God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 154 Flower Finger, Firefox Tail

The flower finger, which has never been able to understand the meaning, is integrated at this juncture of life and death. With the guidance of the projection of the Bodhisattva of the King of Tibet, he does not think about anything and has extreme self-confidence in his heart. As soon as the flower finger comes out, the demon charm that exudes terrible fluctuations must be captured like a soft flower on the branch.

Peng! He didn't have any idea. His figure has moved unbelievably to the demon. Before the demon made up his mind to attract the demon charm, the flower finger had accurately touched the demon's right wrist.

Puff! With a soft sound, red blood splashed, and under the flower's finger, a hand with long nails and a purple demon charm in it had flown up in the air.

"Impossible!" This demon's eyes are full of unbelief. The palm was detached, and the idea was blocked for a moment, and it could not be accurately transmitted to the rune. The demon reacted very quickly. He held a knife in his left hand and cut down to the close place.

At this time, Bansu's cultivation has just reached the golden bone with the power of blessing, and it can't compete with the close attack of the magic soul monster at all. Before the sword has arrived, the knife has firmly locked the Bansu. Once it is implemented, it will inevitably be dismembered.

Wo! The blood droplets flew out. It was so close that it didn't take time at all and had fallen on the demon's head. Ka, the head was cut off, and the night had slipped backwards out.

Wang! Red blood rushed up, and the sky was red.

The blood drop dragon waved its tail and turned its head in mid-air. While throwing away the inner head, it turned into lightning, covering the monster's head that had just been cut off.

Puff! This demon's head has been lost.

Bansu withdrew a few feet away, stretched out his hand, and fell into the palm of Bansu with the demon charm.

The state of the agreement with the King of Dizang collapsed.

Peng! Ban Su fell weakly into the grass, and his seven orifices kept spraying blood.

Beautiful beauty showed her little head and looked at it worriedly. She had wanted to do it for a long time, but Bansu never signaled. She saw the state of divine possession with her own eyes, and her heart was full of creep.

Bansu gasped and put the broken palm into the storage device together with the demon charm, and his face was full of blood.

He took off the mask, wiped the real face with a clean hand towel, cleaned the mask, swallowed two elixir, put on the mask, and then struggled to stand up. His body is shaking, but his eyes are full of excitement.

'Dingdong, congratulations on the host's seven unique skills. When the flower finger is started, it has the characteristics of instant speed, which is the extraordinary feature of the stunt. As long as there is no difference between two levels, you will definitely be able to win. The high requirements for the soul are extremely strict. The host can master seven unique skills in such a short time, and the system rewards 3000 merit points.

When the host's cultivation reaches the innate realm (golden bone period), the system will automatically update the interface and the air transport point will run. Please ask the host to practice hard. Because the host completed seven stunt cultivation tasks, the system made an exception and counted the host's merit points during this period in a semi-sleep state.

Statistics..., daily accumulation, 180. ... Kill 19 killers in the Qingshan Building and get 19,000 merit points... Kill five evil monks of the demon clan, successfully rescued the demon princess... and got the merit point 27821... On the basis of minus 1, the host has 50,000 merit points. The system is automatically set, 50,000 merit points can be used at any time, dormant..., dormant..., Dududu...'

After a series of statistical sounds, 'Yinwu' fell asleep again.

The hotel is in a petrochemical state, and then it is ecstatic.

"Wow hahaha, five * German points! I sent it, I sent it. What a unique trick is this? The trip to the Blood Moon River once again has another trick to save your life, haha!" Bansu was so happy that he didn't know the north, and he screamed at the unknown beauty, thinking that Bansu's hair was a sheep horn wind.

It's enough to toss around. Stop laughing wildly and quickly clean up the battlefield. The bones of the demon magic soul monks are so enjoyable.

Like a corpse madman, he tore up the dead body and made five demon elixirs with different colors.

This thing can help him hit the golden bone period after refining. He hasn't reached the Blood Moon River, and has harvested the elixir of the demon clan. Sister, don't be so awesome, okay?

Neidan needs to be refined. Of course, it cannot be absorbed at this time. It is not too late to enter the Xueyue River when it is free.

Bansu quickly put away the corpses and put away the blood drops and other things, which was only in front of Hu Jiao, who had been in a coma in the grass.

signaled that the beauty should not come out. She squatted down, looked at the pink and lovely beautiful face, and reached out uncontrollably and touched.

"Well, it's so slippery and elastic skin, really **!"

Conducting down, he took a look at the towering crisp chest position, and his mind was full of the idea of reaching out and grabbing it.

"Anyway, the pepper surface is in a coma at this time, and she doesn't know anything. It also saved her life. Isn't it too much to collect some interest?" He thought about it in his heart, and his eyes flashed. But in the end, he didn't do it. It was not his style to take advantage of people's danger, although he wanted to touch it.

The eyes turned to the big fiery red tail.

"Hey, the chest is a forbidden place for girls. It's not good to take advantage of people's danger, but can this cute big tail always be touched? What a smooth fur!"

Bansu couldn't bear it this time. He reached out and held his big tail and shivered all over.

"Tama is really comfortable, smoother than satin and warmer than the best skin."

Bansu suddenly understood the idea of the giant lizard king. Such a beautiful thing is really worth plundering.

He couldn't put down his love and touched Hu Jiao's tail, but he didn't notice that Hu Jiao's face quickly turned red.

The girl had the secret method of life-saving sealed by her mother. Only then, the secret method ran automatically, and the sealed acupuncture points had been untied. As soon as she woke up, she felt her tail being held in her hand and played with it. For a moment, she was angry and wanted to stand up and stimulate the sacred fire that had been kept.

"This taste is different from the five giant lizard mountain evil demons. This is the taste of human beings." The eldest girl half opened her eyes and saw a guy who was obsessed with his tail and was about to drool at the corners of his mouth.

"Your sister, isn't this...?" The pepper girl immediately recognized who this person was. Isn't it Ximen Shuanghan, who was cheated by her once? Why is this man here? Also, what about the five masters?

Pepper's mind turned around and suddenly understood that he must have been saved by this person. Otherwise, he was already on the stowaway ship of the Blood Moon River at this time. Once he fell into the hands of the Giant Lizard King, his innocence would be in security and his life would be worrying.

This girl has seven exquisite skills and figured it out as soon as she thought about it.

Although I don't understand how this man can solve the five demon masters, this woman, like Bansu, has a nature that must be rewarded. Her life is saved by others. What is it? Besides, he has been kissed by him.