God's Deacon

Chapter 68 One-character chopping

(The next chapter is the last chapter of this war. Please support, recommend and collect more!)

"Hey, I haven't been so excited for a long time! Interesting!" Zhong Cheng raised the corners of his mouth and smiled coldly. He looked at the light of the five elements of holy beast, but it seemed to be sharper. Even the Bauhinia outside the battlefield can feel the unparalleled hegemony implied in the fierce eyes.

"Come on! Let me see the 'qi' of the five elements!" With a big shout, Zhong Cheng stepped into the air and attacked the five elements of holy beast again with the sword against the sky. The white light shines, and the power against the sky is still strong.

"Roar!" The body of the five elements of the holy beast showed, and the airflow of the whole body was shocked, and it punched in the direction of Zhong Cheng's attack. This blow is much faster than the fire, water and wind just now. The fist breaks the void, the airflow is wave, and the power is infinite!

Speaking of which, in the world of the divine continent, the interpretation of the five elements is very vague, and there are many different explanations. It is divided into five elements and five elements. The so-called five elements are naturally gold, wood, water, fire and earth. There are more sayings about the five elements. Like the five elements holy beast in front of you, what the body contains is the five elements. They are: fire, water, wind, mountain and gas. However, it has to be mentioned that in any partial five elements, "qi" is an attribute that must be mentioned.

Among them, the mountain is earth, just to emphasize its protective effect, so it is specially emphasized as a "mountain". As for "wind", this is originally a wonderful attribute, which should be classified as "qi". However, in terms of effect alone, "wind" is really not compared with ordinary "qi", so it is finally separated from "qi".

When it comes to "qi", it has to be said that this is the most mysterious and amazing attribute in the five elements. Once everything in this world leaves Qi, it is not far from death. This is a very magical attribute. You can control and use it at will anywhere and at any time.

So "qi" is also the strongest attribute in the five elements. This is also the reason why today's five-emered holy beasts are so powerful.

Of course, in the face of such a powerful punch, Zhong Cheng, who was possessed by the sword god, was not afraid at all. He rushed against the sky and stabbed the other party!

The white light shines and the airflow flies!

With the second collision of the boxing sword, the power of the shock quickly spread from the junction. The result is naturally that the mountains shake and the white clouds drift away.

But this time, Zhong Cheng and the Five-e elements holy beast don't seem to be ready to stop with one blow. At the moment of collision, Zhong Cheng quickly pulled back against the sky, but did not retreat. He sent his right hand forward and stabbed the head of the five elements holy beast like thunder!

The five-emerged holy beast did not change its attributes this time, but turned its head and quickly dodged Zhong Cheng's sword. At the same time, the lower body of the five elements holy beast quickly kicked out.

And Zhong Cheng also raised his feet to fight back. The two legs touched together, with all the miracles on one side and the cyclone soared on the other. Therefore, under the collision, there is still no winner or defeat.

The wind, at the junction of legs and legs, miracles and cyclones squeeze each other, ** each other, and even the whole air vibrates together.

At this moment, I only heard a "boom", but the sword wind that Zhong Cheng had just hit the sword swept the top of a mountain behind the five elements holy beast. As a result, it can be imagined that the top of the mountain exploded directly and was blown into gravel in an instant.

However, Zhong Cheng and the Five-Elegion Holy Beast did not care about the explosion in the distance, and their target was still locked on their opponents. Seeing that the energy intertwined with the cyclone and the magic machine gathered more and more, one person and one beast withdrew the attack at the same time and retreated back.

And the squeezed energy in the middle is free at this moment and fluctuates out with a bang.

Zhong Cheng and the five-eed holy beast retreated respectively, stepped on the top of a mountain behind each other, and looked opposite.

Then, the airflow on the five elements of the holy beast suddenly dispersed, and the flame ignited again! At the same time, the five elements of the holy beast flicked its feet, and its body retreated backwards again. Then he punched two fire fists in the air and hit the top of the mountain in front of him. How could the top of the mountain withstand the blow of the five elements of holy beasts?

Several huge stones, large and small, rose to the sky, the five elements of holy beast roared, and the flames on their bodies were even more violent, spewing a distant flame at several huge flying stones in front of them. Under the scorched flames, the flying stones in mid-air were all stained with a layer of flame without exception.

After that, the five elements of the holy beast did not stop, quickly changed its attributes, and the fire receded and the wind rose.

Two palms! The green storm on the five-line holy beast swept into several burning boulders in front of them. Under the wind, the burning boulders were even more violent and roared towards Zhong Cheng!

Fire borrows the wind, and the wind helps the fire. The two are combined, and their power is amazing!

I saw countless flaming boulders flying towards me. Zhong Cheng raised his sword eyebrows and did not dodge. He put his right hand straight in front of him and closed his eyes at the same time. Just after Zhong Cheng closed his eyes, the air on his side was gradually changing slightly.

The air seems to be stagnant, and the white clouds seem to stop. It seems that the sun and the moon are about to be reversed, the sky is about to change color, and the earth is about to break! A bursting energy is slowly condensing in Zhong Cheng's body!

"One word cut!"

With a loud shout, Zhong Cheng's eyes suddenly opened, holding the sky in his right hand, smoothly splitting a sword in front of him. A big word "one" condensed from white light quickly appeared in front of him. The white light seemed warm and unwarning, and it slowly faced several flying stones in front of it.

But at the moment when the white light collided with the first flying boulder, it suddenly emerged. The seemingly warm and weak white light suddenly shone brightly, easily cutting the flying boulder in front of him in half. After the flying boulder was divided into two, although the fire did not diminish, the power of continuing to attack forward was indeed gone, and he had to fall to an endless bottom.

And after cutting off the first flying boulder, the white light is still full of momentum and continues to face the boulder.

I only heard a few loud sounds, and one flying boulder after another was cut off from the waist and fell from the clouds! And that white light has also broken through layers of huge stones and attacked the five elements of the holy beast! It is worth mentioning that this white light was still weak at the beginning and slowly swallowed. The more powerful it is, the faster it is later, and the faster it is! At this time, it seems that it is already a super attack that combines speed and power!

The five-emerged holy beast roared and immediately withdrew its wind attributes, and the colorless airflow surged around the body again! His eyes were fierce, and his empty body suddenly shrank into a ball, and then the invisible airflow lingered around his body like a protective film.


The white light hit the colorless airflow on the body of the five elements of the holy beast. In an instant, the white light soared and circled the place where the five elements of the holy beast was located in an instant! And where the white light is located, the mountains collapse and the white clouds fly away! A huge cyclone came out of the light source, and Zhong Cheng's clothes fluttered and his hair danced gently.

Seeing the collapse of one mountain after another in front of him, Zhong Cheng frowned and muttered, "It's really tricky!"

Just after Zhong Cheng's words, the center, which was originally surrounded by white light, suddenly made an extremely discordant roar. Then, a powerful airflow burst out from the light source and drove back the huge white light in an instant.

And in the center of the airflow, the five-line holy beast is standing there unharmed! Of course, it is too exaggerated to say that there is no injury. Admittedly, his body did lose some gravel, but it looked really harmless.

With a wry smile and exhaling, Zhong Cheng shrugged his shoulders, posed against the enemy again, and said to himself, "There is no way to go on like this. This monster is too strong. If you don't kill it with one blow, you will never win or lose. In this case..."

With that, Zhong Cheng's eyes were cold, and his murderous intent soared, and his right hand raised his sword pointing to the sky.

Above the sword, the sky changes color, the air is dull, and the mountains are sad!

In the fairyland, a strong murderous intention permeated in an instant!