God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 208 Beautiful Psycho

After a while, he was hit with four or five bows on his body.

Sheng Liuli held her little face in her hands, looked at her masterpiece, and jumped happily. Then... Her face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head shyly, and her fingers wrapped around the corners of her clothes.

But what you say will almost scare you to death.

"If you dare to betray me, I will dismember you, then fry it in an oil pan, and then eat it piece by piece. It is said that the ape's meat is also very delicious, and my sister is not picky about food."

Your sister! Everyone's scalp is blown up and their hair is about to stand up.

It's normal for a fierce guy to say this, but a shy girl suddenly pops up such murderous words, but her expression and language are shy and gentle. This is so weird that her heart can hardly bear it.

"Don't dare, don't dare, must be loyal to Sister Sheng, and dare not serve your life?" His empty forehead was covered with sweat, and he hurriedly said so.

"Oh, they are embarrassed. Don't stare at me anymore. Also, the guy above, don't look at me anymore, or you will dig out your eyes. I'm so shy."

Sheng Liuli lowered her head and secretly looked at the people above, and suddenly jumped out such a sentence.

My God!

Everyone panicked. This sounded like a joke, but there was a serious meaning in it. Who dared to neglect, shout suddenly, except for beauty. Beauty, including the chaos, turned his back to the holy glass.

At this time, I understand that this woman is a psychopath.

Oh, my God, it's too mysterious not only to be defeated by a neuropathy, but also to be effective for a neuropathy. If she is unhappy, will she really fry herself?

He was thinking nonsense in his empty head and soaked his body in cold sweat. He was too close to this person. The man's face turned into a book. He felt that he was under great pressure.

Wing, Kang Dalong's eyes were full of flowers. The neurotic woman had come to him, and Kang Dalong suddenly stood up with his hair.

Sheng Liuli stretched out his face suspiciously, smelled the smell of Kang Dalong, and suddenly sneered.

"You little guy is very interesting. There seems to be something lurking in your body. What is it? Who put it into your body? Do you need your sister to expel this thing from your body?"

"No." Kang Dalong was almost scared to pee.

What kind of person is this? He just knows his differences from others at a glance. No one should have discovered his secrets except for legendary people who surpass the level of law. How did this woman find out?

When everyone heard the words, they turned around and looked here.

Ximen Qianqian, lying on the ground, was stunned when she heard the words. She suddenly asked, "Kang Dalong, why do you have so many high-quality arrows?" If it hadn't been for the arrow you gave, we wouldn't have persisted now. I remember your contribution, but I doubt your identity now. Also, what's in your body? Why did this sister say that?

Without waiting for Kang Dalong's squeak, Sheng Liuli has swept to Ximen Qianqian's side, touching Qianqian's face with one hand, and his eyes were full of shock. Ouch, what a beautiful person, although his face is injured. But my sister can still see your beauty. Oh, my God, there is a woman as beautiful as me in the world? It's incredible."

Everyone fell down.

I have seen a narcissistic, and I have never seen such a narcissistic one. How can you compare your face with Ximen Qianqian?

"Oh, you don't believe it, do you? Bansu!" The last two words were almost squeezed out of the mouth and went straight into people's hearts.

Bansu's scalp exploded, and he knew in his heart that women were concerned about their appearance. When they saw Qianqian, Sheng Liuli had a comparative heart and could not be compared with anything.

If you still want to keep Sheng Liuli in a state of change at this time, you will not be comfortable. Sheng Liuli's fists were clenched. Obviously, if she didn't agree to restore her face, the man would immediately come over.

The ape demon listened to her at this time. She was the only one who could fight. With the words of the ape demon, it was beautiful. If the United States drops the chain and doesn't take action, it is doomed to be severely abused.

Mom, I was scared again.

It's not good to be full of heart, but they have helped a lot. They also pointed out that there is something wrong with Kang Dalong, which is very helpful. Ban Su suddenly thought of the pursuit order of 200 million business dollars. Zhou's death and death did not admit it. Is it possible...?

The eyes fell on Kang Dalong's face.

Kang Dalong's expression was chaotic and immediately calmed down.

"There are cat tricks, there are cat tricks." Bansu narrowed his eyes and opened them slowly. He knew that he had to solve the problem of Sheng Liuli first, and other things were temporarily delayed.

He no longer looks at Kang Dalong.

The subtle situation was seen by everyone, blinking suspiciously, looking at Kang Dalong, and then looking at the hotel, full of inexplicable. However, no matter how simple she was, she knew that Kang Dalong did not show such a simple thing. The girl's heart was shocked, and she felt a little hurt. She hates the people who deceive her, no matter who it is.

Humph! The illusion pouted and twisted his little head, not looking at Kang Dalong.

Kang Dalong took a heavy breath and felt that his soul was trembling.

Nan Qilan looked at Kang Dalong thoughtfully and frowned. Ximen Nan seemed to inadvertently grab behind Kang Dalong. In fact, the route of Kang Dalong's escape has been blocked.

Hmm? Sheng Liuli quit. It's really shady. Others don't believe that she has the appearance of closed moon and shy flowers. Damn it, why don't you come?

Holy glazed's eyes are as sharp as a knife.

With a straight face, she walked to Sheng Liuli and said to everyone, "Sister Sheng is too beautiful. I'm afraid of attracting unnecessary attention, so I tamped her a little. Now that you have known each other, you should know each other thoroughly."

When he said this, he took out a lot of strange little things in front of everyone, some with ** and some gadgets.

Bansu casually glued the liquid substance with a small brush and brushed it on the face of the holy glaze.

Everyone's eyes slowly widened, and a beautiful face slowly appeared in front of everyone. Bansu finally crushed a small bead and sprayed a stream of gas on Sheng Liuli's face. Her eyes turned dark green and her hair turned dark brown.

"It's so beautiful!" The illusion stared at this face in a daze, and his eyes were full of obsession.

It's not only her, but also Qianqian was stunned. At such a big age, Qianqian was shocked when she met a woman who was not inferior to herself in appearance for the first time.

"Sure enough, a great beauty at the national level." Ximennan shook his head and praised, and was not afraid to touch the broken bone that had just improved.

I don't know when the chaos has come behind Sheng Liuli, standing firmly, like a personal guard. This face is not as good-looking as the mother ape in his eyes, so naturally he will not have any expression.