God's Deacon

Chapter 3 Bottom of the Well, Darkness

The scenery flashed quickly on both sides, and Zhong Cheng fell down quickly. At this speed and posture, if you land directly, there will be only one result - death!

Zhong Cheng, as a special forces soldier, has experienced countless life and death moments, and is unexpectedly calm at this moment. He quickly pressed his hands on something like a purse that he wanted to carry bulges on both sides. With a strong palm press, a small sharp awl appeared in front of the belt.

The interior of the cone can protrude a pile of small hooks with barbs. Whether they can survive depends on whether these little hooks are as amazing as the scientific workers in the army say.

Zhong Cheng's left hand slipped to the left of the center of the belt, where a small dark black button was quietly placed.

Zhong Cheng looked at the smooth wall in front of him again, gritted his teeth and suddenly pressed the button.

With a swish, the raised small cone in front of him shot out at an incredibly fast speed. With a bang, the small awl successfully penetrated the inner wall of the well and went deep into the deepest part it could reach. At the same time, the small barb inside the awl is also perfectly unfolded at this moment. At this time, Zhong Cheng's right hand also pressed the red button on the right side of the belt and stopped the slender rope to continue to stretch.

The whole action was completed in one go, and there was no drag.

Next, it's time to test how resilient this thing is. Zhong Cheng frowned and waited for the judgment of time.

Zhong Cheng felt that his waist seemed to be stopped by some force, and his rapidly falling body suddenly paused. Then, a strong rebound made Zhong Cheng's falling body unable to resist swinging upward.

It seems that the scientific and technological workers are not bragging, and this equipment called "life-protecting fast lock" is really amazing.

After shaking several times, Zhong Cheng's body was finally balanced in the mouth of the well. After that, he successfully restored his body to the normal posture of his head and feet with strong arm strength.

"Ha...ha...ha..." A series of high-intensity movements made Zhong Cheng gasp quickly. Finally, he took out a prepared wolf-eye flashlight from his backpack, turned it on and shone down.

It is still dark outside the 20 meters of the lighting range of the wolf's eye flashlight. Zhong Cheng's body trembling unconsciously. Looking up, it is also dark outside the lighting range. Think about it. It's normal not to fall at such an amazing speed. It's natural not to see the top.

However, this ancient well is really deep. It seems to be a bottomless hole full of sin.

Now Zhong Cheng can be said to have no way to heaven and no way to earth. Whether it's up or down, it's just darkness waiting for him.

This place has long been swallowed up by endless darkness, and the grace of light can't reach here.

"Alas!" Even a person as strong as Zhong Cheng can't help sighing a little desperately at this time.

"I wanted to catch a martyr or something when I died. Now it seems that what can be retrieved is just a notice of unknown cause of death. Zhong Cheng sighed helplessly. Now his mood can be said to be extremely depressed. Not only because of his impending death, but also because he was betrayed by his most trusted friend.

How can you understand this suffering if you don't experience it yourself? It's ironic that I can fall into this field, and it's all thanks to my friends.

"How can you give up here? The mountains and rivers are not exhausted yet!" Zhong Cheng patted his head and cheered up his spirits. Now he can still compete.

It's useless to go up. He doesn't have any equipment to climb. Although there is still a Swiss army knife on his belt, he doesn't think he can climb to the peak with just two knives like Guo Jing in The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

However, Zhong Cheng looked down.

Downward, there may be a way to survive. Although it is also dark underneath, the maximum elongation of the "fast lock to protect lives" is 50 meters. The longest lighting of the wolf-eye flashlight is 20 meters. Among them, there is a gap of 30 meters. Whether you can live or not depends on the short 30 meters.

As long as he is not hanging like this, Zhong Cheng will still have a chance to survive.

made up his mind, Zhong Cheng didn't hesitate much. He held a slink in his right hand and clasped his left hand on a small handle that could rotate left and left on the belt. Turn it slowly, and the thin rope begins to stretch slowly at this time.

40 meters, 30 meters...

The thin rope hidden in Zhong Cheng's belt is slowly shortening. However, what Zhong Cheng saw was still dark. Endless darkness, bottomless darkness.

Finally, with a click, the thin rope in Zhong Cheng's belt was completely released. However, there is still darkness under him. Zhong Cheng would not retreat like this. He quickly opened his backpack and took out the wolf-eye flashlight inside and shined down. Under the photo, Zhong Cheng tasted the taste of despair again.

Even under the 20 meters of lighting range of the wolf-eye flashlight, the deepest part of the well is still dark.

