God's Deacon

Chapter 21 Soul Bridge Horror

Seeing the handsome man in black robe in front of him, Bauhinia was slightly stunned, and then a smile slipped across the corners of his mouth. She nodded, signaled that the person in front of her could be exempted from etiquette, and then said, "I didn't expect that the underworld of these two dead men would be you, impermanence. It seems that I have to say sorry. I have just taken one of the souls away. But I don't think you will be angry, will you?"

"Of course, I will offer the soul of whoever Bauhinia wants." Wuchang bowed and said, "Gushi himself has offended you. Even if you don't do it, I won't let him stay in the underworld."

"Very good," Bauhinia nodded with satisfaction and stroked the black hair that was blown around. "You are really good at doing things. No wonder Death trusts you so much. But I'm not here to find you, but to find Funeral Feng. I asked you to take us to see Yufeng. You don't have any problem, right?

"Of course, I believe that Death will be very happy to see Lord Bauhinia. I just don't know who else is 'we' in the large population? Impermanence is still respectful and does not dare to neglect Bauhinia at all. The dead man beside him was really surprised to see that the usual harsh impermanence was now bowing his head and bowing.

Bauhinia looked around strangely and found that Zhong Cheng had stood behind him at some point. Bauhinia smiled bitterly, moved away and said to Wuchang, "There is another person here."

"Lord Pluto!" The impermanence saw Zhong Cheng's face clearly and couldn't help screaming. Instead, he stunned Zhong Cheng, who was about to introduce himself. Wuchang over there opened his mouth and couldn't say a word; Zhong Cheng was also stunned and didn't say a word.

Bauhinia saw that the scene was frozen, smiled faintly and relieved the siege, "Wence, he is not Lord Pluto. Let's talk about the specific situation later. Now, take us to see Burial Feng first.

Hearing that Zhong Cheng was not Pluto, Wuchang was obviously relieved, and then bowed to Zhong Cheng and said, "This brother, because you really look like a person, you just lost your mind. Please forgive me for the offense. Of course, he did this not out of respect for Zhong Cheng, but out of the face of Bauhinia. But another thing that has to be mentioned is that Zhong Cheng does look so much like Pluto that Wuchang feels a little fear in Zhong Cheng's eyes.

Zhong Cheng was also clever, bent down calmly, and then said politely, "Well, Mr. Wuchang laughed. Zhong Cheng, I have met you."

"I dare not." Wuchang quickly returned the gift and then said to Bauhinia, "Lord Bauhinia, I will now open the way to the Temple of the Dead for you two."

Bauhinia nod his head and stopped talking. Zhong Cheng has nothing to say.

The impermanent latent miracle, and then pointed to the air, where the fingertips pointed, suddenly a dark black fog appeared out of thin air. He arched his hand to the two Bauhinia and said, "You two, please!"

"Thank you very much." Bauhinia didn't make much like it, and then walked into the black fog in a few steps. Although Zhong Cheng felt hairy in his heart, there was nothing he could do, so he had to plunge into the dark fog. After both of them went in, the black fog naturally dissipated.

No two people left, so they were slowly relieved. He looked coldly at the dead beside him who were already trembling with fear and whispered, "You two are really going to cause trouble for me! Who is not easy to mess with? Tell me what kind of punishment you want."

The dead man was furious and quickly knelt on the ground with a plop. He hurriedly kowtowed his head and said with a crying voice, "Your Excellency, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive my life. I really don't know that you and this Bauhinia... Lord Bauhinia are old friends, so... Measure, let the little me go!" After saying that, he kowtowed his head again.

Wuchang glanced at the dead man who knelt on the ground and trembled because of fear, and a trace of unbearable color flashed in his eyes, but then his eyes were immediately covered with a layer of frost.

"I don't want to disturb you, but this matter is serious. If I don't take your soul, I'm afraid there will be great difficulties in the future. Don't worry, it will be soon." After saying that, Wuchang shook his head and ignored the dead man who cried and begged for mercy. His right hand was claw-shaped and sucked into the dead man's spiritual cover. The deadman didn't say a word, and his body directly turned into bursts of black air and drifted away. And the scattered black gas was also received by impermanence.

Wuchang took his soul, shook his head and sighed again, and said to himself, "This soul has to find a place to deal with. Never let him reveal what happened here today. That place is suitable..." Wuchang began to meditate.

He stopped in place for a few seconds, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and a place flashed in his mind. He was a little satisfied and complacent about his ideas. Then he stared at the place where the black fog disappeared and muttered, "Lord Death, I don't know what will happen if I meet Lord Bauhinia again this time?" After saying that, he smiled bitterly and laughed at himself, "What am I going to worry about the matter between Lord Death and Lord Bauhinia? Let's do the work first." After saying that, he turned around and turned into a black fog and flew to the western sky.

The originally lively forest empty land has become empty again, desolate and desolate. If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the ancient well in the center, I'm afraid no one would have known that so many things had happened here.

————————————————I'm the dividing line————————————————

Zhong Cheng and Bauhinia passed through the black fog and came to a black pontoon bridge hanging in mid-air. There are no handguards on both sides of the bridge, with dark clouds on the top and flame-sprayed magma underneath. The bridge is very long, afraid it is more than a thousand meters, but it is less than one meter wide. In front of the bridge is a dark black castle, which is so high that you need to look up 90 degrees to see it. The bridge is surrounded by some towering and strangely shaped peaks, ghost-like and human faces, which is really creepy to look at. There are still groups of black and vermilion-eyed crows flying on the mountain!

