God's Deacon

Chapter 66 Lingxiao Wonderland

The light gradually dissipated after a long time, and at the source of the light, Zhong Cheng has stood straight there, holding the extremely gorgeous sword in his hand.

The same face, the same sword, but Zhong Cheng's expression at this moment and the momentum emanating from his body are simply different! At this moment, Zhong Cheng is like Pluto on that day, holding absolute strength and supreme domineering. The strength is enough to awe all things in the world and convince all over the world!

Seeing this situation, Bauhinia breathed a long sigh of relief. She knew that the soul fusion was successful. At this time, Zhong Cheng was the sword god - Qu Shang!

And as soon as the light dissipated, the eyes of the five-line holy beast had been fixed on Zhong Cheng, the young man who had just been almost killed by him.

With a deep roar, the body of the five elements of the holy beast did not move, but it began to change slowly. The hard rock that originally covered the body suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and was replaced by a layer of green fluorescence.

Zhong Cheng (Qu Shang. For the convenience of writing, the author will directly talk about Zhong Cheng below.) He raised his eyebrows and grinned, "Is it a wind attribute? Sure enough, it is the five-eed holy beast. Come on!"

"Roar!!" The five elements of holy beast roared, his legs flicked, and the body made of stones had flown in the direction of Zhong Cheng. Seeing a flash of green light, the five-emerged holy beast still bullied Zhong Cheng, raised his right hand high, and punched Zhong Cheng! The speed is so fast!

"It's really the wind!" In the midst of his busy schedule, Zhong Cheng highlighted a sentence and raised his right shoulder. The mixed color of the sword against the sky shone with white light, which was already blocked in front of the scroll head of the five elements holy beast!


The stone fist mixed with green light and the anti-sky shining white light touched each other without hesitation!

At the moment of collision, a huge energy immediately burst out from the handover of the fist and sword. The huge energy wave hit all sides of the rock wall without hesitation, but after listening to the roar, the surrounding rock walls burst! The water in the pool also burst out a few huge splashs under the powerful power! The whole cave began to shake, as if it was about to collapse at any time!

Just one blow is as powerful as this!

"Brother Qu Shang! Don't fight here, or there will be endless troubles!" Bauhinia reminded him.

Zhong Cheng's face was awe-ble, and his left index finger and middle finger were together. He quickly pointed to the anti-sky sword and shouted, "God's law: mixed yuan broken!" With the shouting, an extremely powerful airflow suddenly broke out in Zhong Cheng's hand, forcing the five-eed holy beast out in an instant!

But the five-eed holy beast is not an ordinary monster. Although it was blown away, he turned his body in mid-air very flexibly, facing Zhong Cheng, and stepped on the rock wall behind him with a bang! And the green cyclone on the body began to recede, and layers of hard stones covered the body again.

With a crash, the "broken sky" airflow that broke out against the sky followed the five elements of the holy beast and hit the rock wall fiercely! The rock wall roared, and several huge rocks collapsed from top to bottom. Where it was hit by the airflow, there was a huge pit deeply in it!

The power is so powerful that it's crazy!

Seeing that the rock wall is crumbling and there is a risk of collapse at any time. And the five elements of the holy beast still stood on the rock wall! Except for a few rocks, there is no harm at all! And I have to say that the fallen rocks are not his body, but part of the huge rock covering his body.

Seeing this situation, Zhong Cheng frowned deeply and muttered, "Mountain? Five elements change, know the enemy to defeat the enemy, what a tricky guy!"

"Brother Qu Shang!" Bauhinia pointed to the crumbling stone wall in front of him and said, "You can't fight here!" Otherwise, not only will this cave collapse, but it will also spread to the whole continent!"

"Uh..." Zhong Cheng tightened the anti-sky in his hand and frowned, "Of course I understand this. If there is a big noise, it will disturb the Creator God. At that time, the plan of the tomb will fail!"

Bauhinia nodded and said, "Yes, you just made a gentle fight, and it's already such a battle. If you really let go of your hand to fight, the consequences must be unimaginable!"

"Daw! Zhong, you really gave me a problem!" Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly and felt at a loss.

