God's Deacon

Chapter 41 Murong Yang

Public loser, welcome guests.

This is the welcome place for public losers, located directly in front of the public losers. So the atmosphere is the main color of this fast land, and a man and a woman are sitting in the magnificent main hall at this moment. The two sat in a row of chairs on their left hand, with a young man with a long gun standing behind them.

The man looks 24 or 25 years old, with straight eyebrows and a straight nose, a face like crown and a dignified appearance. The pure white shirt is unstained, with a free aristocratic atmosphere between his hands and feet, and looks particularly elegant. He is the second son of Murong Shu of Tianji Kingdom and Murong Yang, the prince of Tianji Kingdom. Originally, his brother Murong Fang was the prince, but Murong Fang, who was seven years older than him, was accidentally attacked when he went hunting, so the position of the prince naturally fell on him.

The woman next to him is also charming, dressed in a water-blue pleated skirt, slightly rouge, beautiful, and can be regarded as a rare beautiful woman in the world. But it was the unruly princess that Zhong Cheng saw that day - Murong Yun.

The teenager with a gun behind them was Mo Lin, who bullied Zhong Cheng that day.

The two sat for a while, and an old man sitting in a wheelchair was slowly pushed out by a lovely girl. The old man looks extremely old, with a few thin white hair on his head, and his expression is extremely tired. The girl pushing the wheelchair smiled like a flower, as bright as beads, and her red cheeks looked extremely cute. Next to the girl stood a beautiful maid in a floral dress.

The old man in a wheelchair is naturally the big parent of a public loser - a public loser. That cute girl is the male loser of Feixue. As for the maid serving beside her, it was Xiaodie.

When the man and woman sitting in the chair saw the old man, they immediately got up and bowed and said, "I have seen the old man."

A faint smile appeared on the old man's tired face, waved his hand gently, and said, "Your Highness, Your Highness, Your Highness, don't be polite. Sit down quickly. Speaking of which, it should be me, an old man, salute you two! It's a pity that my leg..." The old man shook his head helplessly.

"Where, Mr. Gonglosi is not only the elder of our brother and sister, but also the meritorious man of Tianji Kingdom. It's right for us to salute you!" Murong Yang bowed slightly and replied respectfully. Murong Yun, who was beside him, also said, "That's right! I'm right. You have made great contributions to the old gentleman, and you are also the grandfather of Feixue, and the elders of both of us. It's very appropriate to salute.

Murong Yun completely lost his unruly look in front of the elders. Every word and smile are all polite and aristocratic posture. And Murong Yang is also a prince with great demeanor and a young man.

The loser laughed and said, "It's Feixue's grandfather. Haha, it seems that my old man is still stained with Feixue's light! Don't be polite, sit down quickly. Little butterfly, let's have tea." Xiaodie answered and went to bring tea.

And Fei Xue blushed and said angrily, "Grandpa will talk nonsense. What does it mean to get my light? That's what you always have.

"Yes, Fei Xue is right." Murong Yang still sat down and immediately said, "Our respect for the old man is entirely because of yourself, which has nothing to do with Fei Xue."

"Hahahahaha!" The loser masturbed his white beard and laughed.

Fei Xue pouted, snorted and said dissatisfiedly, "Your Highness, I don't remember what I told you: Don't call me a girl anymore! Humph!" After saying that, Fei Xue turned her head away and looked very angry.

Murong Yang saw that Fei Xue was angry, and his calm expression rarely flashed a trace of panic. He quickly said, "Alas! Feixue, you see, I really can't control my mouth. I accidentally spilled the beans again! Don't be angry! I..."

Murong Yun covered his mouth and smiled, "Brother, Feixue is about to become my future sister-in-law. You still have a girl film, a girl film! Why do you think our Feixue is still the little girl with a runny nose? She is now a little beauty with a logo! What should I do if I'm angry now? Ha ha."

"Sister Yun, who...who has a runny nose?" After listening to Murong Yun's words, Fei Xue blushed and retorted.

Murong Yun's bad smile was more obvious, "Oh, did I remember it wrong? I don't think so. The little girl with a ponytail and a runny nose should be a girl!"

"Ha?" Fei Xue wanted to refute, but she had no choice but to stamp her feet with hatred and said angrily, "Okay, you two brothers and sisters came together to bully me! I'm quit, Grandpa, do you care?" With that, Fei Xue grabbed her loser's clothes and shook them gently.

"Me?" The old man's eyes also had a secret smile and shrugged his shoulders, "Even if I want to help, I, the old man, can't interrupt the topic of you young people!"

"Really, even grandpa doesn't help me! Disgusting!" Fei Xue saw that her loser ignored her own problem, so she acted coquettishly.

"No, no, no!" Murong Yang comforted, "Fi Xue, you, Brother Murong, have always been standing beside you!" Guess what gift I brought to you this time?

"Gift?" Fei Xue's eyes lit up and immediately asked, "What gift? Brother Murong, say it quickly."

Murongyang patted his forehead and smiled, "My sister Feixue! Brother Murong, didn't I let you guess first? You are still so anxious!"

"Guess what? Every time I guess wrong. Feixue said goodbye and hummed, "What do I say? You always don't bring it!" Brother Murong, you have given me so many gifts. What else do you like besides making me novel?