It's really an ominous place that makes people feel uncomfortable.

In this gloomy and dangerous place, Zhong Cheng's legs shivered in a frighten manner. He complained tremblingly, "This, this... what the hell! There are magma, crows, and ghost cities!"

"Ha ha, you're scared." Even when he got here, Bauhinia still did not forget to ridicule Zhong Cheng. Zhong Cheng was not as brave as last time this time. He smiled awkwardly and didn't say anything.

Bauhinia also knew that this place was indeed very dangerous, so he was not joking with Zhong Cheng, but reminded: "I can tell you that what you just said is true. This is indeed a ghost city. And what you are under your feet now is the famous 'Soul Bridge'. Don't forget that this is the underworld, where the dead gather.

"Oh." Zhong Cheng answered, but his nerves showed no sign of relaxation. He looked around cautiously and firmly fixed himself on the long bridge made of black rock.

Bauhinia is quite satisfied with Zhong Cheng's performance. She smiled and said, "After all, he is still a special forces soldier. Sure enough, he has some skills. The bridge here is not difficult to walk, you just need to pay attention to it. First of all, I can make it clear that the fire under here is a fire from hell. If you fall down, you will fly ashes in an instant. Do you understand?

"Uh..." Zhong Cheng swallowed his saliva, glanced at the angry magma under his eyes, took a deep breath, and said embarrassedly, "I know, I'll pay attention."

"That's fine. If you really die, we still have to worry for a while. Let's go." After saying that, Bauhinia took the lead and walked towards the black castle opposite.

Zhong Cheng looked around again, silently said a blessing, and carefully followed Bauhinia.

In fact, this bridge is not difficult to walk. If it is not a high cliff and there is no magma, Zhong Cheng will certainly walk easily, and he will definitely not be so cautious. Because of this caution, Zhong Cheng's spirit was so nervous that he almost failed several times. Fortunately, Bauhinia took care of him in time, so that Zhong Cheng was saved from being burned by the fire.

But this kind of creature will fight carelessly when he doesn't know the danger, but once he knows the danger, the ambition will turn into invisible in an instant. And those who know that there is danger but can still move forward are the real heroes, heroes who should be admired by thousands of people.

The two walked for a while and soon came to the center of the stone bridge. At this time, the mutiny suddenly emerged, and the group of crows on the mountain noticed Zhong Cheng and Bauhinia walking on the stone bridge. The group of damn trouble-stigers immediately took action, shouting and flying towards Zhong Cheng in groups.

The second is that the crow is fierce or not. The point is that the timing of its appearance is too unfortunate. Looking at the dark crows, Zhong Cheng trembled with fear and couldn't help exclaiming. Under this panic, Zhong Cheng's body immediately lost his balance. Bauhinia didn't expect it. He reached out to catch Zhong Cheng, but he was finally one step away. Zhong Cheng's body had fallen out.

"Ah!!" Zhong Cheng was in mid-air, closing his eyes and screaming, waiting for death to come. But after a long time, he didn't see any change, and there must be a faint fragrance. At this time, Zhong Cheng dared to open his eyes slightly, but he saw that he had been wrapped in a purple ribbon at some point. Looking at the group of crows in the sky, they were being chased by a yellow ribbon and flying everywhere.

Bauhinia looked at Zhong Cheng from above, shook his head, and laughed, "Didn't you say you can't die? What are you afraid of, what are you shouting for?

Zhong Cheng blushed and said, "Fear is human nature. Hurry up and pull me up. It's dangerous to hang here!" Bauhinia smiled and said, "What if I don't?" With that, she also deliberately let go. Needless to say, Zhong Cheng's body naturally slid down.

"Wow!" Feeling the heat and the height, even if Zhong Cheng is a tough man, I'm afraid he can't help sweating coldly. Zhong Cheng is not that man!

Bauhinia showed a winning smile at the corners of his mouth, then grabbed the ribbon and continued to mock, "What's the matter, Hero Zhong? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, beg me. I'll pull you up. Ha ha."

"Please?" Although Zhong Cheng's heart beats quickly, his dignity is not just let go. "Impossible! You..." Before Zhong Cheng finished his words, the Bauhinia clicked and then let go of his hand.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!!" Zhong Cheng began to scream again. This sudden fall was much more horrible than bungee jumping, especially the huge sea of fire magma underneath.

"I said, I said!!" Bauhinia listened to Zhong Cheng begging for mercy, clenched the ribbon in his hand again, then shook his head and said with a smile, "I figured it out, then beg for mercy."

"Wow..." Zhong Cheng was in mid-air, not far from the sea of fire. He breathed deeply several times, and then his eyes changed and said, " Bauhinia, if you want to play like this, just play like this! Anyway, I don't want to go there to learn any miracles. Let it go!"

"What?" Bauhinia was stunned for a while, and then said fiercely, "There is backbone! Auntie will fulfill you!" After saying that, Bauhinia let go again.

However, this time, Zhong Cheng has long since lost his previous panic, but unfolded his body and fell freely, as if he had already forgotten life and death.