observed by killers hidden high.

Half an hour later, Bansu finally came to the edge of the high wall. Breathing luck secretly, the muscles of the whole body began to squirm silently. The back is attached to the high wall, and there is no movement. It is like a wall hanging thing. The gecko swims the wall with all its strength and comes to the top of the high wall.

He knew that the man hid behind the bunker here. This location was excellent. It could not be seen in the eye range of the remaining 12 killers, and there were castle buildings blocking the view.

The shadow is cast here, and the castle window does not face here, so naturally the situation cannot be observed here. Because of the angle problem, only this location does not have cross-sight monitoring. If you don't want to disturb others, you must solve the hidden hidden stakes here.

With the blessing of the fearless fingerprints, the emperor can harvest this person's head in an instant. The problem is that it is impossible not to make a sound. Don't use blood drops to fight closely, just get out of the peak. How can it be the opponent of the Dharma Soul Monk? This is also the reason why Bansu asked the United States for help.

The beauty that had been standing on the shoulder suddenly disappeared silently.

The night count secretly: "One, two, three!"

When shouting the word three, he turned his back upside down half afoot with this force. On his head and feet, he happened to see the beautiful claws stabbing in from the back of a killer in black.

The man was masked and only showed a pair of frightened eyes. The stabbed acupuncture point was the acupuncture point that controlled the central nervous system. He was paralyzed for a breath and could not make a sound or move. The sword in the killer's hand fell on the stone bricks on the top of the wall.

The hotel turned over this person and was condescending. He did not dare to delay. He rushed backwards and rushed down. The cold light flashed, and the sword blade had been pierced into the heavenly cave from then on.

At the same time, Ban Sufu turned over and landed firmly on the corridor. His two fingers stretched out like long eyes. Before the killer's sword touched the ground, his fingers were like iron pliers, firmly clamping the sword.

At the same time, reach out to hold the body that is about to hit the ground.

Put the sword silently on the brick surface of the corridor, pulled out the sword casually, and the red blood splashed, and the light and shadow flashed. The corpse and the sharp sword on the ground have been collected into the storage weapon.

The beauty can't move, falling on the shoulder, but the eyes are full of 'I did it well, praise me quickly'.

He smiled and stretched out his thumb to draw. The little guy jumped happily.

These two work together seamlessly.

Once again, the gecko skill stretched down along the inner wall, and the other 12 killers were not aware of it at all. It's safer to enter here. The killers pay attention to the outside of the wall. Who will pay attention to the back?

"I'll come back to clean you up later." He hated to look at the top of the wall, and the target was the female refiner. Before losing this woman, no one else was important. The killer of the Qingshan Building is quick to kill, but it is more important to configure the anti-sky pills to make up for the jade tripod.

After the improvement of comprehension, his cultivation is bound to improve rapidly. This is a premonition, so he is positive.

The world of practice is thrilling step by step, and the higher the cultivation, the better.

The blood droplets of Bansu's left hand began to prepare. With the smell of the mink tail, Bansu's eyes locked the window on the highest floor of the castle.

He knows that it is the source of the taste. What else is hesitating about? He used his gecko skills again and moved along the castle in the dead corner that the twelve killers could not notice.

The ancient castle, which is more than ten feet high, has climbed in less than ten breaths. The gecko's wall swimming skills are extremely secret, fluctuating, and the breath is not heard. Unlike the sound of breaking the light power, it is close to here like a silent ghost.

Bansu stared at the window paper pasted on the window, where there was a faint firelight. Obviously, candles were lit inside.

The host approached quietly, his fingers were stained with saliva, quietly opened a hole in the window paper, leaned over his eyes, and stared at the situation inside.


It's like a lightning flash in the brain, and Bansu almost lost control and fell down. He hurried to adjust his luck and secretly called 'Amitabha'.

facing the window, a perfect female body is rolling on the big bed with a strong body, occasionally revealing a suppressed moan. From time to time, the female body in the dim candlelight is wonderfully displayed in front of her, and these exciting blood almost burned. He was sure that the female correction with a flushed face holding the man tightly was the goal of the trip.

"Damn, a pair of dog men and women." Bansu scolded secretly, secretly recited the heartless curse in his heart, and hypothetated that the beauty would turn into a skeleton.

Sure enough, I looked in again, and there was no mood fluctuation. Looking at the exciting picture, I could maintain the dust-free state of the mirror.

When he secretly calculated the time and saw the man and woman twitching at the same time, he knew that the time had come.

No longer hesitated, he rushed up with a thump, raised his foot to the window and kicked it. With a click, the window frame was thrown away.

The loud noise shocked a pair of men and women. They all looked up at the camp that rushed in, with a frightened face.

The twelve killers on duty turned their heads and shouted badly.

The four magic soul peak monks who slept in another room reacted very quickly and rushed here.

It's late.

With a swirling roar and a smile of death, the blood drop has taken action.

The female trainee saw the image of the person and died for a moment.

The reaction was extremely fast, and he kicked away the man who was pressing on his delicate body. A golden flying sword had appeared in front of him and was about to attack him with his bare body. But the white light flashed in front of her, and the next moment, there was a sharp pain in her neck, and her mind stopped at this moment.

The cultivation of the house is enhanced by blood droplets, which can just deal with this woman. The blood droplet successfully cut off the woman's head. The headless body was red and bloody, and the speed was extremely fast. The blood drops closed one by one, and the head fell down. At the same time, it flew out again and covered the head of the male Xiu who rushed up with a waist knife. Just a drag and a pop, the male Xiu suddenly became a headless dead ghost.

There is a red ankle chain at the female repair ankle, and the general senses the fluctuation of light space. Knowing that this is the female repairman's storage magic weapon, the Tianyu tripod must be in it. Daxi quickly peeled it off, received it in his arms, and put the two bodies into the universe bag.

did not stop for a moment and went out of the dilapidated window.