God's Deacon

Chapter 59 Ice Heart Fire Lotus

The tragedy of the last blood python being drained blood is still vivid. Zhong Cheng never dreamed that he was lucky to enjoy the second time in the same scene.

In the red light of the arm-sized shot by the blood bead to the shark, the blood in the shark's body is regularly flowing into the blood bead.

At this time, the blood beads had already escaped from Zhong Cheng's arms and floated in the air of Linghu Lake. In the blue light, the red light was extremely strange, and with the painful roar of the shark, the mysterious atmosphere around Linghu Lake was undoubtedly rendered stronger!

Boom! Boom!

The milky body of the shark kept twisting painfully in the spirit lake, and the strong power fluctuated, and the sound of the water was endless.

And now Zhong Cheng has finally seen the real face of this shark. The large oval meat ball on the shark's body is milky white and looks extremely discordant. The tail fin is huge, but the chest fin is small and pitiful. The whole body is about 30 meters long, which is the size of a blue whale.

Zhong Cheng stared at the shark in the water and sighed with surprise: "What a big man! If this thing lives in the Pacific Ocean, the legend of the sea monster will not come true!"

"Good job! It's worth encouraging!" I don't know when Bauhinia still slowly floated to Zhong Cheng's side and looked at Zhong Cheng with a smile. "To be honest, I have to admire your courage this time! This is very similar to Lord Pluto.

"It's time to get involved with Pluto again!" Zhong Cheng snorted coldly and said sympathizedly, "I really don't agree with your statement. Don't always associate me with that guy. He said, I'm not him."

As soon as Zhong Cheng showed disrespect to Pluto, Bauhinia was not happy and immediately said, "Say that you are like Lord Pluto to praise you. Seriously, if Pluto is here, how can this area of the shark be mentioned? You are also lucky. The shark just wants to eat you in one bite, so you don't use its best magic method 'Haibo Fury'. Otherwise, how can you have a chance to be proud here?

"Are I proud? It's just that you think so..." Zhong Cheng smiled faintly, put his hands on his chest, and said carelessly, "You should know that you have the ability to do it. This is not commendable."

Bauhinia was stunned and speechless for a moment, but she was smart. As soon as she turned her mind, she immediately joked, "Yes, it's really not worthy of doing what she has the ability to do. But no matter what, it at least proves that they have the ability. Some people don't have much ability. Occasionally, when they succeed, their tone becomes arrogant.

"Ha ha, what a harsh words!" Zhong Cheng closed his eyes slightly and was not angry. He looked up at the bright moon in the sky and smiled and said, "However, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, it's hard to say what my future will be."

"As long as you have such self-confidence, I hope you will be equally confident when you practice!" Bauhinia replied helplessly, and a very strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

At this moment, she finally realized that after coming to this world, Zhong Cheng has been changing little by little. Tonight, Zhong Cheng, who experienced the disaster of life and death again, finally completed the transformation gorgeously!

He became calm, calm, scheming and confident!

Bauhinia has a hunch that Zhong Cheng will no longer be the little boy who can make her laugh at her at will. He feels more and more like Pluto, the Pluto that Bauhinia misses so much.

At this time, Zhong Cheng still seems to have become the embodiment of Pluto. The Bauhinia on the side stared at Zhong Cheng's side face affectionately, and his missing heart was even stronger, and he was actually crazy.

Zhong Cheng didn't care about the change of the bauhinia around him. He stared at the twisting shark in Linghu, frowned, and suddenly asked, " Bauhinia, the scream of this shark is so loud. Won't it attract others?"

Zhong Cheng's words immediately pulled Bauhinia back from the fantasy world. Bauhinia's delicate body was shocked, and immediately looked away, stroked the green silk, and pretended to be calm and said, "Oh..., you don't have to worry about this. Within a hundred miles, I haven't felt the breath of the strong. Moreover, the sound insulation effect of the spiritual forest is excellent. If the other party is not in the spiritual forest, it is difficult to detect what is happening here.

"Oh!" Zhong Cheng looked at the Bauhinia beside him with admiration, "You can feel it within a hundred miles. This is too amazing!"

"Ha ha, what is this..." Bauhinia's face turned slightly red, smiled shyly, and the deer pounded in his heart. No, Zhong Chengcheng is too much like Pluto at this time!

In order to calm the flame in his heart, Bauhinia had to force himself to look at the shark in the lake.

Zhong Cheng was slightly surprised by the strange behavior of Bauhinia, but he had already known that Bauhinia was strange, so he did not pay attention to it and turned his eyes back to the shark in Linghu Lake.

The shark at this time is already dying. After such a long time, no matter how big the shark is, no matter how much blood there is in the body, I'm afraid it will be drawn.

"Alas! Is it the complete victory of the blood beads again? Looking at such a one-sided situation, Zhong Cheng sighed from his heart. What a treasure this blood bead is! It's so powerful!

And just as Zhong Cheng sighed about the power of the blood beads, the Bauhinia beside him suddenly screamed and panicked, "Oh! It's terrible! Zhong Cheng, go to the bottom of the lake and pick off the ice heart fire lotus, otherwise it will be too late!"

