God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 156 Square Heroes

At dawn, more than a thousand geniuses gathered in the Tower Square of Huachangling Town. It seems that the number of people has not decreased. In the past half a day, they have certainly not been idle. They can be lucky enough to improve their first-level cultivation, and others will not have bad luck. They have their own luck and can't envy them.

Bansu wore a mask and stood quietly in the center of the square as Ximen Shuanghan, surrounded by Ximen Qianqian, Ximen Huancai, South Qilan and Ximen South. On the outer layer, a large number of noble geniuses followed, forming a three-legged momentum with the other two gathered crowds.

I don't know if I have gained anything in the past half a day. I glanced at it without trace, and there was murder in my eyes. In the Weimo Hundred Machinery Building, he was forced to sell the Tianyu tripod, which did not lose the lord, but Zhou Chu's hatred for Ximen Shuanghan became deeper and deeper. Zhou Heng and the people around him did not pay attention to the Ximen family on the surface. In fact, their fierce eyes passed here from time to time.

He sneered secretly and didn't care about the Zhou family. Just walk into the Blood Moon River.

His cultivation has improved again, and he has harvested the jade tripod.

The blood droplets took action to catch up with the attack power of the primary level of the world.

The beauty in her arms persistently nibbles at the black egg, which is a protective god.

As long as you are promoted to the golden bone period, the Indian martial arts system is about to be upgraded.

Last night, he killed the evil one and harvested an ankle-like storage tool on the female refiner of the Qingshan Building. Three runes were harvested from the dragon claw killers in the green shirt building, and there were many flying swords and so on. Obviously, they don't have time to use the runes and stay cheaply.

Also, when rescuing the fox princess, he killed the giant lizard mountain demon monk, got five demon elixirs, and harvested a powerful demon charm. Not to mention the total value of 180 million business dollars on all the corpses harvested.

The female body of Qingshan Building has more than 1 billion gold votes. It seems that she must be a proud disciple of an elder who is profierating in Qingshan Building, otherwise, she can't have so many resources. Kill such a core disciple and leave a message called Qingshanlou, which makes the giant feel uncomfortable and happy.

The most important thing is that in addition to the huge material harvest, it has also accumulated as many as 50,000 merit points. What a joyful thing it is to wash away the shame of the negative merit points in one fell swoop and have the most terrible big move.

Finally, she got a sincere kiss from Hu Jiaomei, a beautiful and charming fox princess.

A series of huge harvests make the stay fluttering. Although he was scratched several times by the furious beauty again, he was in a better mood than ever before.

I felt great satisfaction and a little moved by the last kiss of the pepper girl. But Ximen Qianqian can't make a breakthrough here, not to mention the fox princess? You can only sigh and hide your beautiful memories.

Baiguo is my favorite, and I can't be sorry for the infatuated woman. A person who belongs to a famous grass owner wants to be romantic, but he can't get through the hurdle in his heart.

With endless thoughts in his heart, he looked at Kang Dalong, who was surrounded by civilian geniuses in the distance. Kang Dalong smiled and nodded, and his eyes inadvertently glanced through the Ximen illusion that secretly peeked at him. He grinned, revealing Buck's little white teeth. For a moment, he had a very evil charm.

Simon Miragei bit his little lip, and this time he was bolder, blinking his big eyes directly, and there was a certain meaning that could only be unspeakable. Kang Dalong nodded slowly, and Ximen Huancai blushed and appeared in his eyes with joy. He hurriedly turned his head to avoid Kang Dalong's fiery eyes.

Ximen Qianqian and Nan Qilan looked at each other secretly, and the two women shook their heads and smiled bitterly. This thing can't be stopped by the coconut wind.

The dawn lit up the world, ten holy lotus flew rapidly from the distance, and ten great figures of Yinxu College came together.

Qiao Lang, the ten-level tutor of the Sky Tower, looked at the geniuses standing neatly in the square with his gray eyes. His eyes were like electricity, and the number of people was clear in his mind. At first glance, the number of people was not much, and the stiff face showed a rare smile, and soon became invisible.

"Guys, you have chosen to practice, and there is no way back at this time. I ask you to do your best to find and protect the treasures and the sharp blades of heavenly materials and earth. Ten days later, bring them back safely. A large number of teams will receive additional rewards and pay attention to their own safety.

Also, reiterate the rules. You are only experienced. It is allowed to engage with each other, but you are not allowed to die. Whoever dares to disobey will be severely punished. I don't think you want to know how you will be punished. I promise you won't be comfortable.

On both sides of the Blood Moon River, the two countries have arranged large-scale arrays to guard, attack and investigate. Humans and demons are monitoring, so the energy is extremely disordered. Basically, you can't use large spells and extremely aggressive runes, otherwise, it will disturb the energy elements and cause the elements to counterattack, so try not to use energy means.

As a last resort, for example, when you encounter a demon monk's sudden attack and can't resist it, it's okay to trigger a large array of imprisonment to save your life. However, it will greatly delay your experience. The confinement time is very long, and the consequences are serious. Among other things, a large fine after the event is enough for you. We ate a pot. You can consider these things by yourself."

Qiao Lang said this, stopped to look at the resolute faces of the geniuses, and secretly praised. Then he said, "Each person distributes a small boat. This is the standard magic weapon of the college, which cannot be attacked or damaged. After that, it will be handed in and received in the storage magic weapon.

These boats have reserved mana means that can respond through space. It doesn't care about anything else. Once you are disabled to death when you are engaged in each other, they will react independently and pass through the general situation at that time to us. We will know who has committed the illegal poison. After coming back, it is definitely a nightmare for him.

This map shows the geographical location of the 116 islands closest to the flower field spirit in the Blood Moon River. You can leave the flower field spirit by yourself, go to the shore of the Blood Moon River, and choose the first island to go to.

Once again affirmed that flying weapons cannot be used within the Blood Moon River, otherwise, if you are attacked independently by the arrays on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, you will suffer. Do you understand that you don't need to use spell attacks and are easy to be imprisoned by disordered elements?

Qiao Lang skimmed it casually, and a milky white boat less than two meters long appeared in front of each person. There was a precise map in the boat, and then he said these words loudly.

The geniuses looked at each other. Only then did they understand why there were many restrictions in the Blood Moon River. It turned out that there were arrays along the two sides. Thinking about it, it is part of the national defense system. No wonder the law in the Blood Moon River has to be rules. Under the threat of the large arrays of the two countries, they have to be honest.