God's Deacon

Chapter 15 Prophecy

Zhong Cheng, who passed through the cemetery, was really exhausted this time. He sat down on the ground debilitably, and even the sound of gasping was soft because of weakness. He cheered up and looked at the environment around him, and his heart was deeply blowd again.

It's always the same. Every time Zhong Cheng passes through a gate, he will go to a hall, but this time the situation is completely different. Zhong Cheng still passed through the gate, but did not see the imaginary hall, but circled down the circular stone ladder, like a big snake with gray scales, quietly coiling his body. It is the same as the stone ladder from the castle to the basement seen in the movie. The stone ladder here still has candlesticks on both sides of the stone steps. Above the candlestick is Zhong Cheng's favorite candlelight. Unfortunately, the fire is still suspended in the air, and there are no candles at all.

Seeing the stone ladder, Zhong Cheng's chest was hit hard. He said shatteredly, "Damn, it's already deep in the earth, and he's still going down!" You want me to go to the center of the earth!" However, it is still the old saying that Zhong Cheng has no way back, and the door behind him has disappeared needless to say. All Zhong Cheng can do is to be patient and continue to move forward. Unfortunately, in addition to moving forward this time, he had to go down! This made Zhong Cheng's depressed mood unable to calm down for a long time.

Zhong Cheng just fought against the Skull Legion. At this time, he was exhausted and weak. Walking forward in this state is definitely not something that a smart person would do. At the same time, his stomach was hungry and his mouth was dry. So he finally decided to take a rest, sit down to eat some dry food, and drink water before leaving.

Zhong Cheng turned out the compressed biscuit and kettle in his backpack and found that the biscuits were good enough to hold up for a while, but the kettle after a sip was about to bottom up.

Originally, they went to Longnan Mountain, where there was a lot of water, so Zhong Cheng and Ma Qiang just brought a pot of water. Who would have expected that Zhong Cheng would inexplicably fall into the ancient well? Zhong Cheng knew that he would have this experience, so he had to bring five or six bottles of kettles.

Of course, the prophet is unrealistic. If there is an uncertain prophecy, Zhong Cheng will not come to this damn place.

Zhong Cheng sighed about his experience while sitting still to recover. Although Zhong Cheng didn't want to stay here for too long, the fierce battle just now really consumed too much energy. This time, Zhong Cheng had to rest for nearly an hour in order to raise his energy to meet the next challenge.

After replenishing the energy, Zhong Cheng, who had enough rest, stood up with some difficulty. Sitting for a long time made his legs feel a little sore, but then again, his limbs were sore.

"If I continue to toss around like this, I have no chance..." Zhong Cheng sighed, stepped on the stone steps step by step, and walked down the winding stone ladder. Fortunately, there was a flame suspended on the candlestick like a ghost fire on both sides of the stone ladder, otherwise Zhong Cheng's heart would not have been as calm as it is now. Darkness is enough to devour a person's spirit and soul. The slightest light will only give people a little hope, and the disillusionment of a little hope will make a person's spirit on the verge of collapse in an instant.

Zhong Cheng knew very well that the power of his wolf-eye flashlight was about to run out. Looking forward to this flashlight with little power to illuminate his way forward, Zhong Cheng must be prepared for the dark in advance.

Without further ado, Zhong Chengyi took frequent and boring steps. To be honest, Zhong Cheng is not afraid to walk. As a special soldier, Zhong Cheng doesn't know how many roads he has walked in recent years. But Zhong Cheng is afraid of the endless road, especially in this place where there is no connection with light and darkness takes over everything. The long road can always make people crazy.

Zhong Cheng has walked for nearly an hour, but every time he turns a corner, he still sees a layer of constant stone steps, followed by stone steps! At the beginning, Zhong Cheng didn't think it was strange. If the stairs were long, they would have to take a long rest. There was nothing to make a fuss about. But now Zhong Cheng feels more and more that things are strange.

There is a question repeatedly in his mind - how far is it from the ground? The altitude of Longnan Mountain is 1800 meters to 1000 meters, and the time when Zhong Cheng fell vertically at the ancient wellhead is estimated to be five or six minutes. Later, through the life-protecting fast lock, Zhong Cheng slid down the ancient well for several hours. The height of the drop at that time can no longer be estimated. Now, Zhong Cheng is still walking towards the center of the earth, and it has been more than an hour. Look at the stone ladder, there is even a tendency to extend downward!

So here - how far is it from the surface!?

Zhong Cheng thought so and couldn't help but stop. He looked at the completely unknown way forward with a slightly melancholy look and didn't know whether he should move on.

It's really weird here, not only unimaginable creatures. The area here is very strange. It is still so far from the surface, but it is still full of oxygen and the temperature is constant that you can't feel the heat emitted by the lava under the ground.

"Are I really walking towards the center of the earth?" This strange phenomenon makes Zhong Cheng not know whether it is time to move forward. He looked at the stone steps slightly illuminated by the candlelight and refused to take the next step.

He suddenly thought of a novel called "Ghost Blows Out the Light" that he had seen when he was free. The plot of that novel was very good, and Zhong Cheng liked it very much. He still remembers that there was such a bridge there:

When the protagonist Hu Bayi and his friend Fatty Jin Daya were exploring the Longling Labyrinth, they were trapped in the hanging soul ladder and could not go out for a long time. In the end, Hu Bayi was able to find a way to leave with the secret of tomb robbery.

"I won't be trapped in some hanging ladder either. There were three of them, and it took a lot of effort to escape. I'm alone. What should I do..." Zhong Cheng didn't joke this time. He was really thinking about whether it was really possible. After all, the strange phenomena he encountered were not one or two.