"This..." Murong Yang's unrestrained smile inevitably froze in an instant and had nothing to say. Murong Yun beside him found another laughing point and sneered, "Oh, hey, my brother! Look, if you are always so in power, my future sister-in-law will not be happy!"

"What did Sister Yun say? Who is your future sister-in-law?" Fei Xue's face has already turned red like a ripe apple.

Murongyun continued to joke, "Brother, you don't do well. The girl Fei Xue doesn't even admit that she is my sister-in-law."

"Sister Yun! Nonsense!" Fei Xue continued to argue. Yes, she does have a marriage contract with Murong Yang, but she is still not sure whether she wants to be with Murong Yang or not. She never hates this gentle big brother, but she really doesn't like it. Fifteen years, no man has really made Feixue feel a heartbeat.

The talk between Fei Xue and Murong Yun made Murong Yang sweat coldly. He calmed down, looked at Fei Xue, and smiled awkwardly: "I admit that the recent gift is indeed a failure. But!" Murong Yang stopped, and the corners of his mouth were slightly up 30 degrees. He said confidently, "I bet you will like Feixue very much this time!"

"Oh?" Fei Xue cast a questioning look at Murong Yun, and the latter nodded slightly. When Fei Xue saw that Murong Yun had admitted it, her curiosity and nervousness were suddenly raised, and she immediately asked, "Well, Brother Murong, don't worry about it!" What the hell is it? Tell me quickly!"

At this moment, Xiaodie brought up the made green tea and put it on the small table between the Murong brothers and sisters. Murong Yang nodded slightly to express his gratitude. Murong Yun directly praised: "Little butterfly girl is such a pair of wonderful hands. This tea is really fragrant!"

Xiaodie blushed and whispered, "Where, the princess laughed when she saw it. As long as you two like it."

"It's not a joke, it smells really good." Murong Yang stood up and squeezed his mouth and praised. Xiaodie said no more and lowered her head and said, "As long as you like it, the prince and princess. The maidservant has left." After saying that, Xiaodie hurriedly retreated behind Fei Xue.

Fei Xue also whispered to the little butterfly around her, "Little butterfly, it's really great! I can smell the fragrance of tea here. Xiaodie lowered her head in fear and didn't say a word.

Murong Yang put back the teacup and continued, "Fi Xue, why don't you worry about the gift? Let me ask you, I heard from Xiaoyun that your broken air seems to have been ruined by a man named Zhong Cheng, right?

Fei Xue nodded and said, "Well, it's true. Does this have anything to do with the gift you gave me?"

Murong Yang nod his head and said, "Of course, I think you will definitely want to recreate it since your broken air has been destroyed. Since it needs to be remade, materials are naturally indispensable, and isn't the first material to be spiritual wood? Moreover, breaking the air is a high-level machine beast, and this spiritual wood will take at least a thousand years. I specially brought you twelve thousand-year-old spiritual trees this time. Although I don't know if it is enough, it is also my intention. Well, this gift won't disappoint you, will it?

Fei Xue said in surprise, "Really!" This reaction made Murong Yang very proud. He straightened the corner of his clothes and smiled, "Of course it's true. When did Murong Yang lie to you?"

"That's great!" Fei Xue was so excited that she couldn't help rushing to Murong Yang's side and reaching out to hold Murong Yang's left hand, "Thank you! Brother Murong! Originally, I planned to go to the 'Treasure Forest' today to find the Millennium Spirit Tree. Your twelve Millennium Spirit Trees are really too timely! Sure enough, he is my good brother!"

Murong Yang smelled a fragrance in his nose, and he held a pair of exquisite jade hands in his left hand. He couldn't help but shake his heart. He stretched out his right hand and scraped his little nose that scraped the snow. He laughed and said, "This time I know that Brother Murong is on your side."

"Well, Brother Murong is the best for me!" Fei Xue touched her nose and smiled playfully. This smile made all the depression squeezed in Murong Yang's heart empty. He really likes Feixue, especially Feixue's pure and flawless smiling face, which is Murong Yang's lifelong pleasure.

The loser frowned at this moment and said, "Your Highness, there are too many twelve spiritual trees. It's still a lot of twists and turns to get it! We are ashamed of our losers!"

"Yes, yes!" Fei Xue also thought of something and said, "These twelve spiritual trees are enough for me to complete more than half of the fuselage. Brother Murong, if you send it for nothing like this, I..."

Murong Yun smiled and said, "Silly girl, we will be a family in the future, and you are still my sister-in-law!" Isn't yours my brother's? You're welcome!"

Fei Xue's face blushed slightly and said shyly, "Sister Yun! And say!" Murong Yun spit out her tongue and closed her mouth with a smile.

Murong Yang also said, "Yes, Mr. Gong lost. This Lingmu is useless except for making some good tables, chairs and cabinets in my hands. The sword is given to the hero. This spiritual wood can still play a better role in Feixue's hands. I'm just the beauty of adults.

"Haha, what a beautiful adult, His Royal Highness is so eloquence! Old admiration! In this case, our loser will accept these twelve spiritual trees. After groaning his white beard, his loser also laughed with relief.

Murong Yang also arched his hand and said, "I am also honored that the spiritual wood collected can be made into a powerful machine beast by Feixue! But..." Murong Yang paused, looked around, and asked, "Why don't you see Mr. Zhong Chengzhong? It is said that he not only crushed the sky, but also saved the life of your maid Xiaodie from the hands of a god.