God's Deacon

Chapter 48 Letter

Out of the publicshu fu, Zhong Cheng had a sense of freedom for fish entering the sea and birds into the blue sky, and his whole body seemed to float lightly. He stood in front of the door of the loser and stretched out his big waist refreshedly. Although there is food and accommodation in the public mansion, it is still living under the shelter of others. Zhong Cheng has decided to abandon such a life!

Yes, such an ordinary person's life is not suitable for him. His blood and unwillingness do not allow him to be ordinary. Free and unrestrained travel around the world is the life that Zhong Cheng yearns for.

Zhong Cheng looked around and saw that the people around him were not close to him, so he whispered, "by the way, Bauhinia, where is the treasure forest? How long will it take to get there from here?

"The treasure forest is in the south of the Beast City. If you take a horse-drawn carriage, it is estimated that it will arrive in half a day." Bauhinia's voice sounded, "But I can remind you first that there are many monsters and dangerous in the treasure forest, so I advise you not to rush to go before you are ready."

Zhong Cheng nodded and said, "I naturally know this. It's getting late now. Let's take a night off, buy something necessary, and go tomorrow. Speaking of..." Zhong Cheng took out the silver ticket in his arms, "How to use this thing? Sure enough, should we go to the bank to exchange it?"

"Where else can you exchange money if you don't go to the bank with a silver ticket?" Bauhinia sneered and said, "This common sense needs to be asked, how have you lived in the past 20 years?"

Zhong Cheng snorted coldly and said, "I use paper and pen in my world, and you don't know what I told you. Anyway, it's not that I don't have common sense, but that common sense here is not suitable for me.

Bauhinia smiled and stopped answering. Zhong Cheng didn't want to discuss this issue too much and began to look for a bank on the street. As a result, he soon found a bank called "God of Wealth" on the side of the street.

Among the magnificent houses on the street, this two-story bank is not outstanding. The simple tile house is slightly old, and there is nothing surprising about the building except that the plaque is made of pure gold.

Entering the Qianzhuang, Zhong Cheng stopped to look at the situation around him. The interior of this Qianzhuang also seemed very simple. If he hadn't seen the money carved in front of him, Zhong Cheng really didn't know that the place he entered was Qianzhuang.

There are only two people in the Qianzhuang, one is a young man in his early 20s, leaning against the counter and doting. The other is an old man about 60 years old. The old man wore a gray coat and his hair was white, but his eyes were dazzling and not decadent at all.

Compared with this old and strong old man, the young man is undoubtedly too depressed. Zhong Cheng went straight to the counter, took out the silver ticket in his arms, handed it to the old man in front of him, and said, "Shopkeeper, I want to redeem the money."

The old man glanced at Zhong Cheng and took the silver ticket. When he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly focused on the silver ticket. Then, the old man took a deep breath, respectfully handed back the silver ticket to Zhong Cheng, and said, "This gentleman, how much do you need?"

Zhong Cheng took the silver ticket and wondered, "What, you don't need a silver ticket to exchange money?"

The old man looked at Zhong Cheng with a surprised face and said, "Son, you don't know the role of the silver ticket in your hand! This silver ticket is not an ordinary silver ticket, but a token of our money family.

"Tear?" Zhong Cheng shook his head and said, "I don't know. The person who gave me the silver ticket didn't mention it to me."

The old man looked at Zhong Cheng suspiciously, with a little more alert in his eyes, and asked, "Dare to ask the prince, who gave you this silver ticket."

"A person who claims to be fourteen. Oh, by the way, he said that people called him 'blood-sucking fourteen'. Zhong Cheng answered the old man's question truthfully.

After hearing "Fourteen", the old man was shocked. When he heard "Vlood-sucking Fourteen", the old man's face turned pale and muttered, "Fourteenth young master, fourteen young master, he will come here..."

Zhong Cheng didn't care much about the old man's reaction. In fact, he had already guessed that this self-proclaimed "blood-sucking 14" guy was definitely not an ordinary person. However, looking at the old man's shocked expression now, I think the identity of the fourteenth young master should be higher than Zhong Cheng expected.

The old man was shocked for a long time before he barely stabilized his mood, but his expression was more respectful to Zhong Cheng. "Sir, since you are a friend of the fourteenth young master, it is normal to hold this silver ticket in your hand."

Zhong Cheng waved his hand and said, "It's not a friend. I only met the fourteenth young master once." It's better not to pretend to be close at this time, otherwise there may be unexpected trouble.

The old man didn't care and still said respectfully, "The fourteenth young master only met the prince once and sent such a precious token. I think you must be like the prince at first sight. The old slave dared to ask the prince his name.

The other party must be so respectful, and Zhong Cheng had no choice but to accept it and replied, "I'm Zhong Cheng. Excuse me, shopkeeper, what's so special about this silver ticket as a token? With that, Zhong Cheng took a closer look at the silver ticket.

The lower part of the silver ticket is a portrait of the God of Wealth. The God of Wealth wears an official hat, holds a gold ingot in his left hand and jade Ruyi in his right, with a rich and happy face. The upper part of the silver ticket is rows of blessing words such as auspiciousness and congratulations on making a fortune. In the center of the silver ticket, there are more than 10,000 words written.

