God's Deacon

Chapter 17 Truth

The woman showed her snow-white teeth and smiled gently, "So, what exactly do you want to know?" The breeze in the dense forest moved gently and rolled up the woman's purple skirt. The woman was as bright as a fairy in the sky. The peerless glory could undoubtedly conquer all the men in the world.

Zhong Cheng is also a man. With such close contact with no one like a fairy, his heart inevitably accelerated, but Zhong Cheng was still very calm. He coughed to calm himself down, and then asked seriously, "I want to know everything, that letter, and everything inside the ancient well. Who are you and who is the red-eyed man? Why did you lead me to the ancient well and bring me here, here..."

"Okay, okay," the woman stretched out her jade arm to stop Zhong Cheng from continuing to ask questions, and then said with a bad smile, "What an ignorant child. I asked you to ask, but I didn't let you ask in one breath! My sister can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest. Come one by one."

Zhong Cheng frowned and said, "What child, miss, you look younger than me."

"Ha," the woman smiled charmingly and whispered, "I'll tell you a secret, you can't tell anyone..." The woman's voice was lower, and he took a few steps closer to Zhong Cheng, "Actually... Actually... I... Auntie doesn't remember how long I've lived!" Speaking of the last sentence, the fairy-like man laughed presumptuously, completely without the charm of the beginning, but with a wild atmosphere, still impeccable beauty.

Zhong Cheng felt a faint fragrance in his nose, and his heart swayed. He subconsciously stepped back a few steps until his legs were tripped by the coffin. His heart was still beating wildly and he gasped and said, "Okay, I know, I know. You live a long time, don't you? You're old, right? I see, I see. Please speak as soon as you speak. Don't suddenly paste it.

"Ha ha..." The woman covered her mouth and smiled gently, "Men... are always so hypocritical!" The charming breath of the woman suddenly disappeared in an instant, and there was a majestic momentum that people dared not face up to, with a queen's atmosphere. Her thousands of amorous pupils suddenly became cold. She looked at Zhong Cheng coldly, and then said in a low voice, "Okay, Zhong Cheng, the game is over. Now I'll explain everything to you. Maybe it's more convenient for Lord Pluto to explain for you.

"Puto, who is that?" Zhong Cheng sighed that the fairy became a queen and was depressed, but he couldn't attack in front of the queen's power, so he had to cooperate with the other party obediently.

The woman's proud temperament of everything did not fade at all. She stretched out her jade hand and said, "Take out the blood beads in your waist bag!"

This is definitely not asking for advice, but a naked order, but this power made Zhong Cheng unable to resist. Without saying a word, he obediently took out the little blood-red bead from his pocket. He handed it to the beauty in front of him who knew nothing about Zhong Cheng.

The rumors of the little beads in the forest looked crystal clear. The woman took the blood bead, smiled slightly, and then said to Zhong Cheng, "Let Lord Pluto come and ask you to explain..." With that, the woman suddenly scolded, and then waved her right hand and threw the blood bead into mid-air. The woman followed her left hand to the mid-air. A little bit of blood beads in the middle, a purple light flew out of the woman's left index finger,

Under the rumor of purple light, the blood beads themselves began to glow with a faint red light. The red light of the woman's sword appeared, so she gave up. And the blood bead is still suspended in mid-air. After the purple light receded, the blood bead itself suddenly soared, and then formed a huge red ring. Changing into red, a person gradually emerged - it was the guy who looked exactly like Zhong Cheng.

He is still so calm and domineering, with no expression on his face. His blood-red eyes seem to hate the whole world and seem to pity the whole world. This is Wang! The unique king! The king who dominates everything!

As soon as he saw this person, Zhong Cheng felt uncomfortable all over. Not only because that person is exactly the same as himself, but also because of the arrogant demeanor emanating from that person, Zhong Cheng has to be convinced. Who wants to get too close to an emperor?

The man looked at Zhong Cheng with sharp eyes and slowly opened his mouth, "Zhong Cheng, what do you want to know?"

Zhong Cheng took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality before he dared to respond to the other party's eyes. "First of all, tell me who are you? Who is she?"

"Me?" Somehow, the fairy-like beauty has returned to her previous charming style at this moment, "My name is Bauhinia. The job agency is an acting god. I'm afraid it should be enough to be a god now.

"Proxy God, Fengshen..." Zhong Cheng's eyebrows were locked, "What the hell is that..."

"You're so stupid. I don't even know this. It's just..." Bauhinia smiled and prepared to answer. At this time, Lord Pluto coughed softly and said to Bauhinia, " Bauhinia, don't talk yet. The time is very tight now." Bauhinia was interrupted by Pluto, but he just said delicately, "Well, if you want them to shut up, they will shut up." However, there is still extra time..."

"It's hard for you." Pluto nodded to Bauhinia as a token of gratitude. Then he turned his eyes back to Zhong Cheng, "My name is Zhong, and they like to call me Pluto. But you don't have to care."

"Oh," Zhong Cheng nodded, "So, Zhong, why did you send me that letter? Why..."

"You don't need to say, I know your problem..." Zhong seemed to care about the time and interrupted Zhong Cheng. "Let me answer all the questions in your heart for you.

"First of all, why should I send you the letter? That's because only you have the ability to enter the underworld from your world."

"ming zhong, what is that? Why am I the only one capable? Zhong Cheng asked.

The mound continued: "The mound is just a name given to the world by us. To be precise, this is chaos, which is the root of everything. Do you understand what I say?"

"Chaos, the root..." Zhong Cheng thought for a moment, then nodded with difficulty and said, "I think... I can understand."

"That's good, because the underworld is chaos, which is the original source. So everything here is isolated from the outside world. Simply put, this is a closed space that has no connection with the outside world. Therefore, if it weren't for special circumstances, people here can't go to the outside world, and people from the outside world can't come here. The mound continued to explain the situation.

Zhong Cheng raised his objection, "I have a problem. Since you said that the underworld has no contact with the outside world, how can I enter the underworld from the outside world?

"I said at the beginning that the letter is in your hands because only you have the ability to enter the underworld."

Zhong Cheng asked doubtfully, "You mean, I have a connection with the underworld tomb. It's impossible. I've lived for 24 years. Except this time, I've never been to Longnan Mountain. How can I have anything to do with theming Tomb?

Zhu smiled faintly and said, "Oh, you misunderstood. It is not that your present life is related to the mound, but because your root is related to the mound. In addition, whether you go to Longnan Mountain or not has nothing to do with you entering the underworld. It's just a platform to enter here. And the platform can be replaced.

Zhong Cheng's doubtful look became more and more obvious, "In your opinion, my roots come from the underworld. So, what does the so-called root of me mean?

"Oh, you are so stupid!" The Bauhinia on the side inserted into the words, "Your root is your soul..."

Mound said, "Yes, your root is your soul. To put it bluntly, it is because your soul comes from the underworld that you have the ability to enter the underworld.

"What!" This plain sentence fell from the sky like a bolt from the sky, deeply shocked Zhong Cheng's heart, making him grow up and unable to say a word for a long time. He just muttered to himself, "How come, how come, impossible..."