God's Deacon

Chapter 36 This person is not simple

"King, bring the body in." The old man in the room said slowly after meditating for a long time.

Zhong Cheng was shocked and suddenly remembered what those people in black had said. He couldn't help asking curiously, "Wu Bo, what is the tyrant king?"

"Don't talk, Mr. Tyranny is here." Wu Bo stood straight, not looking around like Zhong Cheng, and his serious old face was full of wrinkles.

As they said, there was a regular footsteps behind them, and something was approaching them. Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be curious and immediately turned around to observe the situation. In the woods outside the garden, a humanoid beast about two meters tall gradually came out.

The whole body of this machine beast called Tyrann King is still made of strange wood. Although it is a humanoid machine beast, it is actually very different from human beings. Looking down, although the tyrant's head is also round, the eyes are very strange, big and small!

The big one is about the size of a bowl, round and convex, and the whole body is dark red; the small one is only the size of a small nail cap, which is turquoise. The small green eyes emitted a green light and looked around mechanically. The faint blue eyes made Zhong Cheng feel depressed, and there was an indescible sense of oppression.

Look at the body of the King, the whole body is like a human skeleton, and there is also an unknown piece of black metal in the position of the abdomen. The whole metal is pure black and triangular, but I don't know what it is for.

The tyrant's right hand is an ordinary finger, made of special wood, and a silver-white wall blade is tightly attached to his arm, which can be used as a killer to kill the enemy at any time. Its left hand is a giant claw with four steel blades. The sharp claw is extremely dazzling under the moonlight, making people's back skin numb.

The tyrant didn't care about Zhong Cheng's strange eyes at all. He went straight to Uncle Wu, picked up the body on the ground and walked to the cabin. Uncle Wu was respectful and courteous from beginning to end, and he was not domineering.

When the violent king passed Zhong Cheng, he somehow turned his head and looked at Zhong Cheng carefully with his strange eyes. The cold eyes hit him directly. Zhong Cheng felt as if he were cold all over and turned his head to the woods beside him as if he were running away.

"Ah..." The violent king let out a strange cry in a low voice, withdrew his eyes, and walked into the cabin with the body of the boss in black in his arms.

When the violent king left, everything returned to its original calm. Now it's autumn, and even those insects that are usually active at night are nowhere to be seen at this moment. Everything is so calm! Uncle Wu maintained a calm face from beginning to end, without doubt, without complaining or anxiety, and quietly waiting for the master's order.

Although Zhong Cheng is not as loyal as Uncle Wu, he is not bold enough to speak without authorization. Therefore, he is also boarding and bowing and waiting.

Not long after, the wooden house suddenly made a movement. The door of the wooden house was slowly pushed open, and the tyrant came out with the body in his arms from the door of the wooden house and put the body back to its original place. Then, the tyrant did not stop and continued to walk into the dark woods, knowing that his body was completely hidden in the darkness.

After the tyrant left, an old voice came from the room again. The loser said, "Uncle Wu, I have a general understanding of the hidden weapon. It's really powerful! But if you come to me immediately, it means that Brother Zhong doesn't want to reveal the secret weapon. If he doesn't want to say it, we can't force it. You dispose of these bodies and take this brother Zhong back to the bedroom by the way.

"Yes, the old slave obeyed." After listening to the master's order, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't ask anything more. He picked up the body on the ground and said to Zhong Cheng, "Brother Zhong, please follow the old slave." Then lead the way ahead.

"Hmm." Zhong Cheng answered, took a deep look at the lonely wooden house in front of him, frowned unknowingly, and turned to follow Uncle Wu.

————————————————I am the dividing line——————————————

In the lonely cabin, the dark candlestick at the corner is still burning its life. There is nothing in this humble wooden house except a bamboo bed and an old man in a wheelchair.

Although the old man's face is full of wrinkles, his body is already crescent, and there is still a sadness corroded by time all over his body. But looking at his old face with a heroic spirit in his calm, it is not difficult to imagine that this old man has also been romantic, unrestrained and heroic before.

The old man's expression was very calm, and even his eyes were calm. He sat silently in a wooden wheelchair with a golden warhead in his dry hand. The old man looked carefully at the thing in his hand that he had never seen in his life, and his calm face gradually appeared.

Looking at it, the old man's eyes became hotter and hotter, and his expression became more and more excited. Suddenly, he slapped the handle of the wheelchair and praised, "What a powerful method!" What a powerful power! How can this little metal burst into such a powerful power!"

Although the old man's body was dry, he was full of strength, and the wheelchair squeaked. There were a sudden echo in the empty room, and the silence was broken in an instant.

"And..." The old man calmed down, continued to appreciate the small metal in his hand, and said to himself, "According to the king, the young man named Zhong Cheng has no miracle in his body and is an absolutely normal person. Ha ha, it's not easy for a normal person to have such a powerful hidden weapon! And his coming from is also strange. Did he fall from the sky? The old man closed his eyes slightly, as if he were thinking about something.