That is to say, I am at least 20 meters away from the bottom of the well. If you don't die at this height, you will become disabled. The stiletto in the belt has also been used up. It seems that there is no chance today.

His heart seemed to have been swallowed up by the darkness around him, and he couldn't find a trace of light.

However, her naturally tough personality still tells her that she can't just give up.

What else can you do if you don't give up? Zhong Cheng fell into a deep thinking. His eyes wandered around aimlessly and glanced at the fine lock on his belt. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he was calculating.

"Bear by the way, how can I forget! You can use the length of the 'life protection fast lock' repeatedly!" Zhong Cheng patted his forehead and his expression suddenly became cheerful.

Yes, he did neglect one thing, although the maximum length of the "fast lock for life" can only be extended by 50 meters. But as long as you put it and let it plunge into the surrounding well wall again and again, Zhong Cheng can use these 50 meters infinitely.

Unlimited use means that Zhong Cheng can use these 50 meters until he reaches the bottom of the ancient well. Unless this ancient well is really the legendary bottomless hole, or Zhong Cheng fell down exhausted before reaching the bottom. Otherwise, this method is foolproof.

Zhong Cheng, who made up his mind, did what he said. He knew very well that if he continued to procrastinate like this, it would be himself who was unlucky in the end. Wasting physical and mental strength is definitely not something a good special forces should do. Therefore, he immediately took action.

again and again. Release, slide down, withdraw; release...

Zhong Cheng can't remember how many times he has asked the details to collect and come out. His hands have been numb from repeated movements. The palm holding the tight rope also has blisters due to long friction.

But when his feet really stepped on the ground, he said: the hard work just now was worth it. Countless efforts were not in vain, and Zhong Cheng finally successfully reached the bottom of the ancient well.

He is still alive. Although he is tired and his limbs are sore, he has survived!

"Wow!" It felt good to step on the real land again, and Zhong Cheng's nervous mood was immediately relaxed. He didn't think much and fell to the ground. Although it is still dark all around, he can't take care of so much. Now he is very tired, and the mood for the rest of his life makes him feel weak. He needs to rest for a period of time to replenish his lost strength and ease his nervousness.

Zhong Cheng sat still, took out a compressed biscuit from his backpack, took out a military kettle, drank some water, and swallowed the interfering biscuit into his stomach. With something in his stomach, Zhong Cheng cheered up a little and regained some strength.

Zhong Cheng weighed the weight of his backpack and couldn't help frowning. Now that I think about it, I have been carrying this big backpack weighing dozens of pounds, which is really too tough! Many things in this backpack are prepared for survival in the wild. But at this time, it is undoubtedly a bad idea to waste physical strength with such a heavy backpack. Zhong Cheng carefully checked the things in his backpack, leaving only a few practical things such as dry food, water, military shovels, handheld computers, etc. Other useless equipment such as sleeping bags has been removed by him. It is imperative to get out of here as soon as possible.

As I just said, it's no chance to go up. Zhong Cheng sat on the ground at this moment and began to look around carefully. He found that he was in a three-round closed space. In the dark, behind him, left and right, are all walls without access. What can be used for walking is only the endless path ahead.

This place is located in the depths of the earth, and the grace of sunshine can't reach here. Years of darkness have given this strange underground space a layer of death.

This place seems to be occupied by darkness, as if it were a hotbed of evil. No one can predict what kind of evil is hidden in this darkness.

Staying here alone, ordinary people are afraid that they have already gone crazy because of loneliness and fear!

But Zhong Cheng is not very human. He is an excellent special forces soldier. Have absolute self-confidence and fearless spirit. During his training, he firmly swore that he would never be afraid of death for the sake of his motherland and the people. Therefore, even in this desperate situation, he will not kowtow to death. Even if there is still a chance to live, he will continue to fight unremittingly.

Therefore, even if there is Sadako in this ancient well, he will not retreat.

"This is really not a well! How can a well be built like this!" Zhong Cheng cursed angrily. He knows very well that he is now in a strange place. Whether it is the location of the ancient well, the depth of the ancient well, or the situation at the bottom of the ancient well, it can be said that it is strange to the top. Zhong Cheng, who has been a special forces soldier for four years and has done countless dangerous tasks, can't help trembling his teeth at this moment.

Strange and often Keane's danger is linked.

Maybe at the end of the path, there is death standing! Maybe, even if you go to the end, there is still no way out!

However, in order to survive, even if the future is dangerous and no matter how little hope is, Zhong Cheng has absolutely no reason to retreat.

Zhong Cheng gritted his teeth with hatred and stood up.

Let him tear up this endless darkness!