God's Deacon

Chapter 71 Ancient Magic

(The author apologizes: The author is too slow, and there are too many foreshadowings in front of me, which is also a little abusive. However, I promise that it will be more and more exciting in the future. From this chapter, the protagonist officially began to practice and stepped into the field of the god.)

"Ah..." Zhong Cheng opened his thick eyelids, and his heavy mind forced him to moan. The vision in front of me was very blurred, and I could only faintly see a purple figure beside me.

"You're awake." The purple figure moved, and his face seemed to change. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng has just woken up and can't see clearly at all.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Zhong Cheng could still feel the concern in the other party's tone. He narrowed his eyes and moved his mouth: "Well, I'm awake. Where is this?"

The purple figure smiled and said softly, "It seems that you are really sleepy. You don't even remember where this is."

"Uh..." Zhong Cheng closed his eyes and rubbed them gently with his hand. After feeling that his eyes were not so swollen, he slowly opened his eyes. This time, he saw clearly that there was a beautiful woman standing in front of him. He is not unfamiliar with this beautiful woman. She is Bauhinia.

Recovering consciousness, Zhong Cheng's heart tightened and immediately thought of the five-eed holy beast. He immediately sat up straight and asked anxiously, "Where is the five-eed holy beast? Where is it?"

"Dead." Bauhinia spread out her hands and replied carelessly.

This answer shocked Zhong Cheng. He opened his mouth and didn't recover for a long time. After a long time, he asked stiffly, "Dead? Why... died? How did you die?"

Bauhinia smiled, looked at Zhong Cheng, and said seriously, "Auntie said I got rid of it. Do you believe it?"

Zhong Cheng was stunned and replied with a twitching from the corners of his mouth, "Uh... If you have a body, I will believe it." The meaning of this is that I don't believe it.

Bauhinia curled his lips and said dissatisfiedly, "Okay, okay, don't joke. These five-line holy beasts committed suicide.

"Suicide!" Zhong Cheng screamed, and the surprise on his face was no less than the surprise he showed when he heard the news of the death of the five-eed holy beast. "How could he commit suicide? There is no reason at all!"

"It's suicide!" Bauhinia shrugged his shoulders and said carelessly, "And there is a good reason."

Zhong Cheng lowered his head and frowned, "What's the reason?"

"You should know that this five-emerged holy beast was arranged by Lord Pluto to protect the source of chaos here." Bauhinia's expression was very relaxed. "So I suddenly thought that Lord Pluto had specially taught me how to control it when he left. As a result, I controlled it and made him commit suicide.

"Oh..." Zhong Cheng understands that it can be solved in such a simple way. He stared at Bauhinia helplessly and didn't know what to say.

Bauhinia was very uncomfortable to be stared at by Zhong Cheng's eyes. Xiu frowned slightly and scolded, "What kind of eyes are you! It's like saying that I'm deliberately tricking you.

Zhong Cheng's face was stiff, moved his mouth and replied, "Actually, that's what I think. Bauhinia, I have to remind you that you'd better remember to fly like this in the future. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

"Okay, it's wrong." Bauhinia muttered, and a shy posture of a little girl looked as if she had suffered great grievances.

Zhong Cheng is helpless, which is why he can't handle Bauhinia. Because this woman will always use her peerless beauty to impress any normal man.

Zhong Cheng coughed dryly, stood up from the ground, swept the situation around him, and suddenly his eyes fell on a pile of stones not far ahead. His eyes flashed, pointed to the pile of stones, and asked the Bauhinia beside him, "Is that the body of the five-eed holy beast?"

Bauhinia's teeth were slightly exposed and he smiled softly, "Yes, after he died, he left two treasures!" Unfortunately, they don't have a body, so it's not clear what it is now.

Bauhinia's voice was sweet and greasy, which made Zhong Cheng feel comfortable. His face darkened. He looked at Bauhinia and said, " Bauhinia, don't talk like this. Listen to me... it hurts!"

"The egg hurts!" Bauhinia's face was stunned and didn't realize what it meant. But she knew very well that this was definitely not a good word. She immediately turned black and scolded angrily, "Well, Zhong Cheng, find some words that I don't understand to scold me!" Take care of your mouth!"