"Hmm!" Zhong Cheng also changed his face. He turned his head to look at Bauhinia with a doubtful face and moved his mouth to ask the reason. But when he saw that Bauhinia's nervous face did not seem fake, Zhong Cheng had to shrug his shoulders helplessly and said, "Okay, I'm going down to pick the ice heart fire lotus. But after you come up, you have to tell me why!"

"Uh-huh! Hurry up, you must hurry before the shark dies!" Bauhinia nodded to Zhong Cheng, and his tone was very rapid.

Zhong Cheng also nodded and took a few steps to the Linghu Lake. At this time, the spiritual lake, under the strong roll of the shark, has already been turbulent. At this time, sneaking into the lake, I'm afraid it's more or less auspicious!

Look at the fierce water and the body that the shark is twisting all the time. Zhong Cheng sighed and knew that this trip was more or less auspicious. Whether he is rolled up in the water vortex or hit by the huge body of the shark, Zhong Cheng will face death. But at this point, Zhong Cheng has had extra time to consider.

After only a moment of hesitation, Zhong Cheng resolutely fell into the lake! At this time, Bauhinia in the distance also clenched his pink fist and bit his teeth, with a worried face.

The situation in the lake is very bad, and the water is very strong. As soon as Zhong Cheng jumped into the water, his body was involuntarily taken away by the surging lake. Fortunately, he has drunk evil water, so Zhong Cheng can not only breathe in the water, but also see the movement under the water.

There are no creatures in the green lake, except water plants and water plants! Zhong Cheng was a little surprised and wanted to see the situation, but his body was involuntarily rolled from this head to the other end! In front of monsters, even in front of the desperate monsters, Zhong Cheng, a mortal, is still powerless.

However, nothing can hinder Zhong Cheng's determination. After rotating in the lake several times, Zhong Cheng was almost fanned by the shark's fin several times. Fortunately, Zhong Cheng was very quick and always tried his best to avoid it at the right time, which saved his life. However, in such a violent water situation, Zhong Cheng had no chance to swim to the bottom of the lake. Even if it has been tried several times, the results are not optimistic.

Of course, Zhong Cheng did not give up. He is still waiting for the opportunity. Although he was exhausted, he was encouraged by his willpower, Zhong Cheng still stood firm.

Huangtian lived up to his intentions. After drifting with the tide for a while, the water finally slowed down, but Zhong Cheng was not happy at all. He understood that the water calmed down naturally because the blood of the monster in the lake was almost pumped. Bauhinia said that the ice heart and fire lotus must be picked before the monster dies.

To put it simply, there is little time left.

Not waiting, Zhong Cheng held his breath, rushed to the bottom of the lake with full force, and hit his legs back vigorously.

At this time, the water is not very big, and the shark with dried blood no longer has the previous strong wind. The momentum of resistance is getting smaller and smaller, and the splash is getting weaker and weaker. Speaking of which, it didn't resist at all, just twisted its body with all its strength.

Actually, Zhong Cheng is very curious about how can this blood bead coped?

However, this is not the time to think about this problem. Zhong Cheng is very focused on swimming to the bottom of the lake. After crossing layers of water and grass, Zhong Cheng finally came to the bottom of the lake. When I was worried about how to find the ice heart fire lotus, I saw the amazing scene at the bottom of the lake.

A strange lotus flower grows in a concave rock. The lotus has seven fiery red leaves, but the stamens in the center are water blue. The leaves are gorgeous and colorful, and the stamens are exquisite and transparent. Seven Bluetooth emits red light, while the stamens in the center emit blue light.

Red and blue are beautiful!

There is no need to guess at all. Zhong Cheng knows that this is the purpose of his trip. He suppressed his inner ecstasy and immediately started to pick the lotus flower. As soon as he touched his hand, Zhong Cheng felt hot, followed by a severe cold.

Zhong Cheng was shocked and immediately let go of his hand. He looked at the ice heart fire lotus in front of him in surprise and thought to himself, "It's really ice heart fire lotus, cold and hot!"

At this time, he couldn't drag. Zhong Cheng pondered for a while, suddenly gritted his teeth, grabbed his right hand, and pulled off a piece of cloth from his clothes. Then, Zhong Cheng took the broken cloth in his hand and took off the ice heart fire lotus in one breath.

But even through a layer of cloth, the feeling of heat and cold is still very strong.

However, the only thing Zhong Cheng can do now is to stick to it! He endured the pain, looked up at the lake, and said to himself, "It's only a few dozen meters. I gritted my teeth!"

After gassing, Zhong Cheng did not stop, kicked his feet and began to swim towards the lake at the fastest speed he could mention.


The light was ahead, and Zhong Cheng was happy and accelerated his way upstream.

With a crash, Zhong Cheng's head came out of Linghu Lake. As soon as the water came out, Zhong Cheng quickly threw the ice heart fire lotus in his hand to the shore.

At this time, I can't care about what treasure it is, because Zhong Cheng's hand has been seriously burned and frostbited!