"Is the stone ladder itself so long, or is it because this stone ladder is the kind of hanging soul ladder mentioned in the novel? Um..." Zhong Cheng thought for a while and couldn't find any answer. But he came up with a way to verify his ideas.

He took out his Swiss army knife and carved a triangular symbol on the stone wall next to the stone steps. This pair is engraved on the side of the candlestick, which should be very easy to identify.

After finishing this work, Zhong Cheng put away his saber, put on his backpack, and walked down the stone ladder again. This time, Zhong Cheng focused his eyes on the stone wall on the right, where he had just carved the symbol. Zhong Cheng just walked and walked, look, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye. Although Zhong Cheng's eyes widened, he failed to find the mark he left.

Come on, it's so long here, it's not a hanging soul ladder...

Zhong Cheng, who came to a conclusion, sighed decadently and sat on the stone steps to rest. He gasped and thought about it. Since this is not a hanging soul ladder, is it indeed so long? By the way, I walked vigorously for more than an hour this time, so how long is this stone ladder!?

"Damn it! I'm XX your uncle! What the hell is this place!" Zhong Cheng's emotions finally couldn't be suppressed this time and began to vent without reservation, "It's either a monster or... or... it's his fucking endless road!" Although I have a little strength, I can't stand this toss! This stone ladder guy is such a fucking asshole and pervert! The center of the earth is yours!? You fucking build a stone ladder so long! You are going to die by building more rooms! I..." Zhong Cheng still shouted angrily. Of course, it was only the abuse that broke out in Zhong Cheng's own despair that could be responded.

After scolding for a while, Zhong Cheng felt a little bored and his throat was a little painful, and the swearing words were basically hollowed out by him. The most important thing is that he realized that his kettle had reached the bottom and there was no extra saliva to waste. So, Zhong Cheng closed his mouth and began to sit still and rest silently.

After the emotional vent, Zhong Cheng's nerves returned to a calm state again. Today's situation is more dangerous than ever. Although there is no actual threat here, the endless stone ladder is the biggest threat in front of Zhong Cheng, and it is a threat that Zhong Cheng absolutely incapable of conquering. Not to mention that Zhong Cheng has no explosives in his pocket and can't blow up this hard stone wall; even if there is really explosives, he dares not use it! This is deep in the ground. Use explosives and carefully bury yourself alive!

"Wow..." Zhong Cheng lowered his head and took a deep breath, trying to calm down his angry and frightened heart. He lowered his head and suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some pattern on the stone steps under his feet.

Zhong Cheng said, "I told you, why even the murals are missing in this place? How dare you hide under your feet..." He said, lowering his head to carefully examine the pattern under your feet.

It's different from any pattern he saw before. This time, Zhong Cheng looked at the pattern under his feet, and his expression changed from surprise to panic! No pattern will make Zhong Cheng change again. Even the most incomprehensible Picasso-like abstract painting, Zhong Cheng faces it with a smile. But looking at the tiny patterns in front of him, Zhong Cheng could no longer find a smile on his face.

The pattern on the stone steps is extremely simple. Looking from left to right, Zhong Cheng once saw two stickmen walking in a forest. Then, the second pattern depicts one of the stickmen falling from a well, while the other stickman is alert to a four-legged beast!

You can imagine the waves rising in Zhong Cheng's heart just after seeing these two pictures! If it's a coincidence, it's too shocking! Whether it's a coincidence or not, then look down and you will know.

Zhong Cheng continued to glance at these simple patterns, one after another, which was exactly the same as his experience, which made Zhong Cheng's expression more and more surprised!

In the third picture, the stickman hung in the ancient well and moved down with something similar to a hanging rope; in the fourth picture, the stickman came to a door, and a furry lion's head appeared in front of the door... In the eighth picture, the stickman fought bravely in the skeleton army. In the ninth picture, the matchman walks on the circular stone ladder. There should have been a painting in the last gap, but it is still empty.

"This..." Zhong Cheng was so surprised that he couldn't say it. It was no longer similar, but exactly the same! The stickman is undoubtedly Zhong Cheng himself, and what happened to the stickman is exactly what Zhong Cheng has just suffered!

What the hell is this? Prophecy? Zhong Cheng's mind was full of question marks, but he couldn't get an answer. At this moment, Zhong Cheng noticed that the last blank without pictures suddenly began to appear slowly.

Zhong Cheng's nerves tightened and held his breath. He stared wholeheartedly at the slowly forming pattern, and his heart beat fast at the same time.

If this is the so-called prophecy, what will happen to your future?

Time seemed to be stagnated at this moment, walking extremely slowly, and a few drops of sweat oozed from Zhong Cheng's forehead, so nervous that he couldn't even feel the sweat wet his back!

Under the anxious wait, the pattern finally revealed his true face.

Zhong Cheng saw the pattern clearly, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking and muttering, "How could this happen..." The pattern presented the picture of the stickman standing at the stone ladder being caught by countless hands.

"Oh no!!" Zhong Cheng seemed to realize something and bounced up from the stone steps. Then he rushed to the bottom of the stone ladder desperately. After Zhong Cheng sprinted out, a harsh roar suddenly sounded behind Zhong Cheng! I saw black hands mixed with blood and other unknown impurities emerging from the wall in all directions of the stone ladder behind Zhong Cheng! Waving aimlessly, as if trying to drag everything he caught to hell.

From top to bottom, those horrible black hands came out of the four stone walls one after another. Behind Zhong Cheng's rapid running, one black evil hand after another scrambled out! It seems to be an envoy from the underworld, dragging Zhong Cheng into hell!

Zhong Cheng is racing with these black hands. Let's see if Zhong Cheng runs fast or these black hands catches fast!