Unexpectedly, Zhong Cheng was not angry after being scolded. Instead, he smiled and nodded with satisfaction: "That's right! It's normal for you Bauhinia to talk like this, and it's normal for me to listen to it.

"You!" Bauhinia was knotted, and the words were blocked for a moment.

Zhong Cheng laughed and ignored the whining Bauhinia. He went straight to the side of the stone pile and bent down to observe the two things in the stone pile. One is a yellowed ancient book, and the other is a pair of fiery red horns.

Zhong Cheng's interest first fell on the pair of horns. He picked up one of the horns and took them in to take a closer look. As he looked at them, he said strangely, "This pair of horns are so special that they are actually red." Zhong Cheng raised his horns, shook at the Bauhinia, and asked, " Bauhinia, what is this?"

Bauhinia was still angry, so he replied impatiently, "Guess, I don't care about you!" At this time, Bauhinia blushed and pouted, with a trace of childishness on her beautiful cheeks, which looked very cute.

"Ha ha, are you still angry?" Zhong Cheng shook his head with a wry smile, thinking that the Bauhinia had such a cute time.

"No! How can grandma argue with you little boy!" Bauhinia said, slowly floated to Zhong Cheng's side, pointed to the horn in his hand, and said, "This is the horn of the wild fire cow!"

Zhong Cheng looked carefully at the horn in his hand and continued to ask, "Wild Fire Bull, what is that?" A kind of monster?

Bauhinia replied impatiently, "Nonsense, of course it's a monster! You don't have to know exactly what kind of monster it is. Anyway, you don't know!"

"Ha ha..." Zhong Cheng laughed dryly and muttered in a low voice, "How can I know if you don't tell me..." Now he can only sigh that the "egg pain" has caused trouble.

Since Bauhinia doesn't want to explain too much, Zhong Cheng will no longer ask. He put down his horns and looked at the ancient book beside him. The ancient book looked ordinary and could be said to have no characteristics except for the old and yellow paper. And the cover of the book is pale yellow, without a word.

"What is that book?" Zhong Cheng pointed to the ancient book on the ground and asked Bauhinia.

"Book!" Bauhinia became interested, and the dissatisfaction on her face suddenly swept away. She smiled like a flower and said, "I don't know what this book is. But it is certain that it is a divine method. A powerful ancient magic!"

Zhong Cheng knew too little about the divine method, so he asked, "Ancient divine method, what level of divine method is this?"

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Well, listen, this time my aunt will explain everything to you. Bauhinia cleared his throat with a proud face and continued, "First of all, I think you already know the classification of the gods. In order, there are eleven levels of gods, soldiers, envoys, generals, gods, gods, gods, kings, emperors, souls, agents, and gods.

"Among them, except for the gods and gods, the other levels are divided into four stages:fan, Cheng, Spiritual and Tong. The gods are divided into nine paragraphs, which are not gods, but can absorb miracles. As for the cultivation after the founding of the gods, there is not much to say.

"In addition, if you want to absorb miracles, you must first have a divine source. There are four levels of the gods in this world, namely, the earth, the heaven and the gods. There are many ways to form the divine source, and there are many ways to obtain the divine source. It is mainly divided into family inheritance and field acquisition. It is worth mentioning that the family of the gods all have the inheritance of divine gods. This is also the reason why the god family can be proud of the sky, because their family not only has super powerful divine methods, but also the top divine sources!

"Finally, let me explain what the divine law is. The divine method is a combat method used after injecting miracles. There are five levels: lower, intermediate, superior, top and ancient levels. Among them, the ancient divine method can exert the strongest power of the miracle, so the ancient divine method is the top of all the divine methods. Do you understand?"

After Bauhinia's long talk, Zhong Cheng sorted out his thoughts for a long time before slowly nodded and said, "I almost understand. Simply put it: the divine source is the best of the divine level, the divine method is the most powerful at the ancient level, and then the god is the strongest. Right?

Bauhinia snapped his fingers, nodded and smiled, "Smart!"

"There is nothing difficult to understand." With a mumbling, Zhong Cheng picked up the yellowed ancient book on the ground and began to read it by himself.