God's Deacon

Chapter 79 Back trouble

No matter how hard Sun Yan is, he can't shout now. The severe pain has almost deprived him of consciousness. He could only instinctively roll painfully on the ground to relieve some pain. Even if he knew that this was not only useless, but also aggravated the injury.

Zhong Cheng leaned against the big tree and slowly stood up. His breathing was still short, and his hands were slightly painful. Seeing Sun Yan's painful appearance, even if Zhong Cheng himself, how can he not feel a chill from the bottom of his heart?

This "breaking sky" is simply too domineering, and the power is so powerful! The "stone palm" was supposed to be a typical power-type magic method, but I didn't expect that this "breaking sky" was more powerful than it!

"It seems that I'm serious, but don't blame me. You shouted to fight." Zhong Cheng snorted rudely, with a trace of contempt in his eyes. After so many years of special forces, the scene of flesh and blood flying is not rare. In his opinion, it's not a big deal that his arms are broken.

Zhong Cheng never shows unnecessary compassion, especially in the face of enemies who want to kill himself.

But now, Sun Yan doesn't care about Zhong Cheng's cold words at all. The sore arms have completely broken his spirit, and he can do nothing but roll on the ground heartbreakingly.

He took Sun Yan's blow of "stone palm". Although Zhong Cheng was not as useless as Sun Yan, he was injured in the end. I couldn't help but feel sore, and even my chest was stuffy.

After taking care of his breath, Zhong Cheng tried to pretend to be normal and said coldly to the other four people of the "iron-blooded mercenary regiment" opposite: "Now, are you still going to kill?"

As soon as the question was over, the man with a scar on his face suddenly softened his legs and feet. He knelt down in front of Zhong Cheng and bowed his head and said, "I dare not, I dare not. We dare not kill anything!" To be honest, today's matter was mainly provoked by Lao Wu. Big brother, second brother and fourth sister, am I right to say that?"

The other three were stunned and nodded together. The bald man said, "Yes! Lao San is right. Today, he met the three of Yuntai Sect in the treasure forest. If it hadn't been for the instigation of this old five Sun Yan, we would not have done anything to the three of them.

"You guys! OK, very good! Well..." At this time, Sun Yan, after hearing his brothers' words and betrayal, was so angry that he didn't mention it in one breath and fainted.

Seeing them say this, a cold smile appeared on Zhong Cheng's face and thought to himself, "There are still a bunch of villains who sell friends for glory!" At the thought of "selling friends for glory", his old comrade-in-arms "Ma Qiang" naturally appeared in his mind, and there was a pain in his heart.

He restrained the anger in his heart, still maintained his expressionless and sanctimonious posture, and said lightly, "That's good. If there is no deep hatred between each other, I hope you will not fight as much as today when we meet in the future. It's not good to hurt the harmony.

"Yes, yes! What Mr. Zhong said is extremely true!" The beard quickly echoed, "If my brothers meet these three again in the future, I will definitely take a detour and never make trouble!" Having said that, the beard was whispering in his heart at this moment: "Let them go back today. Is there any place for me and other people in China in the future?"

Zhong Cheng nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's right. It's not appropriate to solve the enemy! Your fifth brother has fainted from pain. You'd better find a place to treat him quickly!"

He glanced at Sun Yan, who had fainted, and there was a trace of difficulty in his eyes. He peeked at Zhong Cheng and saw that Zhong Cheng's face was not fake, so he coughed dryly and looked at the scar man beside him. The scar man was sober that he came to Sun Yan's side in two or three steps and roughly copied him and carried him on his shoulder.

Fortunately, Sun Yan has fainted, otherwise I'm afraid this action will have a grin for a while.

The scar man carried Sun Yan and snorted his mouth on his cheeks. After being together for so long, the beard has already understood what Scar Man means. Now he bowed to Zhong Cheng and said, "If it's okay, I'll leave first."

"Please." Zhong Cheng nodded and smiled. He didn't know that the spiritual heart beside him had darkened his beautiful face at this moment.

With Zhong Cheng's permission, the beard and others didn't want to stay any more for half a second, so they turned around and wanted to leave. At this time, Lingxin scolded them and stopped them.

"You hurt my brother and flirted with me. Is that how you are ready to leave?"

Lingxin said coldly, and his snow-white face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

Hearing this, the four people's bodies couldn't help shaking. He turned around uneasily and complained to Lingxin with a smile on his face, "Girl, both of you were injured by Sun Yan. They should have nothing to do with us, right?"

"Hmm!" Lingxin graced and snorted coldly, "If you hadn't restrained my eldest brother despicably and shamelessly, would he have been so easily slapped? So, you are all wrong! Especially you!" With that, Lingxin glanced at the scar man fiercely, and the anger on his face could be imagined.