After a while, the old man scratched a smile on the corners of his mouth and muttered, "What a domineering hidden weapon, this power, I'm afraid that any god under the god may be killed in an instant! But..." The old man's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes suddenly appeared!

"For the old, it's still not worth mentioning!" With that, the old man clenched his fist carelessly and then slowly loosened. In his dry palm, there is no trace of bullets at this moment, just a pile of small gold powder!

With just a grip, the hard bullet was pinched into powder! This is by no means a simple phenomenon that can be explained by infinite power!

"Wow..." The old man breathed gently at the pile in his hand, and under the breeze, the powder floated into the air happily. Looking at the small golden powder in the air, the old man's face regained its previous calm. He sighed and turned his head to look at the garden outside the window, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

————————————————I am the dividing line——————————————

Along the way, Zhong Cheng and Wu Bo did not talk about anything, but walked forward silently. Although Zhong Cheng was full of doubts, Wu Bo's footsteps were fast and his face was ugly, and he finally didn't say a word. The two quickly came outside the bedroom. Wu Bo glanced at the bodies around him and frowned, "Brother Zhong, I still have something to deal with. You go back first."

"Okay." Zhong Cheng nodded and walked to his room. Wu Bo's expression was so ugly and his attitude was so stiff that Zhong Cheng had no courage to ask him. Instead of being scolded and white-eyed, it's better to leave and be happy.

Back in the room, Zhong Cheng lit a candle and sat down at the table. Although he is tired and weak all over, there are too many problems in his mind and too many troubles in his heart, which is really difficult to sleep.

Zhong Cheng stared at the flickering flame on the candle, gently tapping his fingers on the table and sighed.

"Well, I'm unlucky this time. What do you think I'm pretending to be a hero? Now not only the old man Wu has been staring at me, but also the loser has paid attention to me. The days are sad!" Zhong Cheng's heartfelt sighs immediately attracted a smile.

Zhong Cheng's sigh became louder. He looked at the purple that slowly appeared in front of him and sighed, "Sister, I have a grudge against you, right? Why do you always suddenly appear when I'm annoyed?

"Of course, it's to save you from your troubles." Zijing smiled and blinked at Zhong Cheng pretending to be pure. There is no denying that her eyes are indeed beautiful - watery, bright and beautiful, and her eyelashes are also beautiful.

But in front of this beautiful woman, Zhong Cheng just can't have any bad intentions. He sighed powerlessly and asked for mercy, "Sister, forget it. When did your appearance bother me? Please, it's getting late. Go back to sleep in the beads quickly.

"Oh, Zhong Cheng, do you know that you are in a very disadvantaged situation now!" Bauhinia was unmoved, but continued his own words, "I don't think I need to say, you know, the old man of the loser is not simple."

"..." Zhong Cheng was silent for a while, and finally replied truthfully, "I admit, yes, the momentum in the cabin is indeed very unusual. But that doesn't mean I'll be in trouble. I didn't offend him.

"I really don't know how you have lived in that world for more than 20 years. Do you need any valid reasons for harming another?" Bauhinia curled her lips and asked.

Zhong Cheng's expression was a little stiff, and he reluctantly thought of Ma Qiang, his former best friend. He thinks that he has always treated Ma Qiang well, but in the end, didn't Ma Qiang still attack him for the vanity of a captain? Thinking of this, it is not impossible for the old man to take action on himself one day.

"However, I have a question. Whether the reason is valid or not, there must be one. Excuse me, what's the reason for the loser's master to kill me? Zhong Cheng stared at Bauhinia and asked seriously.

Bauhinia smiled, and her face under the candlelight was more charming. She pointed to Zhong Cheng with her flawless finger and smiled, "If he thinks you are a spy sent by other families, then the reason to kill you is very good."

"There's no reason! I'm not a god. Although I know some fighting skills, I still belong to a person who has no strength at all. Will the spy be so weak? Zhong Cheng asked in surprise.

Bauhinia smiled and joked, "You are not weak. Your black iron block has the power to kill the following gods in seconds! You are not weak like this. Therefore, there is still a possibility that you are a spy. What's more, your appearance is very unusual!"

"This..." Zhong Cheng's face gradually looked difficult, and what Bauhinia said was all reasonable. According to this statement, Zhong Cheng is indeed likely to be killed as a spy.

Zhong Cheng raised his head and asked with a gloomy face, "If I ask you how to protect yourself, will you say, 'Perceive miracles, become a god, and make yourself strong enough'?"

Do you still need to say that? Of course." Bauhinia fought against each other and didn't take Zhong Cheng's gloom seriously at all.

"Wow..." Zhong Cheng was discouraged, but then smiled and said, "I see, it's getting late. I'm going to bed." After saying that, Zhong Cheng turned around and walked in the direction of the bed. Then he went to bed and fell asleep.

"Are you still hard-mouthed? Ha ha, what an interesting child." Bauhinia was not annoyed, and his body turned into a white smoke again and returned to the Nether Pearl.