In fact, how can Qu Shang in Zhong Cheng's body not know what serious consequences it will be to fight with the five elements of holy beasts! You know, although Qu Shang is not officially a god, his strength has already reached the level of a god. However, in those years, the creator god was selfish and couldn't help but let Qu Shang and others become gods, and deceived them into the underworld (chaotic world), so that they would be locked in it forever and could no longer leave. Later/after experiencing a series of things, Qu Shang finally died in the underworld with hatred. However, as chaos, there is not much boundary between life and death, body and soul. Therefore, even if he dies, Qu Shang can still continue to practice miracles and improve his cultivation.

And as a monster, the five-emered holy beast is also a powerful monster. You know, he evolved from a divine source close to the root. After tens of thousands of years of practice, its strength has already reached an unimaginable level for mortals. Except for the gods of the divine world, there are only demons in the demon world.

The battle between gods and demons is usually the collapse of the earth, and the sun and the moon are lost. And the battle between Qu Shang and the five-e elements holy beast is fully capable of shaking the sky and cracking the earth. If such an effect is really achieved, it will be a disaster for the divine continent of human beings, and it will be extremely unfavorable to Pluto's plan!

Imagine, if such a huge change has taken place in the human world, will the creator god of the four worlds not pay attention? And once he notices the existence of Zhong Cheng, is there anything else to expect?

When Zhong Cheng successfully helped Pluto connect the gates of the underworld and the divine continent, his existence must not be noticed by the creator god. Otherwise, everything will come to an end, and the tens of thousands of years of painstaking plan will also be watered - a waste!

So many troubles are piled up in Qu Shang's heart, so that he can no longer wave against the sky happily. For a swordsman, if he hesitates when swinging his sword, the consequences are absolutely serious!

Just as Zhong Cheng lowered his head and meditated, the five elements of the holy beast had come down from the rock wall. He didn't have as many scruples as Qu Shang. With a roar, the stones on his body retreated, and the fiery red flames lingered again.

Without any hesitation, the five-e elements holy beast, which changed its attributes, attacked Zhong Cheng again!

Until just now, Zhong Cheng was still meditating. It was not until the hot flames came to his face that he suddenly remembered that he was still in battle!

However, although a generation of sword gods were raided, they were still not shocked. Zhong Cheng's eyes shrank, his body was slightly slanted, his right foot was light, and suddenly flew out like an arrow from the string! The speed is no worse than the five-eed holy beast with the green cyclone just now.

The five-emer holy beast threw an angrily when it saw a blow, looked up at Zhong Cheng in mid-air and began to change its attributes.

Of course, Zhong Cheng knows very well that this five-eed holy beast is ready to fight against himself with the body of wind attributes. Of course, he is not afraid to fight with this monster, but he is too worried. Zhong Chengcheng doesn't want to fight with him.

"Is there any way not to destroy here?" His brain turned rapidly, and suddenly, a picture of mountains and white clouds appeared in his mind!

"Yes!" Zhong Cheng looked happy and laughed, "How can I forget this move! Beast, get ready to die!" With that, Zhong Cheng gently threw the anti-sky in his hand, put his hands together, closed his eyes gently, and gently opened and closed his thin lips, as if he were singing something. It seems that he is exerting some strange magic.

The white light floating in mid-air and shining on his body became brighter and brighter with the opening and closing of Zhong Cheng's lips, as if he was accumulating some energy.

"Void is real, real is virtual; illusion is born from the heart, and the heart becomes the fantasy world. Lingxiao Wonderland, open it!"

With a loud shout, the light on the anti-sky sword suddenly soared, and in an instant, it shot straight in all directions! The powerful light once again devoured everything in the hole!

Bauhinia hurriedly covered his eyes and turned his head back. And the five-eed holy beast, which is preparing to attack, has to stop and protect its body at this moment.

This time the light lasted much shorter than the last time, almost for a moment. When he recovered, the strong light had disappeared.

It's really a hurry to come and go.

Bauhinia, who opened his eyes, was stunned and was shocked by the scene in front of him in an instant.

The original cave turned into a place full of mountains! Looking at the white floating clouds under his feet and the top of the mountain in the distance, Bauhinia's heart can be imagined!

This is a realm of sky, and white clouds are fluttering on the top of the mountains. From far to near, except for the top of the mountain, it is white clouds. It's really a beautiful place.

It's really a fairyland!