"Uh... I'm sorry, the little man's mouth is cheap, he said the wrong thing, he said the wrong thing..." Scar man was deterred by Zhong Cheng's power, so he had to bow his head obediently and apologize respectfully.

The aura of the spirit here is even higher. He grinned and said, "If you know that you are cheap, you should know that people like you who are full of sarcasm should be cut off their tongues and shut forever! What are you waiting for? Do you want me to cut it for you?"

Hearing this, the faces of the four people on the opposite side couldn't help but change dramatically. Even Zhong Cheng, who was beside him, frowned. As the saying goes, "dog jumps over the wall in a hurry". Now this spiritual heart is so sentimental. As soon as it gains a little momentum, it will be pressed step by step. I'm afraid that it will force the other four people to go to the ground at that time.

Although their strength is in the "divine soldier level", Zhong Cheng has consumed too many miracles in the first war just now. At this moment, I'm afraid he doesn't even have the strength to deal with the two "divine soldiers level"! And the spiritual heart is not only inexperienced on the spot, but also arrogant. Such a pair will never win the other party's four experienced mercenaries.

Aware of the hidden anger between the other party's eyebrows, Zhong Cheng frowned and knew that it was too late not to stop him. At this time, Wen He was already in a semi-coma and semi-conscious state, so Zhong Cheng had to mention this awakening.

"Spiritual girl, what you said is wrong." Zhong Cheng pretended to be serious and said in a low voice, "That brother is indeed rude, but who stipulates that people who talk about meat should be cut off their tongues? According to your logic, I don't know how many people in the world will be cut off their tongues! And as I said at the beginning, it is not appropriate to solve the problem. Now that you have decided to calm things, why do you add trouble again?

Of course, the weight of Zhong Cheng's words is not comparable to that of a scar man. Under Zhong Cheng's painstaking persuasion, his spiritual heart fell into silence. Her little face blushed slightly and was still very unwilling.

Zhong Cheng sighed to himself and thought, "A girl is a girl." So he continued to enlighten: "And, hasn't that brothertai already apologized to you? You have to forgive others. You can't be too stingy, otherwise you will live a very tired life.

After Zhong Cheng's arrival, after a long time, Lingxin nodded and pouted, "Well, forget it this time. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I must have cut your tongue with my own hands!"

"Okay, little man, remember!" Seeing that the spirit was not pursued, the big man bowed several times happily as if he had received an amnesty.

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "You should leave Zhenwulin to see a doctor!" Continue to delay..." Zhong Cheng glanced at the dead fish-like Sun Yan and shook his head helplessly.

The four people of the Iron-blooded Mercenary Regiment waited for Zhong Cheng's words. After bowing goodbye, they quickly left the forest and left Zhong Cheng's vision.

"Wow..." After their figure disappeared, Zhong Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, just looking at the fierce face of the four mercenary regiment, Zhong Cheng was really afraid that they would fight to the death. In that case, today's result may be more tragic.

After seeing the four people leave, Lingxin gently put Wenhe on the ground, bowed to Zhong Cheng, and said excitedly, "Mr. Zhong, this is the second time you have saved the little woman's life! Such a great kindness, I can't forget the little girl. If there is anything useful for me in the future, I will definitely do it!"

How could Zhong Cheng accept the other party's big gift so calmly? He quickly held the other party's body and lifted her up. At the same time, he said, "Just raise your hand. Girl, don't keep it in your heart." Under this help, Zhong Cheng can still get a piece of silk through the clothes.

Abiding by etiquette and military ethics, Zhong Cheng did not take the opportunity to draw back his hands at the right time.

Lingxin stood up straight, suddenly frowned and said slightly worriedly, "Mr. Zhong, you didn't kill Sun Yan today. I'm afraid there will be future trouble!"

"What will be the future?" Zhong Cheng was stunned and held up his chin to think for a while. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he asked, "Does the 'after trouble' in your mouth refer to Sun Yan's father - Sun Tao?"

"You know!" Lingxin shouted in surprise and said happily, "Since you know Sun Tao, you are ready to think about it. Ha ha, it's me who has a lot of trouble.

Zhong Cheng shook his head and said, "You have nothing to do. The reason why I know Sun Tao is that I have been listening to your conversation just now. I also know about Sun Tao from your conversation. As for who he is and how strong he is, I don't know. If possible, you'd better talk to me so that I can be ready."

"Oh, that's no problem," Lingxin nodded and said, "I'm afraid Sun Tao is in his fifties now. He is good at power-type magic methods, which are 'stone palm' and 'open mountain boxing' respectively, and their power is extremely powerful. What's more, I'm afraid that Sun Tao's strength has reached the level of 'God'. There are not many people in the whole country who can compete with it!"

"'God', ha..." After hearing this, Zhong Cheng took a breath of cold air, touched his mouth and muttered, "It's not easy to do with such strength!"