Although the shape is good, Zhong Cheng didn't see the reason why it could be used as a token. Seeing this surprised look, the old man smiled and pointed: "Mr. Zhong, take a closer look. Is there a light golden character in the center of this silver ticket?"

Zhong Cheng followed the old man's words and found that there were three golden small characters hidden behind more than 10,000 words: Qian Shishi.

"Is that why it is a token?" Zhong Cheng frowned and said, "This is too imprudent. Aren't you afraid that I will forge it?"

The old man smiled faintly and shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhong, you look too much at the token of our Qian family. The paper of this silver ticket is made of the fur of the ice flame bear in the far north, while the gold on the silver ticket is taken from rare inner gold. Without super strength, you can never collect these two materials. And I'm afraid that people with this strength don't disdain to fake it!"

Zhong Cheng suddenly shouted and said with surprise, "Oh, that's it! In this case, it is indeed impossible to forge it. Although he didn't know the two things in the old man's mouth, he knew that it was a very great thing. Don't ask too much at this time, so as not to make the other party suspicious.

"Moreover, the forger has to weigh whether he is qualified to fight with our Qian family." The old man added proudly. In his mind, the "Qian family" seems to be shining with infinite brilliance.

Since the old man can say such words without being shy, I'm afraid that the Qian family is a famous family in the whole Tongshen continent!

Zhong Cheng opened his mind and became cautious. "Since your family is so strong, I don't know why the fourteenth young master made friends with people like me."

The old man smiled and said, "You don't have to care about it at this time. The fourteenth young master has always been strange to do things. Every time he waits for me to tell the reason in the end, so you don't have to worry about Mr. Zhong. And since the fourteenth young master is so close to Mr. Zhong, I think there must be something unusual about Mr. Zhong.

Zhong Cheng also smiled, gently flapped his hand with the silver ticket, and said with a wry smile, "So, can I accept this kindness with peace of mind?"

The old man bowed slightly and said, "Of course. Mr. Zhong, if you need it, I will do my best to help you. I dare not say anything else. We can afford to pay back a little money. Although the old man spoke in a humble tone, his words were implicitly domineering. Is this the trend of the Qian family?

Zhong Cheng took the silver ticket back in his arms and laughed, "That's so magnificent! If I ask for 100,000 taels, can you afford it?

The old man bent down and said lightly, "If Mr. Zhong really wants 100,000 taels, the old man can order people to prepare now. I don't know if Mr. Zhong needs it.

Zhong Cheng waved his hand and said, "I have received your kindness. I don't need that much money now. Just give me a hundred taels of silver.

The old man narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhong Cheng and wondered, "One hundred taels, won't it be too few? May I ask, Mr. Zhong, where are you going to get the money?

Zhong Cheng pondered for a while and said truthfully, "I'll tell you that I'm going to the treasure forest." The reason why Zhong Cheng said this is that he hopes to get some information from the old shopkeeper. I came to this world inexplicably, and naturally I don't know anything about the treasure forest. Bauhinia is a person who didn't know how many years ago. I'm afraid that the treasure forest information she has can't keep up with the times.

The old man's expression was more puzzled and said, "The old man dare to ask again, has Mr. Zhong prepared anything? Are those necessary medicines ready?

Zhong Cheng shook his head and said, "I don't know about the necessary drugs. All I have in my medical box are hemostatics, bandages, disinfectants and other drugs."

Zhong Cheng's series of alien words deepened the doubts on the old shopkeeper's face, "Mr. Zhong, what elixir did you just mentioned? Please forgive me for being young and unlearned. I really haven't heard of it.

Zhong Cheng smiled awkwardly, knew that he spilled the beans, and hurriedly explained, "That's not a big deal, but my hometown likes to say so. Er, as for where my hometown is, you don't have to ask more."

The old man nodded and said, "No wonder, it's the old man who was shocked. Please forgive me, Mr. Zhong."

Zhong Cheng also immediately responded and said, "Where... By the way, what exactly do I need to prepare?"

The old man lowered his head and thought for a moment, with a bitter face and said, "I'm afraid Mr. Zhong can't remember it. Otherwise, Mr. Zhong, when will you start?"

Zhong Cheng turned his head and asked, "Tomorrow, is there any problem?"

The old man nodded and suggested, "Mr. Zhong, just do this. Let the old man send someone to prepare those things for you. When Mr. Zhong is leaving tomorrow morning, just come to me to pick it up.

Zhong Cheng slapped and smiled, "This is a good way! But isn't it too troublesome for you? The following sentence is a typical hypocritical.

Sure enough, the old man smiled generously and said, "No trouble, no trouble, we can still do this little thing. By the way, Mr. Zhong, do you need some entanglement?

Zhong Cheng also nodded rudely and said, "Of course, a hundred taels, no problem."

"You are natural." With that, the old man has put his hand into the counter and took out ten ingots of silver and put them in front of Zhong Cheng. He smiled and said, "A total of 100 taels of silver. Mr. Zhong, please accept it."

"Thank you very much." Zhong Cheng arched his hand, put the silver in his arms, and then smiled and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you next."

"Please!" The old man showed his right hand.

Zhong Cheng nod his head and turned around and left Qianzhuang.