God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 227 Bet You Enter the Sky Tower

People who could not get in touch with the family tyranny in the stands suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and shouted God's blessing in their hearts. As soon as such a situation occurs, these bastards don't know that they have kicked the iron plate, so they should really die.

All the students looked at the two brothers with suspicious eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders and muttered softly, "I wanted to keep a low profile, hey, gold will shine, and I can't stop it. No, damn it, if you don't compensate for the contribution value of 100,000 yuan, you won't go to their tower."

The sound is very low, but who can't hear it?

The ten tower chiefs shut up, stopped quarreling with each other, turned their heads, and stared at the house angrily.

The host was not afraid. Looking at the long Qiaolang of the sky tower, he suddenly strained his waist, pulled his head down, and whispered, "Don't pretend. These guys have destroyed you and my painstaking efforts. It's simply unbearable. They must be compensated. Contribution value may be a good thing, so that whoever gives us more will enter the tower. A year and a half later, other towers were demolished on behalf of this tower.

"Okay, turtle grandson, pretending to be a grandson is really uncomfortable!"

He was excited and jumped three feet high. The huge sword in his hand suddenly appeared. He turned around and pointed to more than a dozen geniuses who suddenly changed their faces and said viciously, "I've given you some color, right? You turtle grandchildren are waiting to see if I can't kill you, damn it!"

After the scolding, the relief was light all over.

He turned around and ignored the more than a dozen famous bastards who almost vomited blood. The huge sword arrogantly held the sword flower and said in a condensed voice, "Brother, you can do whatever you want. If you contribute a lot, let's hang out with him, wow ha ha."

The performance of running shattered the crystal.

The students looked at the tower chiefs who suppressed their anger but did not scold, and then looked at more than a dozen geniuses who blushed and dared not respond, and suddenly understood something.

These two brothers were very gloomy. They were going to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, but they were inadvertently stabbed by the tower chiefs and students. These two quit.

Qiao Lang was stared at by the nine tower chiefs.

He understood that if it hadn't been for his 200 contribution value, there would not have been this scene in front of him. This is a wrong move. Is there such a student blackmailing the contribution value of the tutors? Your mother is shameless and shameless.

Qiao Lang scolded in his heart.

" shut up, you two want to rip off? Yes. But if you can rank to some places, you will be qualified to rip off.

Such, if you can enter the top three, I will give you 10,000 contribution value. Ben, if you can enter the top five, it will be the same number.

However, if you two can't get into these rankings, don't say anything, just choose the Sky Tower."

"Really?" Bansu's eyes lit up.

"Of course, so many people are watching. Can I still lie to you?"

"Okay, that's it. Er, what is the contribution value?

"Where are so many questions? Come back to me when you enter the top three." Qiao Lang said impatiently.

"I will add a thousand contribution value." Wang Lan said with a smile.

"I'll add two thousand."

"I'm three thousand." ......

The remaining nine tower chiefs followed.

This is a casino.

Qiao Lang has made blood. If he can't enter the top three, he will enter the Sky Tower. Other tower chiefs secretly scolded Qiao Lang for being cunning, but he could not make trouble at this time, so he could only raise the bet, hoping to win these, so that he would have a chance to choose which tower to study.

The fire can't help it. What is this? A large group of students here ignore it and gather there to gamble?

"Tower, when will the qualifying start? Finish it quickly. I'm hungry.

"Hmm?" Qiao Lang's eyes were not good at him, and it was clear in his heart that this bullfire was a thorn.

Niu Huo was shocked again, but he stubbornly straightened his neck and was unconvinced in his eyes.

"If you don't accept it, I like to clean up if you don't accept it." Qiao Lang smiled and said slowly, "I will explain the supplementary content first.

You don't have to worry about unfairness. There is control energy in the array. No matter what kind of magic blade, you can't break the opponent's weapon. The energy elements sealed on the weapon cannot be stimulated.

Similarly, there are many rules.

First of all, elixirs are not allowed to be used, and secondly, internal armor is not allowed to be used. In addition, the two fought, and the third party was not allowed to fight. If someone fails, the third party can continue to take action. This is suspected of wheel war, but you can't care so much. As for the secret art of blessing? That thing can't be controlled. Otherwise, isn't it unfair to those who work hard to practice secrets?

What is failure? If you are hit by others and lose your resistance, you will automatically fail. This is determined by the array, which will send out those who have lost their strength without fear of death. Once the array finds that it has been attacked by invincible, it will spread you out to avoid being killed.

So, you can let go of your hands and feet. It is not forbidden to cast spells, but it is not allowed to use finished charms or arrays. In short, you can only fight with your own real ability.

Do you understand?"

"I understand." Hearing these restrictions, the civilian students shouted happily.

On the contrary, aristocratic geniuses who have many treasures but can't use their faces are very ugly. But I also know that this is fair, otherwise, isn't it bullying? Some geniuses have forbidden-level charms in their hands. If you go down, don't say that the soul monks have to run away with their heads.

Qiao Lang did not specify the time. It seems that it will not be finished until the first place is produced.

"Come on, Bansu." Bai Guo jumped up and shouted.

Bangsu's eyes lit up and he was eager to find Baiguo in the crowd. He waved his arm and shouted, "Love you, love you."

Huh? Everyone was almost thundered to death. What a shameless person? No wonder the bamboo bars of the tower dare to knock.

Everyone saw the figure on the high platform in a blink of an eye, and they knew it. It must be the little girl who was engaged at the night banquet. Who doesn't know about the engagement banquet made by the Marquis?

Ximen Qianqian's heart was sore, and secretly pinched her little hand painfully.

She also wants to shout such a few voices in public.

"Sister, sister, I love you too." Bai Guo suddenly shouted loudly.

Everyone feels that they may have heard poorly.

Only Bansu and Qianqian and others understand that this is Baiguo comforting Qianqian.

Ximen Qianqian's eyes are red and her heart is much easier. Girls are too**. Fortunately, Baiguo never forgets others, which makes her love her so much.

"Love you, love you." Bansu continued to shout.

Shut up. Qiao Lang and the other nine tower chiefs scolded unbearably.

"Love you..., uh, forget it, a group of old bachelors and virgins who don't know love." The words are very small, but they have amazing energy.

"Looking for death." ......

The ten tower chiefs are really alone. They are all focused on cultivation, which is reverse scales.

Ten vigorously bombarded Bansu. This man was bombarded out without resistance and fell fiercely on the slate in the distance, but the oil skin was not broken. The ten tower chiefs just taught them a lesson and were very measured, but they were not injured at all, which was quite unexpected.

More than a dozen provocative students are shrouded in horror. This person's protective ability is too strong. Can he break the defense? It's not easy.

"Yes, I forgot to explain one thing. Pay attention to it. Don't deliberately hide it or deliberately delay the time. Otherwise, the array will automatically judge that you failed and it will be transmitted."

Qiao Lang added, which caused a disappointing howling in an moment. It seems that some low-strength colleges are ready to fish in troubled waters, but this kind of loophole will not appear.

"Go ahead, everyone, good luck." Qiao Lang waved his hand, and the light rose to the sky, and 3,000 students were sent into the space array again.