God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 171 Raw Stone on Luotian Island


The fog on the river dissipated as early as noon, and the river reflected the gorgeous light under the afterglow of the sunset. The sun tried so hard that it didn't want to sink in the west and desperately sprinkled the last ray of sunshine into the world, but it couldn't escape the fate of falling to the west. The night cage covers the fields, the moon hangs in the sky, the stars are shining, and the weather is good.

Banju opened his eyes and looked at the stars and moon from afar, smiling bitterly in his heart.

I promised Ximen Qianqian and others that they would definitely meet them in a few hours. However, the plan did not change quickly. They had a battle with the sailors of the Pan family. Although they unexpectedly killed the three direct descendants of the Pan family with blood droplets and strange light skills, they were hit hard!

If it hadn't been for the golden bell shield, and if it hadn't been for the small claws that popped out by the beauty and pulled open the arrows that shot at the heart and throat, would it have fallen in the first round of crossbows? I'm really not sure.

The army is really terrible.

This is all in my heart. Individual force is too weak to have an advantage in the face of group attacks. Today, the archers' queue can be broken through because of the limited space on the ship. If the archers are hundreds of meters away from each other, they will be shot to death without rushing close. It's lucky to rush out today.

Bansu only exposed his head, and his body was immersed in the blood-bone healing liquid. It was originally a bright red liquid, but now it has turned light red. It took a long time to heal the wound here, and it took him to fully recover in the evening.

The injury was unexpected. Dozens of arrows were hit on the body. These arrows were extremely penetrating, and the archer's cultivation was extraordinary. After shooting into the skin and flesh, the invisible gravity impact cracked the organs of Banju, and the internal injuries were extremely serious.

If he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, he would have seen that the situation was not good, stimulated light skills to escape, and used blood drops to deter the enemy from pursuing, he would not be unable to rush out of the siege, unless he used merit and virtue. But that move can be used, and it is best not to use it.

The hotel is located on a small island, which is not in the coordinates of the 176 islands. Obviously, this island named 'Luo Tian' has not been buried by Yinxu College.

Bansu withdrew his eyes and looked high in the sky, and rushed out of the pit dug by the sword.

This time, he used the blood bones of several Dharma soul monks to heal the injury. If it hadn't been for the method of blood and bone healing, it is estimated that even if the best elixir is used for treatment, it will take three days. How many things will be delayed? If you encounter a strong enemy in the middle, it will be dangerous.

At this time, Banju lost contact with Ximen Qianqian and others. After such a long time, there are more than 160 islands, and the time is only ten days. Thinking about it, Ximen Qianqian and others will not foolishly wait in the scheduled islands, otherwise, they will delay major events. If you rush there at this time, you may not be able to find them.

Although he is a little anxious, he is not worried. Ximen Qianqian and Nan Qilan are both Dharma soul monks, not to mention their skills, but also smart and witty. Especially Nan Qilan, who is the person in the crown building, is absolutely fierce enough. She is bound to protect the three people of the Ximen family. This is also the reason why Bansu can safely leave the team and go to Panjia to explore the smuggling ship alone.

On the bare body, blood kept flowing. He took out a clean towel to wipe his body, looked down at the scars left on his body, laughed at himself, put out a set of light green clothes, put on the mask, and turned into a gloomy and pale Ximen frost chill. .

The island is lush with plants and light green clothes, which can play a good role as a cover.

Running around in the woods and playing with the little animals rushed out with a beautiful voice. Looking at Bansu, he knew that he was all right. The little guy breathed a sigh of relief and drilled into the skirt of Bansu's clothes very familiarly. He turned out the egg fetus that he didn't forget to put in when he changed clothes in his sleeping bag.

Just get a piece, hold it in your arms and start to nibble. This little guy has developed the habit of doing this when he has nothing to do. It has a feeling that if this thing can be absorbed and refined, it will have great benefits.

That is, so far, this object has not been interested in it, and it is useless to worry about it. I guess it's useless to swallow dates. This intuition is so strong that the little guy has to insist on nibbling on this thing, hoping that the water droplets and stone will penetrate, which will automatically decompose, just like favoring the Ximen monster.

Move your body and take a deep breath. Since he knows that it is impossible for the people of Ximen to waste time waiting for him, he will not be in a hurry to go to the island where he plans to meet. Let's take a look first. This is in the bloody moon river. Who knows what will happen on any island? Maybe there are treasures.

Find a flat place and get some food. I haven't eaten for a day, and I need to supplement. Xiao Huandan has also eaten a lot. Although the effect is not as good as before, it is better than nothing. Da Huandan can indeed be configured, but it is extremely difficult to decompose and repair Tianyuding. It takes a long time, and there is no time to configure this thing at this time.

The island is not large in size. Looking at it from afar, you can faintly see the edge. After eating and drinking enough, and filling the belly of the beauty like a bottomless hole, these two carefully explored the island. You should know that good things will not appear in obvious places. Even if the monks have amazing eyesight, they have to explore them carefully, otherwise they will not encounter them at all.

Basu suddenly stopped, and Bomei also suddenly stopped. The two looked at the dark rock faintly exposed in the dense forest. Bansu and Mei Mei had a strange feeling in their hearts. This object didn't seem simple. Is this a raw stone that nurtures treasures?

It is said that many Pokémon are conceived in stones and will not be born until they are cut, which is of great benefit to monks. There are also rumors that many ancient magic soldiers have been sealed in stones, and I don't know what the powerful people thought at that time thought. In a word, strange stones are likely to appear.

A stone with treasures is qualified to be called a raw stone.

This one-tall stone in the dense forest gives these two people this strange feeling.

Bansu lowered his head and looked at the little things on the grass, and then, he was alert, separated the bushes in the way, and slowly approached the stones.

Generally speaking, there will be strong and fierce beasts around the naturally formed genius treasure. Although the hotel is not afraid, it is right to be vigilant and be prepared.

Bunmei · Mei was the first to get close to this thing, and Bansu followed. Along the way, not even a bird was shocked. Obviously, there was no fierce beast to guard here, and Bansu was a little discouraged. I guess this is an ordinary stone, otherwise how could there be no guardian beast? Snakes, giant tigers and so on should appear. If this thing is really magical.